Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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'Badapples'at<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

To the Editor.<br />

isbwiiiptufcfcoiitai<br />

I OUok cmnn nunv UweU mi-<br />

*«•. Toe proWo_ ii die iLdtelnj<br />

JMliiy of ccmin ndm a Uml.<br />

1T» majority of avbn «rc fcach-<br />

2!•*?» weU - hi«mj« in oul<br />

Wfiflbn ihdr pupae «. Mctai.<br />

<strong>The</strong>te texton do DM know *cicoune<br />

maoiil «D enough, du r»"<br />

Anti-gay quote<br />

Upsets Festa<br />

To the Ediir**:<br />

tn -•* article. "AIDS Furor Hit;<br />

Public SchoeU," by Staci Bodtn an-1<br />

Gaby Ca*Tilk;. n tic Ocfuoer 9 rax<br />

of Tftf Lm,xlt, » junior wu quoted<br />

plan their course work before they<br />

teach, tod tone just lose the idea of<br />

wHt the crone ii all about. Students<br />

who aPend daises taught by these<br />

teacher* o*teo frd bored or wonder<br />

Why the teacher it not conveying lafcnnatioQ<br />

to them.<br />

I have often wondered what qualifications,<br />

tf any. these teachen have.<br />

Since therr are many call* for teacher»'<br />

-uUriei lo be ba«ed on merit,<br />

*hy not ukc k* performanct as cor.<br />

\ideratton for contioood employmcni<br />

ai a ---her? With the prncoi »hortagc<br />

of teachen JI <strong>Lowell</strong>. I hor-: the<br />

admini-tfnih.fi and Khool board will<br />

carefully couider whom they hiT<br />

and not >m five these jobs to anyom.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> doesn't juit need mure<br />

medirt'-x tachera. it needs cf Iccttve<br />

ones. 'iV-u many teacheti air ju«<br />

pbln tncuinpctcnl. and I see no reason<br />

why f V>- >-V-J-l c-rtinue teaching<br />

itudcnts. allowing students'<br />

educations to sufTer. If we ire to<br />

make the roost of our education, effective<br />

tcM-hen arc 2 .-nun. Wliy<br />

shouij v-- ler I xi» ell's (entttation aif*<br />

fer ju« because 0*. a few tud apples?<br />

Nv.11- withheld<br />

upon requcu<br />

Parent cites<br />

phonemanners<br />

(<strong>The</strong> (Miming Utter MOT subnuted<br />

0 <strong>The</strong> IJOWTII by a concerned puma,<br />

rrtfurfting that't bt puHishrd if a<br />

** uyinj. "... the pn>ple who arc forthcoming iuue.)<br />

spreadii^ it<br />

shtti' he shot Ohxrvaao-<br />

uali) ..."<br />

Dear Students:<br />

It scares roc la know itu: in In*<br />

than twoyeirsihit person will be wi 1 like to share with itudtft* and otf: r<br />

