Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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L>VTtfl<br />

San Francisco s Oldest Hleh Scnoot Newspaper<br />

>W«v IH. Nattier 2 llUltlt Sc(«W. Sir Fnnclwo. CllltornU 0JI.12 November I. .'945<br />

Students abuse<br />

school building<br />

Bj- D4fla Foot<br />

LowcU hi« Keen tttuataj w iu present<br />

locatioo tw tboul 25 yean anU<br />

lime hat aba iu ttU on the building.<br />

b» why Un'i anything being dote to<br />

return the physical condition tack to<br />

iu origin*] %txai?<br />

Wev an. I tear ha cud hirrtrails<br />

tn Iwscn, light bultu to burn out,<br />

tui tiles to faJ, but mUuie and vandausxn<br />

hive depleted tie money allotted<br />

to ftx thoe things.<br />

Many problems. Mich a* broken<br />

doon end windos*. need to be fixed<br />

bttrwiiaCy ftrscctirity reuom. but<br />

other necessities, vii as dcaninp the<br />

boMtf, are ncglfctcd becauv or<br />

M*oy things hive also raalfm-c*<br />

tioncrf ba ha*? act been repaired.<br />

Freshman SaniyLcigh Webiter-<br />

Wocg tta.ed, "I :htnk Uut <strong>Lowell</strong> ti<br />

" Jo need of some serious repairs. I've<br />

noticed many water fouc^ains not<br />

woriusg nut hrai not going oo when<br />

h'* wanted bat fcoing on when it<br />

pablcm is misuse. <strong>The</strong><br />

jcrioua eiample it the<br />

mortem. Mary stjdenti do not<br />

b«J** u dan up alter themselves<br />

«al csnr uauaiury conditions and<br />

phasbiag pcoMons.<br />

r-rindpu Alan Fibtsh ccrorocMed.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> gab flndi sanitary riplirtt<br />

down &« uilcu instead of puttin;<br />

n*m la the. itt* between the sutfs.<br />

j*[Wi Btftac Fttotog »oikt paper or<br />

.Qiper tovtls in tLs sink u another<br />

F**** K PrcKtpal Gloria<br />

V cm get tU<br />

** P P<br />

f ferctorc. u awxhet<br />

;ggf«. Fftuh staled. "Misuw U<br />

^•tlnto the cafeteria and pulling<br />

ggS*? fc° tbe counyani. <strong>The</strong>n.<br />

« pwpwcMB, the chair tails<br />

Mfimfa."<br />

artists ignore Fibish's warning<br />

minor, HK'h u picture* drawn on a<br />

desk, or nv/nr. wch as graffiti wiit •<br />

ten oa the walk.<br />

Desk guffiti U not uiuilv conlidcred<br />

vandalism because it can be<br />

eaitly e'eaned, but uxnciime* it<br />

more serious than pen matks. Junior<br />

Paay lo-* pointed out, "Many of the<br />

desk* are coned up and «** hud to<br />

write properly."<br />

Defective lockers arc another:<br />

of vandalism. Sophomore Giru<br />

complained. "1 could have ni_<br />

on the iccond floor instead of in Uie<br />

back of the auditorium if they fixed<br />

lornc of the lockrrs. but inueatl<br />

they're used for garbac.<br />

Vandaltim has alto c*uwJ many<br />

ceiling panels and lighting future*<br />

around roonu 238 and iS^ to be<br />

rciuiiig. Fibish explained. "Ceiling<br />

tiles get ouihcd out cf the way. <strong>The</strong>n<br />

undents jump up and honr on tu the<br />

fixtuies. <strong>The</strong> fixturn break and fdtl.<br />

When they arc brokui, it it cheaper<br />

to replace them with a ceiling ttlc 'j<br />

in put in a tew fixture."<br />

<strong>The</strong> major vandjUun problem U<br />

graffiti anwnd the building. <strong>The</strong><br />

situation is Selling won* and tcotc<br />

cxrensivt. Recently. Fibuh amuvneed<br />

that hr would gi« a reward to the<br />

student who identifies the penon or<br />

[icnos* who wn*e. "Hi Jennifer"<br />

anJ other phnocs on the outside wall.<br />

On (XuJho arc writing<br />

here are alto at BaJtoa High School,<br />

writing en mailboxes in the Sunset<br />

District, 011 buse* and in (he Foretl<br />

Hill Station." Fihiih aflgrly commemed.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> has been rcccnJy hit with<br />

