Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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!*•.a*<br />

gooj to Williams for a brief white.<br />

Ke was bind at the Comedy Store<br />

and wotted several other dub* in Lra<br />

Angeles. In the fall of i976. Wa!*ami<br />

wu spotted by a producer for ABC<br />

and obtained a role in 'he revival of<br />

Despite Uic up* and downs.<br />

Williams was not badly off. But his<br />

really big bnal came wncn he (w* the<br />

rote of an alien named Mork on an<br />

episode of Happy Days.<br />

With some positive rcspomc on the<br />

fancier, ABC decided to use the<br />

Mork character in J ipin-off *cri*t.<br />

Mori A Mind?. Two weeks after the<br />

new. how went on the lir, it became<br />

one oi J*e top-rated serin. <strong>The</strong> res.:<br />

b show bu*u£\* hutory.<br />

Mork A Mituh lattjd Tour seasons<br />

and came to an end in 1982 when<br />

"...the show ticcamc too complex<br />

because the producers ran out of the<br />

simple sitcom themes wlikh made ibe<br />

show what it was. Those icxiulty<br />

oriented shows we did in the later<br />

years. 'Mork become* cheerleader<br />

for the Denver Broncos!' — they<br />

were a dtutfc*."<br />

Although 1'ie ilf* e-mc toa rather<br />

undignified end. (t was a definite<br />

catalyst in launching William**<br />

career.<br />

When asked when he stand to perform<br />

conscioiuly. William* replied.<br />

"1 think it w» in the seventh grade<br />

when my parents *ent me to a public<br />

school in Detroit. Movt of the kith<br />

*-rc bigrcr ihun me and warned M<br />

prove it by smashing me into walls.<br />

1 told joke* to entertain them. *o they<br />

wouldr.'t kick the...out of me."<br />

William* also recalled a lime when<br />

he made i comedy ipcevh at a private<br />

boys* school which he iaier attended,<br />

("...really full ofh>pchintllecnials<br />

who would say thing* tike. That<br />

was a very atinine thins lo "y><br />

Williams) ar-d told a Polish joke."<br />

He later found out that his assistant<br />

kcadmaiter was Polish...in the headmister's<br />

den.<br />

Humor his always been in<br />

Williams* Mood, ru doubt, but whit<br />

really affected his approach to com-<br />

edy and perhaps to life in general wn<br />

hi* fMimiy'% move to California, right<br />

Uforc his senior year in high school.<br />

"At ray old high school. I was a<br />

good HodLnt. I was goirj to be the<br />

president ol the senior clais and was<br />

looking forward to a very itratght existence,<br />

pluming to attend a small<br />

co&gc in the Midwest or maybe e^cn<br />

an ivy Ic^v; school. But then, my<br />

diJ tt:i r ol. j*d my family moved to<br />

Tiburcr"<br />

Williams a*xat3l Redwood High<br />

School his senior year where he first<br />

vrvc.-al weeks were -.pcnl adjusting.<br />

"At firv. I WOT- •< lie and Jack*, and<br />

carried a briefcase, and pcopk uid<br />

thing? like. 'A brie'ease — how<br />

unmellow. Y«\)'re real); creating<br />

creative energy, man.* Soon enough,<br />

though, I got lo wraring jean* and<br />

Hawaiian ihirts.<br />

"I became, predictably, ies* conservative,<br />

less rigid, and I Icarnrd to<br />

really let go. I think that adjustment<br />

lo 'freedom' helped me much Liter<br />

with iniproviutional forms of comcdy."<br />

Amidst Ms rite io stardom.<br />

William* ha* not supped doing improviviuoiu],<br />

live comedy. He hat<br />

been known to pop in unexpectedly<br />

i»i various comedy clubs in the city<br />

and in Los Angeles to perform.<br />

"I'll at«ay» do live comedy, oco<br />

't It should mean performing on the<br />

Mtrel. Contaa with a live jcxiience<br />

U important to me — it's a natural<br />

high. When you're on. jou feel toully<br />

i.i tontrc!, that nothing on go<br />

wrong. — and great stuff juc comes<br />

nut of nowhere.<br />

"Livetomedy.cipeciaily imptov.<br />

l\ therapeutic in a lot of ways. Work-<br />

Robin WUUium In "Moscow on Uw Hudson."<br />

fag in clubs keeps my creative energy<br />

flowing and alto gives me a chance<br />

to explore other ikies of m/ielf."<br />

Meanwhile. Williams is working<br />

on a minor theatre projert. between<br />

surprise nifht club appearance*. "I<br />

feel that I Mill ru\c a lot of time in<br />

my career, in the coming years. I'd<br />

tike to trtiyhe write and direct my<br />

own movie*. I'll always do live comedy<br />

and 1 haven't ruled out television,<br />

cither. If it's right. I'll do anything<br />

— an>tiling to keep my adretul'n. mj<br />

crrative energy going."<br />

( A View to a KUV: Excitement, but no finesse<br />

By Stephen Hruxr<br />

In a way. ii is corfomag that<br />

James Bond movies make few pretensions<br />

to depth or importance; the><br />

simply exist es good, old-fashtorcd<br />

adventure movies. No one would<br />

have been the wone, however, if A<br />

Vie* To A Kill, O07's lateM. had<br />

made a couple of pretension* to intcl'igcnt<br />

*!iaU>guc, decent acting, or<br />

maybe even a coherent plrt-<br />

tcltigcncc pub James Bond on hi* trail<br />

pecauK of vonv *on of \u\pcctpc'» tcjJiip tlectmnu:-'>pc in*<br />

duMruliu« aN\iid hi\ hliinp. Np<br />

out of the picture a» inj:<br />

/ixio'i companion. ju*t f'ir the<br />

vikc of hiring Grace June* in ihc<br />

imivic. She loi>k* e*i' and *inivtcr<br />

enough, and I *ur-p a!irjcti*c, hut it ccrumly<br />

uould lu*e been the same movw<br />

uiihoul her. Even Tanya Roberta'<br />

furt had umte tclc*ancc to # J>c plot.<br />

A Virv. to a Kill i* highly t>pkal<br />

of the June* Bond movie genre in the<br />

overwhelming, unspeakable<br />

ncfariou'.nctA of th- vilbin (altiwugh<br />

microchip* as a momr, are SdJly<br />

lackiug in glamour ard uaiifuc), the<br />

uuve workllincu of the hero, ami the<br />

*ctuc of UK villain ha*tr.g bti'n infinne<br />

trouble to ixr a* rvtl. complex,<br />

and dauardly u r«Hublc.<br />

y. the movie lack*<br />

some crucial subtleties. It has gusto.<br />

hut no fiocuc, not much style, and<br />

not much utspemc. It has milliondollar<br />

special effects, but simplistic<br />

directing and cinematography. It ha\<br />

famou* zcton. but a script unworthy<br />

of La**ie'» iKlin^ abilities, with a<br />

strong tendency toward imnc. prrdKuble<br />

dialncue.<br />

A View to a Kill i* simply a *oltd.<br />


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