Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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7. Ito!<br />

FE4TURE<br />


Bj Nlcfc Florcntinos<br />

What is happening lo £K Sector Class? Member* appear lo have<br />

lost interest in pirviously important aeivitiet. For IIUUM. >i il*<br />

list rally. I only uw i dozen or so seniors. What happen: lo those<br />

chcera of "rowdy and live makes W?<br />

t think there's an explanation. <strong>The</strong>y are suffering from the disease<br />

known as "Senioritis." "Senuritis" attacks students through 'he ecu<br />

tral nervous system, leaving tiiun with symptoms of cither extreme<br />

boiedom or excessive cnzlness. Now, juniors ar: suffering from a<br />

mild form of "Senioritis" known as "Junioriiis, " but this d«s r.nt<br />

affeci them until after finals. <strong>The</strong> only known cure for "Senioritis"<br />

b a grueling three hour event known as graduation.<br />

Are you scared of heights? That condition is known as acrophobia<br />

Fear of spiders is known as arachnophobb. Here are some lesser<br />

known phobias.<br />

Tteapbobla - fear of Mr. McMauu.<br />

Gartattplckupaphobui — Tear of cutting clan.<br />

Sklnbeadaphobla — fear of punk rockers.<br />

BcanbajapbobU — fear or playing lucky lack.<br />

GlrbwaUlngthroughapbobU — tear of taking a shower in the boys'<br />

locker room<br />

Notontlcphobia—fear of washing hands in the bathroom.<br />

Dorkapbobla — fear of walking through the front courtyard.<br />

Tfckrtapbobb — tear of parking in a two hour zone.<br />

Prtpaohobla - fear of walking through the bock lawn.<br />

Burttapbobla — fear of listening lo your wallcrran loo loud and nol<br />

hearing the Tire hell.<br />

SpUolerapfaobui — fear of silting on the courtyard benches.<br />

DUptraphobil — feai of freshmen<br />

I can't believe fouryrars of high soool arc just about over. Here<br />

are some crystal ball predictions:<br />

Debbie Hauler will be a housewife mi ,'trl •« a priest with six kids<br />

KJchnrd Weeks will be coac'.iing the i.i*v »t varsity baseball team.<br />

Ruse! Clufc will be in Kne at Sain; A ."l.my's Dining Room.<br />

Sieve Folan will be in UV hospital suffering from a brain hemroor<br />

rhage after being hit in the head with a soccer ball.<br />

Sieve Abraniowilz wi'.l be the first male cheerleader for the Dallas<br />

Cowboys.<br />

Mike Zimmerman will be in jail waiting lor his trial, having been<br />

irnisH of treason and selling secret documents lo the Ruuians.<br />

Stephanie VoUroth will be the first woman Pope.<br />

Viknro Partkh will be the first astroruut stranded on Mars. Me wil<br />

be left behind by his crew, lo tskc pictures of his spaceship leaving<br />

the planet.<br />

Lyxa LeVfln will be the First Uxly. married to the first Asian Prcsi<br />

dent of the United Sutcs. Dave Lew.<br />

Pat Uskert will be hosting the Tonight Show.<br />

Dan Harrington will be the late night janitor fur ratlin station KFKC<br />

By Eric Fastlir<br />

For the first, and probably last tiinc. this columnist is proud to<br />

present <strong>The</strong> 1985 Indian Chief A-na-lnast-1 Awards. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

prestigious citations are awarded to Lowcl! peisorugcs »ho have<br />

distingnished themselves in the course of the year. <strong>The</strong> award is<br />

named in honor of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s mascot who was killed while fighting<br />

his teacher over grades, hence his name. I J»k at the name carefully...<br />

This buffalo skinned envelope, please...<br />

To No We Kjve Never Heard oT Hosv To Control Our Affection<br />

In Public Award is bestowed upon a famed Junior Couple,<br />

observed daily by many. <strong>The</strong> pair can be found intenwitwd<br />

almost anywhere at anytime: tcsulc the auditorium, on the front<br />

lawn, inside a locker, or during <strong>class</strong>. Love is great, but loo much is<br />

loo much!<br />

<strong>The</strong> No I'm Not Hip, I Jut Need Money Award is presented to<br />

