Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Pf Jo. Tbe Una. OclohtrS. 19M<br />


Channing: 'Back where she belongs'<br />

By l« ion Mtatx<br />

Actress Carol Cbanning, timed<br />

tor bet .vh MS Dolly CaBagher<br />

Lcrl In toe muskal comedy "Hdlo<br />

Dotty." is in taws for the currtat<br />

run vl "Jerry** OltH" at the Curran<br />

<strong>The</strong>atre. She was iked to<br />

speak at a recent meeting ef the<br />

Sun Frandtco Press Club, where J<br />

proposal %.is made to rename the<br />

Lowed auditorium, the Carol<br />

Chinning <strong>The</strong>atre. Channing. a<br />

lovrdl gnduatt. accepted tbepropout,<br />

and was tiked to comment<br />

on her acceptance as well MS her<br />

high school experience MS « JfudcntatLjmttL<br />

<strong>The</strong> day 1 (spoke at) the San<br />

Francisco Proa Club. Dr. Flbish<br />

was there and they tdd me then:<br />

that m the fint 1 knew of it. It's a<br />

(real hooor for me. Ill tell you.<br />

"You ice. San Francisco Is a<br />

gnat, great town to grow up In<br />

because everything comes to San<br />

Francisco In the way of theatre.<br />

Starting when I was at Apto* Jr.<br />

High School, they had Khoci<br />

bum thai would lake w. out In we<br />

these things. We would go see<br />

whoever was in town. It was<br />

perfectly wonderful. We cojtd buy<br />

studciit Uckrtt a&t* tit way up in<br />

the top two rows of the last bakony<br />

(at the Curran <strong>The</strong>atre). Now they<br />

call LSTAC the Carol Channing<br />

•eats, because that's -.here I used<br />

to lit. And they sell (thotc tickets)<br />

for only fire doUan.**<br />

(Current//, the Csrol Channing<br />

teats are available at discount<br />

rates daring all shorn in whkh<br />

ChMcoirf pUys the Curran<br />

<strong>The</strong>atre. Channing mentioned<br />

that she would request of Carole<br />

Shoremteuu owner bt the Cumn.<br />

that thce seats be available at discount<br />

rates on a yvar-round batit. J<br />

That's whae 1 grew up: In the<br />

Curran <strong>The</strong>atre and on the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> auditorium stage. I<br />

Dorr left it. And t I bed for<br />

Fridays, became we would hav?<br />

student body meetings, and I used<br />

to do shows then. We used lo have<br />

a courtyard in the old building (at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>), and Utere wiu a> stage<br />

there, and 1 used to be on that all<br />

the time, doing show*, doing<br />

everything.... things that weren't<br />

juit dumb corned* either. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

were things that made me grow,<br />

loo.<br />

"1 WK M> buty doine shows, that<br />

the only thing 1 Hied (or was those<br />

sltows. Samuel Polland was cur<br />

teacher there, and Mr. Poltand let<br />

me do anything. I could write my<br />

own. and t wrote sketches about<br />

what was going on around the<br />

school. 1 dkl Imitations of the<br />

president of the school, wellknown<br />

people all the teacher*.<br />

and Mr. Stevens who wa.% the principal.<br />

Mrs. Jordan was in? English<br />

teacher, and we were then in the<br />

old location, and the Haighl Street<br />

trolley car. would go clanging by.<br />

and Mrs. Jordan, who was an old<br />

lady, would say. 'Here comes that<br />

damn car!! That strcxlcar!! But<br />

I'm going to keep talking anyway)*<br />

and she would keep talking very,<br />

very loud irid »c notr heard a<br />

word the was saying. We mined<br />

everything. I did sketches of Mrt.<br />

Jordan. And Mr. Schwartz used to<br />

blow up hb chemlstnr <strong>class</strong> on an<br />

average of once every lerm. and he<br />

wai adorable, and 1 used to do<br />

him. And I'm so grateful to the<br />

whole faculty. <strong>The</strong>y kt me get<br />

away with this, and they would<br />

laugh, and they would enjoy seeing<br />

Imitations of themselves.<br />

•.''-i.XiEfa^awai**^ i f »•• ...,~I£»_EV.. xistBiU'^i,:'-<br />

Actress Carol dunning' one of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s mort famous graduates, p 4>T: -r<br />

plagaritm. but 1 would go back to muscles are trained for (t. You'll feel better.<br />

school and do it. <strong>The</strong>y toted it. never know how grateful I am to "Eight shows a week, twice on<br />

and then they wanted more, so that <strong>Lowell</strong> auditorium stage. And Wednesday and twice on Satur-<br />

every Friday I did more Fanny here they are naming the theatre day: that's what 1 love to do. I<br />

