Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Advanced <strong>class</strong>es<br />

gain enthusiasm<br />

By C«rl« Newmejer<br />

both a grjJiute-lcvtl math cias*<br />

and a college chcmutry <strong>class</strong> are open<br />

this yet; to Umcil student*.<br />

Vaught again by Rudolfo Tomai.<br />

a doctoral student at University of<br />

California at Berkeley, the mrth clavi<br />

takes place at Berkeley on Saturday<br />

mornings ami includes student* from<br />

other Di/ Area schools.<br />

" [he clau b going great!" cntNiscdTomu.<br />

"It w»a little slower gcttinj<br />

going this year because of lotne<br />

conflicts with SAT and PSAT. but<br />

now it's grca:.. Students like it and<br />

I like teaching it."<br />

<strong>The</strong> 35 stutlcm* include 12<br />

s, u well a* about twice JS<br />

many students from Palo Alii> High<br />

School, and several from other San<br />

Francivo an* PenitirjU school*.<br />

**losi walked through lh-ir<br />

previous matfi clavsc*." uidToma;.<br />

"Thu 11 the Tint challenging math<br />

clan they've had." Some o» the<br />

students hasc only had i* much malh<br />

a* Euclklcari geometry.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students are doing "very<br />

well."<br />

<strong>The</strong> curriculum includes protective<br />

geometry, topology, logic. aiO group<br />

theory. "I think it will help tnc<br />

students with college councs. indirectly,<br />

by providing ihcm wiih<br />

AP Chemistry 1 students enjoy carrying out exprHmctua.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>ites donate for<br />

