Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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&<br />

DeLory's experiment<br />

rides on space shuttle<br />

By frier Font<br />

Why u <strong>Lowell</strong> t.tiior Greg Dc<br />

Lt;/ .rndipg mrwthinR lecmingly as<br />

ueJ^ntfktnc a» you on the space<br />

shuttle?<br />

Dr Lory "*** « this » the lint<br />

«rp f»*anj »he colonization of space.<br />

"Eic*riroenta done in bbloyy 011<br />

Over this past summer. Dc Lory<br />

worked wiUi Dr. Michael EtjwsitJ.<br />

a itiif vmior biophysical, and other<br />

lab technicians on ground control experiments<br />

and simulations.<br />

De Lory, who hopes to finish the<br />

simulation* before he graduates, will<br />

then postp-mc graduation for a year<br />

Crcz DeLmy tcn£s bis jeast project Into space.<br />

cdi rtprvhKUon and cell dt\ nun c<br />

provide lucfii 1 infornu^on w h<br />

risks in snacr. It's a baui on wiiat<br />

kind of things can happen !o human*<br />

in rnicTURMVity." expressed Dc<br />

Lot*. wSote project is ichedidcd to<br />

go -ip on tbc ipace sHuttw in the<br />

if.-iiti of |O87.<br />

Dc Lory chute yean hecau*- c<br />

cooveniently met the requirements for<br />

the orxxnWm he uv looking for.<br />

"I knew I waited • smglc-ccJlcd<br />

offannm to I could cH-rt its cell dtvj.<br />

lion in spice. It** «?U researched xnj<br />

is fijntliar to people because of its uw<br />

in bftac* ind wmc-makirip. It's n x<br />

torn: unLnuMTi organism that pnrplc<br />

neve- heard of. Me t imiwrtaMly. it<br />

could bz frccxc-dncd wuhuui having<br />

cell djnuff. That** imponant<br />

because it imut be stored in a runsar<br />

for a rncruh before it's down up."<br />

reasoned Dc Lury.<br />

to so 10 AteSma :c rxiild tie equipment<br />

for the ciperimciJ.<br />

3c Li<br />

it* ^n. N:ki uj^ the ch.ikc. V.'.ih<br />

her jvrcri*' ^u[lp.^n arv] cfKMunipcnvni.<br />

0>: Nr^an working *i^ da;> J<br />

»evk. Alter litres ila>», Niki %t{:ricd<br />

a kimlfact cjfnm^ Si.500 a vcek.<br />

Niki *,-}> in H:V».>( when «rw iutwl<br />

making UK t.»>v>c. and final* Mcf.'<br />

tKann;. She got lie?p frdo and «n able M arrange w iih<br />

bet icachcis how to con:p!eie the<br />

semester. During her schooling for<br />

four houn a day 00 the *ct. Niki Ux>t<br />

her finalt.<br />

<strong>The</strong> costume of "Teak" was built<br />

onto her body. PU^cc cast* were pot<br />

on NikVs hands, feet, and hoi.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se casts were healed with hair<br />

diyrrs to make them dry faster. <strong>The</strong><br />

hea 1 . of:cn felt "...like it wu burnins<br />

me.<br />

Everyday for lunch catefcn came<br />

witn prime rib. fish, and chicken-<br />

"Seme people didn't like the food,<br />

but I thought it wu the b-si...arkl<br />

they had Jesscm. <strong>The</strong>y even fed my<br />

friends." sbe cr.tnutcd.<br />

During Ihc filmJCR of the movie.<br />

.FEATURE<br />

7V LewtU. Nmn-btr I. /MS.<br />

Street performers<br />

Fisherman's Wharf<br />

By Andrew Let and<br />

AletLau<br />

What do \ Jjcrman's you do if you're Wharf walking 2nd \\z a rctpnnme audience — * show<br />

denl* find flla^ing torc*Ks, fla-J:i:ij; dcncixlt a It* on the au-Jicncc. I've<br />

. nviili-colotcd hiv-tin)* pii.s, noticed, though, thsi people these<br />

subher chicken fly'v\g through days have a iNirt au^ntion spun.<br />

the *ir a few feet away 'ntfti \tv!<br />

It you're *mart, yuijfn cwl ot the<br />

way. If yoj'iconan auignmen: for<br />

Jht Lmrll, you irat *ie-* V%e juggler<br />

rrforming nearby,<br />

r-'iUicmun s Wiurf is fillert wml.<br />

jgicur.". clowAi. a.vi otner type*<br />

of street perfnrmers, tut accwMtrtp to<br />

• juggler known tiriply as "Charlie<br />

he Street Ani*t." juj;t*lcr»<br />

predoti'.ina'c Itw arc<br />

Charlie has been p -niin;; r. the<br />

Wiurf frr J liclcotc -onih. .Sut<br />

has juggled for aboui >r >cais.<br />

"Tticre's a vast tlillrre. etween<br />

coming out» TTi*:<br />

ming."hc Mid. but Ihcvuik.canoe<br />

it. since '*. . . some jugglers<br />

can nuke as mcch as seme tltvton<br />

or lawyers can "<br />

Bmbarking on a career as x juggler<br />

ot area anitt tiVl always u difficult<br />

• co*n.tiitmcnt to make at it may<br />

seem.<br />

"When 1 was 19. I hid 2 chow<br />

between silling in a warehouse, going<br />

to co'lcfr for four years, or jugging,"<br />

Charlie stated. He chute to<br />

;o to college and 10 jupgle-<br />

Being a street artist, however, has<br />

txxh iu ftoixl and t>-J ,K>ints. Said<br />

Charlie. "I enjoy the freedom . . .<br />

but somnimes ynu can he out here for<br />

12 hours or vt"<br />

Small audience-, van t< another<br />

pruMcm. L'cfuic the interview.<br />

C'tuMic perfKniK-il !i>r 4 j;rn«jpof \ix<br />

pctiple. He ctpl.uncd. "II I K c tinp Jivtuclcd in a couple nf<br />

minuics."<br />

Hecklers are of rn another pan of<br />

a street performer's audience,<br />

Daniels, a performer for I! yeaii,<br />

f«i* that Mxnctii.ie* c't gooj 10 ruve<br />

a hcc'itei i.t the enmd.<br />

"It iht'»-4 whether or not the audience<br />

1. paying attention," Daruelt<br />

•aid. ••S-.Knctimcs ll^rc arc obnu**<br />

ioui ones, th^n )ou u\c lines like,<br />

'Let '1;:; have hu fun — lomnrow<br />

he'll br hack n his garha^e truck'."<br />

B*nh DanKls anj Ctuilte ihc Street<br />

Anivt know uut M?IW pecpltf can get<br />

carried away witli hecklmg. At Pier<br />

39 dtmng a show, DinieN had a<br />

bucket t>f water thrown no him f"vn<br />

the ptcr't uoper level, and Charlie<br />

had 4 friend who was "pamtcd" -<br />

had his pants pulled duwa — in the<br />

middle uf his juggling set.<br />

Still. Daniels and Charlie both et

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