Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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JVf 12. IV /£«->«. Nmrmlrr I. 19SS<br />

FEATURE,<br />


. (415) 7314500<br />


St. Francis Travel Agency<br />

M Wttl PortJi Avww* • SMI Ffircltco. CA 94177<br />



By PMO Kabunnc<br />

(a.k.a. Frk Far'jIO<br />

No. I did not think up this pseudonym.<br />

Alter all. do you really think<br />

v.nuld name mysdiaflcr a cologne'*<br />

Anyways, it is obv inus the school<br />

car has started' ttudeni* are ratcil<br />

fct IV weekend*. ••How could this<br />

> g<br />

n. each nvxl Cult be an hour tool out of himself amongst his<br />

Uxip. clas<br />

anvthinp: flunk lest, don't write on<br />

Ihe bathnxim A.*. *. hit a teacher, eat<br />

the cafeteria food. Anything different!<br />

We nevd a return to the past.<br />

Seniors remember, altwg -vith the<br />

die-in, when Marcia Brady ran for<br />

student government office, disco<br />

(Vuck! Puke! Blech! Barf') was given<br />

one *ong at the di.KCv (Sol thil we<br />

ni»i Ihiv), and bird* didn't tclictc<br />

iSemveKe* on Ihe brec/ewav ot on<br />

t.Utlcnt*' UtKuiilCfx* Ilu; VHliC 0>inj-.<br />

tuven*. rturped tn four vearv Mr.<br />

Lrrw Fohuvh *4ill ICJCHCS about sot<br />

ccr and cabbage growing in Dal;<br />

Cu> - Mrs. Fk»*.\ic U»i\ Mill ki'-vrv<br />

cute freshman r*»)v Morels or. tables.<br />

and equates poetry v^itii iVicd *<br />

i| mw»» .'dmit that I \tii| don't undcr-<br />

Full. r Mill thinks trees are phasic<br />

svmholv. A,\ Mr. No;nun Duricui<br />

Mill «>•.. "HiMury repeat* H*clf "<br />

Rumer >it\ it that stuJcn' $• veinntent<br />

iv un the verge *»r vt*'un-.c.<br />

Cou'd tin* be the end of Low el! aeronymv'<br />

Oh r*ej*cnV No m*»rc LKC<br />

jnd DCO and SAtl ^-vj IHl>> and<br />

CTBS and SAT ami PSA P Hul<br />

\ych fun makmc t'rc^lmien tlgurc<br />

BSCS and CLUB and ACi! and CSF<br />

and NHS. Thcrcfi«re. ait uudent.* -rr<br />

commanded to prcwuie Mu.kn< yov<br />

ernment to vtav afloat A> we can OKI<br />

IUHI ,onur::.g the hREE&H. Altc<br />

nil. ^ic^'.c C''t U» he worth<br />

* a bird .. A queuion has been circui.<br />

no it** a plane . . no. it** • • • it"* around that Shield at-tl Scroll<br />

iiKmbcrs' luis hav: all b«i" d^pto<br />

fly during ihe Spirit week rally' peared. Jojuu* di>! No men: tnancc pubevrcnt male and grey i^iead of caidinal aixl<br />

youths! Having trouble* adjusting to sjxn*! It's .INXJI time we go* rid of<br />

your newfound manhood? Particular- ihking like a fcst Uxxl coot ?<br />

ihivinx? Well, senior Gliia Cambrr Howeer. we lor^ot the "but." <strong>The</strong>re<br />

can help. She understands the wars is one member of the IXIMT society's<br />

ind blood-rum, ind pain involved tn upciout livt who pci»iiu in w.-ar-<br />

thawing a xit in tulf. Site Kx« been inj tlul putrid >ytrbS of vtatcIir.As.<br />

heard expreuing sorrow m-cr the LEC CruirmaP {person, arlroiu.<br />

pttiMum, Be iure to aUt her Jbr Wp. whatever) A*lv Laitrrncr .imductv<br />

<strong>The</strong> ni**K'ichedulc ha* finally «•• government business under the<br />

rived! HSStm. a U tliyhtly difTcm weight of the poi*. *tcr. Bui then<br />

from the tratftiorttl *A code' we so again are vx to *•' *n« him for wcs.dearly<br />