Mexican relief<br />

By Raymond Louie<br />

<strong>The</strong> Board for School and Community<br />

Service* (BSCS) sponsored j<br />

school-wide collection to aid the carihquakc<br />

victims in Mexico in<br />

OctPbe'.<br />

On Ocu*er 31, the Ian of thr three<br />

collection days, a grand total of<br />

S1.O32.S7 was tabulated, which include*<br />

$642.91 collected from all<br />

four clas.-cs, and $389.66 from the<br />

various club*. "I don't think we<br />

achieved our ja*l of one dollar per<br />

perron." confessed Aviv Laurence,<br />

Lnucll Executive Council chairperson.<br />

".. .but I ani quite pleated wuu<br />

the response."<br />

A*oncw^vmot explained it. "If<br />

each pcrwii were r-> ucrifice and<br />

cnntn'ruic hi» j nk imxl money for<br />

>~i jnc day, we wnuld have had no<br />

pro* ,1cm reaching r*i r ftosl."<br />

<strong>The</strong> donations Mill be delivered to<br />

the Red Cm** in Son FraiKuco.<br />

Prom there funds w ill be immediately<br />

transferml. along "iih other pcoplc'%<br />

contributictts. to the Mexican<br />

Relief Fund head quarters in<br />

Washington. 1>.C. «nd finally the<br />

money will be vrnt to uV Red Cross<br />

ir« Mexico. A spoieiwonan at San<br />

Francisco's Red Crow wid that she<br />

docs i>c. know the actukl tire it takes<br />

for the fund* to reach Mexico.<br />

After toe Mexican Red Ctaa Z**<br />

received the money, it will be used<br />

ID rebuuVJ the communication system.<br />

which Includes electing emergency<br />

radio nations. <strong>The</strong> money will alto<br />

be utrd a purchase food, medicine.<br />

first aid. as well a*to build shclwn<br />

for the earthquake victims.<br />

A couteM *as held bcf*cen the<br />

chuc* as to whidi one contributed<br />

the mou moaey. Collection days<br />

were on f>:tobc.- 16. 18. and 21.<br />

Brown envciopc* witli each regrtry\<br />

number on ii w-crc sent to eveiy<br />

hcNTicroom. wlierc money wi* collected<br />

from the students and delivered<br />

to the main office. Huge plastic jug*<br />

wen; aUo placed tn the main office<br />

.n! in the dean's office for dotations.<br />

Q-? the fust day of the Mexican<br />

l^ieT fund.'JK juniors cjmc in f>rtt<br />

place by tuihcrinc $45.41. the<br />

wphomore* second, by giving S37.<br />

while the senior* and freshmen collected<br />

$14.20, and SI 1.67.<br />

respectively.<br />

And on UiC second day, the<br />

iopliorws wjrpavwd the junior* by<br />

accumulating a total of $144.28.<br />

while the junior* rnugticd up<br />

$126.33. <strong>The</strong> senior* collected<br />

S 105.49. while the frcJurvn !t*4 UM<br />

place again by giving ihcir ^hatc of<br />

592.26.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lopbomocc* hclu on to ihcir<br />

lead by iioruting 4 grand toul of<br />

S226.5I on ihc U*t day »'f coninbutkm*ihc»ccondpl*;cjunior\lumex*<br />

i51W.2O. while the vnit'.-* and<br />

?ic it is our turn to aid the<br />

earthquake victims." stated senior<br />

Charles Tsang.<br />



to<br />


MINTZ J<br />

Love, '<br />

Helen, Shan, Conn 1 '.<br />

Mi<br />

background information. <strong>The</strong>re is an<br />

ocean of mathematics beyond<br />

calculus and thu ceunc inatxluc**<br />

them to ii."<br />

<strong>The</strong> clau wai mined to Berkeley,<br />

hopefully in order that ionic UC pn><br />

t'^uorr will give gucM lectures, • Ait<br />

nothing is tct >rt. Tnmwtioci ha»c<br />

permission to UM. the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

buildings on four Salurdays if he<br />

Jciim.<br />

"ChemiHry I AP." «id icachcr<br />

John Btssctl. "is a )car of college<br />

chemiury for the elite group of<br />

Lowciltte* who arc capoSc o( doing<br />

such work."<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re arc geniuses at thi* sc>i*ol<br />

who can uke a )ar ofcollegc chem<br />

at the hICh Khool Ie\cl." added<br />

Btt. "tlufonurulcly. the students<br />

were not cdcquaicly screened." vi<br />

wtnc are hating problems. "Half the<br />

dau is doing exceptionally well." he<br />

offered.<br />

<strong>The</strong> course u wing a new boot.<br />

BniwTiS Chemistry: <strong>The</strong> Central<br />

Scirme. and is a new department offering.<br />

<strong>The</strong> chemisrry <strong>class</strong>, unlike<br />

Torrax's math cUss. is a rtgu'aily<br />

Khcdulcd <strong>class</strong>. <strong>The</strong> chcmi\tr> I AP<br />

meets II. 12. 13 cscryday.<br />

BisKli cnj»»>s icachinp the cla>s.<br />

panly becJUM:. be said. "F.vcr>»nc<br />

is trying, they're not di*coura^-«V<br />

Who knows what will tuppra u».>c<br />

May 16 and uV AP l:q!"<br />

Sophomore Ian Loscjoy say* .w<br />

enjoys the cli+\. "Hut," he addcJ.<br />

"ihcre'i li«is of hmncwork!" <strong>The</strong><br />

24-mcm*>cf cUt» L\ nxntly made up<br />

of sophomores, with J .ouplc of<br />

junion.<br />

"It's a strenuous vuut*c...not fur<br />

evcrytHxly." surmised flivsctt. He<br />

hope* the clasv will be offcrrd »fam<br />

next >c-ir. and his only caveat wilt be<br />

in screen all Ihc applicants ruefully.<br />

"' <strong>The</strong> &mWJ. f/mmWr 1,'lw'. >ij<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>ites display<br />

talent in pageant<br />

winner* Sbitral FtinclBsa. Lba Tkbak, tod sponsor l<br />

t<br />

By Tammy Xarpcnko<br />

This >car'* Junior Mat Competition<br />

held on October 5 at Mercy High<br />

School, Uicludaf f\o seniors from<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>. Miami Fcinglau and Lisa<br />

