Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Fagt M, Vie Lmttt. .W 7. »J5<br />


Did you lie? <strong>The</strong> polygraph knows<br />

accuracy of the lie-detector test.<br />

By PtUUp Kwoag<br />

In 19*4 more than 25 percent of major U.S. companies<br />

: the x*tat btfan to bead up on the hanienei criminal's employed the |olyf nph flic-dctectm) tests to wren job ap-<br />

brow as he watched the needle dance wildly U/«A the sheet plicants or invempte wrong doings TTus pnctktt ts expected<br />

of paper.<br />

to increase in l9R5.ini Urge pan, becatue at lOcmitfaUn<br />

"You m&*aM*c!!tunfrssnow. "said the eiamlntrcon- assumption thrf moM American* Kavc, that the polygraph<br />

fotemfy. "We con tell tt*z yrm're tving."<br />

exam* arc accurate in the deiermihition of • len a person<br />

7hU twu more than the M&a hit man cvttU take as heis<br />

lying.<br />

started to sob uncontrollably o>i4 confess to estrythlnf. <strong>The</strong> Tint modern polygraph wu umstructol in 1921 by<br />

As fa nniicS¥*tted up from if*-tetevisS*ri set the message John A IATVKX, a medical indent at the Univeriity of<br />

MI dear: justice had again been vindicated: the joodguyiCalifornia.<br />

Lanon't insuumem was capable cfconliaucxu-<br />

had won. and the had guys hed tost — alt because of the ry rxording Wood pressure, pube and rcspiratx n. Since these<br />

to lie and "to beat" the machine: taking drugs, shifting abor*<br />

in the scat, biting the tongue, or pressing on a tack hidden<br />

in a sort, may throw the machine off.<br />

A judge in Los Angeles recently ruled that the result of<br />

test taken by John ?.. DeLoreaa, former auto manufrcturer<br />

accused of cocaine snuggling charges, could ad be used by<br />

the defemc because "substantial Udy movemeia" had cast<br />

doubts c in detecting when people were lying;<br />

-d a polygraph.<br />

however, in the same study the device diagnosed 55 percent<br />

<strong>The</strong> polygraph has been formally and succcufutly used of those innocent as "deceptive."<br />

In policr intelligence and investigation lines 1924. However, Or in other words, polygraph testing is biased against the<br />

thete U tfill no complete agreement on its validity among innocent, because juilry people generally constitute only a<br />

leading piycholofbts, and judges have been known to very small pcrcenugs of the gioup.<br />

disallow polygraph results uibmittet' as evidence.<br />

For example, if I ,OTnx(<br />

<strong>The</strong>re remans one undoflcst that m<br />

hard or "too leng": <strong>The</strong> Final.<br />

: > , Some people do well undw ihe pre<br />

Week, but others crack.<br />

' Many teachers inflate the value of<br />

much as one-third or oae-half of the fir,<br />


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