Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Nl. It. V* tmntt. Jmt V. IMS<br />

FHTURE.<br />

Famous Amos tells how he did it<br />

By Bella Foag<br />

Journalism!<br />

Wearing a white and green sweater<br />

with green ptlm trect. i brown hat,<br />

•ad playing * kaioo, Willy<br />

"Famous" Anw entered (he room<br />

full of applauding students and<br />

teachers.<br />

TW» was the beginning ofthr press<br />

conference featuring cookie entrepreneur<br />

Amos held on May 9 and<br />

sponsored by thr Invest-Ic*Americ3<br />

Northern California Council, inc.,<br />

anw the Foundation for Teaching<br />

Zi Amos, founder of <strong>The</strong> Famous<br />

Amos Chocolate Chip Cookie Company,<br />

came to San FianctKo to<br />

discuss his success with Bay Area<br />

journalism students.<br />

Bom \i. Tallahassee, fioikla. he<br />

Jv.U n>3i7 ;«*** before starting h*<br />

coolie business. Among ti^n *er*.<br />

managing the Saks Fifth Avenue<br />

supply depart men: and as pro,«oting<br />

agent for am for <strong>The</strong> William Morris<br />

A^ncy.<br />

"My experience as an<br />

agent... gitc me the idea tor the cooi«pi<br />

lhat 1 **3aicd to sell Famous<br />

Amos Cookies,' he uated. "I ha%c<br />

just applied the same technique! I uv<br />

ed to promote people to promoting<br />

•<strong>The</strong> Ccflfcic'."<br />

Alter leaving the Agency in 1967,<br />

he managed several Mars on hit own<br />

ue'il the opening of his company in<br />

Marrh 1975.<br />

Hi sunol with one store in<br />

Hollywood. California. Many people,<br />

'deluding members of his family,<br />

were skeptical about the success<br />

of a store which only sold cookies,<br />

but Amot was optimistic.<br />

With the backing of many famous<br />

Inert* uich av Helen Rcddy and the<br />

Lie Mat. *n Ga>c. Ainus Lunched his<br />

cookie carter end h*l f4U>rablc<br />

review?.<br />

He now has ahou* 45 stores in the<br />

United Stales and over 2° throughout<br />

the wotld in countries like Japan.<br />

Kr.<br />

In>tc«l of using tu> MKVCVV to nuVc<br />

a name for himself. Anxn uses it to<br />

try to abolish adult illiicracy in the<br />

United States. He is the national<br />

spokesman for the Literacy<br />

Volunteer* uf Amcncj, Inc.<br />

Amo*' main mevugc to the<br />

students about weeee-ting h life »**<br />

to get 7s much experience as they can<br />

and to do what the} enjoy.<br />

"You don't have to tij juvt one<br />

th : np," he stated. "You juvt tute in<br />

iry =nd just hase to want lo do it."<br />

{Volunteers share with <strong>handicapped</strong> students\<br />

ByLtsaPenky<br />

Journaliml<br />

A small group of <strong>Lowell</strong> students<br />

has discovered a new place to pUy<br />

*»rdi. to lUto to music, and to help<br />

others.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se fiudcus are volunteen. and<br />