mtu". <strong>The</strong> idvanufes of thU inp the hat? M:; tfac he's juu jockey •<br />

new time keeper mod 1 thai! start at • ing for position 41 Bu.-ycr King.<br />

r <strong>The</strong> letter was read the next Jay in bothrvom. He thouR^*<br />

the »mokc-filled room of the p«int arouxi him Lo and he'foid.<br />

mernben of the SUSA board. there ii tlai very bathroom wu » per*<br />

•on with a tprsy can of paint in his<br />

"Htntnm.. .Coyw th'•^^ ?rt real* hand.<br />

ly u-ant t"-.is fellow in our ever-so- "I wender what the painitrs are<br />

pfcstlgtou* club?" questioned uV; doma at tha time of day?" though!<br />

SUSA President in lib gratT, C.CT-WJ- FeiU. He diin't seem to be paiaung.<br />

prcstif ictis voice.<br />

After all. he wasn't wearing -hole<br />

cuu whi*r painter pauiti.<br />

"Tliis fine young nun is jusl Vie ''Howdy, kid." tail the painters<br />

»i the, modular clem=rt we want 10 attract W €<br />

jmart; he lUiened to Radio <strong>Lowell</strong>. burgundy leather-covered table,<br />

He decided lode sometluajt about it. beneath the smoke cf the DunhiU<br />

"Go Cool or Bust" was Felix's ci(an. the SU55A board memben<br />

new mono. He figured he could ac- were all wearinf iht>ai<br />

complish this in one of four way*.<br />

One—he cuuM wear vungluse* on Felix shifted uncomfortably.<br />

r*ioy days or in li>e halls. Two—he "Perhaps I ani too fomully dress-<br />

couU use hii October fast puu Tor the ed." hi dxtighi u himself.<br />

month of November and beat the "Step right in. Felix my bey. we<br />

system. TJirce—he could LCII Blow- were jest talking about you. Have a<br />

IH>ps. or Four—be could write stupid cigifT*<br />

articles for the ncw*pjper tnd rail<br />

himself Biff.<br />

Felix ckct(*ed on the first plan of<br />

action. Behind his dark gLsses he felt<br />

like a ruthless, fighting machine. A<br />

terrible, ruthless, fighting mxhine.<br />

Sort of like La.siie.<br />

FHU vowed itui thu yc*j he "*' ^U<br />

do all the crary things he had been<br />

afraid tn do as a freshman. Things<br />

like iintO(( right ^mack in the mtdd';<br />

of UK hallway during passing periods<br />

anJ signir j hb name ten times ca *hc<br />

inside of the book co^cf. He w-as a<br />

man; he »v no: afrakl.<br />

Felix alw cccidcd in try selling<br />

n^jw-pops. <strong>The</strong> problem «s thai<br />

Blcw-Peps wxte SOIL 1 "Oh. no...no ..ihankyou."<br />

"A Blow.poft. peitup*?"<br />

"Oh, )C3. iliat would be nice."<br />

rVlu v« do-Anat tlk. *«b!r He held<br />

ot'l a foljer lo the president. "My<br />

resume." he «j''*incd.<br />

"I sec..." uid the president with<br />

a faint vjiic at his lips. "Hmmm... it<br />

indicate* here >ou Hmiked<br />

p.n...rK*l j;txxJ. not gcod. B<br />

by SUS\. the<br />

prestigious Student 1'iiJon for<br />

SchoUstiC Achievement. Fcli> knew<br />

that lie had to improve his GPA lo<br />

join this cscr-uvprcslisious club<br />

since nc had flunked freshman F.E.<br />

He decided thai if tie wanta< to sell<br />

BIow-Pops be had to join thil club.<br />

and tie had to do it nghi He wrote<br />

a tetter and submiitrd 1: to the Ptesident<br />

of SUSA.<br />

Dear Sir.<br />

I am a hard-working<br />

studkxa sophomore interested<br />

in becoming * member of<br />

SUSA. What procedure should<br />

I follow for membership?<br />

Your* Truly<br />

Felix<br />

( vuur name?"<br />

"Oh...me?..it's Felix..."<br />

"Felix, eh?" With thai he sprayed<br />

