Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Prom highlights<br />

senior activities<br />

By Arabella Walker<br />

This year'i Senior prum. "One<br />

More Night." was held Jl the Fjirmom<br />

Hotels Grand Bill room, on<br />

May 35<br />

Fmm 9 p.m. till I a.m..<br />

Kkkfork. a li*c band, ..nd Mmic<br />

Mattrn, a disc jockey group, alienrwlcd<br />

plmylnp tUrxx mutic (or af»proMmalcly<br />

J30 cuuplcs.<br />

"I thought Music Marie:.: w.is the<br />

driving force of the Prom. I with<br />

(ha: Music MaMen would hjve<br />

pbyed more muvtc than the Kind.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y (Kickback) were singing tup<br />

40'*. but 1 wanted to hear the teal<br />

thing." commented %cninr Andrea<br />

Chirkoff.<br />

Senior Ovcar Hernandez Jr. added.<br />

"Ihc band. Kickback, juu did<br />

nut seem lo be playing what the<br />

LimcHitcs wanted to hcjr. <strong>The</strong> fcuy<br />

who was singing seemed to be IUV-<br />

".. .everything<br />

came together<br />

well, and there<br />

were not any<br />

probl<br />

ing marc Tun impenorutins recording<br />

artists than were tlie students<br />

who wtre dancing. Every lime<br />

Kickback plzvcd rrxnt people sat<br />

down, except the people who wen:<br />

determined to dance."<br />

Throughout the evening,<br />

photographs of the cttuplc\ were<br />

taken by Dclma Studio*<br />

Senior Stephanie Fhhkin lUied.<br />

•<strong>The</strong> phrtS» a P hcn wrprUed me<br />

because from my part eipcnences<br />

with ihc Winter Ball 1983. when »<br />

waited in line for two hours, aad ike<br />

background wu pretty wcky-<br />

However, for the Senior Prom.! only<br />

hau lo wait around 30 minutes,<br />

and even though the background<br />

was not as <strong>class</strong>ic as I had hoped .1.<br />

fc could haw been a lot wot*."<br />

As souvenir*, couples wrrc give*<br />

blue and f rcy memory booklets<br />

along with silver, miniature champagne<br />

g'»*" filled with potpourri,<br />

decorated in royal blue, cuntimiing<br />

ihc prom's blue theme- .<br />

Vtoctot Kiag. the Prom chairman.<br />

stated. "I fell thai the Senior<br />

Prom went very well. Everyone<br />

whom I talked w had > terrific tune,<br />

because wr tod a good mature of<br />

.\linii- M-iucrt' Kibble machine<br />

was in operation at tlic Prum.<br />

mtnic. everything came together<br />

well, and there were not any pn>hl<br />

-ms. Finwcially. it was a success.<br />

tut 1 do not have the eiart ligurcs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Senior Prom committee worked<br />

