Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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flf 14. 77x UrmU, Nmmitr I, 1VSS<br />

FUTURE<br />

Communication: a means of expression<br />

By Stephen llnurr<br />

For abcut noc million years,<br />

spoken language ha» served as<br />

ma*tUnu"s mow immediate, and probably<br />

mo\t effective, means of communication.<br />

Throuj*i speech, enc can<br />

CAprtu any Idea quickly, thoroughly.<br />

and precncly. A spoken tfjtcmcm<br />

on be tnodtlied more readily and<br />

authenticated lev easily than a wrnlen<br />

one, giving a dUtinci advantage<br />

10 the speaker.<br />

To wit: a disgruntled student can<br />

quickly uy exactly wlm he Ihir&i of<br />

Ms. X. hi bioioQ teacher. If he<br />

were clever, he could then easily<br />

modify hit suirmenl upon the<br />

discovery tfut Ms. X **a* nearby, and<br />

he could certainly not be legally held<br />

to his statement, ai hr cnuU be if it<br />

were written.<br />

An important Jtffcrencc between<br />

etprevtion in speech and expression<br />

in writing u thai a speaker can makr<br />

use of a wide variety or tenure*,<br />

speech intVaiom. and *lir.g terms to<br />

tailor hit mnsagc ht tin audknee and<br />

communicate his idea* at clearly and<br />

clTcetiv-cly as pouibte.<br />

"It's cuter to figure ma what a<br />

penon \% spying if he"* speaking."<br />

uys Sandra Bird. <strong>Lowell</strong> social<br />

science teacher and f.iremici coach.<br />

*"bcca--i*e you can look at physical<br />

gestures, the tone in v»hkh il'»<br />

spoken, and the pace at which U't<br />

jpoWcn."<br />

"When yiiu wrile, you don'l know<br />

what the impact of your menage H.<br />

Sars Trclaun teachei<br />

French and SpanUh. •><br />

it lake\ longer to respond back and<br />

; orth. ThrrcS an cknieni uf $»e and<br />

take in spoken commurJcation — >f w<br />

have the ability io modify u'hat<br />

>ou'vc wid."<br />

Jo Ann Stewzn. <strong>Lowell</strong> Englivh<br />

teacher, fecit tlul prcci«ion u a<br />

critical dbtinciion between spoken<br />

»*»d wrinen EnglUh.<br />

"One of the ma^r jjf ferciices bet -<br />

ween the wiittei anJ spoken +vrt n<br />

that the written utwd has to be more<br />

precbe than iSc ipolwn word. Fir>t<br />

of all, when you're speaking, you can<br />

communicate in other way* than with<br />

wonL; that i\. you am use youi boa><br />

as wtll ai th rf<br />

93UCEAnYDt..'O.<br />


"<strong>The</strong> KCOOJ ibiog is, *hea you're<br />

speaJunt to •"metcdy who b preset*<br />

ud he doesn't unjeriund. you can<br />

pick up the clue from him tnd you<br />

can explain wait you sild again.<br />

Third, the spoken word u ephemeral<br />

ud the written word lt.»i "<br />

<strong>The</strong> written form of a language —<br />

the correct school form — b often<br />

held »o b; the unchanging standard<br />

fotm of * lanftugc from *hklt<br />

va/Kroi dialects deviate <strong>The</strong> true<br />

tomi of a living language, however,<br />

can morr accurately he fouM in<br />

regtored dia^cts. <strong>The</strong> textbook form<br />

of a Uatuage may be the official version<br />

of the language, but a dialect b<br />

• reflection of the eomunt chanjc in<br />

the people who speak it.<br />

Stewart fceU that the English<br />

Luipugc b a pwttcuta/ly valid cumptc<br />

of wh change. "English it a<br />

lan^nugc that ti very receptive to<br />

change. One can understand<br />

somcthim/. of the tutu re of the people<br />

at occ tiinc by looking at the<br />

English language at ttut time." *hc<br />

explained.<br />

Safj Trclaun. a foreign language<br />

teacher ftuent in French and Spanish<br />

with a wrrking kmtw ledge of Italian<br />

and German, is ;M>rc emphatic; %he<br />

i* watching fMbook* become<br />

somewhat outdated a* u mult of<br />

modem language* changing to wit<br />

their irxaken.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> hr-fuzfc b the pci-plc." she<br />