FCliKS in big bbek leacri over the<br />

bathnorn mirrors-<br />

••CouW you just hoU niy jpray can<br />

for a minute, 1 have to go eteck on<br />

something. Be rigbl bade!" <strong>The</strong><br />

painter daw tiK ptin to Fclii and<br />

sped out.<br />

Felix looked at the spray con in his<br />

haul. "Gee, I hope he conxs back<br />

suofi..." <strong>The</strong>n he looks! U the mirror<br />

and ociiced hi* namr xissptlled-<br />

"Oh. my. my name Is inUspc&d.<br />

I rmm fix it!" cried Felu. lust as he<br />

*as sprayrcg A big X onto the mirror,<br />

who should appear but Hodges<br />

and Tuiasosopo. tlic Crockett and<br />

Tubbi of <strong>Lowell</strong> High.<br />

"So, this is the wise guy »i»'s<br />

been writing all over the school,<br />

liuh?" Tuiasosopo said, raisiog hw<br />

eyebruws at the sight of Felix staadwj<br />

meekly before him with » can<br />

of spray paint !•! fti* hsttd.<br />

"Oh no, .. .not nv.. .1 jus*<br />

wanted to 50 u> the bathroom.<br />

sec-.."<br />

"That's enough, kid. Let's gel going."<br />

said Hodge*, picking up Felu.<br />

by the scruff of iSc neck.<br />

"No! No! It's not me*!! I'm innocent!<br />

I'll sue. I'll we! Let me down'"<br />

yelled Felix, his tret dangling beneath<br />

hurt.<br />

"Quiet, kid."<br />

"Don't take me to Fibtsh! PIca*c*<br />

F;t*i it's Fibish. then it's Juvee!"<br />

tereamed poor Fel-x. But then he had<br />

a brilliant idea. A ruthless, brilliant<br />

idc*. A tcrrble, luthicss. brillunt<br />

Klea. <strong>The</strong> kind of idea LSMIC would<br />

have.<br />

He blcnexl out. "I'll give you 500<br />

Blow-pops if yoj let me so.'*<br />

Hodges and Tuu>xnopo uuppcU<br />

\hort and released their hold on leiu.<br />

:t "500 a!ow-Pop*?" <strong>The</strong>ir cars<br />

perhaps, just maybt we can make an seemed to perk up.<br />

exception for you. Well. Felix, if you "Preci. 5W Blow l\^y. I'll go<br />

can sell 500 Blow Pops in Iww t!i>-s. get them." Fein ran back to the<br />

' say jiJu're a mc.J>cr of our cscr- Kithmcm airl gathered his 500 Blow.<br />

io-p(CiUi;>txis -:lub. V\*hat do >ou Poos whkh he promptly brought<br />

s»y?"<br />

back.<br />

Ikrforc he delivered his mcichan-<br />

'Get. thanki, Mr. Present. 1 dive, however, he iJlpped on hi daifc<br />

won't let you down!" With that. glaives. If this »u going to be a dcz*.<br />

Felix skipped out of the offire with tt had to be dene rijht. Felix handed<br />

the £00 Blow-Pop* under h» arm over (he Blow-Popt. Tfcc two fcuinls<br />

As he tefi. a blond beard member yielded ihe right of wiy.<br />

turned to his neighbor and muttered. Felix emerged unscathed from thu<br />

"I ttiU think we jhould have maU^ trying ctdcal. More polished than<br />

him shallow goWfiih."<br />

ever, smoother th-.n hooey, the<br />

qutrttcs^u cool cat. Because be w-as<br />

Felix wu in a very chipper csood a man.<br />

as he skipped along, u earing hit<br />

three-piece mil f cd l*e w Uh dutfU on<br />

•t. Hew»sso«:Jiciied.iaf-i, ihitoe Take in ad in<br />

rcJirotJ he had to 30 to the bathrconi.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>"<br />

'Gee. I hav>. to (o to the ihruugh m:!<br />

bathroom!" he exclaimed. So wnat<br />

. dk* Pdix 00 but J*ad towuds the<br />

Advertising helps the<br />

paper, and i get<br />

journalism credit for<br />

every ad I sell!<br />

Contact:<br />

C. Can<br />

Res- 3821<br />


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