wry hard foWinp OK memory<br />

' SooUel* and putting together ihc<br />

favor*. I *^nt to thank all who<br />

helped"<br />

By Sandra Wong<br />

•jmcll wntor* dcfiniteiy had "Km<br />

TimcMt Warm Spring." thi» year's<br />

Senior Picnic held at Morten'» Warm<br />

Spring*.<br />

Nine buws carrying 370 *emor»<br />

left <strong>Lowell</strong> at 8:30 a.m. on Fnday.<br />

M/y 31, and arrvicd at Morton'*<br />

Wa:m Springs near Sotkima at 10<br />

a.m. <strong>The</strong> senior ptcnickcrt relumed<br />

iu <strong>Lowell</strong> by 5 p.m.<br />

"If you didn't tu*c good time, it<br />

wa* rour own fault!" dccU.xd<br />

Stephen Granucci. CUw of *85<br />

sporuiir.<br />

Seniors had to dear all cuts and<br />

unexewed absences if they wanted to<br />

attend the picnic. Ticket priori were<br />

S3 with * gold SAC (Student Activities<br />

Card). $10 wiih a regular<br />

SAC. and SI5 without an SAC.<br />

Matiy senior* thought trut the ticket<br />

price* were uio high.<br />

"It (ticket ptkc*) uu too cipensivc.<br />

especially iince fund was not<br />

provided," mentioned senior Rebecca<br />

Ng. <strong>The</strong> *85 officers explained liut<br />

the hign prices were due 10 the fen<br />

that rcMing bu*es wa* very ctntly.<br />

Upon arrivins at Monnn'i Warm<br />

Springs, picrictnbtc*a.-kl Kiihcqoc\<br />

were inuantly tbuncd b-y Ltrwcli<br />

seniors. Charcoal and lighicr fluhl<br />

M» pti^uJt-d b} Ihc Cta^ ••) n.S<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

comedy<br />

show<br />

cancelled<br />

By Jenifer Rotrr*<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Comedy Show-, w.'ticl.<br />

had been Khahitul for MwxLiy. June<br />

3. vas cancelled when local comedian<br />

Bob Reuben was called to film<br />

a piece Tor the David Lr Herman<br />

Shtr> Reuben wa% Ci> be thr main attraction<br />

at the Comedy Show, along<br />

h d i f l i * C<br />

cdy Zone club<br />

<strong>The</strong> project may be rcKhcduled for<br />

a date in September or October of<br />

new sentevter. accoding to wveni<br />

members of the Crmcdy Zone.<br />

HOUKRS FOR VOUfl tflDV ?<br />


i? CymhiJium Cfcr.nJs ^43 r*0<br />

Ofl<br />

1 OX off on Ccsooc of i^onf choi's<br />

12 SO 1.2S00<br />

GilMOUR'S Rn Rffair uu.th Flowers<br />

fi-Wl IMn^.,:^.'.*:. 431-8787<br />

Roma Pizzeria<br />

Italian Rotowani<br />


PHONE nmoo<br />

the Unrll. Im- 7. I9SS. faf *<br />


<strong>The</strong> dclktout antnu of harhcrueC<br />

chicken. McaVv, h.imHjrgcrs, and hot<br />

fcg* mued with ihc .pring »ir. <strong>The</strong><br />

v -athcr was plcaunt. and while<br />

seme seniors tanned, others played<br />

football or tl JCW fnsbee* arounj. <strong>The</strong><br />

two swirorung pooU ucre p^cd with<br />

UmeU ieniors who spUshed aroutnj<br />

and cheered their nltow studenb wto<br />

demomu. ted their diving technique.<br />

Everything from water guns and<br />

pUnt sprayers were used for the<br />

numerous "water w?r»." Senior<br />

Lewis lxe quipped. "I got hii by 50<br />

water balloons!"<br />

What else did the picnickers do Tor<br />

fun?<br />

"I i^jm, ate. swam. M. and<br />

ale!" remarked senior Dinnie Sttgh.<br />

"I think everyone had a goud time,<br />

but the place was ton small "<br />

Sen ft DA\ id Scruciimas Kcmcd to<br />

win vp ihc whole fcelinf of the senior<br />

cUss whenhcnxnnient^. "<strong>The</strong> picnic<br />

was an cutting w- jy for all seniors<br />

to get together before graduatUMi."<br />

Dave McrVW attKki Dwolh; Ylu<br />

lb s ualtcr battk.<br />

AJJod Knior Detmc Hoo(. "0o).<br />

am I ghd graduation is only t»a<br />

wcck\ avzy!" By ihe lime Ihi* i\%ue<br />

of Thf Ln*Tll i% primed, gra&ution<br />

wiil only be one week away 1<br />

A grutip or Mrnlim \tuck up al Ihr Senior Picnic.<br />

Dovid C. Bofron Lakeside Village'<br />

Ptescnplions<br />

Convalescent Supplies<br />

Greoling Cards<br />

(415) 333-4883<br />

Ocean Awnue. &in Francisco. Ca 94T32<br />

Design it with<br />

MicroCAD"<br />

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IMmldclt. New penpcctlveiart Ktocratrd al Uw posh ofa<br />

button.<br />


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