Tabak wwkrd hard in order to take<br />

both runncrs-up titles. Feinglass<br />

receiving firvt jnj Tabak second.<br />

"Every coninunt was a winner.<br />

just for being in ihc competition,"<br />

remarked Tabak w bo thought at first<br />

that rehearsing frorn 6:30 p.m. until<br />

8:30 p.m. for two weeks alter «cnool<br />

would affect her academic woik.<br />

With the Boat Dance around the corner,<br />

she seriously thought she wouU<br />

not have the time to participate.<br />

Tobak's »i>})fx>ni*e mothr r was the<br />

motivaiin£ force behind her decision<br />

to porticip'r in the cJTRpcttiion<br />

Tabak fell *v was just going alotig<br />

wtth the pageant and never paid ck*c<br />

ettcntkm. ur-tl Saturday, the day of<br />

thr coniest. She s'atcd. * T went<br />

through it in a da/c and even won in<br />

a due."<br />

Tab-* made clear that the contctf<br />

w*t ii.- beaut/ pagCAiit. It was a<br />

beneficial c*r.riicncc to make new<br />

(trends and to cntptu>./c sell<br />

Schools to test for AIDS:<br />

B.s Kulandj Ctiu<br />

Cdtlus Corncjo. San I : rjrK-two's<br />

jciinj: puMiL* whtM^I's VSK-I. SJIJ r*c<br />

wi vtd pti^pinc j comprcbcnvive AvqutrcJ<br />

Inmiunc IK-fuicnc) SsmlnviK<br />

licv lo the wln>.>1 rnutd<br />

within a m>>nih.<br />

During an interview with [tic Sim<br />

t'runeitctt ChniU d h<br />

Happy h<br />

Sweet IB 11<br />

Antoinette<br />

Dempsey •<br />

Nou 7<br />

Love Mom<br />

fi-pxncill) ui.1 fx- pljnm:.! in Mrck<br />

nurkLitiir> AIDS Ic^tnij; fur II«HJ<br />

rundlcTs. p.*»ihl; tcjctwr* andothJi<br />

Oi^rict cniplovce*. "I wjnt Id tesi<br />

cscr>ooc who needs to be levied."<br />

sUtcd Comcjit.<br />

His rcnuiU ^ruiial jn i.nmcdu(c<br />

viinirmcrs) In a prcparol vuiemcnt<br />

given .he folloutng day. Comejo<br />

clJinjed he did n.M plan to seek nuniLttory<br />

AIDS urstinj;. mr did he ever<br />

nKan to imply that he did.<br />

Fein IXug. the San Frarwiwi*<br />

I'mlicd School District public informJtumolficcr.<br />

opbincU. "<strong>The</strong>re is<br />

n>> legal r.r medical rcavm for AIDS<br />

tevtmc. -ind no true icM tor AIDS exists<br />

answay."<br />

Rocinhcrs ruse said thai the virus<br />

that C3UM_> AIDS can he tranvniittcd<br />

thnxjf h the exehange of body fluiJs<br />

thai iKoir during sexual intercourse<br />

of in the exchange of blood. Expert*<br />

\ay it cannot he transmitted through<br />

casual ciMitact.<br />

Duag luted that the school district<br />

^ presently in the midu of researching<br />

the AIDS issue and that an<br />

AIDS policy on how to deal with<br />

itudcnli and employee* w ill be submitted<br />

in a month.<br />

DEEM SUM<br />

.iny timt^ of day<br />

YANK 31NC:<br />

Tabak's performance,<br />

rrcvlctt) lUnce done to the music from<br />

the luvc theme from St. Elmo's Fire.<br />

i let dance, t^prthcr w eh ar« interview<br />

the comesiant* had with juJ^r*. an<br />

aerobic dance workout, and a rating<br />

on poise and personality wen Jte<br />

winning elements thai placed TabaVi<br />

performance be>ood that of cf tSe<br />

ofher cnntcsiants.<br />

Tabaic also vt)n a Scholastic<br />

Achievement Award lor receiving a<br />

grade-point as-.-ragc of 3.6 and for<br />

her od

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