•JccUmi. "I'm very Uicircicd b>' the<br />

fac*. lhjt the French language is<br />

crVngin; *o rapidly. <strong>The</strong> people in<br />

Frat:.v are u\inc verb* differently<br />

knn*to- their Unguajr."<br />

Trcbua %tm«ed the difficutr) of<br />

maHe/in^ 1 foreign lanpuyc tn a<br />

degree that v.cuM allow mch clfeclive<br />

cornnuntcatinn.<br />

"Besides kmming the wjfji fm<br />

ihingi. you ha\-e to know the intonation<br />

and the pny»ical njixt of<br />

things.*' we crtiphaicod. "For inuaiicc.<br />

»bcn you »r*ji Eitf.luh. yvu<br />

Mand farther apart that, when you<br />

%peai Frtnch. You have to Lnnw die<br />

gcMures. facial cxnrcukmi, body<br />

movemenn., One thin* tint's >ery<br />

ditHcult U io Jcjm slang and<br />

ever) thing. You rcaliy hive (o live<br />

vwrtewncru to leam the language like<br />

ttut. You coulJ vav lomcihinj: >ou<br />

leimed ttudying a language but people<br />

would comtder you very uncouth<br />

trcauw you didn't uy the right<br />

thing."<br />

An importanl technique in itronj<br />

verbal nsnni»tnKj'ioo i% ^pcaiin?<br />

ipcctncally to the -utiencc being addmvcJ.<br />

A speaker c^n win uver an<br />

au-Jiencc more cavily by considering,<br />

before he *pni%. the feelings and<br />

ptcditpOMliom ot hb uulicncc.<br />

"One clement of luccwfully ««nvc>ing<br />

an tdca iv >n a«arene&« of the<br />

communication |crt of it." uid<br />

Slewart. "A pmon who ti com<br />

municaling cfrrcrtvdy should effectively<br />

tune in 10 ihe inher person. A<br />

gtx>l actur can be the actor and the<br />

aulivncc at the tame lime."<br />

Bird ttM. bclic\T* that it iv<br />

neccAurj io gi»nd speaking **. . . to<br />

have a .-eruin knowledge of >our audience,<br />

and to unJerMmJ u (ui<br />

>iir.g and tit he a% clcur<br />

in vour Mo*pmnt a* pH-^iWc. Vi'u<br />

don't u ant n> he open to<br />

in(cr(>rc(jti(in.<br />

•"Yi»u \h*xjld lL people m the<br />

eve. don'l avoid (vr-uin.it k-mE^ci.<br />

.Sjvok dtrcttly u» jn indi* njuol u< :ho<br />

knttw )Mu*rctjlkin);uithetn. tM^ju't<br />

to have >i.ur \01cc heard. AIWJ. VOU<br />

should knir* |hc vnt ot \pcixh >'our<br />

judiePvt expect*. For example,<br />

humor i\ uvcTuI in vmtc jAxa. jn*l<br />

injppniprutc in othciv"<br />

<strong>The</strong> iniport.-' > ;e of gm*j \ethjl<br />

i(miniunica;itim -ki!!s in WK-I\ ,»<br />

undenub;?. S(«tKcn (jnyujircexientl*<br />

to the ranotot Jtrj* of the world,<br />

even, 'nature hunun hemp i\ A<br />

k l b M<br />

ten futm. A» teiccommun-c.it 10m<br />

lei-lin.)ln]'.y impnnc*.. verful «1||K<br />

hr^oiiK irvicjvingK nccc*vjr> lor<br />

success in the world.<br />

"I don't think ." sjid Idrd. "lha:<br />

there jre nun> p>nitnmv in hi- that<br />

ate iota1I> ivoijtol Wt»crcscr sou<br />

are. jinj'rc piling 10 luse to deal '• .in<br />

human Iwjigv — in hu«ne\v. piofe*siiiul<br />

