Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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•Defense— Are ihe Soviets sincere<br />

overspending examined in their peace proposals?<br />

M*ny people are beginning to<br />

wooler why the Dcparoncni r»f<br />

Defense has such i larje oudget.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Gcncrkl Accountinf Office<br />

(OAO) has st'imattd that over tea<br />

percent of the defense budget is the<br />

rrtuh of waste or fnud. A Pentagon<br />

•itf* Emitted Cut shoddy workmanship<br />

eta mil up lo 30 percent to the<br />

costs of the mU&fy<br />

A luge portion of the wane acctAiwal<br />

for by Ac GAO estimate<br />

cocxs from fraudulent or frivolous<br />

claim* by defense contractors.<br />

y alFdolT<br />

(cheat the U.S.<br />

government) ... "<br />

One of the oast iimous CASCI of<br />

a&^cd frivolous cbhra was the i500<br />

hammer. <strong>The</strong> military does provide<br />

an explanation for such seemingly exorbitant<br />

prices.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re is i lot of paperwork involved<br />

in everything the miliu-y<br />

buys." eiplaincd one Pentagon official.<br />

"We have u pay fot a'J the<br />

paperwork, as well as the product."<br />

"<strong>The</strong> military has to makr *ur: the<br />

product will work." reported<br />

aA-ther.<br />

This seems like an inappiopriaie<br />

•tatoncm when one ccnuden the<br />

spending of $17.59 for an jnlincrv<br />

bolt or 51,600 for a refrigerator.<br />

Many defense contractor* have<br />

been cited tor fraudulent claims by<br />

Defense Department saditon.<br />

General Btctric (CE) w^; Miked n<br />

tcturn $169 million in dishonest<br />

clatnu in March, and three cx-OE ex*<br />

ecutivc* were charged in a fraud<br />

Vandal in July.<br />

Several Wc*tinjil>otuc employees<br />

«erc charged with using federal<br />

tunds to create a "Uu»h fund." a pu4<br />

of money used for retirement<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y all in fi reheat die U.S.<br />

