Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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I<br />

Athletes of the month<br />

'HiLmtll.'6 pby to win. and tl^y give the<br />

tame all they've got. It's 4 100 percent<br />

effort from evcryooe.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y have the drive <strong>The</strong>y really<br />

want to wio. <strong>The</strong>y CM he behind 100<br />

and come bock to win 35-16. like in<br />

their gwrs .-gainst Atlanta.<br />

Tbcx is Joe Montana the quarterback<br />

who scrarnMc*»g«thcnr*t<br />

down when no rwehen are open. He<br />

has a great arm. great timing and he<br />

rarely gets sacked. Although 1< is<br />

married, there are Mill teenage girli<br />

who have his picture up in their<br />

lockers. But the question U do they<br />

hive his picture up becuite hcua<br />

good quarterback ? Who u to say?<br />

Some of the other key members of<br />

the team are the Fab Four — Ortlan<br />

Willianonn. Dwignt Hicks. Run»ic<br />

Loo. and Eric Wright - the key to<br />

one of the heat defenses in Fony-<br />

Nincr huiorj-.<br />

Thcr there x> UHI walih.<br />

Sotitthiftg about Wa.sh'i cnxninj; u<br />

unmatched by any other. He rarely<br />

U seen angry on the udclincs. Kt !:r<br />

does tell the 49crs *hen they are not<br />

up to their uuu' uandinh.<br />

But just as Walsh has cipcctalKKU<br />

of his players NO do their fan*.<br />

Good tuck to thj Ntncn for another<br />

Sunn •eason!<br />

B« Vlckl Ho<br />

"Senior L>u 1 akemoto rpoi Mnuck<br />

the tptrit of the ttam. She U a lurd<br />

worker a good organucr. *»J a<br />

tribute to the school," vrlleyball<br />

coach Lee Silvcntcin enthused about<br />

this month's tcnulc Uhlete.<br />

Cuirently captain of <strong>Lowell</strong>'i<br />

team, Takemoto's interest in<br />

volleyball fini began luck in junior<br />

higli school.<br />

Her ncu team effort was with a nationwHe<br />

league called the I) ailed<br />

Slates Volleyball Association. After<br />

many competition*. Takemoto's team<br />

qualifrd to compete in the Junior Nattotuis<br />

held tn Los Angcfcv.<br />

Takemolo waited unit her<br />

sophomore year to Join <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

volleyball team. She is now entering<br />

her third season<br />

"Volleyball b a sport in which the<br />

members muu work as a learn. Tl*y<br />

cannnt work as individuals. Oiv iting<br />

1 nofival about our team is that we<br />

work together. We're all pretty<br />

close," explained the .^4>uin.<br />

Gina Yoo. team volleyball player<br />

commented, "It's e«y 10 admire<br />

Liu. She has the patience to wick<br />

with us no nutter what!"<br />

Other extracurricular activities in<br />

which Takcmn* . is involved include<br />

being president of the Japanese Club<br />

•nd playing the violin in the schrol<br />

orchestra.<br />

Academkaily. Tnkerooto comiden<br />

herself to be okay. "I have no major<br />

problems. Overall 1 gel about a 3.2<br />

(grade point)." she sUted.<br />

In addition to her vhool life,<br />

Takemoto U alsc very active in the<br />

community.<br />

" I enjoy working wfch Lids to I do<br />

a lot of babysitting aod working in<br />

day carrps." said Takemoto.<br />

Takctnoto U alu a pnrt of the Son<br />

Francisco Youth Orchestra which<br />

mcew every Saturday. Along with<br />

•hat. Uw is very involved In her<br />

church group, *nd keeps a partCme<br />

job after school.<br />

"A lot of people ask why I take all<br />

these reipcmitnliiies, uhy I keep<br />

myself so bury. I think it's just part<br />

of my nature. I like 10 Keep busy,"<br />

confessed Takemoto.<br />

She added, "1 do get kind of sick<br />

aM burnt out owe in a while, but a<br />

simple vacation or a weekend spent<br />

at home will lift me K-* up."<br />

"E«en though lisa has a lot nfcxtrafurricutar<br />

activities, she is<br />