Brier. I would go back every afler me. I think that is the found It out in <strong>Lowell</strong> High<br />

weekend and watch her. and then greatest honor. Now, they're nam- School. We couldn't fit Ute entire<br />

do it again. And that's exactly ing a Broadway theatre after Ethel ttudent body in for one show. So<br />

what I'm doing now in this show Merman. I would much rather we had to do three shows to fit<br />

[Jerry's Girfi). I haven't done Fan- hxvc the Lootll auditorium (nam- them all in.<br />

ny Bricc \ince Loxdl. And all of a ed aficr me). I would much<br />

sudden. Jerry Herman wrote this rather... Became it's tntc 1 never<br />

"It's when you're your age (high<br />

song, and I said. *You know who left that itigc. I'm still on ft. If I<br />

school) that you will your life and<br />

should sing this song? Fanny start lo lose the audience. I do just<br />

say. Mil die to do this. I want to do<br />

Brke.' He said. 'You're right, but what 1 learned ia do at LowrU.<br />

tftfv mor- than anything cite in the<br />

can you do her?" And I said. 'I did And they keep saying, 'How can<br />

world.* I knew that what I ihrH for<br />

"Fanny Bricc came lo the Pan-<br />

her m <strong>Lowell</strong> High School.' So 1 you do all these people?' Well, t<br />

was Fridays; and I wanted to make<br />

ttges <strong>The</strong>atre here in San Fran-<br />

walked out on that stage aud did had in. Every Friday 1 ran out of<br />

every day a Friday. When I vu on<br />

cisco. On Saturdays, the did four<br />

her. That muscle was already a people. 1 had lo keep doing<br />

that stage and heard the fint<br />

shows, and 1 went and IAW all four<br />

wcltoUeri machine. I knew Fanny. wnd-otly elir. tloing wmebotly<br />

Uuph In the fourth grade at Com-<br />

shows. I brought A box lunch and<br />

She *it in my metabolism. And new. And 1 had to do it every Frimodore<br />

Stoat grammar school. 1<br />

High School sugc. When I was at there and wrote down<br />

everyone 1 did at <strong>Lowell</strong>. 1 can do day or else everybody yelled and<br />

suddenly realized that what I<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, h was hard to get me oft emything she said. It was now. like that, because my lcreamcd and iild. •Where's<br />

Uu{£. at... that's whal everybody<br />

- • • * • •_• +_ m_m • « • * # * • • * * ' • » 3. * • • • > * • •_ • •_• •_• « • • • • • • • • • • • • Carol?!!!"<br />