anJ UK-At contacts, sou nved<br />

to he able to uik to uin>cNxly. Vta*<br />

can'i aUa>» ju^: writeevci>thing —<br />

• MMinernr U:cr vou're goirg to have<br />

10 cull vitnconc ort the phone or talk<br />

to ihcm m pc.-son. inj S.HJ'II n.-cd tr<br />

know htiMr i,-> i4ik io someone."<br />



An.d "No-Stt" Slvle<br />

HW out rent WN t mn<br />

1334-03551<br />


WO^-AAT TB. • 3O • IHMI |Vf<br />

3661 Ocean Av«. AT thh A\t.<br />

Non-verbal<br />

By JSMQ Mlntx<br />

Actioru fpeak kwdcr thin word*.<br />

At last that's how the eaying foes,<br />

and sometimes pecplc Just don't feel<br />

like talking. What's to do? Sjch «feci-<br />

»iota. SVntd you <br />

come clcner to people without coming<br />

or? tno strong." said senior Tammy<br />

Ki/perJio. "You abso!'itely. positively<br />

know that somconcS attracted<br />

to ) JU when they jump two feet tn the<br />

air. fall »the ground, pira Itie a dog.<br />

and grab for your feet: all in rhythmic<br />

lyncopaiion. After all. ihe mark of a<br />

good dancer it creativit)."<br />

Otner forms of non-verbal commu*<br />

nication do well in taking U*e place<br />

of words. One of these is sign<br />

language, wlilch allows deaf people<br />

to coicmunrate ttsmg hand signals in<br />

placi cf wtMilj. Michael Johnson,<br />

who works at Brooks Cameras on<br />

Kcairy St.. recommended sign langua^e<br />

u a nv-thod of cmvnunication<br />

for trtryttn*.<br />

"I use ii all thctiriK hetcat woik.<br />

Deaf people enjo) 1 phntography too.<br />

\.*i Itviw. <strong>The</strong>y feel comfortable ii<<br />

coming here, ticciuvc they know I'm<br />

putlir.g innh an effort to comn^inic^Te<br />

on their level. <strong>The</strong>re arc<br />

some repuljr cvMoniers whocmc it<br />

ju^t t'>cnji for ten minutes at a time."<br />

he c«plained.<br />

Cr; pttvnunv and other cixkd mesvigc><br />

has-.* become incieasingly rx>pular<br />

in recent >cirv and mint eser><br />

nujor new\pj|xr cinicv j daily cryptogram.<br />

A crypttigtam ^bMrtatrv tl»c<br />

tcltcrv «if a rr^sjfc wiih othrr fetters<br />

or .rutaaet%. Tbco^jOciiMoJccixlc<br />

the crNptogratn, anu although vimciime\<br />

\cr> simple, (he civics are ot'ten<br />

qu.ic complex, lor eur.'^lc.<br />


LOW ULL HIGH SCHOOL if each<br />

letter of (be crs jitoprum iv replaced<br />

with the Ictrr'ttht-h » 1*0 'pUo<br />

jhcjo of 1: *n the alphabet<br />

Mr-fM, &*ie. which camnts of j«Hv<br />

lion*, is uved by Ham K.-xlio »»peia-<br />

|or\ all over the woiM, n>»nt rtventlytoconvej<br />

thevevcrin o'tttedantage<br />

to Mt-vKo Ironi law n-omh's<br />

earthquakes<br />

AfrmiMi tprllni f -.-..•..-.- —j.<br />

McCarthy Moving<br />


* Personal<br />

* ProlsuioTu<br />

* Prompt<br />

Call 564-7542<br />

• Packing<br />

> Moving<br />

Tom McCarthy<br />

Owner /Operator<br />

This*<br />

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