Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Uortmttr I. I9SS<br />

'POLITICS.<br />

Should the 22nd Amendment be abolished?<br />

Jefferson was expressing hb belief some, "the Amcflxd -"*.** for<br />

On September 14. ."rrtldrnt<br />

Koa&l Reagan, speaking bejbrc<br />

members of the A**ricJ\ Legislative<br />

£xd%mite Gnmcil. *& act ht<br />

beiints th* Cwnsvaon thouLt be<br />

changed to allow;roifowwvn*<br />

more thzA tw unto.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following are du pro and con<br />

sides cfaboUshlnt the 22nd Amt.idmeiUtotheConsdoaion*MdiUmi<br />

pm'denu to we cletted terms:<br />

Pro<br />

Hj Mdanfc Montmrdc<br />

"1 think Congress has mule ft<br />

mistake by Jimktnx presidentr i* "WJ<br />

nnns...," gated former Senate<br />

Republican leader Howard Baker.<br />

By Itmillng the prcsxleacy to two<br />

teraa. the pressure b off him i T the<br />

second term because he dot* not have<br />

to seek re-dectioa. He kiu«i be<br />

won't fcavc to nm again, so be b DOC '<br />

cocnpclkd to do the nest possible job.<br />

Supporters ay that if a president<br />

b doing a good Job. be .Ouuid be<br />

•Vowed to continue. <strong>The</strong> 22n3<br />

Amendmem cuts ihon the wurk ofa<br />

grot leader.<br />

This amendment<br />

thwarts the growth<br />

of democracy ...<br />

"M*ny people believe that if the<br />

22nd Amendment were repealed we<br />

would be in danger oftavm*, a die*<br />

tatonhip. but that iin't tt« case,"<br />

decUrrd Steve Gnnucci, social<br />

science teacher.<br />

<strong>The</strong> people could easily vote a<br />

president out of office if they didn't'<br />

like his policies- <strong>The</strong> voten arc wbc<br />

enough to make uV right choice.<br />

TVy don't occd an artificial rcstriction<br />

like the 22nd Amendment.<br />

TIK 2Snd Amendment denies<br />

ciuzemtte risotto deckle the leader<br />

for their country; for some voter*, the<br />

22nd Amendment limit* their fint<br />

choke. This amendment thwaru the<br />

growth of democracy became the<br />

people don't have the right to voe for<br />

their first choice, if the current prni<br />

dent b that choice.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re b • tendency in American<br />

government to give voter* more<br />

power. TI* !>b Amendment allows<br />

people t > »ote dirtcCv for the Scwtc.<br />

But Ac 22nd Aaiendmcn' reverse*<br />

thetrrndofpuwcrofthepeoplr Instead,<br />

this amendment liuLi<br />

democracy. <strong>The</strong> cvrrent situation<br />

contradicts democracy by *«fwnT_ »hc<br />

22nd Aroendm?*/.<br />

If Reagan's sugcciticn ever<br />

becomes law. it will not tfert him,<br />

but it will tffect futun: ^cMi^us.<br />

<strong>The</strong> United States has chanted litre<br />

•Jw l95Ts when thr 22nd Amendmco;<br />

wu ratified. iftVoeuoIedchn:<br />

to keep a man or woman in nifits<br />

becauK they support his or her<br />

policies, they should haw the right<br />

to do to.<br />

Con—<br />

By Dran Foulaildas<br />

Thomas Jefferson said"..- politic<br />

C rotation is nealtljt be l»c<br />

•in educational leader.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ulcction cannot be done in a<br />

v^**T«<br />

OtKI MM<br />

new superintendent understand<br />

teachers' problem*, to build the professionalism<br />

of the profession.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore, many hope that the<br />

