Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Th, Lm.rll. Nmrmhtr I. litf. Ajf y<br />


All you want to know about student government:<br />

SAB<br />

By Ua Ptnfcy<br />

Mint c\«yo.ie scenu in kmw thai<br />

SAB Urals for Sttniciu Aclivitm<br />

P»nl. but olui * ft, mi tiincti.*<br />

of Ihc SAD?<br />

"TV ptiimi) (uncium or Uic<br />

Baud b lootjjniit jnJ pu oti mow<br />

of Lie wt».| activities" EjpUiim]<br />

Chairman Dean rajtakkU*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> SAB tpotuOTi aliwu all of Ihc<br />

nor.-chii amibtcd neeu u Lm.c'1.<br />

ranging fr.-r.i •• Winttr Bill to<br />

"Crazy Hal Day."<br />

Some of tte rnocr current activities<br />

Out the SAB lus been vnrijng on include<br />

the Pumpkin Carvi.i- Cuntrat.<br />

the H»]'O»~TI Dwce. anl Winter<br />

Ball prcpantionj.<br />

equally mpnaol. Th.7 all now a job<br />

l°i». and they «* Hut ilfrm done."<br />

DegiRning this )e>r. Die Jub ol .SAB<br />

IMiKt i. tin ided hrtoccn im< people.<br />

Stiik ami John Bluet..<br />

Qitsclt't Julie* include ovc- «uig<br />

the i^uaji v,\h ihc bvlp of Y00.1. <strong>The</strong><br />

t»o iTllecl ihe money for their<br />

uniforim sjyt .luintatn onler. "Ir*<br />

reu of the lWd'> activities, ineluding<br />

>im~t and dwcc). are Suik't<br />

ili<br />

,.cron!mi( to Biuen. "11K SAB<br />

runt mere ui«x*hly with the duties<br />

of >pon«>r divided. Each of our<br />

rc»pecti>e rorvojibtlitic* is a futllune<br />

job in iuelf. "<br />

<strong>The</strong> squads ate "a fairly neglected<br />

/ get a lot of exposure.''<br />

<strong>The</strong> Pumriin Carving Conisst *~J%<br />

judged oc Wednesday after the C TBS<br />

lasting. Earlier in the wccV. each intercuM<br />

icgiiuy nvcived one pumpkin<br />

&&d then Mihrniicu the ca.-vcd<br />

product 10±s SAD. 7tv member of<br />

the Kgiu-y with the hcrf pumpkin<br />

received free tickets to the Halloween<br />

dance.<br />

<strong>The</strong> msqucnric danc-. tilled<br />

BOO!. -ill he held tonigU from<br />

6:30-10:30. <strong>The</strong> >U. will be <strong>The</strong><br />

Quake.<br />

A revision of the dance polk) wr.i:<br />

inlo rffeci hcguuik!* with ihii dance<br />

in that 100 ptci tickets win be sold.<br />

<strong>The</strong> conditions of thU change were<br />

that the guests mut return pemus^on<br />

slips ngncd by their prons. Dean<br />

James Thtmas ilm jcrrcncd the<br />

gue*t list "to iLrenovt undninNc*,"<br />

aecordins tn SAB «prwwot Prt-J<br />

Stalk. Once the guest was ..ftirm. J.<br />

a *ucst lickc: rculd be purchased<br />

Tiic SAB has also pxtcn a txsi!<br />

Uan on Witncr fli!J prrp:rjUDfU. <strong>The</strong><br />

dance will he held at the H>ut on<br />

Union Square (mm 9-1 on SundJ).<br />

December 22. Music will bn ptvvid-<br />

CO hy Music Misien.<br />

Many pcopt/* are a^are of the<br />

events the SAB tvpnraon.. hut whu jrr<br />

the pevplc t:hini the ilitvc, ralticx.<br />

and othct .chool ocnu?<br />

<strong>The</strong> Board u trudc up of 11 officers,<br />

2 spoAori. and atiptmim..tc-<br />

Iy 41 ipttv *^uad membcts.<br />

stated "E*rnone<br />

BCO<br />

By May Wong<br />

"Pswdc think w«'r= (ciai» olTicrn)<br />

juit getting in cnllcje credit. owl<br />

there i really lots ol work. ." commented<br />

s.-ni« trwjurcr Julie HigKhi.<br />

pccfilc think this. Pecplc think thai.<br />

Jiru what i» being on the Board of<br />

CUu Officer, really all ibouf<br />

1 Dc BCO coniii** of the officers<br />

orthe iadividua; CIJUSCS and the BCO<br />

.xccutrves. <strong>The</strong> BCO » the branch<br />

or government »hkh cuorduutes all<br />

clavt aciiviticJ. M<br />

In general. ihU U how the BCO<br />

opcrM=»: all the claw officers work<br />

tosttlicr tn DUJI and organirc each<br />

cUw Ktiviry (their prime roponsibUiiy).<br />

relying benviiy on reg. rep*.<br />

to inforo them of the vicwi. concerm.<br />

and positions of their consiitucpcie*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> offw-cn o. r the in-<br />

