Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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... around <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

|ie IDAS touch<br />

«. ."DAS<br />

on *JII<br />

3 a cir-<br />

_ c, oar.<br />

jilhc sits in<br />

all her<br />

i'tint IDAS<br />

' particular<br />

fits thare of<br />

cr, the vics.Howrtoptmr.c,<br />

i<br />

prcdomnthe<br />

second<br />

& Dawdler<br />

tb of no mascan<br />

be<br />

Abe banned<br />

§! cavses fur<br />

c strong af<br />

k student ai:d<br />

iicause is, as<br />

p put it, "th:<br />

Uy place u><br />

I intense Tear<br />

y early ar-<br />

n person to<br />

nsynip-<br />

ton U dawiling. Junior Michael<br />

Lan afTirmed that he lid his<br />

rriends (all IDAS victims) attemp<<br />

lo do h-.u-vorfc." A second<br />

floor icnior victim suicd that<br />

she and her frk ixls "... piay<br />

games ... talk ami cap on each<br />

other ... but manly' jiw fcul<br />

arwind." A group pftophonk-ic<br />

guys plays chc« pnctically<br />

everyday. And. of course, there<br />

are those who cat all tlu. time.<br />

However, a -null number of<br />

students cvnullr enjoy studying<br />

: 3 **\c hallways <strong>The</strong>y usually<br />

have cieascd eyebrows (sometimes<br />

hidden under spectacles)<br />

and massive backpacks. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

IDAS victims arc in a cla.c wall, rcnuiiu<br />

of Atxvlrn benches icatlcrcd<br />

hcrv atkl there.. .WbM KCIK do ilioe<br />

inug-n bring to mind?<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Hi-jh School, but n*nc<br />

%pccifica!l), the region *«htch i* comrcnoly<br />

bc*u u (ec FmK Caurtyanl.<br />

AlthJi'Bl. nuoy rtrvill *otnlcwrip*<br />

cluvicn oCpa^4e inhibit ihi* cxpamr<br />

uf ct-ocijic, .tooe feign w» wprcmcly<br />

u the group irfcnnl m u "<strong>The</strong><br />

Front Courtyinkn."<br />

"Who awpnto ihu bunch?<br />

SiJteen ttz'on ml foui junior<br />

nu!o nuke ip ihi* "no fcnulci<br />

alloucd" crintp.<br />

But who i« the Front CiwrTwnlcr?<br />

What u\ip (z?I,<br />

"Wc't*; guys who are unan. but not<br />

uptight about it." a prune example<br />

of the Front Courtyitrdcr's treasured.<br />

Uid-back -tttitidc.<br />

Baikally the Fn>nt Courty-uiicr<br />

an be deicrihcJ a\ a \er> mellow.<br />

vrnkvr or junior uho enjoji a good<br />

time, and v.!>>> likes his hangout<br />

became "...*lw pct>ple (Front Counyarden)<br />

have J pxiO vrn*c uf<br />

htmv>r."<br />

Honors room denizens<br />

border on insanity<br />

CSF room grtwpks vr mtmbHined with tbdr stodlcs.<br />

By Andrew L«r<br />

Lov,-cll H'^h Schorl ts home to many uilTcrcra breeds<br />

of the typ*cnl high school student. Come with us now.<br />

as *c examine a special group of these students in their<br />

native hab.ut; join us as we explore Room 215: the<br />

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