Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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NEWS _ _ _ _ _ =<br />

Faculty gains new faces<br />

By Chris Crfacra<br />

<strong>The</strong> size of the ftca*/ is coasidcr-<br />

•My larger this year than v has been<br />

In recent yean. <strong>The</strong> increase in the<br />

number of faculty member* b caoed<br />

mainly by tbr addition of 12 new<br />

teachers to the staff, and the renim<br />

of f.vc iiutmcton from sabbatical<br />

Icwe and ibroe irotn leave of<br />

absence.<br />

LoweU'i new imuueton include<br />

Ms. Patricia Canepa. Mr Knwird<br />

Bconea. Mi. Gail Evans. Mr. Keith<br />

Storey, Mn. Patricia MatDiufcld,<br />

Mi. Stub Okazaki. M«. Nahleen<br />

Pang. Mr. Fred Rcmagnolo, M».<br />

Elizabeth Rogcn. Mr. GUbcno San-<br />

.3K*. Mr. Julian Suva, and Mr. Wallace<br />

Slewui.<br />

Cancp*. 'he only ujdition to the<br />

Science Dcpartmcia. h currently<br />

.about *it yean. Evans staled. "At<br />

". <strong>Lowell</strong>, we wculd ttkc to make vbiblr<br />

a lot of our studenti* capabilities<br />

that do not seem evident at Tint. For<br />

estmpte. we are tilling to help out<br />

any programs run by school organiutioos<br />

in any way we can!"<br />

MacDuraU. anuhcr new teacher,<br />

b beginning her iTlhvcarof teaching<br />

znd has ccroc to Lcwcll from Balboa<br />

High School. She U pmeatly teaching<br />

three English dasscs and r*v 4.1<br />

daises. On coming to <strong>Lowell</strong> she<br />

comments. "I'm just glad to be<br />

bwr."<br />

Okazaki, Rotnagnolo. and Sanchez<br />

are the three new addition i to the social<br />

Science Department, Rrmugnolo<br />

conies lo <strong>Lowell</strong> witn 22 yean of<br />

teaefcafc in the SFUSD under his belt.<br />

He taught for :U yran at Roosevelt<br />

New ami ttttirnlnf trackers: (Front) Evans, Rottn, Nagan. Pane,<br />

Stony. Okazakl; (Back) SUtu, MacDocuM, Kobtmoa, RomoRHolo,<br />

CUodcr, Deinno, Wells.<br />

teaching a number of chemistry<br />

daucs. Before coming to Lowrll. she<br />

taught for 12 yean at Lincoln and<br />

then for 10 yean at McAtcer. She<br />

claims to thorough!)enjoy leaching,<br />

and ihe find* Lnvcll "quite delightful."<br />

Bennett was hired to fill in ft*i instructon<br />

Mr. and Mn. Paul Vjhlil J<br />

in the Mute Department wtuJc ihc><br />

prepared for their expected child. Befree<br />

bUtg hired at <strong>Lowell</strong> he wortai<br />

in the SFUSD summer music program<br />

for ckmentary school uudenu.<br />

Evans ana Stoa.-y were hired u<br />

work mitt" specialcducatiao students<br />

in room4l. Evamcomptled 1? years<br />

of experience in the field of special<br />

education ^nstructioii in a number of<br />

jobs in New Hampshire, Montana,<br />

and Australia before cominjt to <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Svorct previously wurked prtmarily<br />

in the San Francisco Sutc Univershy<br />

special ediication program for<br />

Speakers<br />

earn<br />

victories<br />

y f c<br />

**Thb year looks scry 3nc**cragmg.<br />

W*.*1I probably hasc many<br />

finalists icJ nicrc than likely have a<br />

number of srudenu who will make it<br />

ttue cna-npionships at the end of<br />

the year," enthused Sandra B'nJ.<br />

coxh of the Forensic* Team.<br />

Twelve member* of the Forcmics<br />

Team qualified as finalius ir the<br />

league Congtos toumamect which<br />

touk pUce oo September 28 at College<br />

Prep Hi^h School in Oakland<br />

FinalUu included senior* John<br />

McNuUy. Lulu Kao. Stevv Kohn.<br />

Irene Kuo. Alex Liu. Carb<br />

Ncwmcyer. Unds La. Doici Lir,<br />

and sopbocvores Peggy Kohn. Ji*n<br />

Thaler, acd Ben Lcc.<br />

In this tournament and other Coojreu<br />

tournaments, modeled after tite<br />

United States Congress., speakers<br />

discuss various curredt issues ca'led<br />

"bills.** <strong>The</strong>re arc three rounds er<br />

siStt" in which speaken discuss<br />

the bills and give their ipeechci umcerulig<br />

ihe bsues.<br />

Seniors Jeff Laurence and Dean<br />

PouUkbUs wen nominated at<br />

Junior High and then fur lft ;cars ai<br />

Gtinnini Junior High. While st Gunmni,<br />

he taught a w*«Je variety of<br />

courier ranging from computer progratnmiii*<br />

to Lctm Ke feels he b nut<br />

a total stranger to <strong>Lowell</strong> vtnee nun><br />

of his students m the gifted progiam<br />

at Gunnmi jrc presently attending<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>. At l.oweUhe f«xU hr will he<br />

