Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Seniors await graduation<br />

By Stephen Abraroowlb<br />

•udToa>*.Vlue<br />

It's true: Seniorhis at <strong>Lowell</strong> will<br />

end on June 1.<br />

Why? On trot diy, nearly 7w<br />

members of the dais of 1985 will<br />

meet In N large audiirriura. wear<br />

cap* and (owns, and rece-'.c their<br />

diplomas.<br />

To many seniors, however,<br />

graduation means a lot more than<br />

just a ceremony. Some tec a symbolic<br />

meaning in the event. Andrea<br />

Jee relates graduation to "...doting<br />

all the old doers and exploring into<br />

new ones."<br />

Peter Marcoputoi alto calls<br />

graduation an entrance into the adult<br />

world, where, as he says, "You<br />

havr to expect the unexpected."<br />

Seniors reveal r wide range of<br />

emotions at Juce 17 approaches.<br />

For Henry Wotf, ihe ceremony<br />

"...is a time of depression...you<br />

compile your thought* ovc. the<br />

yean and think about alt the things<br />

you coutd have done differently."<br />

On the other hand. Peter<br />

Kurlander looks forward to th- occasion,<br />

which will mark the beginning<br />

of hi> independence. After<br />

graduating, KurUndcr wants'*...the<br />

opportunity to put norc time into<br />

career choices." 4^<br />

Cindy FOP envisions graduation ><br />

as a "bittcrfweet" event, but adds.<br />

"We all deserve it; we put a lot into<br />

tt ano now we're setting something<br />

back."<br />

Many students, including David<br />

Botkin. have mixed emotion* about<br />

graduating. Botkin. who will attend<br />

UC Berkeley, is "...happy to get<br />

away after four yean of hard<br />

work," but is also ud because<br />

many of his friends will leave to at*<br />

tend eastern colleges.<br />

MOM seniors questioned have<br />

noted thai they have a lot to took<br />

forward to in college. Calvin Lee,<br />

frrr cuippk. Li >ci> confolcnt «buul<br />

his. career in higher education.<br />

When asked if he is wared ot what<br />

liei before him at UC Berkeley, Lee<br />

replies "Naaah!" Uc feds he has<br />

"the power to control (hit) own<br />

destiny." but his top priorities in<br />

college a.e still "...(getting:) good<br />

grades, good money, and •» good<br />

girl friend."<br />

Foo'i main concern at UC Santa<br />

Crux b "...developing tmy) individuality,'-'<br />

although she alw<br />

recognize* the inootunce of<br />

"...suiting over" with her social<br />

life. She realizes thai it will tr hard<br />

10 keep up relationships *hh <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Mudents and faculty when sh* cruen<br />