, Kovjrnwni),' remarked in-<br />

*en>t»i jve ccJumrust Jick Andcnoo.<br />

"But wh.it can we do about ir?"<br />

Oo October 15. tnc *ufT of the<br />

Senate Armed Services Cw^-nicec<br />

released a MS-prjc repori ih*. icvl<br />

over two years to compile.<br />

It recomnended. a.nong other<br />

tMnjj. that the office of the defense<br />

secretary be streamlioco. a-jdito;* in<br />

the departmeni be given more power<br />

to »earcn thiot'ph contracts few<br />

iraudulcot ;cqucu, and the Joint<br />

Chiefs of Staff be eliminated.<br />

In response to the report. Pentagon<br />

spokesman R.*ert Sin*j said. '•<strong>The</strong><br />

decision-making machinery is running<br />

smoouily; our civilian and<br />

military fcadcrihip meshes as rarrly<br />

in the put."<br />

"We think we've rnaric major improvement:.<br />

We have put in force a<br />

whole range of management improvement*<br />

thtt v>cre Ions overdue."<br />

continued Sinu. "<strong>The</strong>re's no need for<br />

drauic, fundamental<br />

ByStidBodcn<br />

Soviet !e*>r Mikhail GcrUcIxrv<br />

mac's an announcement en Jaly 29<br />

that ten* tnock vmve* through tnc<br />

United Sutcs.<br />

"... the Soviet Union ha* dccJcd<br />

** skrer than the j.crjgc<br />

Italun. a finding which pan:cutorl><br />

offended Driton^ who have not taken<br />

Italy seriously a> a ru'ion-*ute.<br />

Whilt Japan ard the United Sisie*<br />

vie in science and tcchnoli>£y. British<br />

research ii sarved f.u furvl*.<br />

Sir Han* KiMTil>erg. one of the<br />

world'* lc*img biiKhemut*. \i*}<br />

recently tha: L'IC ainltiy ol Bntt\h<br />

wicntivts 'o contnbuic w the *tudy of<br />

cancer ornl ether dlveJ^e» ho.\ already<br />

After six years of Prime Minister<br />

Margaret Thatcher's attempts at promoting<br />

recovery, Britain remains a<br />

nation in decline.<br />

ropect for civ J imtiRtiior.t and by the<br />

mounting incidence of valence,<br />

squalor, and Jrug*ukin£ in inncr-ctty<br />

neighborhoods.<br />

Poor economic performance has<br />

persiited dcipite Britain's status a*<br />

ooe of Western EuropcS two major<br />

oil producers.<br />

Petroleum prouuetton. which i*<br />

now Dear peak kvc!s. has created<br />

jobs and helped ihc halanc? of trade,<br />

but by mr cad of the century, its impact<br />

will be slight.<br />

"Britain has grown much poorer<br />

undergone "2 horrifying d^-clme."<br />

<strong>The</strong> need :o upgrade cduoiion.<br />

housing. a-Td cmploynicnt opp^f"<br />

. runitics in the declining inner-city<br />

artaA is made all iSc more Apparent<br />

by the despair -imong teerugen w ho<br />

have been ai the cere of the la:esi<br />

vtolcntc and for whom cxpecutwns<br />

for * responsible, employed<br />

adulthood are shockingly rvmote.<br />

Acco/ding to a Bradford social<br />

worker, youths leading school<br />

""... may as w«U forgci about fmtkng<br />

3 job in thii life and «a« worrying<br />

Grants, Scholarships,<br />

Fellowships, Loans<br />

from<br />

Private Foundations<br />

A Rcuarch Servkt<br />

Scholarship information Scnicc<br />

P O. Bo» 7333. Balclcy. CA **?07<br />

415"M067J<br />

about the nc\l.*'<br />

Picket-line Mnfc jnj ihc eruption<br />

o r lootinr and burning in 4 do/en<br />

aim in 19H| sn>l JgJin U\t month<br />

ru\r jltcrcd the w-> Britons »i:*<br />

themselves.<br />

Tlie aflccud nci([hSirhinxl* ui(fcr<br />

at teavt twxe J\ niu-.h uncnipJiiJment<br />

a« the nationwide A\crjge of 13 \xrcent,<br />

jivtltunemplmntfnt i^cU'c h»<br />

S> percent.<br />

Ilriui.i't auc. Jte not z\ uru.nly<br />

M.;;-r pvHMhlr stolen |^xxl«. In<br />

T>itlcAham. north London, vhotgun<br />

pel'ev* had to lv fifed into a cmud<br />

of iK*cn uhich a:tJtl.rtl a polkcmcn<br />

ai«J hocked him to dciuS with a<br />

truchctc<br />

Although Britain'* ;rm»e me renutm<br />

much IOHCT th.t: the<br />

teil turpruc in the prupoul was a<br />

pprpined ban on all future development*,<br />

including Hricmifk research,<br />

of hnh Star War* and L*>C American<br />

ontiutcllitc pcugram.<br />

Supponer* and foes of a moratorium<br />

agree that rux enough infomutwin<br />

1* yet known about the 50 peritrru<br />

rrducticn tc nuke valid judgments.<br />

"We can continue to say that<br />

e\erything a nrupaganda <strong>The</strong>rr't no<br />

value in uriting something off a*<br />

propaganda unless you don't want to<br />

deal with it." Wem concluded.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> irudcnb contacted by this<br />

wriicr did not know much about the ,<br />

le*t ban or ibe 50 percent reduction I<br />

proposal, but once they were in- (<br />


5 GALLERY<br />

415//S2-5874<br />

formed of t!*; situation, they expressed<br />

siroag opioions.<br />

"We DCvcr know what thcy'ie doing.<br />

It's all proparandi... they (the<br />

Soviets) only give u- what they want<br />

us to know." cununcasJ a freshman.<br />

Ajunkrfihoxired, "Whocaixsif<br />

its propaganda or not? <strong>The</strong> point is<br />

that now we have a chance to stop the<br />

arms race before a nuclear war occurs.<br />

If we really Ke'ievc its prop*ganda,<br />

then the only wiy to fini nut<br />

for sure i* m call their bluff."<br />

A senior commenied. "I don't<br />

think the Russian* are bad people, but<br />

their government ctn't be trusted on<br />

•he issue of arms cxitrul."<br />

"Of course it's propaganda. Gorbachev<br />

is full of it...he'* juu trying<br />

to trick us into a state of falic •ccurity<br />

so be can take over our country!"<br />

a sophomore rctponJcd.<br />

A freshman noted. "It** a good<br />

step toward better relation* between<br />

the United State* anJ the 5o*ict<br />

Union. It r.iijiht le\*en the chance of<br />

a World War III."<br />



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