they can be found in room 41, the<br />

room for the severe)) <strong>handicapped</strong><br />

students.<br />

Beunsc Lowctf wn one of the few<br />

district schorls without a handicap<br />

pod program, oct was initiated a. the<br />

school last September.<br />

M tU of the <strong>handicapped</strong> twicm<br />

came to <strong>Lowell</strong> fian Presidio Middle<br />

School. <strong>The</strong>y were gnduateO<br />

from frcsidlo Ic order to keep ihcm<br />

!-fl an "age appropriate" environ*<br />

, : <strong>The</strong> sadoJi range in age f-om 14<br />

to 21 yean. <strong>The</strong>y are allowed to re-<br />

1 - rato lo this wiper-bcrf program IIAtx\<br />

they Tach OK age of 22.<br />

<strong>The</strong> curreot <strong>Lowell</strong> program b<br />

beaded by Rebec Govcvfn. wtw hac<br />

oducatloacredeotials.5be is Assisted<br />

-; by Jonl Miller and Doona Olpe. two<br />

etlrvaJdoQ tudesti from San Fran-<br />

:cfacoSow Vnrvenlry. ;<br />

.'- Addhlou 1 antftmcff hi itx pro-<br />

_ grain' comes from IS rrjular<br />

• votontcen and aa taspecifled oorobcr<br />

. of others who stop by ".. .Jtm to<br />

, hdp." .'• .<br />

JtmiorTnidr Schw, a regular<br />

votaaeer to the hmdioifvwl room,<br />

stated, "hbrcwarditu-A work wnh<br />

the jtodents and to get dwm to do<br />

aomcthiog. to achieve • toal."<br />

Student volunteers usualiy work in<br />

group* with ihc SCXT^IM. playing<br />

cards or games m just talking.<br />

Schwan added. "Workitg wi*h the<br />

stude. U fcas been a very educational<br />

experience for me."<br />

<strong>The</strong> mentally impaired student: are<br />

trained in many areas, including<br />

vocational, don^stic. recreation*],<br />

and communir' ajti^txs.<br />

**We try to prepay them for being<br />

out in the community, taktcg care uf<br />

themsdvu." explained Oipe.<br />

Room 41 has been oriiJiiKd with<br />

a comfortable sitting area, youers on<br />

the walls, and stereo music in the<br />

background. Referring to the sewp<br />

of the room. Olpc oated. "We do our<br />

best lo tnsiiK people happy arc^nd<br />

here. It makes us feel good to see<br />

VAL'S<br />


ROOM<br />

•Dincet*Luacheon*Banq~cts *<br />

Pbooe: 755-3448<br />

Jtrdpero Sena Plvd.<br />

Ddy City<br />

them happy."<br />

<strong>The</strong> friendly and pleasant z\*<br />

mmpovrc iias sened to make the<br />

i oofji a kind of haven for the student<br />

volunteers.<br />

"It is really ihc only place in thit<br />

school that i* not competitive.<br />

Evxryonc there is \cr>' related and<br />

happy." noted *ophon.-ofc Nancy<br />

Brunn.<br />

Ope obsenvd that the <strong>handicapped</strong><br />

students were assigned to <strong>Lowell</strong> a*<br />

a way nf helping them She indicated<br />

that the program has had an additiona. 1<br />

advantage.<br />

"It scents U. have ielpcd Lwell<br />

studenu even more. <strong>The</strong> Loucll<br />

voiunteen have leamd a lot about<br />

bclpiojc others." Otpe concluded.<br />

Merced Heights<br />

Laundromat<br />

Wash»Dry*Fold<br />

4809 - h^h Avenue<br />

San Francisco, CA.<br />

333-7650<br />

333-3733<br />

Etlw&rdL.&<br />

Msuddl V.'UIUms<br />

Owners<br />

Seniors say he's<br />

understanding<br />

By Mirilji Fong<br />

Jcttrnidbm I<br />

"And the winner for this year's<br />

favorite mile teacher is. • .Mr.<br />

Stepticn G'anucci!"<br />

Fcr the pasi three yean. Stephen<br />

Grar.ucci has been chosen the most<br />

popular male teacher in the senior<br />

pofula'ity polls. Once a year the<br />

jr popularity poll is taken, and<br />

'null* jre announced at the<br />

Senior Dinner in June.<br />

Regarding the last three votes.<br />

Oanucci stated, "h Sxls nice to win.<br />

nd ii is very gratifying"<br />

Ti pony student*. Granucci is<br />

more than a learner. He H a man who<br />

