Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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"•»» t, Vu lowHl. October 4. I9U<br />


Spirit Week<br />

iContinutd from page 0<br />

<strong>class</strong>man truing quite w h<br />

he said. "<strong>The</strong>y tell us to drew la *rd<br />

and wtiittamJwhcn weoVilhr r rip*<br />

IX US."<br />

Freshmen captorv third placr.<br />

Koostanttne Tc£&s had high iwpcj<br />

for his <strong>class</strong>. "<strong>The</strong> fre*4tntan <strong>class</strong> is<br />

gotny to show who tltey really ore on<br />

Spirit Day!"<br />

On Tuesday, it •.as the sophomores'<br />

turn to iHr< v their spirit.<br />

Many (ophotnorcs were stating<br />

red and white, most regiurics were<br />

coi.tr*. J.j decorated, and the hallways<br />

displayed banncn saying<br />

"Has* of ( M."<br />

A tew sopltMnorci. such as Ncdja<br />

McNeil, even itreased up like Indian;<br />

in order to show their spirit to the<br />

school.<br />

Sophomore Gcorgeac Puulakidji<br />

commented, "More people hate fidten<br />

spirited this year. Last year people<br />

>igncd up to commraecf but they<br />

d Ja't do anything. This year renre<br />

people ar? hclp'na, io create a very<br />

tptrttcd atmosphere.<br />

Jeany Dubner agreed that Sopho*<br />

it wx ;ood. Even a junior told me<br />

w."<br />

"We were very loud, rowdy, and<br />

red." said Laura Garcia.<br />

One anonymous sophonurc didn't<br />

share their enthusiasm. "1 thought<br />

certain sopbornuies .ttrtttl really<br />

bard but in general they didn't work,<br />

as hard at they should have."<br />

<strong>The</strong> attractive sophunore tec shtrtf<br />

were very popular; trcast-rrr Jenny<br />

Kao appfottmatcd the cU«s made<br />

about $500 prafh.<br />

<strong>The</strong> next day was Wednesday airJ<br />

<strong>The</strong> sopbouorr song gfeti strut<br />

their staff.<br />

JtnCor Dty, Th*: Junior were tmc to<br />

uieir sloftn, "Be true to your<br />

school". <strong>The</strong> junior registries had<br />

bcea decon&d in red aad white<br />

streamers. baUokM, and big signs<br />

promoting the On? of "87. <strong>The</strong> secorrf<br />

fioor baB«iy WM decorated with<br />

Ureamen and many lockcn were<br />

decorsMd. It looked as if every junior<br />

*i» wearing r»4 aad white,<br />

hi C f Pjl h<br />

isked if she thovgbt the junior dais<br />

was goto* to be carnprtmno foi the<br />

•CT^ sail.'*Wc are defautriyb the<br />

Alex Itsattmkjr dncila dice «n><br />

"... oc caoc?h publicity, DO DCWI-<br />

PVcn. radio ads. or Uhnpi." mil<br />

.-t it ' r -• .sdoy. *o thry<br />

did t*z> pa •» " *t-*m on Junior<br />

Day.<br />

Thursday moroifn <strong>Lowell</strong> Hmh<br />

School haJ been faauornwit into<br />

"Scniorfand".<br />

<strong>The</strong> senior clau had decorated<br />

o -ry area cf-Sti<br />

reptuc<br />

HOUK<br />

She added ti<br />

PTSA fw Vii<br />


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