teaching prinuhly hiMify t-ounc*.<br />

Okazoki and Sanchez also instruct<br />

a number of social science <strong>class</strong>es.<br />

Okuaki comes to <strong>Lowell</strong> trom Presidio<br />

Middle School, and Sanchez<br />

previously worked at Ifb*ace Mann<br />

and Everett Middle School*. In Sanchez's<br />

eyes, "<strong>Lowell</strong> u a little more<br />

conservative than I like, I'd like to encourage<br />

the studenu to qu.*Mion author^<br />

4 bfl r.xxe." Overall however,<br />

he feeU "the students at <strong>Lowell</strong> arc<br />

great, but the atmosphere is really<br />

chaotic."<br />

a new instruct"! in »!«• for-^<br />

eign /.angurgs Department. She has<br />

been teaching for three yem at Minna<br />

Middle School where she ta-jtht<br />

English and social studies, and at<br />

Waihington High School where she<br />

taught civics. She did a guud den! of<br />

substitute teaching last scmetfer in the<br />

Foreign l^n^uagc Dep21 imctit. Prcs*<br />

cntly she U teachinf a couple of Chinese<br />

(Mandarin) <strong>class</strong>es. "<strong>Lowell</strong> b<br />

gttat." she stated, "because there are<br />

no disciplinary prnhlenu. I find my<br />

most powerful tool to get my student*<br />

10 work harder b the threat of a "C\"<br />

Rogcu. a tvw Er.jjtsh and French<br />

instructor, comcf to <strong>Lowell</strong> from<br />

Mission W'h Schoot. Although she<br />

has not L.n irouad <strong>Lowell</strong> very<br />

long, sht fitds <strong>Lowell</strong> to be a very<br />

"hectic place with lots of people,<br />

noise, ami activity."<br />

<strong>The</strong> final two additions to the<br />

leaching staff arc SUva nnd Stewart,<br />

who teach English and math respecir.ery.<br />

Bt^h tcachencome fiom Wat<br />

lenberg High School. When asked to<br />

comment on Lowrll, Stewart fvplied.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> modular *> stem b a I idle trkky<br />

•0 get used to, and the halls arc<br />

crowded, but. other than that, it's<br />

fine." Silva responded. "<strong>The</strong> students<br />

art great. I don't have to static<br />

a great deal of my enrtg> iroc.ttir;;<br />

them. Tktj come prc-motrvatcil. ai>1<br />

as a rcuilt. I'm able to spmd i> .T<br />

of my energy on instruction.'<br />

Also this semester, five teachers return<br />

from a period of sabbatical (cat c<br />

including Jomrs Carrruck. Raphael<br />

Cons, Lawrence Robuwm, Dr. Philip<br />

Glander. and Dennis Trcadwsy.<br />

In 3cw L»->cll<br />

tenner* JIKJ tho«c returning from<br />

tabhaiicaJ Icavr, there arc three<br />

teachers wfcj arc returning to I<br />

thi\ wme»Wr after a leav- v "<br />

from the whool. <strong>The</strong>se teachers are<br />

Jacqulinc Dclfino. Dave l»w. and<br />

Dr. Beniiu Sofan.<br />

Dclfino i\ a moth invtructor who<br />

lei I <strong>Lowell</strong> four>car*a;;inoicai.h al<br />

Wallcnbcri: High School. She is glad<br />

to be back at <strong>Lowell</strong> bccuise. "It's<br />

a school where srudenu are rcall) interested<br />

in learning and the lca%hcn<br />

always have attentive audienrcs."<br />

Beth Lo* and Nogara sened as<br />

long term sutntituia Lasl year. A long<br />

ictm "sub" is hastcally the same as<br />

a regular teacher, but in Juuc. this<br />

contract b finished. Both instructon<br />

were rchircd 'Jiis )Toi. LOW teaches<br />

in the Physical Education Dcp*rlmccl.<br />

and Nogara b now working in<br />

the Foreign Language Department.<br />

Onn PDuUUibs and Kclanda Chu pnctlcc their debate techniques.<br />

OutiUnding Presiding Officers. <strong>The</strong> pretation and fourth in rational ex-<br />

?rcsidingOfficcnarcciio«nbyuV icmporancvu*. respcctiscly<br />

other spoken in the session. <strong>The</strong> Toe 1.2. tournament was broken<br />