rive lauiths at. I'm exactly like<br />

everjbody else. I'm u pan of the<br />

"Think what I learned! I've<br />

US success for British trio<br />

whole human race, and we're all<br />

witl it all mer the world; when<br />

alike. We lough at the same<br />

I'm in front of audiences, when<br />

things, we cry at the saine thtags.<br />

ByLesteDavy<br />

I'm on Broadway, I'm drawing on<br />

we fall in love with 'he same<br />

"When you walk through an air-<br />

what 1 learned on the <strong>Lowell</strong> High<br />

things. I thought. "Well, this Is<br />

port and hear somebody singing a<br />

School auditorium stage, t'm<br />

ckxer than touching each oth^r;<br />

verse ol 'Hold Me Now.' >ou know<br />

ilra* ing on it now (in Jerry's<br />

this h closer than affection.' And 1<br />

you've made it.** is how the percus-<br />

Cirh). more than any formal<br />

ran olf the school stage and hid in<br />

slopist of the Thompson Twins.<br />

education in the theatre, because<br />

the cloak room so no one cuuld see<br />

Alannah Curric. describes their<br />

when you study theatre, you study<br />

me. and cried my eyes out for joy<br />

the hbtory of it. and all kinds of<br />

and said. 'Oh Cod. 1 will do<br />

<strong>The</strong> Thompson Twins, who<br />

theatre. But the experience of<br />

anythhtg. I will crawl across the<br />

rccrnUy played at the Oakland<br />

aand'ng there on the <strong>Lowell</strong> High<br />

dewrt without water, anything lo<br />

Cotbeum to an almost sold ou:<br />

School auditorium stage and<br />

tret back on that stage and feel that<br />

crowd, which lead singer. Tom<br />

holding the attention of that entire<br />

feeling that we're all alike, that<br />

Bailey described as "elegant and<br />

audience I* what makrs me know 1<br />

we're all laughing simultaneously<br />

noisy.** are definitely popular in<br />

need to concentrate. When they<br />

at the tame thing.<br />

the Bay Ana.<br />

get bored, they throw spitballs at<br />

Fhey started the 2 hour and IS<br />

you. vi erasers, and they heckle<br />

"If anyone aiks. 'Should 1 con-<br />

minute show with their new single<br />

you. and they get tired, and you<br />

tinue in the Ihcare?'.-.. if they<br />

"You Take Me Up" and from<br />

have to keep them going. I've<br />

hate to a\k that question, they'll<br />

there the excitement never came<br />

learned since then that you should<br />

neve make it. <strong>The</strong>y do it beyond<br />

down.<br />

noer think ol yourself. Think oniy<br />

alt waton, bcj'Hid all sense- You<br />

Bailey's powerful yet melodic<br />

of them (the audience). What aie<br />

ju\t Wrrp at it. al it. and noer<br />

voice, backed by Currk and the<br />

you trying to say to them? Keep<br />

\top. People uy, 'Look. \l\<br />

group's Congo player and key boar-<br />

your mind on them. <strong>The</strong>se are<br />

ohnuus you're nor going to make It<br />

dat Joe Leeway, was paired with a<br />

thing* you don't karn unless<br />

in New York.* And you just can't<br />

rhythmic beat that sounded grot<br />

you've been doing *! right through<br />

vtop. you hivte no ch*Jce, Mid<br />

and w« lue to dance lo.<br />

vhool.**<br />

(here's no other excuse for your ex-<br />

Some feel it's their distinctive<br />

Channing has done over 3.000 istence. You'te bent yourself that<br />

look that makes them so appealing.<br />

America<br />

Tom Ba&ey, tad JOB leeway dance their wmy LlUl* performances of "Hello Dolly"<br />

and ncrerplayed to an empty seat.<br />

way from the fourth grade on- and<br />

there's nothing you can do about<br />

Currk with her black ovcrsUed<br />

engineer's cap atop her friuy<br />

blond mohawk, Balk)*; synthetic<br />

pooytail, and the half Irish and<br />

Nlscrian Leeway with his<br />

dreadlocks nuty wltc an isiprcs* ~<br />

In 1°U tee Thompson Twins<br />

settlingoA the present threesome.<br />

"We were into reggae because<br />

we lfrtd ta South London, and<br />

there's a lot of Jamaican people<br />

there." Currk esplained. "and the<br />

more we got interested In percussion.<br />

UK more we got into African<br />

and If tin stuff.**<br />

Thh hard-working trio is currently<br />

finUhlng their U.S. tour and<br />

has also completed the Tint side of<br />

their next album.<br />

"People think we're mad.** explained<br />

Currk. <strong>The</strong>y call us<br />

workaholics, but we love doing it."<br />

Eien more remarkably, she never<br />

missed a tingle show.<br />

"You know what It b* It Isn't<br />

that you're not sick. It's that I<br />

havr to go on. 1 Just hare to. <strong>The</strong><br />

funny Uung b. no mattet what is<br />

the matter with you. by the end of<br />

the show It's dtber cured or you<br />

it.<br />

brake into the AmeTJfMfi musk When they were a seven member<br />

iom .hen—In <strong>The</strong> Name Ol band, their live shows were true<br />

lore" hit miiober one ol tho VS.<br />

Chun. -<br />

exercises In audience participation,<br />

with spectators Joining them<br />

F L O<br />

Since then, the trio has hid on stage to play percussion with<br />

wenl hlB. tacbdiiig "Uc%-<br />

Ibetr fint American Top 40 tonf. This situation usually turned in*<br />

-Low -n Your Side." ud Iron to total chaos, so it was discontinued.<br />

10 Percent Dbeonnt<br />

When You Bring In<br />

ThbAd<br />

Into <strong>The</strong> Cap. "Hold Me Now"<br />

aod"DoctorlDoctori-<br />

Slnce Ba£ey/a wormcr music<br />

teacher, started tae group in 1977.<br />

<strong>The</strong> "•'wins, who wanted a name<br />

' that would separate them from<br />

(roups with anrcssivc. heavy<br />

KondsfJIke<strong>The</strong>Clash), took their<br />

.-'• .IBICLEMSKTf.-«<br />

* Cor. ol THIRD Av».<br />

PHONE: 421-0424<br />

641 GREEN STREET<br />

the Tlionpion Twins have shifted sane from a BdgUn comic strip.<br />

bom * focr-tnember band to a about two bumbling detective*<br />

SAN FRANCISCO. 94133<br />

scm-iMiBbcr btad before GnaUy named Thompson and Thomson.<br />


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