oflJgh i.-*ool. t- - |om,>u me tf^liict Itun<br />

of his accnvtion and threat re* eal tut<br />

avrrace. I Jgn*. Iku tlm't kt ihn lull<br />

immorJii) jnd cnwjrutcc.<br />

••ou into ttunVing lh4t there 1* an<br />

Would Kits student take the pin in<br />

above a-tcn^c pli-c in the **oiId rr-<br />

ha own r .-kj *nj kill the 74.000 gjy\<br />

scnnl for you. It ynu crxiHjntcr dif-<br />

tn $•:! tranctsco or however nur.y<br />

ficult tc*. vicrk. at it. -.tudv rurdei 10<br />

at; attending <strong>Lowell</strong> Hi^h School?<br />

overcome it. Don't ju\i ukt: the ci%><br />

Would he have Ukcn hU gun ami<br />

«*^iy out by uallinj; j-*ay f'tnii u.<br />

killed Rock. Hudson? Would he re-<br />

Nat ocryilnnp sh-iuU rtnne to )<br />

in the ankle u that a vaccine for<br />

AIDS will be available by 19S6. Bui<br />

IIMI$ after AIDS i* defeated and becomes<br />

a pUguc of the pnt. the disease<br />

of man** cruel*}* lo man v. itl<br />

linger on and inahe us ashamed of nur<br />

"humanity."<br />

I, for one. am ashairwd. Ashamed<br />

of the gay bashing. ashamed o!" the<br />

witch hunt, and ashamed lo be a<br />

member of a -r.x-cicj continually<br />

dn-.cn to hate, bigotry and self-dcv<br />

truciion.<br />

PauJFesta<br />

J hwi«» citVrf<br />

1 expect the caUcr (I) 10 be poliic, ukl<br />

(2) to ktcriify himself/hcrxK every-<br />

One. CXherwuc. t-ot wishing to emb«irauthecAllcr.<br />

I kimply )<br />

from ray MO why the calls did i«ot go<br />

through, or (2j ftcm hh/t-cr ^arcttts<br />

AOoul basic phone etiquette.<br />

In fact, I lie lo talk with and know<br />

my sea's friends (or even their parents).<br />

Na.-ne withheld no request<br />

s-^ *.«* sr- • w " ta « w ^-*» 1<br />

taaMcn "*<br />

. 9ml be<br />

,.hata li.1<br />

1MM^Milaetarla»tab<br />

junilu MnMiSv Mitdirri.tatiaant^Yllfcnali<br />

brw-tcm UaabUa Ja&GUUi,DaUImnB.rMTllj«<br />

fuluk, toilfc«»iaWlar.DJi^*IIKCa<br />

Ahukllni Ovla fc«, tn**t~T.Ok«.S*A*nJ*<br />

By Fatrkk Question<br />

tr f. J9M.<br />


man]<br />

you<br />

ever made?<br />

llowurd Cben 8701: Quitting my<br />

singing Ictr jos 11 the igc of nine.<br />

I heard that Dunn Dunn U looking<br />

for a ilnth member.<br />

Christina Serailoo 8601: Learning<br />

to ride a bike without training<br />

wheels.<br />

Chrtssy Klnx 8708: <strong>The</strong> time I<br />

came up from behind my friend<br />

and gave turn a big hug. When he<br />

turned around, it was a total<br />

stranger.<br />

Anthony DvGcnnavi, hbtory<br />

(etcher: Not buying property in<br />

S.-«n Francisco when the nrfces<br />

were low.<br />

T.my Kuv H606: Sluving my<br />

head and getting a<br />

RidMtuwk. ..Ha! Actually, the<br />

biitgcM niiMjVc I ever made u;i%<br />

lumping off a cliff ai the hcjch<br />

during tlic summer.<br />

Anna Tom K617: My higpevt<br />

mi!tt;ikc was sunKithini* >n the<br />

nude and falling a\lccp on my<br />

Mortuch. Aflcr that, I couldn't >it<br />

down for two weeks.<br />

Cadet challenges story<br />

To the Editor<br />

1. as well as many others, were<br />

rather displeased with the October<br />

IW5 artwfc, "ROTC: What\ bdiind<br />

Uie xenes7" I am in my scvcrdi<br />

•ctncsier as a rncmbcr of the ROTC.<br />

Mini I found the stury aadoqu«e «nd.<br />

sonvtunu, cvci* misleading.<br />

Firtt. the article was in no way<br />

"behind ibe wencs"; U baiely<br />

touched on what ROTC tcally U. Inktead.<br />

the ankle seemed to he just a<br />

bunch of facts slipped together U an<br />

*rlklc to meet a doUinc. ROTC,<br />

like any uhictic team, song girl, or<br />

