Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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f*tt t X. <strong>The</strong> e fXI U. . Imrrmtt Imrrmttr 1, 19V 9<br />


Moonlight on the Bay—<br />

'It's more than just a formal 5<br />

Seniors, Kim Pattenon and Joe ,«al rock the boat.<br />

Bv VkU llo<br />

Havinp fun w*r the firvt thit-^ on<br />

the mind* i>( the 205 couple* w ho ai •<br />

icndf-3inU.ye.ir 1 * Senior fhui OaiKe<br />

hekli>fiOi-t»bcr4.<br />

"li **;• JW.-VMTK! It wa* a<br />

tc4uti];'.l nijjhi, and e\cr>Sxi> wa\<br />

just m the mood to Hive fun," crfhuted<br />

senior Walter Wan-;.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> line for picture* ***s too<br />

tong, rind the dance (Tocu wd* „-><br />

crowded it nx. almou imrnsMble Ut<br />

move Hithout hitik-ft wm-N-Jy. but<br />

everyone had s great "ime anyway, '<br />

comrm-nted Stephanie Me. another<br />

Boat Dince enthusiast.<br />

A rnorc-trun-sold-out c\cin (20?<br />

instead of the priyiully said 2(X><br />

ticket-, were %oid ). "MtKmlight t*n<br />

the Bry" wa^ held aboard the Red<br />

and White Fleet's Harbor Emperor.<br />

In p,iM year*, the Blue and CJolJ,<br />

which accommodate*- W c**uplc*<br />

(.' »cr Ittn the Red unC White, wa*<br />

dance," vi'mpbinrd • Glo<br />

Shin<br />

Shin *.UcU. "If s*nticittic tuJa't<br />

iSoucht i>f pu*h»»i lie uMo t-i ihe<br />

M.lr*. I thitik vximr or la'cr pc»p'c<br />

•vould'w ;u« clirr^ej "ti U J! 1 *c*iior\<br />

mature to p^> j IKKCI.<br />

<strong>The</strong> \ecnnt* pn+lent ".*. ihe »»<br />

of li.kciv. Finding a. ct'ntemcn* lime<br />

in wit them wrm impo*urtlc.<br />

"If we vrll nckeuailcr«V!, kV*<br />

c.vnpUin because they h i>c to pt in<br />

w-ift or arc involved 'rupom It we<br />

•c'l early in the mittmni;. k*U .)cw«dc<br />

the) have It* camp out, thrn they<br />

cither cut kla\*e*. >»r tail asleep in<br />

ihcm the next da), ' explains*!<br />

friend1*<br />

from mv o»n rla»*<br />

rv^^^.•*^ItjtCN<br />

1lhai<br />

the<br />

In ipiic of the lar^rr Nul a rrujor prcal. '" cornmcnlei) l.iva Vt.'. Senior i\ Mill lack o( %rucc.<br />

