Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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^tu,iht tc.ff.7uu- 7. JOSS '<br />

SPORTS-<br />

Varsity sluggers reach finals at Candlestick<br />

By DeM* Homer<br />

"We c*me together as • team,<br />

and we became closer friends,"<br />

reOecud arnfor Jim Arehuka iboot<br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> varsuy baseball team's<br />

<strong>The</strong> (quad coded LVil league pUy<br />

wiifa a 11-5 record and a second<br />

place finish u> Balbok.<br />

Even before 'Ac season had end*<br />

ed. the team ha4 already advanced<br />

to the pliy-offt with two consecutive<br />

wins over ihe Wilson Warriors<br />

by score* of 12-0 and 16-6 on<br />

May 8 and 9.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following wt lave beca aHe<br />

to beat Balboa In three yews.<br />

GaUejos rtmarki, "Balboa is a<br />

Track team ends season<br />

By Vtkrmtn Parckh and<br />

Cordon Tans<br />

in a day of doie and cutting<br />

races, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s track team finished<br />

third overall at the AAA {Academic<br />

Athletic Association) All-City<br />

Championship on May 19.<br />

Capturing its sevctth uraight city<br />

title, the girls' team has won every<br />

*«ty championship since the girls'<br />

program was instituted. Dcpite<br />

many outstanding indivi&ial performances,<br />

the boys' varsity finished li.<br />

fourth place. Althcigh lacking<br />

many grew individual perfor*<br />

n'oinces, tne frosh/soph team used<br />

in depth to Snlsh fourth.<br />

Junior Chelsea Hernandez and<br />

senior Tbcrese Madden surto! a<br />

barage of excellent performance* in<br />

the girls' division when they took<br />

first and second place, respectively,<br />

in the two mile.<br />

<strong>The</strong> girls' lean continued to<br />

assert its traditional dominance in<br />

distance events by sweeping the<br />

mile. Senior Trtsh Brown took first.<br />

while freabtnu Chen Brown and!<br />

Madden placed second and thin*.<br />

With remarkable consistency, the<br />

girls' team also claimed furt and second<br />

in the hall snB* with T. Brown<br />

taking first and C. Brown placing<br />

second.<br />

<strong>The</strong> girls aUo fa;ed well in the<br />

shorter distances. In the 400 meters,<br />

it was junior Serena Rivera edging<br />

out junior Iree Krispuxmch for<br />

Tim place. Sophomore Xfcia Marshall<br />

and senior Din Anderson placed<br />

accord and fourth, reaocrttvely,<br />

in the 200 meter dash.<br />

<strong>The</strong> relays offered both disappointment<br />

and exhilaration. A<br />

would-be second place finish in the<br />

4 X 100 m wu takes away a* the<br />

team was dHqualtfcd for an illegal<br />

pass. However, the < y 400 m rarely<br />

proved to be one of the roost exdtm*<br />

race* t-T the day.<br />

In this relay, juniors Yveae<br />

McDonald. Kriipioovish. and<br />

Riven gave <strong>Lowell</strong> a narrow lead<br />

with a lap to go. With Galileo at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s heels. T. Brown received<br />

the baton. In an clcctxirying fbish,<br />

T. Browa held off* strong Galileo<br />

finish to take tint piace.<br />

la the field oab, freshman<br />

Quay f»fjmif ininrtiri off a 109<br />

foot discos throw to capture first<br />

pbee bv nrxriy 30 feet.<br />

Tbc Ion of Kttor Orpheus Cmtchfidd.<br />

two weeka before All-City.<br />

dealt a severe blow to in: variitv<br />

•eim's fortunes<br />

"Orpheus' participation v*uu!(i<br />

hate gi.cn the vanity team a chance<br />

to finish in third place." wxed<br />

coach i'lmes Tnot. «s.<br />

If. the 4X100 m rcta>, the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

team of jumur Mike Stupcro. junior<br />

llawkiu Crun. vnior Kevin Allen.<br />

and iurior Wajr.c Coultman<br />

dranaticdly came tmm bchim),<br />

finishing tccond in rccord-btcjkinjt<br />

Galileo.<br />

FoDowjig m cuctlk.M sUxt b><br />

Shape?.}. Chan and Allen kept<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> it* clo«c cooleR*ion, before<br />