senior John Sloan. John sports 70 inch locks, half golden, half<br />

chestnut. This new style is in direct contrast wi;h last year's 3<br />

millimeter fashion. Jnhn admits his parcnu froze his S2 r. month<br />

allowance last year in order to force pis hair .o grow to a more<br />

respectable length by refusing him haircuts. "But they enjoyed the<br />

extra.mcoroe so much, they decided not lo reinstate my monthly<br />

allotment." laments John. However. John seems lo be having rhe<br />

last laugh with the long bangs.<br />

'Hu Yd You Cut Flirt with Your Girt Friend Avrmrd U given<br />

lo senior Michael Zlnuremun for constantly making passes at his<br />

girl friend Ua Levin.<br />

Tbe Wimp Award is presented to Uw LF.C fot not commissioning<br />

students u. iciroi'ce Lincoln in reuliation for -JK historic "Spin<br />

Week Poster Attack." i^tcad. the I.EC wrote a letter ta Lincoln<br />

demandirg a written apolog). Honorable mention is presented to the<br />

Clajs of 1987 for their persona; letter in which they called Line )ln<br />

students "hostile animals."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Hyproactive Awsrd is duly presented to Shoko fUshljama<br />

for attacking a returning <strong>Lowell</strong> alumnus with a traditional iicar hug.<br />

5hoLo*s remarks about the murder, "I just can't control mysel'. You<br />

understand; these things just happen to people," Right. Sholai.<br />

Tbe Badtlawnen receive <strong>The</strong> PidfM Award for not throwing<br />

the new bungalow down the hill as wns first suggested.<br />

<strong>The</strong> We Are Right sod You K'x Wrong Award is eagerly<br />

presented loco-editor-iixbieXLswboa Lee and Jessica Lecng for<br />

tapoiing their opinioru about South Africa upon the entire stiff of<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>.<strong>The</strong>ir response u cri'teisro: "Win. we assumed every<br />

person in their right mind would agree vrfth us." So much for logic.<br />

Last, but defirilel/ not least, is the Ye>, I Finally Got My<br />

Drivers License AwtrtL With all humility and hiendship aside. I<br />

present this lost awtrd to Jenifer Rogers. This brilliant junior first<br />

stalled, then flooded, and finally lost her key in one of the worst<br />

neighborhoods in rbe city a: 2 a.m. Jenifer, welcome to the real<br />

world. :<br />

Duran Dsiran fan in love<br />

By Alexandria S»*r<br />

I know John Taylor ycnooill;.<br />

Wtll ... not rcutly ... In f*.i, I<br />

hivcn'i ocn nKt tin guy. B**t I sow<br />

him. Ht Icoked ftwll;' u me »* if<br />

t»> say, "I wsrjd whisk you off in<br />

my limu. bkty. if only 1 didn't Uavc<br />

to go to th r > mnvx."<br />

the<br />

ma\%c>. I had been on the wrong<br />

iklcofthc building.<br />

1 nonchalantly uuatcrcd ovct to<br />

the cmrarcc of the theatre, nurlcd<br />

by a great billboml nf Bond rc^cu-<br />

inf his fragile blond maiden from<br />

thv pci ilous wafers o( San Fr> ncisco<br />

b*y, and noted that the fans -etroed<br />

tc be congregating behind t. row of<br />

steel barricades while th? ticket'<br />

holders stood directly bj the entrance.<br />

1 immediately neaped for the<br />

entrance. Tccling ver/ pi out of my<br />

•tealth ik-id ingenuity r.ad looking<br />

Jown my nose at Lie poor fooU<br />

dumb enough to be soxk behin.1 the<br />

barricades. "A firstrate spot" 1<br />

thought ui myself. Ard then the cop<br />

came over.<br />

"This place is rtierved for the<br />

pre** »od tkkctrtjidcri. Do yr.ix<br />

have a ticket?" Vx thought paued<br />

through mj- n.;-*i that 1 should tetl<br />

him 1 was a revoner from Rotting<br />

Stonf, but somehow I didn't think<br />

that would do it. I headed for the<br />

barricades.<br />

As there was already a crowd of<br />

some 200 teenagers herded behind<br />

the barricades, 1 could not get at the<br />

front uf the crowd, but rather was<br />

shoved between a kid sin hair and an<br />

a»y«ring female impcrwwalor. compete<br />

»itii rhincstone clip-: *tom near<br />

>ou.<br />

What do your teachers do all summer?<br />

B> Laurie fttllon and<br />

Marline Trrlaun<br />

It's the tut t'jy of «ctun|<br />

feden<br />

allcpi<br />

was<br />

Voiu:<br />

andf<<br />

thev<br />

ofnoh<br />

Suic.l<br />

ware<br />

guard<br />

KTRI<br />

Clay a<br />

oft<br />

<strong>The</strong>.<br />

oft<br />

after I

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