what Fibish refcrv fir was S71.4M.<br />

Thus fat this year, from Julv I<br />

through September 23. the SFUSD<br />

has ipent 537^64 to reuwve the unslghJy<br />

graffiti.<br />

Along with the iforciewwocJ remnval<br />

cou*. there are the repnuuing<br />

cnts that must be fin-m il. Decutse<br />

of recurring graffiti, thv. *fi jty of the<br />

paint work b reduced, and painting<br />

must be done more often than would<br />

othrrwuc be necessary.<br />

Having been unable to find a solution<br />

to the problem, Fibish decided<br />

to offer "a highly coveted award" to<br />

the studrnt who could provide infjfnutinn<br />

leading to the arrest and conviction<br />

of the vuiprit or culpriu.<br />

<strong>The</strong> rcw-oru frt ihc Uudenl is that<br />

he or she will be able to KheJuk hit<br />

or her <strong>class</strong>es fint Cor their remaining<br />

semesters at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Student* have hecr* urged to be on<br />

the look-out for gralfili onut« at wock<br />

ark! to report any su'picMius looking<br />

Miuatinm directly to Fibish. the<br />

dcom. or any nlicr faculty memrtcr.<br />

FibLJi tltwribcs the whole *inufion<br />

s« "embarnuiinj" and a "terrible<br />

waste of money."<br />

"We may have to spend up to<br />

$100,000 it yew to remove jra/fiti.<br />

This money could haw. been added<br />

to the tibnuy furd or used to hfae<br />

nn u\,"<br />

recalls Fonunillo. •<strong>The</strong>y told Jean<br />

»hc had pretty hair. jnU ion of leaned<br />

toward u« u if tliey wrre I*x>ling<br />

for nomething."<br />

Fontaaiilo U*rn decided it was time<br />

to go and itooJ up to w*it for Poco<br />

to gather her belonging*. At thit<br />

point, one of the men poimed to her<br />

netVlacc, aikcd if the really needed<br />

it. anJ then sna*chcd it from her neck.<br />

"1 vat so ? " uij Fw»lanillo.<br />

"I jtitr Mid, *Cnc it back!"<br />

tally forcefully, and tried to grab i:<br />

out of hi* fiu. I screamed. 'WTLJI'I<br />

the matter with you?' and for tome<br />

reawjn he loowmcd ^i gra«p. ] I<br />

/>* my nrckltw K K "<br />

Ewoki see<br />

Frsni there, the g»U wtnl t ^<br />

10 principal Aim FiHi*h. anl nrportnl<br />

the then.<br />

Dr. Fihiih «erj fiKxball coach and<br />

hall side Bill Tuuumrpo 30! Dean<br />

J^mci Thonut t>ul m search for the<br />

ynunc. men. A f>!w minutc\ latrr.<br />

I-1 huh armed ai tltc faculty parking<br />

iirt to find TutaMm^to, fhiKna^, the<br />

twii lhic%c%. and n patrol car.<br />

WHJI hod luppcnnl *»a* that t'»e<br />

cjr the >otmg men had hecndnvir.y<br />

hod K*cun iu ti%ctheot. anJ the)<br />

dnnc 11 miu the faculty lot to wait for<br />

the engine to cool down.<br />

At ihe ume time, wm: p»Ii.emcn<br />

•n a pacing patrol car mxiced the<br />

young moles uanding by a car with<br />

a raided hood, and went over 10 investigate.<br />

Just then. Tut3KM.)pu ^nd<br />

Thomas arrived on the Kcnc followed<br />

by Fibish, and finally the two<br />

girl*, uhu identified the thief.<br />

Up»»n further in volition, the<br />

police found three more foM chaim<br />

in the glove compartment of the<br />

overheated car. One male was arrested<br />

and chargcO with larceny, and<br />

a* Fibitfc put it. "Jruticc was serv-<br />

ed."<br />

Fibish then proceeded to ouL« M<br />


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