Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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SAB revises<br />

dance policy<br />

Bjr Cticr.c Soiled<br />

Tl« new lliuCcn Activitiu Boan]<br />

(SAB) daacc nila created lau<br />

•raicilcr after Mortc Carlo Nighl in<br />

April will continue u be in cffccl Cot<br />

u Ida die nc» . luce.<br />

<strong>The</strong> danrc will end at 10:30 and •<br />

no-juai poll^ will be olxcrved.<br />

Pltviou dun* hire ended at II and<br />

uudcou have tern allixvnj to bring<br />

plan fiun other Khcols.<br />

"Alter icwre dmdant and Kcurily<br />

problems u Mow Cirlo NiEhl. you<br />

can't really blame than (the admiontnlioo)<br />

for laying that vre cat't<br />

have piou." stated Cigi Kaa. SAB<br />

dance commiuioaer.<br />

Katt added that it aaj alwayt been<br />

atab.it San Fnnciico School Board<br />

policy to let dances last iny later than<br />

10.<br />

Dean Poulakida). SAB chairman,<br />

commented. "One of the main<br />

reasons for the no-ffucst rule is that<br />

most of die problems U-M we've had<br />

at past dances arose from guests."<br />

"Many students have been upset<br />

with the new rules." Hated<br />

V^ophomorc Ashley Boyd.<br />

Sophomore Vivian yee elaborated.<br />

"It's not the unj when in* dams<br />

art with iV same people you ice<br />

every et we don't<br />

even get a nermaMucd room."<br />

respuraded SAB Chairpenon Dean<br />

PoulaVklav<br />

Cs it essential that the rooms be IUcC<br />

a* <strong>class</strong>room?<br />

"This b highly desirable." co*nmett^d<br />

Fibuh.<br />

"...whenever difficJiics ariw.<br />

•tudent gmcrnment bat the top of the<br />

I'U 'o get pushed around. Yet 1 do<br />

ruli/c that the main focus of an<br />

audemic education is to learn. In thb<br />

light, we mutt concede the<br />

looms..." stated Aviv Laurence.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Executive Counrl iLEC)<br />

chairpenon.<br />

Co.ernmc t meeting are now being<br />

held in room 254 and room 260.<br />

"If all we are doing w^s having<br />

meeting*, the situation would be<br />

O.K.. but because we do so much<br />

more. Jxr situation i* terrible." uaicd<br />

Poulakidu.<br />

\Vhen askod if there will be another<br />

executive student government room.<br />

LEC spomor Cart Kcmg replied.<br />

"Not for J long time."<br />

"Ti\e 2 lh From<br />

Coast-to-Coast<br />

Jeni i Moo<br />

'It's Fresh'<br />

for freshmen<br />

By Melank Montercnie<br />

A bout 250 freshmen attended their<br />

first -lance, "It's Fresh." sponsored<br />

by th; <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive Council<br />

(LEO on September IS in the<br />

cafeteria.<br />

AtthesrajioruV'lancc. ooly »<br />

few fresftnxo were piacnt. "So far.<br />

the dance tti&'a because no rreshmen<br />

ire here." oared freshnuu Coond<br />

Chu.<br />

"If more people showed up and if<br />

people bad more spirit, it would have<br />

been a great opening freshman<br />

dance." expressed freshman Eva<br />

Burchard.<br />

Aviv Launnce, LEC Chairperson,<br />

mewtonct' that the dance was ju« an<br />

**. .. informal get-together to liven<br />

up the spiril of ihc Clas* of *(K "<br />

<strong>The</strong> iafomultry of the dance was<br />

viiibtc tn l):al the LEC provided free<br />

drinks instead of telling them, held<br />

th: dance in the afternoon, ana<br />

prepared the music.<br />

Th: musk; played inclu-kd songs<br />

fiom the Untouchables. a-Ha.<br />

Wham!. B-52's. and Princt.<br />

"If you could dance u> the nnuic.<br />

it (the dunce) wwJd have been better.<br />

. ." stated freshman Dark-lie<br />

"People kept coining and going.<br />

but at the end of the dance. I w as gbd<br />

to see that there were much mots<br />

freshmen." announced freshman<br />

Alexander B. Chan.<br />

Near the conclusion of the dance,<br />

there was an tirMftoal <strong>class</strong> chant.<br />

"It's Froh" was the second dance<br />

in <strong>Lowell</strong> binary to welcome the new<br />

FrcsLman Class. Preparations for the<br />

dance began on September 5.<br />

**<strong>The</strong> effort of the sophomore end<br />

upper<strong>class</strong>ci (in organizing the dance)<br />

was grea !'* exclaimed Burchard.<br />

26 KtlSSI STiU:fcT<br />


CAUI-tlRXIA'.Mlls<br />




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