Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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son! 4. 7V Lowttt, Oadtr 4. IMS<br />

NEWS.<br />

District rampant<br />

with problems<br />

iContbtmJ fivm page 1)<br />

Corocjo li receiving unmerited<br />

disability pay surftccd, but apptftntbeve<br />

not affoctal his appoiotnienl.<br />

More Importantly, in August the<br />

San Francisco Classroom Teachers<br />

Association (SFCTA). the official<br />

union oarjainiagafcnt for the ditfrict<br />

tocben, could not come to agree*<br />

mcot with the district over p«y raise*<br />

and • new schedule, among other<br />

minor issues.<br />

Judy Daivnooica, SFCTA Praln.<br />

stated that Alkxo's removal did<br />

* merit any change in the union's<br />

dealings with the district.<br />

••SupcrintcnJem tie supaiwcndciai<br />

whomever they heppea to be." the<br />

Hie stagnant force in the labor<br />

nefouatkxn wu, of course.« wage<br />

tact ease. <strong>The</strong> SFCTA demanded a 17<br />

percent Increase while the district w»<br />

only prepared to offer 4 pcrtxot.<br />

After month* of struggle, • com*<br />

promise was achieved with the help<br />

of San Francisco Board of Supervisors<br />

member Quentin Kopp.<br />

<strong>The</strong> new $6.8 million contract will<br />

give the district's 3.800 teachers a 93<br />

percent pi y increase daring the<br />

198546 school year. <strong>The</strong> wage hike<br />

will be divided into two lUges: a ti<br />

pc. -niie which began September<br />

1 ana . " "cVcnt raise effective<br />

Fcbroaty i<br />

<strong>The</strong> 4.5 perccia... ue b stitl under<br />

speoilaiioa, however. CDmejo «•<br />

pifiined that the* fuadi are scheduled<br />

to be paid by :hc state voluntary<br />

- ^^ f * f *- 'inetets no<br />

assurance we'ii get thaie hinds."<br />

Committed.<br />

Kopfoffered.". ..we have every<br />

foliation well get ibe rxecy."<br />

<strong>The</strong> 9 i pacer* salary increase wffl<br />

raise B beginning teacher's annual<br />

saluy from S18.430 to 520.273. An<br />

I experienced teacher will receive<br />


Unfortunately, the district's problems<br />

do not end with (he contract<br />

scll'cmrnt. <strong>The</strong> San Francisco<br />

Federation orTeacren (SFFT). led<br />

by former <strong>Lowell</strong> French leacher<br />

Joan-Marie Shelly. U vowinj to lead<br />

a drive lo change ihe leacher bargaining<br />

agent from the SFCTA lo the<br />

SFFT. Slated Julie Koppkh. an SFFT<br />

otnclal. "<strong>The</strong>re'll probably be<br />

another decerlification election next<br />

spring"."<br />

Replied Dellamonica. "Yet. we<br />

have no doubt they will ch»'.l:n«c u><br />

neat spring. Ai modi a> the SF AFT<br />

(SFrn wanti to defeat us -v, 4on'l<br />

think they ii succeed."<br />

<strong>The</strong> problem* between Ihe two<br />

unions stem frcm SFFTdia-ges tha<br />

t* SFCTA docs not permit non-<br />

SFCTA dues paying members to v«e<br />

on teacher tnatlen.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> SFCTA has never allowed -x.<br />

lo vote on a contract or any issue."<br />

one SFFT member stated.<br />

<strong>The</strong> SFFT ". . always tUowed<br />

teachers to vote, whether they paid<br />

dues or not. We fell we represented<br />

every teacher, and every teacher had<br />

a right lo vole." said Koppkh.<br />

Dcllamorrca presented a differing<br />

opinkM. "We doo'l male a difterenliatioa.<br />

but it's the members who piy<br />

dues who make the folicy dccistem."<br />

Tensions were cviient even at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>. For eJVmpSe. social science<br />