parsing the baton to Coultnun.<br />

After receiving the baton in fourth<br />

place, Coultnun rapidly facccleralcd<br />

into third, and then anchored the<br />

team imo a second placu ftoish.<br />

races v*** W* opportnt.<br />

Senior Paul Cofrnum batttts the Balboa pitcher.<br />

<strong>The</strong> vanity two-mile klso proved<br />

lo be rn exciting net. Junior DyUn<br />

Fuller ran necV.-to-m.tk with<br />

O'COMKII^ Martin Araguo, before<br />

Cainin; the lead, and first place, in<br />

UV Uu 30 metcn of the i*x.<br />

Fuller again diuinguiihcd himself<br />

in the mile, hattling it out for first<br />

place with Washington's Billy Lai.<br />

then overtaking him with a burst of<br />

speed on the last straightaway.<br />

In the vanity 330m intcrmediue<br />

hurdles, frostwoph rccoru holder<br />

Chan cruised into i third plxe<br />

finish with a personal teconl time of<br />

40.4 seconds.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s 4X100 rclav team ol<br />

Srupcro. Chan. Coultman. and<br />

Allen, were only narrowly edged<br />

out of third place.<br />

<strong>The</strong> field e%ent proved slightly<br />

disappointing, with none of<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s compctuun claiming<br />

medal. However, junior Mike<br />

A!t/eru and senior Mike Zynmermac<br />

turned out respectable pcrforminer,<br />

placing fourth in tl»c shot<br />

put and fourth in the divcut,<br />

respectively.<br />

In the two-mile, sophomore Ray<br />

Wong stunningly overtook<br />

Washington runner in tl« l&\t ID<br />

yards of the race, nening an admirable<br />

third place finiih.<br />

Sophomore Pat Magee ran away<br />

with the mile in swift time of 4:51. a<br />

mere three seconds off the fresh*<br />

soph recora. Meanwhile, fie frcsnsoph<br />

mile-relay team of Kevin<br />

Woog. Ken GoWtcrg. Ray Oyung,<br />

and Elliot Dotham recorded •> tin-c<br />

of 3:54. enough fur a fourth place<br />

finish<br />

At the OAL (Oakland Athletic<br />

Leafbe) section-il meet the<br />

girl'* frashed trcond with the wstty<br />

boys cnd*r.g up in eighth place.<br />

<strong>The</strong> winners from OAL received<br />

an automxtic bid into the State<br />

Champrxnhips held on Juae<br />

Sioamcnio. <strong>Lowell</strong> competitor*<br />

wfco succcssmlly qualified are T.<br />

Brown in the half-milr and mile,<br />

' Hernandez in the two mile, and<br />

Casimir in the discus.<br />

Tbe 1985 season marked the end<br />

£ of Thomas* eight year coacbio<br />

S career at <strong>Lowell</strong>. Sighting bis<br />

reasons for retirement. Thomas<br />

noted. "I found that the ^tssurc of<br />

the dean's offict has precluded my<br />

involvement in coaching track<br />

crosscountry."<br />

lough team to brat. <strong>The</strong>y never give<br />

up. and they Jujy* A*: 100*.."<br />

In order to take the title horn<br />

Baiboa, (round-robin champs) the<br />

Indians had to face the Buccaneer*<br />

n more on Friday, May 2* ai<br />

adoick dlik<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, on the pitching of<br />

Gallc^o*. kept a 2-0 lead for six inn*<br />

ings. But, Baltna scored two<br />

U4eamcd runs i«t the bottom of the<br />

seventh *nning to tie the game up<br />

and send the game ; nto extra Innings.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Indfam almost knt the<br />

game thcte, but senior Steve Foian<br />

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