superintendent will have come tip<br />

through the ranks and ruvc had experience<br />

in the davtroom, to understand<br />

wh.it happtts there.<br />

A strong vote ca re from both<br />

parents and teachers for a superintendent<br />

commincd to reducing da&» si/?.<br />

Many felt that was necessary to control<br />

drop-out rates.<br />

Many feel priority should be given<br />

u wmcone knoHlediEcablc about<br />

California and the lituation here in<br />

*hich 85 percent of the money como<br />

frum the itsic. Abo, that the penon<br />

be familiar with Sun Franciwu and<br />

how to run an urban school dtvrwt<br />

It all sounds very idcaliuic. but I<br />

think it can b: done...<br />

Wfa are iSr problems you ipeaficajly<br />

HXWJ the new ivperinttnJenx to<br />

remedy?<br />

Have people fed that they're importnt.<br />

too. People fj» that L*»cy<br />

were juit a teacher, or pit a<br />

ianitor..Jn tcJK m-<br />

M>KC\ i^Hit.11. Thcfc i\ 4 pljct lor<br />

a yi»xJ. Mti'ne vo.-jtitmal I'fn^.am<br />

utiti j cv'njin ^n*njnl nf jvsdcmiCA<br />

fur c^cry uudcni...Wc have tt> pro-<br />

VKJC mcuunjttul ftJurjtfcin. ttTiilc ikvinp<br />

thii — tn Veep Mm ing for qujht><br />

CiJurjiKM — w!iic*i I Ivif* 1 MiXiM<br />

he the nujiif fixn* — to nnnp up<br />

mural? of thr: vtjlf. !t> he rc*fxir..iw<br />

u. tSe ofverm *»ia.vJ *jy pjrenti. ihc<br />

otiiimynity Jt large, m! the uudenu<br />

themw'-e*. Tiul cncomp**M^ a L>i.<br />

Wna/ about mumj the quality of<br />

aihmtf<br />

<strong>The</strong> problem ia thu dulrxi « muic<br />

tSc bt*rnoiit r-tc and the *Ua\ th.t<br />

teachers have been through. Scb*»>U<br />

have had to deal »ilh cver>ih : ng —<br />

from drofkwt nrfes to dni£* — uitli<br />

pareni* piinjj hack to work. After<br />

PropiHition 13. *eknttr«rccrejiion<br />

program) whL'h wert *ci> ,%ucccuful.<br />

and which many people 11c<br />

now tr>ing to brin- back. Building<br />

surted falling apin. --Uii -,<br />

and cverjnnc in the ^holc d^tnet<br />

nrcus to be sensitive to that; to<br />

understand that everybody'* cimung<br />

from a diricrcnt direction. »;rj irut w c<br />

all IUVC to work together hopefully<br />

with these (toils.<br />

Nevertheless, the Board really<br />

shruld he commended for uJung a<br />

yep i -> involve parcnu and the comnAinity<br />

in the search — 1 believe that<br />

•* asn't done lart time a supei intendent<br />

*aj selected.<br />

Hhat tibout recruitment of new<br />

teachers?<br />

Rocarin Au>? is concerned will,<br />

recruoman - especially for main<br />

and wience, special education, ind<br />

Englbh u a Second Language •<br />

teachers — lh= arras of teacher shor* ]<br />

tages. She has asked, "What are we j<br />

doing to addmtour need?" Baibara I<br />

Rcn-icr, former <strong>Lowell</strong> vice- i<br />

principal, if planning to go to univci- )<br />

silic* arJ oik to undents.. .But she is I<br />

limned by the fact that she cannot ny ;<br />

to studentk. "You have a job." ;<br />

One of the prupowd goals for the ,<br />

new superintendent n to nuHiOji a !<br />

really J;IVJ working rcbtiomhip »th j<br />

the local univcnitics so Uut uc can •<br />

hopefully build up a poo! (of in- j<br />

[crested and qualified tcachen). But ,,<br />

of course bclore >TXI can do that, you "{<br />

- ho»ocr. tlis CeMSCi *Jjr> « j<br />

now one * -I the better »mci in the State '<br />

It Comejo npphine Jor th* ;/• of ,<br />

A* ixtmg %u|vrutu*ndcnt. C'lKnejo. [<br />

unizr the jprvci;v.*m be tiuJo wstli tl«: j<br />

Ikurj. will no: jpj;re\»i*cly »*r oc- I<br />

mcly *«k the [XWUM^I ['\e.t%ke>lif I<br />

he t^ definite!) ocn rltpbk: tlw J<br />

nicmticrs »v thai N; v-i^td m< apply<br />

fur ihc job. We r>red him to do the<br />

ti>b of running tin? •tiUrK't no«.. to<br />

perform nru. We U .nk hc\ t»cen<br />

Ihc CRC h an appointed nwnmitleet'/IS<br />

*1uthmcets HwAIYtwi Mmttay<br />

at U5 Van Sew .\\rnue.<br />

Meetings are open ft public. <strong>The</strong>purpote<br />

of the committee is to de\ise 0w<br />

criteria for tetectwg the superintendent<br />

and then to tnteniew the final<br />

five to ten tanJtiLiti'z. Ana\a, Sthtxtt<br />

Hoard PmuUnt tiopf. and Ben Tom<br />

totnpme the sub-conunittfC of the<br />

txtard ihtl it to select a printtefirm<br />

that *ill initw all initial candidates.<br />

<strong>The</strong> CRC *vuld submit its suggestions<br />

for a tnt' mperinitnJent, then<br />

the KAO/«- board H\MIU drcvle,<br />

Alberts encourages those intemted.<br />

especially smienu. to toicv their tunrrrnj<br />

to her either ov cJU'n*<br />

7SS-U79 or wriiing JGO Edgthill.<br />

94127.<br />

HAPPY<br />

THDAf<br />

TO<br />

KAO<br />

FRBH<br />

rAiJ.AW.<br />

HEIDI, OEOA.<br />

LAWK&JcS, 'Jueju\,n>7T, t<br />


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