Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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OCIOBW 4. IMS<br />


UB40-Reggae rappers<br />

By Da*U Hurt<br />

UB40 tu broken tradition by<br />

obmbutlng LUsie BagsariddUn. a<br />

fUxy specimen of vinyl refuse inicrbdcn<br />

wfch marketing gambits to<br />

men the enwary listener.<br />

It's obvirm that UB40 was eager<br />

to release this little bag of in*<br />

competence since there are only tlx<br />

tnng** one of which ban old UB tune<br />

uj the otfcrr b the bmumcntil \erlioatrf<br />

what UB40 hoped woult* -<br />

the key song. "1 CV Yon P.- - '<br />

UB40 WVAI lit^c utu r^ ttt'ti venture<br />

ilv> became "I Go* You Babe"<br />

*w od* 1 7»Hy performed and con*<br />

cet-V/jy Sonny and Cher. It was u<br />

•.,,. wd publicity maneuver tor the<br />

to? w> choc*c Chritsk Hynle, a<br />

; renuere female vocalist of<br />

Ptctendcn fame, to support AJi<br />

Cambd) in (hb *wr.<br />

Tbe song. thanfcftiDy. 4e?ara from<br />

tbc syntbetiicr chaos that made Gtffrry<br />

Morton. US40*« bit album, a<br />

rocn dEgreuion, but In part* the<br />

vocali leem to be vying for pointoo<br />

whh the music.<br />

"Dool Break My Hem" b ctseotially<br />

what works for UWO and this<br />

sons b no exception. Tight choral<br />

unity enshrouds All Cambell's liking<br />

voice, backed by a solid reggae beat.<br />

"One In Ten," from an earlier<br />

UB40 album is a good choke for the<br />

FP became a showcases ihs horn sectior<br />

which » seldom heard on the<br />

other tn ;ki. <strong>The</strong> song is inuaemcly<br />

up Vat cooifwcd to the rest of the<br />

rccnrd aod as&tdy tackles the tut:<br />

or people losing individual identty<br />

jnd becoming mere ,u.Htics.<br />

UB40 demonsttvtes how they won<br />

"Rifgae Bat>d of the Year 1944" in<br />

the editor's poll of Kotting Stone<br />

magazine with Mi Splif, a Jamaican<br />

braad of rapping **Jed "toastxs" in<br />

an alien direct of English.<br />

It's fluing that "Hip Hep Lyrical<br />

Robot" should foUow Ml Splif<br />

ty«^n"*- U&tO nulxs a lame attempt<br />

at American rappine,. With pseudo<br />

70s eiprcuiorts lite "cool cat" this<br />

•cog b better left unsung. PMO. who<br />

has helped out on a numbe. of<br />

English Beat songs b responsible for<br />

chantiig this inept disgrace.<br />

<strong>The</strong> British version of thit album.<br />

dabbed BauariJJim. bouu ten if<br />

more songs. Hopefully UB40 w-11<br />

realize they can't cheat their fans in<br />

the United States.<br />

Kabuki closes - no more concerts<br />

By Mure fbder<br />

It has been ukl, "Mott-y makts<br />

the world go around." <strong>The</strong> trut*i to<br />

this ttaU:mnt is somewhat questionable.<br />

However, "Money can<br />

make the difference between succeu<br />

or faihrc." cuuld be nuitnl at<br />

words of wisdom.<br />

la the case oT the Kabuki nightckb.<br />

nxmey, or the lack thereof, pUjcd a<br />

major role In its closure. In fact, the<br />

financial lirutou was to bad »hat the<br />

club's demise was inevitable.<br />

According to a tpoLrspcrson fir<br />

the Kabuli. the dub was privately<br />

owned, not owned by the Cry.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore, since it was mVlng no<br />