dedicate! and gives her all in<br />

everything she does." praUed junior<br />

Diana T*-->i.<br />

TaVonoto i* not sure of what vul*<br />

Icge she will attend after graduation.<br />

She does plan, however, to major in<br />

caily cnik*hood dcvelopnrfK or child<br />

psychology wherever she cay go.<br />

When asked if the plans 10 play<br />

college volleyball. Takemoto leplied.<br />

"It nil depends on where I go. what<br />

land or Kim they have, and whether<br />

I'd be cood enough for that team. I'll<br />

itill be playing U other co-cd lour*<br />

naments with my friends though."<br />

Soccer team kicks off season<br />

By Frank D'Amnio<br />

After a winning season tax year.<br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> vanity soccer team U<br />

looking forward to an even better<br />

season this ye»r.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Indians are loaded with expericnerd<br />

playe: as virtually the<br />

same team from last year return* this<br />

season, the only exception tztag at<br />

center forward, where junior Scan<br />

FoUn has replaced hts brother Steve,<br />

who graduated last year.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y think that<br />

Mission is so greet<br />

that they can't beat<br />

them ..."<br />

Cayains Hung Lc and Eric<br />

Vcrhoogcn, seniors Oscar<br />

Dclgadillo, Vadim Brenner. Walter<br />

Albro. Hein Ptum, juniors Jon Bernttctn.<br />

Robby Chandler. Folan, Luii<br />

Gonzak/, David Hunt. Mitchell<br />

Duncsu. and All-City goalie Kevin<br />

kueda have returned from last year.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> iiniihed in third place<br />

behind Misikhi and Balboa with a<br />

respectable ten wins, six losses, and<br />

fuur ties Uu seasm. Tfcey have made<br />

the playoffs in 15 of the last 17<br />

teaiOM uader cmch Ernst Feibusch.<br />

but have been unable to win the<br />

champkxistiip. This year, however,<br />

with a mature starting line-op and a<br />

pothive aoitude. tficre is a good<br />

chance to caange that.<br />

After losing their Tint two pre-<br />

season games and tying the third, the<br />

Indians have won their Ust three in<br />

a row before the regular season<br />

opener. <strong>The</strong>y shut-out both University<br />

High and Piner by scores of I -0<br />

and 2-0, respectively, and then beat<br />

Mann Academy, wtmm they had lost<br />

to in ai earlier prc-sezuMi game, by<br />

a score of 4-2.<br />

Alter the game, coach Feil««ch<br />

liked what he «w. saying "I defmitrly<br />

scr a^. improvement over the Tim<br />

couple of games. Before. th=y "ere<br />

playing sloppy."<br />

Although Miuion t* good, coach<br />

Fctpusch doesn't think ttiey ire<br />

unbeatable. According to Feibusch,<br />

"<strong>Lowell</strong> players have this thing about<br />

Million. <strong>The</strong>y think Mission it so<br />

great that they can't beat them, but<br />

if they didn't think about it so much<br />

and juu ptaynl tough. I realty think<br />

:hcy could beat diem."<br />

On October 21. ^<br />

in an AAA Pageint at the Beach<br />

Qufct &n! took ICTTKV) ptacc, besting<br />

Uncolu M and Balboa 3-0. with<br />

rcilbnck Rob^y Chandler playing<br />

goalie and about a half squAdof JV*s<br />

in place of vanity- player*, but losing<br />

to Mission in the final by • *core<br />

of 2-1.<br />

On Tuesday, September 24.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> trounced defending champions<br />

Mii*ica by a scott of 4-1.<br />

Turling 1-0 at the half, tbc Indians<br />

rallied behind goals by Oscar<br />

Delgadillo. David Hunt. Wairer<br />

Alfaro. and Luis Conzaks to be*.'<br />

their arch-rivals forr the ftru time In<br />

almoi; 20 yean, making them tbe<br />

team to Ibeat Ws season.<br />

SP0/U55//0E5<br />

I-V8 Ckmtrl SUM<br />


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