SO! UK JullC WlHli'iMpijitn»l.'<br />

•Ik in vJi, ,h jll<br />

"<strong>The</strong> itioct was * lot of lun. but IttullDance<br />

)*iw*\ou J d*\it<br />

it •irx! m whwh IIVK--.\<br />

there ui\t wavn'r cp.xj»h r»x»m in \ou tmni;<br />

j«;iiK* ihc hj\<br />

l>lcms dvr c% l'l*O.V<br />

Clubs fill courtyard on Co-Curricular Day<br />

B> Lba Marie Woo*<br />

CoCurticular Daj . sponwrcd h\<br />

the Boanl of 3choi>l and Comm-mir,<br />

Sen ion (BSCM. w4* held on Oc<br />

U>bcr 23.<br />

TUcnnnuiy r^ipi^-wf tnisannml<br />

c*cnt tvio rrikc iH**l(TU4 more aware<br />

u\ \\K orgoni/ations that represent<br />

their inlciesu a.ta " . .to get nv*ie<br />

people tn\vl-.-ed ift tl-ihs." a;c«xding<br />

lo QSCS Chair Ckina ^an.<br />

Undcrti^. iircction(i5»»r«rs VKC-<br />

Chair Mollj- P." Kr. the club* i^nltcred<br />

in the middie cci-ily-n: from rc< JO<br />

3 p.m. setting up tables with pamphlets,<br />

posters, artwork, awanii and<br />

other items related to the functions of<br />

the ^mip.<br />

<strong>The</strong> scncnl conscruus of studenu<br />

who spen: much of Uteir free c-od<<br />

wandering from tablr to table w*»<br />

that Co-Curricc'ir Day went qiite<br />

weU.<br />

Senior VicU Ho cahuse-1. "Co-<br />

Curncular Day t* alwa)t a bij succcis<br />

because it p?m people l chance<br />

to jet wjefi.-f v*i ih*rc » common<br />

imerwt."<br />

'-sre of the newer dobs u Lowcit<br />

this year. M*JI J» the Sill) Scag<br />

Society, the Christie Faith<br />

Fellowshi-t, Sa^'ait Advocaic* for<br />

Nocl^! Sanity, and Fim Aid for<br />

Athletic Team Member* attracted •<br />

gtrt: deal of ascation among curious<br />

I<br />

40«:WnST!>ECT.5«N n««eo»«<br />

IEE HXf\<br />

Nl><br />

(ion/- Ut<br />

Mon. *l..np' • iih'la<br />

Oob member* wa*i f^r tic-* rrcrvlt* during Co-Curricubr Day.<br />

studenu.<br />

"Co-Curricular Day is a great<br />

idea. U ihowr, each person that there<br />

L a unique clvb Tor his own unique<br />

interest." enthused senior Tina<br />

Gcrona.<br />

n'.'V dub* received sigrvaf. for »<br />

fair numbrr of new mcmbcT?. Ju-Wr<br />

Deikk Wong predicted. "I don't<br />

,4.<br />

$<br />

»<br />

i<br />

lh"iX a lot of them will actually show<br />

up at the meetinfLt because some of<br />

them will rJy come '».licn they feel<br />

like it and * then ju*t want the Script<br />

L points."<br />

Despite this, comnenlcd junior<br />

Eric Goldberg, "it'* Hill •» jtond way<br />

to get people involved in catticurricula*<br />

Ktiviticv"<br />

Unrlillr. iiiKr to ihc v\ind» of K.MEL.<br />

By KoUtidb Chu<br />

r-cini secmtl in the "10t» KMUL<br />

Meom Music" cortcrt i-i Scptcrrd-ffr.<br />

UTWCII stitdenu were incited to be<br />

guests on Dance Party, a television<br />

shou on Channel 20, hodul by<br />

KMfcL radio nation.<br />

Thnmph a drawing held by the<br />

BturJ of Oi>* Officers. inOsti»deMs<br />

**cre randomly chtnen from a 'no*<br />

S*JI.*CJ to rurticipate in the *ho*.<br />

••li ».*. the oidy *jy. sirx-e they<br />

limiitd u* to only HW people." e\nhitw-v!<br />

Once Ho. BCO treasurer.<br />

Tnc Riotip nt ljmi-11 Ntudrnt* ai<br />

lended tlx upinp on (Ktohcr 15.<br />

lnnn4.3Oli»tip.ui. "It WA* lun: ill<br />

>ou hkl lo do »i> .1J!«C." VAMTIiifc.-.i!al<br />

r-nior t.i^nc Vjnun i-to<br />

-\ dJiKC ct*nte*i held dunti;* in-:<br />

jnd I.'^J TaKiV. I.wj (».*vcrc .ind<br />

Kin4*c!l> Hurn-Ui'.hs. aiui r*--an<br />

aV,Jjs arri Gi;i KJI/. tl>e latter<br />

te w.Vtcn -Ainncr\b) the \1KH*'^<br />

f energy, pol-lr, and well nunncrol<br />

gnxip of smdeut. and hopv*ul-<br />

|y (.imeli can come hack again."<br />

Tire iliverw group tltat reprr»ented<br />

Lo* Mtuk sl<br />

the people bchit<br />

araj othrr f<br />

<strong>The</strong> Board ><br />

ficcr*. 2 sptxui<br />

l> 4| spin! w J<br />

"<strong>The</strong> SAB 11<br />

»Utcd Pou!akl<br />


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