the "real world." outsid.' the<br />

"...lutle world at Unveil."<br />

Unlike Foo, Botkin puts great importance<br />

on establishing new friend)<br />

in college. He plans to have an<br />

"awesome locial life" and meet<br />

"...VERY good-locking girls."<br />

While others arc already concen-<br />

trating on their new lives in<br />

September. Jee is still thinking<br />

about June. She hopes the will<br />

"...feel norms!" when she<br />

graduates.<br />

Lee summarises the feelings of<br />

most <strong>Lowell</strong> wtuotj when he isyi.<br />

"I want to have alt the fun now<br />

while I still can."<br />

After all. on June 17, the Class of<br />

IVH5 will no longer be union; they<br />

will again be freshmen.<br />

Parents comment on end of high school<br />

By Carrie Nbhlraoto<br />

Po parents think fnuiulion Ujiui<br />

"r*omp and CircunuuiKtt?"<br />

Whether gradating magna cum<br />

lauje from some prestigious law<br />

schnol in 1983 or just squeaking by<br />

•n high school aomt thiny vein age.<br />

htudems still share with their<br />

cUssmales * instinctive experience<br />

OraJuaua, Aen, evokes various<br />

fcclinjs. if no; pandbtiul, in both<br />

parents and their children.<br />

When reqoestnd to describe these<br />

feelings, parents came up with<br />

••depressed." and "lonely." and on<br />

i more positive note, "relived."<br />

"ecJUtic," aful "proud." One<br />

mother cicUimed. "I felt so happy<br />

to rove managed to complete high<br />

Kloof, and yet. h was upsetting to<br />

ire that this (graduation) was really<br />

the end...after graduation. I no<br />

longer Ml the same way.<br />

This relative ambivalente OTBS to<br />

be characteristic of graduates.<br />

However, "coaftnion" is often a better<br />

description. One parent apress.<br />

ed,**! didn't kKr* whether iityemo-<br />

Uoot (at that tine) were genuine or<br />

those I ilw»ghl were cjpected of<br />

me.. .sometimes! thought If* I was<br />

the only gra£nde who didn't know<br />

her Iwure plum."<br />

Generally, though, this confusion<br />

clean up when their own children<br />

graduate. <strong>The</strong>n, thr .jtdcrabinl fed-<br />

~mg of die parents towards flirtation<br />

b mostly one of optimism, raging<br />

from ultimate exaltation to contra<br />

satisfaction. "I wasted my ion u enjoy<br />

Ms graduation mole than I did at<br />

my own." comment-d one father,<br />

"and a.'so reflect on what he had accomplished."<br />

Not surprisingly, spire patent*<br />

become reflective and scuimemal as<br />

high school graduation approaches,<br />

somelLnes as early as their child's<br />

freshman year. <strong>The</strong>y may constantly<br />

sith and »ay. "I car't believe my<br />

baby's graduating soon." rr<br />

something which seems equivalency<br />

degrading in Ihe opinion cf Ihe<br />

graduate-to-be. Ostensibly, these are<br />

the parents who plan tr gather as<br />

many graduation bids as possible so<br />

they can invite all the relatives to the<br />

commencement exercise.. While the<br />

graduate may not nectssarilv appreciite<br />

this gesture, at Iran there is<br />

coraolalion that his pareJls do care.<br />

Commencement<br />

<strong>The</strong>se parents want to vicariously<br />

enjoy their children's "commencemeat."<br />

Invariably, they may seem to<br />

be more energetic and enthusiastic<br />

than th: senior himself, who is not<br />

only exhausted from comrJeurg<br />

rcuntle- \ college applicauons but aljo<br />

has contracted a lerrib'e case of<br />

••seniority." Thus, while Ihe senior<br />

vegetates, hii partna are the ones<br />

win make Ihe preparaicm for Ihe btj<br />

event.<br />

In the other hand, some parents do<br />

rot experience tMuma with the ouet<br />

of > graduation, 'iiplalned ou<br />

parent. "I see graduation as a supping<br />

stonr to bigger and belle:<br />

dungs.. .mere's rsJy (little) rascn<br />

•o see it as a criminating point when<br />

theic's • futare ahead."<br />

Another parent reasoned, ..no<br />

matter if it's graduation from middle<br />

Khool. high scfconf, or college, it only<br />

seems more important than it actually<br />

b. (Such events) arc emphasucd<br />

more than daily accomplishments<br />

which happen to be just as imponani.<br />

Why do you think so many students<br />

are disappointed by graduation<br />

anyway?"<br />

One fnuhcr viewed graduation as<br />

a type 01 "imcrmiuior." She<br />

argued. "It's not as if you stop learniong<br />

after you graduate ..butwhen<br />

you're a senior you deserve lo relax<br />

and celebrate a little.<br />

Most of the parents concurred on<br />

one thing — that graduation is one of<br />

the unique events of one's life.<br />




&<br />


rmm:<br />

Ashley NjM Alimna<br />

Curia \] Tong<br />

Celeste<br />

Nl 7m<br />

Laura Sophia<br />

Ite Anna Uxu<br />

Stephanie Tina<br />

Michelle Sarah<br />

Cccrf Trudi<br />

Jenifer<br />

.FEATURE<br />

JU trwtU. Jw be<br />

looked on A\ nh^ppy lime. Afli-'f all.<br />

}car. »c »c,graduates<br />

go. ami we mm ihnn. hut<br />

then MKiKbod) cUc nil* ttut vpax<br />

ajptn."<br />

WanJa'tne Pcrclli, truth teacher<br />

and a Lm*ell goAutc benelf, thin>A<br />

iimibrty- "It's !i r our life. <strong>The</strong> funny<br />

thiny u that uudem* come and go.<br />

and we always vrc IX" same types of<br />

indents — ^< frcsl.nun looking<br />

tyy.etc —but the toilers get older<br />

cscry year. It K&ns ar. if teachers get<br />

older while students are always the<br />

Teacher* are very eater to see<br />

rraduates come back and vhit. Ptrtfli<br />

noud, "What really rruticrs io<br />

leachen. b when we rcaliw that we<br />

have touched torrruoc — maybe<br />

helped him to tovp certain itood<br />

metnoriea of hUh ichool or helped<br />

h im to n*£-t n good cMce of study<br />

fkld.... Btt then you will never<br />

know whetrvr or nu you have touch*<br />

"5d someone's heart uoless he comes<br />

back and tells you."<br />

How do teachers regard the Clais<br />

of *83 io term of actrveoeM? Granucci<br />

commented, "Over &.'), [ would<br />

"omider the <strong>class</strong> in b^ most active<br />

— slow to get st*;ied but extremely<br />

"Every year,<br />

we see graduates<br />

go, and we miss<br />

them, but then<br />

somebody else fills<br />

that space<br />

again."<br />

active as final deadlines approach.<br />

<strong>The</strong> number of people involved in<br />

Spirt V.'edt. PUtt Night Faculty-<br />

Student Game, and Prom all attcu to<br />

this."<br />

Otcar Hollander, science leacltcr.<br />

Jjrecd: "<strong>The</strong>v jtn irrv artnv c.»mpc.e-J<br />

IO ihe CIav» of 85 I abandoned<br />

at WaUiingttM, High Sthcol."<br />

HOWOTT. some teachen fed othcr-<br />

-*i%e. Frederick Slark. phyiii*\<br />

teacher, claimed. "No, I don'i consider<br />

the cU\% to be active. Actuall>.<br />

they ate ver> npithelic."<br />

With the ^er- increjiinp number of<br />

scr.i3rv *-h*: Ui |*c> io the annual<br />

May-Juiw epulcmic stniariiii as the<br />

day of the graduation approaches.<br />

teacher* are the people who arc mott<br />

affected by the symptoms of the<br />

students. Granucci declared. "It is an<br />

insidious paralysis of the brain. Il i\<br />

akin tu an automobile In neutral or an<br />

airplane on wto-pilot. It has reached<br />

plague proportion*."<br />

Donald Baker. Math tccchcr. emphatically<br />

stated, "<strong>The</strong> more talked<br />

about, the more it become* an acceptiblc<br />

mode of behavior. It could be<br />

a tot worse!!"<br />


through<br />

Enterprise for High School Students<br />

If you are registered with us • come In lo updale<br />

* your card K> soon as you kdow you sumxer plans<br />

OR<br />

• !ryou are NOT registred - and wish lo be, you<br />

must<br />

1. Take a workshop<br />

2. Be Interviewed<br />

BEFORE JUNE 17th<br />

C&I1 us for an appointment now!<br />


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