part ol Ox Pcord." claimed IWJkidas.<br />

"People tend to fjrjet 'hat<br />

they Me a pait of it.'*<br />

<strong>The</strong> squads, by perfuming at rallies<br />

ATKI selling drink* anJ checking<br />

coati at donees, are .nuninxi.uJ in<br />

tne ranying out of th: SAD Jrtivrtict.<br />

AH of the SAB tncmbcri. am very<br />

c3thuiia»nc about their job* and cjty<br />

the pan th.*y pUy in Grprixirtg<br />

>chool wmi, accordiitj: lo Stark.<br />

fi. Bader enthused, "Rally Comnr<br />

inner i% the bnt position on the<br />

B«« d. It is it lor of fun. and I get a<br />

lot of exposure. It » a i.nof respon-<br />

>iUlit). but it U a'.l worthwhile."<br />

TUV/TMk'R Alt/C<<br />

5AB<br />

But are afraid to ask<br />

LEC BSCS<br />

H* CiUhj Coawsjr<br />

Th' L*n*-cll Executive Council<br />

(LEC) i* the rtfwralizjiio.1 of •tw.'mt<br />

j<br />

Vn? nu>n purptnc of tltc LEC i* U><br />

adniiniCc ro-curr.culsr atiiviiict<br />

<strong>The</strong> LEC acl» a* a hridge tKlMcen<br />

the cdra'nirirjtkif. and Mudoit body.<br />

It represents tl*c opiuioru JIXJ ideas<br />

of L^e avtcdtK body.<br />

the Council fulfill* its Juiies anJ<br />

rrtpotuibithie* mj*ktai in the Stuuent<br />

Charter, .aclultng the w*\cy of<br />

mxlcni imfmu in pn>granu such a*<br />

n.j '-fCHirtcs. ouisiJe »pcakerv. and<br />

oricttUtiocu.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Siutcnt Charter and LEC By-<br />

Law*. >-e the rrfciibtioru follow ed by<br />

LEC <strong>The</strong> Ouner ou^ine* the<br />

rc*pomibili:ies of alt boards. <strong>The</strong><br />

LEC By-Laws elaborate on tht<br />

specific duties of each officr<br />

LEC Chairman Aviv L-iurence<br />

strcucd \rtc vnptvunce of the Chvtrr<br />

cO of a rrutrpenon. vice-chairpenon.<br />

txcofdinp KXretary, corrc*pood*r.j(<br />

ice re 13 ry fcasurer, assistan:<br />

tieYurer. and r^prcsenuttvc from the<br />

Pared Teacbc.'-SnaJcnt /Ufociatioii<br />

ifrSS) and ihe Sr.\ Francisco<br />

Unified School DIKIUI (SFOSD).<br />

RepTctcntativcs fnim L*ie l.udenu<br />

Activities Botni (SAb., Board of<br />

School and Communit)' Services<br />

(bJCS). Board of Ciwi OfTtcen<br />

tBCO). and Curriculum Reptesenutives,<br />

as wc'l as tvprescoUtives<br />

from et^Ji clan aRmd meetings each<br />

Tuesday at* 1 Thursday during mods<br />

14-15 lii rooft. J34. <strong>The</strong>ic rr/rctinj»<br />

arc open to wy pare:, \tudcnt, or<br />

facutr> member.<br />

An aiv.ca] omjeci of LEC is the<br />

Convucation. <strong>The</strong> Ccnvocati thing'> all<br />

pUnncd." WTiat peoptc uie for<br />

gra. jed i* the time off .rr* devote lo<br />

artendirg mo.ring* (a: fcjwt four per<br />

week) or Uayiiif afiencti^oi or even<br />

working at home. <strong>The</strong>re arc lew<br />

breaks.<br />

Gonzalez, ipcosor nincc l*»80. has<br />

been thr backbone, of the BCO: ihc<br />

U a coun«lor. adviior, and a friend<br />

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