Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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flare 10, V* Unmll, Oewtxr 4. It<br />

-• PROFILES<br />

Gourmet pizza at Vicolo's<br />

Arc yoB tired of going boo a pizza<br />

place and eatta* the same old Und of<br />

pizza? Do salad bars with tow.,<br />

witad lettuce make you ID? Are you<br />

tired of seeing tacky plastic grapes<br />

hanging from a ffeHls on the ceiling?<br />

If so, Vkolo Pizzeria is the place<br />

for yrat Locarcd r* 201 Ivy St.,<br />

Vtcolo'f offers a contemporary Ait<br />

Deco stia?ofpbeii3 for those who<br />

would like to experience tie newest<br />

wave of toltn food: "Kocnna"<br />

Evcrythiii( at Vicolo is prepared<br />

fresh, and the mem, althouth<br />

somewhsl linked. dM(n dvly. Sta<br />

EitMi petto to vcgrt^rtaxi to iiaSffli<br />

couonly $2.23-57.65 per slice Tii.<br />

puxl, widi Hs biscuit style c?ust aid<br />

fresh bale and spices, has a very unij,<br />

cpe gourfiict flavor.<br />

Fnah salad* ate abundant<br />

Vicolo, and range from SI JO a<br />

S2.5O. DctvrtJ. web a* UiIUi. fcc<br />

cmm> and zucotto, a Oorcottnc<br />

whipped cake, arc mOable tec $1 JO<br />

to 55.75.<br />

An aulrr foumct meal lor uuder<br />

$6 mrM* the majority of nutoroen<br />

to vicoto. However, ooe m the raos*<br />

interesting iiinp about Viculo is its<br />

atmosphere.<br />

Piuk. tenured valU, bbek trim,<br />

aad enronw fttrsfch the modem inirrior.<br />

while a cafetcna style uwnter<br />

•dds a coxy and Intimate touch. A<br />

tantalizing atoms of fresh herbs and<br />

•pices greets customer* as they wtlfc<br />

In. and one can view » hanging<br />

chalkboard with the menu while<br />

wxi&g in line.<br />



Kam's Chinese Restaurant:<br />

delectable food and an<br />

inexhaustible menu<br />

By RoUnda Clnl<br />

Looud aoi to (be Bi&ot Uieaier. Kun'i is but ooe<br />

of four Cbineie rcstaonnts oo the block. Why are the<br />

cihtr rrtJinnnn empty while people foim i line out<br />

tfc doer to at u Kam's?<br />

Onoe inude, one is nnprbod. for ainaziugly enough,<br />

ooe isn't blinded, h* is surrounded by wooden panel*<br />

log tat a bride tiled floor. In fact, the place would not<br />

look like a Chinos restaurant, tut for one c two<br />

Oriental plintingj.<br />

U usuaUy tuU.<br />

<strong>The</strong> secret to iu success? <strong>The</strong> prices. <strong>The</strong>y offer ><br />

variety of different "dinners" for rcmarkab'- prices.<br />

<strong>The</strong> best buy is "Kam's Special Dinner." in which<br />

ooe receives 1 five course weal including soup and an<br />

appetber tor eiater S4.40 or $5.40 per person, depending<br />

on which selection of dUbcs one chooses.<br />

Table Sfjce is very "mhed, but a<br />

courier •* avdlible, and a •varm.<br />

friendly atmo»}>here results from ihii<br />

.Soscncu.<br />

LocaaO near the Opera House and<br />

Davies Hall. Vicola ccemt to attract<br />

the "yuppie" genenrxm. Tecn-«gen<br />

would be comfortable d-aing bere, as<br />

there b no "drew code."<br />

Vicolo provide* a much needed<br />

change frwn the stcrtotypic km<strong>class</strong>,<br />

/sT-food pizu place. Teenagers<br />

now hnvc a fo-trwet muunn*<br />

to enjoy with mar r.ttads uae is incxpctiiive.<br />

yet clusy.<br />

Vicolo is open Monday through<br />

Friday frccn 11:30 a.m. to )!:30<br />

p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.<br />

oo Saturday and Su.->day. Pxfkingoa<br />

th? street b limited, but there are<br />

many paridsg leu b the are* • Vicc*o<br />

is very populate so expect a 15-"<br />

ninvte wait oo Saturday nights.<br />

Obcr dinners fur two rxrvxu or rrwie, include seven<br />

cou a and range from $5.40 to S7.4O. <strong>The</strong>se special*<br />

co> ut of Kam's recommended dishes and are perfect<br />

fo' 2iosc who don't exactly know what to order, yet<br />

* tt something good.<br />

uwther bonus besides Ihc prk both udoo . :%

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