leacher Nancy Hayes promincn'ly<br />

displayed her AFT (Ac SFFT national<br />

organization) pin for several<br />

weeks to protest Ihe SFCTA's handling<br />

of the contract bargaining.<br />

<strong>The</strong> new contract eipircs in June<br />

of 1986. Both unions are obviously<br />

prepared to fight over the riglu to<br />

collective bargain, h is alu In June<br />

of 1986 that a permanent supcrintendccl<br />

is scheduled to be appointed.<br />

Band room burglarized<br />

bj Deeds Jones<br />

Th: <strong>Lowell</strong> Cteative Ans Departmen<br />

suffered a major lows of S32.000<br />

in stolen equipment and danwfes<br />

when the Band/Orchestra Room » as<br />

burglarired early this summer.<br />

On Friday. June 12. at arprm-<br />

Imatety I:CO a.m.. a: lea« one. but<br />

probably sncral n >er uTidemificd<br />

persons broke into rcom 70 and stok<br />

instruments ranging from fa\ophones.<br />

trumpets, trombones, and<br />

bauoons 10 string inurements, an<br />

ekwri:boss.a»yloprioneand»aric»rs<br />

percussion inslrurtimts.<br />

<strong>The</strong> liuevci. suspected by intcstigrtors<br />

ti> be »f student age. arc<br />

thoLghl lo have broken Jirou«h a<br />

'A code': Is it on its way back?<br />

ByJaiooMlntl<br />

Rmember the days when free<br />

mods weren't just atreasured huury<br />

of the part? Those days will return<br />

soon (/ ail |re> well, and A-code<br />

<strong>class</strong>es male their way back into Ihe<br />

forrfmn<br />

What caused the reshaping of the<br />

highly successful <strong>Lowell</strong> Plan of<br />

yean gone by? California school<br />

districts were offetrd extra funds<br />

upon compliance with Slate Senate<br />

Bill 113. which stipulates thai<br />

studeMs be presented the opportunity<br />

to nxesvc64.S0Onifnute* per ye»r<br />

restore A-cnJes before the end of the<br />

semester." stated Fibish in a recent<br />

interview wah Die lonrIL Fibish.<br />

who retard* the rv-» schedule as "a<br />

stnightjackel" has best working<br />

round Ihe clock with tkc Stale Board<br />

of Education in an attempt to brin;<br />

back the old jchedulc. Concerning<br />

mcdular scheduling he said. "If we<br />

lose it now. we will lose il foreSTr."<br />

\Mry shuul <strong>Lowell</strong> IT exempt from<br />

£B 813? "Lo»e£ is already suo<br />

ccssful beyond the dream of SB<br />

813." commented one faculty<br />

member, because <strong>Lowell</strong> students<br />

have O/MQVS had Ihe very opportunities<br />

proposed by th; till.<br />

"An important pan of this opportunity."<br />

defended Fisbish. "is Ihe<br />

abiVty to meet with tochers, to sit<br />

down acd plan together, to go to<br />

resource centers, to do work.<br />

Resource center; here have<br />

undeniably been far more functional<br />

than Ihe type of study hall you imtht<br />

find is another school."<br />

"It maka an assumpuo tha/ the<br />

<strong>class</strong>room is where the learaifta; takes<br />

pttce. 1 don't believe thst U Ihe<br />

case." he argued. "Pcoplo learn just<br />

when they sit and study togcrW. One<br />

altokarna somctiraei bes: with a<br />

creatlvt passe, where hr can stop<br />

dtmkint. dear hi. minj, snd then<br />

return to whaievu- -i was rs; was dohg."<br />

Finish mil) belives la the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Ptin tad has made clear his stance<br />

refanliaj rta par success which has<br />

led LoweD to constant], ttak M one<br />

of the best high schools, public «<br />

private in L"ic United States. "If<br />

Over the »trktcd tt*t followed the<br />

loddcnt, approximately • thousand<br />

dollars worth of mMtument* »zrc<br />

fuund on campai.<br />

Wally Lewis. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s gardener.<br />

