Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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AIDS furor hits<br />

public schools<br />

By Slad Budcn ud<br />

GabyCarrfJo<br />

Acquired Immune Seficiaicy Syndrome<br />

(AIDS) h a lire-threatening<br />

impairment or the body', immune<br />

system: AIDS prevents Ihe system<br />

from wiping out invading gerau. virtues,<br />

or other Infections.<br />

AIDS w first idcatMcd la Ihe<br />

United Suta in 1S»I atnonf horao-<br />

Knial comcutidca in New York and<br />

Los Angele*. Ibe number of cues<br />

l>as rises fnatry since thcn—anl cooonus<br />

10 die.<br />

Trc latest statistics show that<br />

12,932 people htve contracted the<br />

disease and 6.491 of them have died.<br />

<strong>The</strong> disease has reached epidemic<br />

pnvcrtions and is the number one<br />

health issue of the decade.<br />

Currently, tho most disputed hsue<br />

of the AIDS cootro»my is whether<br />

to admit children with AIDS into the<br />

public school system. <strong>The</strong> most corn- -<br />

nion ways which children get AIDS<br />

is blood transfusions and from the<br />

mother while still a fetus.<br />

demand psrenul concern; ir you<br />

think your kids ore having sex and<br />

doing dni»s during clan, then yuu're<br />

right for taking ihan out." one junior<br />

answered.<br />

Another junior reacted dirTcrcntly.<br />

"... <strong>The</strong> people »no are spreading<br />

It sijuild be shot (homoseuals) ...<br />

Ifone came to <strong>Lowell</strong> (AIDS victim)<br />

I would stay as far away fmm him<br />

as possible."<br />

If a teenager •Hth AIDS were enrolled<br />

in <strong>Lowell</strong>, Principal Alan<br />

Fibuh would take careful measures.<br />

"I would esk the School District to<br />

appoint a pbysicisn to make Ihe juit;<br />

meat on whether Ihe child was a»null)<br />

contagious and whether there<br />

was • danger to other cudentt. On<br />

the basis of mat qualified opinion. I<br />

would accept or refuse lo accept the<br />

child."<br />

Although nj one. as of yet. has<br />

contracted the disease through saliva.<br />

sweat, or tears, minute samples of the<br />

AIDS virus have been found in the*:<br />

substances, but these fluids are considered<br />

to br Inw-mlc.<br />

"/ wouldn't mind being their friend,<br />

but I wouldn't want to touch them."<br />

On Tuodsj. Scptebme- 10, In<br />

Hew York, more thin 18,000 children<br />

were kept from attending the<br />

first day of school ry their panicstricken<br />

parents.<br />

"What you're seeing now in<br />

school, Witt kids not going to school.<br />

is hysteria." Dr. William Vitiello,<br />

San Francisco's AIDS Prcventta<br />

Program coordinator remarkc j.<br />

T< i panic was caused by the annoo<br />

Mircitf mad* by tcJwol official*<br />

ti»M a 7-ycar-otd second grader with<br />

AIDS would be attending tn anonymous<br />

school.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Queens School District in New<br />

York is taking precautionary measures<br />

to keep the child out c* school,<br />

and until a decision is made, the second<br />

grader will not be attending<br />

regular <strong>class</strong>es.<br />

Ooscr to home, la Carmcl. California,<br />

an 8-ycarold third grader was<br />

kept out of school because he has<br />

AIDS.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Camel Unified School District<br />

stated that the chill would remain<br />

at home v. ith s tutor for Ihe next<br />

two months.<br />

"We hope to raise the icvel of<br />

awareness in Ihe community about<br />

AIDS and avoid some of the hysteris<br />

like wc'»e seen in New York." Carmel<br />

Superintendent Robert lifclise<br />

was quoted us saying.<br />

San Francisco Unified School District's<br />

policy on whether to allow<br />

AIDS duldrer. in school is lo study<br />

each case individually.<br />

In San Francisco, five cans of children<br />

with AIDS have been reported,<br />

but no child has reached school age.<br />

At <strong>Lowell</strong>, students were asked<br />

what they tbought about having AIDS<br />

victims attending their school.<br />

One sophomore replied. "1<br />

wouldn't mind being their friend, but<br />

1 wouldn't want lo touch them."<br />

For the most pan. <strong>Lowell</strong> students<br />

were well informed en AIDS. "I<br />

think that kids should be allowed to<br />

attend school because no one I've<br />

heard of has ever caught it (AIDS)<br />

from anything but sot. Wood tramfu-<br />

JIOBS, or prenatal contact. I can unfjiil<br />

Health official* have declared ibat<br />

AIDS it definitely transmitted<br />

through the exchange of bodily fluid*.<br />

Among these ire included blood.<br />

Kmcn, and body wanes.<br />

Viikllo luted, "<strong>The</strong> AIDS virus<br />

U present in saliva, but MI are other<br />

organisnu. 1< doesn't mean you have<br />

that discaic, it jvnt means thai you've<br />

been exposed to it."<br />

"For every question that you raitc<br />

(ahovt AinS) your t}ucattAm rait**<br />

more qucuion*. You'll rwver get a<br />

dcriiuie ntnwcr,'* Vilicllu added.<br />

Touching, dry kiiiim:. caiing.<br />

working, riding thebtu, living with<br />

or being near an AIDS victim pew*<br />

no risk.<br />

COntamiiutal bodU> fluids may be<br />

transferred through direct xxial contact,<br />

the sharing of i.v. needles, and<br />

blood iransfinioui.<br />

<strong>The</strong> greaur population is not at<br />

risk for AIDS. Tbc high-risk population<br />

groups have been homotcxiui<br />

men. bisexual men, intnvr~ut& drug<br />

user*. Kaitiar : iranijnuai. hemophiliacs<br />

and, more recently, prostitutes.<br />

Additkxully. blood donation* ire<br />

now ttwruutnly checked for A! US<br />

antibodies through a newly designed<br />

testing procedure.<br />

Although the situation is dire, a<br />

vaccine is predicted to appear on<br />

world market by the year 1986.<br />

When aikcd what the best advice<br />

about AIDS for the general public u.<br />

Vitiello responded, "You have to<br />

make sure you're doing something<br />

preventative. You have to have a plan<br />

in mind for yourself so at least you<br />

know ie'dc yourself that you're doing<br />

everything you can so you will<br />

not get AIDS."<br />

For more information about AIDS,<br />

the followrjg agencies arc available:<br />

Sao Francisco AIDS Foundation<br />

call86>AJDS<br />

AIPS Health Project call 626.7W0<br />

San FrapciJio General Hospital<br />

call 8214616<br />

SU9 AIDS Project call 392-0368<br />


urAT i KXATar<br />

RAYMOND l_ VIM<br />


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