understanding, laid back, and<br />

humorous.<br />

Studenu who know him feel very<br />

comfortable around him, not referring<br />

to him as "Mr. Granucci." but<br />

rather, "Mr. G."<br />

He -.nicrttand* who teenagers<br />

are, and lie cui relate to us. That is<br />

why we think of him as a friend." explained<br />

senior Elaine Kwoflg<br />

Granucci revealed thai he was first<br />

inspired lot' -h because of hi* contact<br />

with . ^Icge ;«rafesvw whom<br />

he admired because he touched the<br />

ttuderls with his lectures. This contact<br />

encouraged Granucci to work<br />

toward obtaining a teaching<br />

credential.<br />

He started teaching at <strong>Lowell</strong> seven<br />

years ato. He is currently leaching<br />

Latin 2. World Geography 2. and<br />

Applied Economics. He has been the<br />

sponsor of the Ski Cub. the Class of<br />

1983, and is presently one of the<br />

Stephen Granocci<br />

sponsors of the Class of 1985.<br />

"I don't feel this recognition<br />

reflects on my teaching abilities," he<br />

said. He feels that he has become<br />

popular with the students t .-cause he<br />

has been able to «ufk closely with<br />

them in a variety of activities, such<br />

a« Spirit Week.<br />

"As a <strong>class</strong> sponsor. I have reccrv-<br />

H most of rny recognition v*hh the<br />

students." he noted.<br />

<strong>The</strong> popularity poll for 19S5 tun<br />

not been released yet. but a number<br />

of scnion have confided that they<br />

would not be surprised if Granucci is<br />

the winner again.<br />

Summinit up the fcctinjtt of many<br />

*eniors, Michael Woo commented.<br />

"He deserves to win. He has done so<br />

much for the Senior Class."<br />

Bathroom stall<br />

offers free advice<br />

By Staci Boden<br />

journalism 1<br />

Peipairin/t and JfjtaeJ. Mary<br />

virgin) ;rlp. .."<br />

Trace replied. "I think that you<br />

should wait because if you were real-<br />

Smith ran m thr X'IH'I bathnnt-n. ly ready, you wouldn't need to ask."<br />

hui*injt that Her hit friend »i*iLlru4 Another girl wrote that she had juvt<br />

Jesen her.. .Tract *m jii/f thtrt. Stolen up with her boy friend, and<br />

Two months ago "Trace" bCfCJ.i the wai-tcd to remain fnends, but she<br />

wnting an advice culumn in th= mid- ituin't know how to do tt.<br />

dle sull of the first floor gtrU' Trace answered. "Call him. why<br />

bathroom. "Trace" is a fictitious not.' If you want to be friends, you<br />

name for a very real penon. itia> have to nuke the first move. He<br />

"Among my fnend*. rmsonofan might feel uncomfortable because of<br />

advice counselor. It sounds kind of .he situation.. if he doesn't want to<br />

stupid. I mean, v hy would somebody be friendly forget it... it's his loss."<br />

want to write in the bathroom? <strong>The</strong>n Trace feel* she's different from ad*<br />

I thought.'Well, mnbe thal'sagood vice columnists because she's mure<br />

place. It's confide!-ual."*<br />

concerned on a personal level.<br />

Trace Parted the column by {..tting "I'm one of them (tevsagcrsl and<br />

j real letter she'd giKten from a friend I understand everything that's going<br />

on the wall and answering it henetf. on because I M been through a lot of<br />

"<strong>The</strong>n people bc%at\ tc wr'tc the ir this stuff myself."<br />

prob^ms.andttgocsonandon.. "<br />

At this point the walls of the stall are<br />

covered with letter* and advice.<br />

Trac: is usually uted about boy<br />

friends and the socii' triangles that go<br />

on in high school.<br />

One girl wroie. "I love this boy.<br />

and he loves me too, but he wants lo<br />

have sex. We've tried before, but I<br />

Trace plans to continue the column,<br />

but she'd like to move tt became she<br />

feels f

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