discovered several inunnnents in the<br />

M est end of the campus by the temporary<br />

clxurooms. *<br />

Fquipmrct was a)u* found in the<br />

bushes b. the vrccr fields by<br />

memben of a soccer tc3fn coachev by<br />

faculty member Emit Fetbuih.<br />

<strong>The</strong> police believe that the burglars<br />

left son*- of the iwtnimenu behind<br />

while trying to inure • flukk<br />

gc-awsy.<br />

In piecing dctallf together, the<br />

police conclude that the inJiviUuals<br />

perpetrated the entirr crime in >iauc.<br />

wirrlow near room 5. <strong>The</strong>y «ercab!c<br />

to avoid three burglar alai *• since many fingerprints were<br />

•** ditcovcittl tn ihr band room.<br />

Zahtilla feels confident tlut the<br />

'It was awful. burglars will cvenutUy bo cauynl.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>ir fingerprints are on fJc at the<br />

Everything was on police station. <strong>The</strong> police even know<br />

has no money lo reimburse the Music<br />

Dcpanmttil: that is in the hands of<br />

the school diioicL Believe me. I've<br />

yelled lie he.) about this ivic." stid<br />

Fibish.<br />

Zahtilh tan'l waiting for Ihe school<br />

"/ just want to<br />

assure everyone<br />

that the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Band and Orchestra<br />

will not drop<br />

out of<br />

year."<br />

district to reimounc him. though.<br />

"We've supported ounclwt In the<br />

- _ # . of avhucsdcywrc wearing. <strong>The</strong> bind at a disadvantage because ll«c band<br />

WClS DlOOU every- wiUge.iuwwiura^backevewua.- waswpponedlarrelybyiuiobsout<br />

y ly," Zahtilla cornmented. of school that will now have to be<br />

Although many of the instruments<br />

weic inwirtd. Zithtitla uid "Not all<br />

of the ir>V umenu can be replaced.<br />

broke their way into the hand room. Neither the bond nor the school has<br />

apparently with no.<br />

the tundi in icplacc the ttolcn item*."<br />

"<strong>The</strong> burglcn did finally set off «n "<strong>The</strong> band U barely functioning<br />

alarm, but by the time the police a*> right now. We h*\e nudftere."<br />

<strong>The</strong> police uupect that in trying to<br />

force their way intu the band office,<br />

the burjlan suflcrcd severe anx.<br />

"Thrrc w»« bltxtd all €ivcr my office.<br />

You ctn still see some of the stains.*'<br />

uidZahtiUa. Paul ZahlUla amDs, but tlmr are<br />

I problems.<br />

in <strong>class</strong> with no imtntments. Almost<br />

all my petctnsion ifmrumenu arc<br />

gone. It U four nonths later, and my<br />

door stilt ^n't fixed, and Ihe dung is.<br />

waiting for approval by letter from I sceni to he the only cne concerned<br />

Mitch Voydat of the State Depart- abojt this." he added.<br />

mem of fciiucaiion. do his best to ex- Principsl Alan Fibhh ia concemindite<br />

the return of the A-code. <strong>The</strong> cd, though "<br />

letter Mjd in pan:<br />

< canceUed because we don't ha« all<br />

the imtrumems. Our Da.*ticip«tion in<br />

the Rtngo ftiodraiur. will help." he<br />

tad.<br />

"1 Just wan: to .*aure everyone that<br />

Ihr <strong>Lowell</strong> Band and Orchestra will<br />

not drop out of light this year. We<br />

are still planning to play for the student<br />

body at .ill of tte rallies, the<br />

spirit event*. anJ at ths football<br />

gams. <strong>The</strong> burglary ho hurt us badly,<br />

but we'll maVe it!" he assurrd.<br />

<strong>The</strong> burgluy has been disquieting<br />

for many <strong>Lowell</strong> Band and Orchestra<br />

members. "<strong>The</strong>re must be a real<br />

skknest in * penoo," on: band<br />

member commerced, "to make him<br />

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