Festa, Heimer<br />

win English award<br />

By Jenifer f<br />

Seniors Eva Fesa snj Mae Hettncr<br />

are winnen ot the National Council<br />

of Tachen of English (NCTE)<br />

Achievement Award.<br />

Every high school nationwide was<br />

askcJ to recommend its tijp writcn,<br />

the number being tletermincd by the<br />

size of the student body.<br />

Tins year'* candidates for <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

w*re senton Liu Bielawi. Cub<br />

Crbcra. Festi. Hei-ner. and Andrew<br />

Lee.<br />

Winnen of the NCTE Achievemen:<br />

Award receive no monetary<br />

prize, but they may entct the<br />

Scholastic Writing Awvd (SWA).<br />

<strong>The</strong> w innen ia the NCTE Actuoement<br />

hive their ruuze put on a liu<br />

KVB Fnu ivjd Mall llrlrarr are wtnnm U th* N*i<br />

Toschrrs of En&lkb Achletcmrit A*anl.<br />

sent to most colleges and uiutcnittc*<br />

telling of their participation.<br />

Winners are alw sent cattl*. to be<br />

included \hcn sendinp an application<br />

to a specific college, slating "<strong>The</strong><br />

National Ccu.xil of Trschcr^ of<br />

Eof4uh rottgruzes this Uudcnt for<br />

o>itstandinj pcrfrnrancc in writing<br />

and rccomitcnds him or her for cotisidsratson<br />

for adttiisiion and financial<br />

a-d. if needed."<br />

"It's a definite adt^ntagc for get-<br />

"Person by person, we're better<br />

than mou ottier: choolv in the area."<br />

explained McNulry. "We do very<br />

well on an irxhvkVit baitt " He<br />

added.<br />

Laurence and McNulty aim participated<br />

in the UCLA Speech and<br />

Dcfutc Invitation/on October 11-13.<br />

A> a lca.n. they won t*u oiJ l lacking vanity p4<br />

iicip.'nt> 4ivl speakers in the Uni J<br />

dutfes of the Presiding Officen ire «"*" irwo «P«ie events -ncloding<br />

to maintain order and rccp the time extemporaneous news, original ad-<br />

MCMjiry Irelt the team is 11<br />

r-rricrved'ductothefart L4atse\<br />

of the ipeeches durinc the session.<br />

..... . . :.._• .-. _.<br />

*«cacy. ongirul oratory, eipnutory.<br />

progiammed reading, hunio* inter-<br />

Ley *rvokcr* groJuaicd lost vcar<br />

• ; - -it. J<br />

of the speeches during te<br />

At the league Individual Etcnt*<br />

ll.E-1 tovmament whkS wa* fc'ld at<br />

San Ramon High School on October<br />

5, <strong>Lowell</strong> again pnne- to be strong<br />

as five out of fifteen members<br />

qualified 3% firult%u. Fttvdiu.t included<br />

sophomore* Lee am! Kohn. who<br />

finished in fourth place in ad>ocavy<br />

and third place in impromptu, rctpectitcty.<br />

Junior Stephanie Lau took<br />

fourth place in Impromptu, and<br />

pretation. and drama intcrptrtatuin.<br />

seniors Alexis Scourke« *rid<br />

Laurence ptatxd fifth in dntna inter-<br />

tiny into tt* more exclusive<br />

wi formal whuol<br />

scttinc-<br />

"I wtiMeos if 1 were trying to convince<br />

a fellow u-jJe.-y not lo drop out<br />

of hiph school," stated Hcimet.<br />

Moneury prizes, in the form of<br />

sdvilanhip*, are pven to the winners<br />

of the SWA-<br />

<strong>The</strong> categories for 'he SWA inciude<br />

short uory. poetry, jniical<br />

review. c\wy. humor, and dramatic<br />

script.<br />

[ (onc-c number oi team<br />

dcbalcr> ha> men from OIKT team last<br />

jcar to \ti or %c\cn ihts jejr.<br />

Laurence is confident Ui:i the team<br />

^batc group and the Cr-igrov group<br />

will be vtrnng thiv >car.<br />

"People aT rocnif.g to analvMs<br />

and their minds as well as their<br />

vocabulary." commented Laurence.<br />

Bird fcel» that rr.Tnbcr. jrc very<br />

jupportivc of each other. She states<br />

that •he previous tournaments were<br />

*".. .t«m ettorts. e. cr. though .nine<br />

ol the memben hadn't dotK well.<br />

they were pleated that the team hod<br />

vmc success."<br />

Kotm agreed with Bird. "<strong>The</strong>re**<br />

more team unity this year than las*<br />

year. A In* of pcop'c c *wkinf<br />

lognher withit the team ral*xr tiuc<br />

just going out and researching on<br />

liicir own."<br />

Biid citc» Lii.icncc. McNulry.<br />

Lcc, Kohn, Nc*m:ycr. and<br />

M.-phomoic Ciefo Cerczo as Use<br />

team's top provpecu tiiis year.<br />

In two weeks a ttudent will travel<br />

c>ihe Univrxsitv-of ihcPacu-cImUa<br />

ttorul ummoncru in Stockton which<br />

take* place November<br />

New and Previously Read Books<br />


booksellers<br />

1687 Haight'San Frcncisco 552-4122<br />

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