profit and the o-vner eventually filed<br />

for bankruptcy, the Federal Court<br />

forced him to liquidate his asset*.<br />

which included the Kabuki. <strong>The</strong><br />

spokesperson asked to remain<br />

anonymous, and the owner wu<br />

unavailable for questioning.<br />

Many new, local bands like uV Uptooes.<br />

struggling ta gain popularity<br />

were given a chance in perform at the<br />

Kabuki. Alw. esublishcd bands such<br />

as Hue? Lcwa and the N«T»% and <strong>The</strong><br />

Tube* pUycd thttc it was only a<br />

nutter or time until the poor »twadance<br />

for thr newer bands avpkJ<br />

-vfcJi the i*rmt salaries Tor the .wore<br />

popular bands caused the eventual<br />

bankruptcy.<br />

Local bands,<br />

struggling to gain<br />

popularity, were<br />

given a chance to<br />

perform at the<br />

Kabuki. _<br />

An adtLtkxul branch of the Kabuhi<br />

was the Noh Club. Thb w<br />

about humanity, friendship, lad the<br />

ahatwinj of acir-laposal fesen on<br />

Us sad.<br />

Tbe movie's plot b. on die face of<br />

It, cjoite simple: • hard, dedinttd<br />

poUticalprjcocifValcMinArrciul,<br />

playeel hj Raul Jolia) lesraf some of<br />

the Joy of linrtnimi. eivtaf. and<br />

rocaxc thtm(h Us aonaloance with<br />

i oopden roraanric (Uilf Molina.<br />

. played by William Hun). *to Is<br />

himidf leamSng frorc the soldier<br />

about pride, about setf-respect, and<br />

about fithtlnj tor a Cause.<br />

Valentin h a proud, trnykUint<br />

warrior far an wakr|rottaj resistance<br />

force. Molina U a homoscatal who<br />

escapes real life through old romandc<br />

rnovka, ahlch he iteoonts to the<br />

unappreciative Valentin with<br />

. "«" "'•* cmnlsfm and flfluua.<br />

• • 'Two oca with suoi raOirtUy Afferent<br />

poiots of view must tvgve.<br />

mult constantly confront each other.<br />

A debate rages through the movie<br />

about the importance of romantic<br />

love, which Molina comunJy and<br />

fruitlessly drives for. and politics, the<br />

fight 1 for a Cause, for which Valentin<br />

faithfully but vainly battles.<br />

In the film's carl) suges, Valentin<br />

Is entertained by Molina's movie<br />

stone*, but at heart loathe* the nun<br />

be sees as frivolous, queer, and<br />

esxcntDly sclfes of<br />

Valentin.<br />

Through Molina's movies and<br />

because of the oonvcrucions and co><br />

frucations between the two. each<br />

mo breaks out of the mold he has<br />

can for himsdf—each begins to appreciate<br />

-ra aspect of life which he has<br />

never before experienced.<br />

What Manud Puig expressed tn hb<br />

book, aod what the movies conveys<br />

admirably, b that it b human nature<br />

to change: that mm cannot and<br />

shoull not bbd hb sou! so as to limit<br />

it to ooe direction, one pupose oo*<br />

knul Julia, WUUnm Hart C*»* nupcrb pcrfonntDccs ta "Spider Woman."<br />

ty. It b both natural and essentiil to<br />

•-hanfcc; even the hardest mac. to be<br />

(Uinun. must e^hiMl sonu softneu,<br />

and even the loftest people must<br />

(J : sol*y a little cLetcrmication an)<br />

•elf-respect.<br />

William Hun b outstanding as<br />

M>na, thegay window dresser who '<br />

mtrudes upon and forever alien<br />

Valentin's lurrowly political point of<br />

view arxl ambitioos. He b convincingly,<br />

but not exaggeratedly,<br />

feminine, as • chancier who considers<br />

himsdf born to be a wctnan,<br />

describing his male physical<br />

char*acri=ttcs as a "niisukc." He<br />

conveys a powerful tense of the<br />

agony of • man Ol^uittd to hb world,<br />

and tbe euphoria of that man rscap*<br />

ing into a fantasy world.<br />

Raul Julia delivers a solVJ performance<br />

as a revolutionary journalist<br />

who discovers pauton. fantasy, and<br />

rcauu> c after living a life dwlicalfd<br />

to hb Ciisc. He b the example of the<br />

inherent capability of huTan beings<br />

to change, to better their own<br />

existence.<br />

Sooia brjga, in her fint English*<br />

spcalmg movie rote, plays three puns<br />

in the movie: a World War U French<br />

oigtetub singa. Valentin's ex-lover,<br />

and the Spider Woman. <strong>The</strong><br />

cbantctuc, i*; •he is most often seen,<br />

b essentially » light partly of a<br />

1940*1 B*mnvic uartet. and Braga<br />

handles the role '4bh rclbh. playing<br />

her put tp the rn lodnmatic hilt.<br />

KUs of the Slider Woman b a<br />

fascinating film 'iota human naturr<br />

and friendship. <strong>The</strong> film's rocssagcf<br />

are often subtle aod complex, with a<br />

great deal of symbolism and many<br />

roetopborical rduionshipi. It has little<br />

action, but has more inttUcctual<br />

meat then a*most any film cuncetly<br />

playing. <strong>The</strong> Hire's uniquely<br />

enlightened perspective makes it a<br />

powerful, moving experience<br />

•':•/• V<br />

After p<br />

to ovei<br />

Bruce Sprtl<br />

Lit)<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'i<br />

hchievcriV<br />

ell's Ii

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