cheerleadinp sqiurt. ii not nude v<br />

of facts and rtatWKv. bet student*.<br />

SurprisiL|tly few ROTC stuocnu<br />

were quoted.<br />

I am appalled that the aj.iclc told<br />

more abcut the alleged ratiai discrimtoatirc<br />

tnd thai it used many baibcd<br />

«od unrelated opinions from n-j^<br />

P.OTC memben. Of course, the oppoting<br />

side nun be heard, but U<br />

shouldn't jomtnate the article if it is<br />

to* the main subject.<br />

<strong>The</strong> article led readers to bctie-c<br />

that thr main pu^ose of ROTC is to<br />

prepare students fur the milory. Only<br />

a «noll percentage of ROTC cadet*<br />

actually do pursue a military career.<br />

<strong>The</strong> min purpose of ROTC u to<br />

teach Mudenu leadership; ROTC U<br />

a hands-cn Icarruog cipcricnce where<br />

studenu lead and teach other stu*<br />

I would like la clear up a quote of<br />

Dr. Fibiih from the ankle whkh<br />

uala!. "... they (ROTC) hasn't<br />

csprct.*cd the desire to appear at<br />

schiul rallies." Drill teams have very<br />

often «>ked permission lo perform at<br />

rallies or football jamci ail have<br />

always he^i njracd away! Please<br />

print quotes, Owl we truthful or have<br />

some evidence.<br />

Funhermorc. 7fc* Lo**U has 1I10<br />

had the tendency 10 forget that ROTC<br />

and these throe teams (B^yi' and<br />

Girls' Drill Teams and RiOe Team)<br />

represent LowtU in the mat way the<br />

cheerleader, long girU. and Khletic<br />

teams do. Every issue iacJuues 1<br />

three-page sports sections, while<br />

ROTC may getasnall a.tkle wdud<br />

away in the newt icctioo ww asJ<br />

then. Toa has bcea the first large artide<br />

I h*ve seen 00 ROTC. but it hw<br />

•ven hi from sufficient. Ptrhfcp*<br />

ancdicr «tmpt CM be maje to briag<br />

ROTC closer to LotcU through the<br />

Sn then, what's really behind the<br />

scene* of ROTC? We in ROTC seem<br />

to he the only ones who know, but<br />

that could be dunged vith tr\ accurate,<br />

complete article which does<br />

jbstice to the ROTC unit thil has been<br />

one of the best since 1919.<br />

Milvuva L. Chew<br />

C/ILT. JROTC<br />

"A" CoiEpany Commandet<br />

s)<br />

Why are<br />

we still<br />

on B-C?<br />

To tht> bditor<br />

Why arc we still on the B-C tchedule<br />

when so many pnople are againsi<br />

it? <strong>The</strong>re arc so maay problems with<br />

it. Students cmau gu private hdp<br />

from their teachen when :hcy need<br />

it. Many studenu have no time for<br />

lunch. Students who want eight<br />

dana cannot take tfeeiu. Students<br />

have to come here while it b still<br />

dark. Connselon, *ao tell tn not 10<br />

rcm • <strong>class</strong> became *e win miss important<br />

iaforroatioa. have to take<br />

students out of <strong>class</strong> to talk to them.<br />

Why continue tike ihis when we<br />

ntve the option to chugc the schcdole?<br />

By changing tome of the danes.<br />

to the A co4e. and leaving others on<br />

the b-C schedule. *c can will have<br />

the necessauy Dumber of mfmitci in<br />

cUss. Easltsh <strong>class</strong>es in panicuUr<br />

should be back on the A code, to give<br />

die teachen lime to hdp sudeaa<br />

ucdenund the nwtrial covered in<br />

c!aM and 10 feivc the teachen more<br />

in.* to enrrect papers. When win we<br />

learu to write if we do not yet nuay<br />

writing auigoraents?<br />

Please help change some <strong>class</strong>es<br />

back to the A code. We all need the<br />

break.<br />

Talia Ebrlich

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