Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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ftp 4 V* LuwtU. Jtnt 7. !9tS<br />

GOVERNMENr=__ —<br />

Transition time for student government:<br />

Officers congregate at banquet<br />

By Sudn I!QI«<br />

Why wu LowctVft Undent govenme«<br />

Kill at school at 6 r ,m. on a<br />

Tuesday nl|hi? Meeting can't be<br />

thai long ..<br />

Officer* met not for business, bu.<br />

for pleasure to enjoy thh/cai't "Officer<br />

luullfion 3anqect." whid.<br />

took place on June 4.<br />

<strong>The</strong> purpose of tfce tvtm »n to<br />

have the pan officers welcome in the<br />

new ones who waned their terms on<br />

Ma> 20.<br />

"It (the banquet) was a chance to<br />

get B know everybody new to student<br />

government," explained Eli/ibcth<br />

Dann, Chu of '87 president. "Old<br />

officen told the new people about<br />

their positions.**<br />

"We** e had thU traditioa Tor PU:*C<br />

a few yean," renwrked Carl Koente.<br />

spomor of the <strong>Lowell</strong> ."viecutivc<br />

Council (LEC). "However,! think<br />

the banquet needs more formality. I<br />

would like to ice till the government<br />

loons*** and adminiMi^on herr in<br />

the future."<br />

White Koenig cooked the rood<br />

evcryofu ui on (he courtyard benches<br />

tod got better pcquainted.<br />

"Ji was not a real feme atmosphere,"<br />

revealed Duk-hi Yoo.<br />

fonuer Board of School and Community<br />

Service* (BSCS) .-hairpenoa.<br />

"Instead, it wai or- where jou could<br />

just talk and socialize."<br />

When aiied if the met everyone.<br />

Gloria Shin. Yoo's successor.<br />

Government<br />

notebook<br />

LEC<br />

ByEricFutUT<br />

•<strong>The</strong> Lcwell Executive Council<br />

(LEO •* now in • transitiona]<br />

period. l*.ut ufficc** are training<br />

Ueir IUOJCSSOA to be able to cany<br />

out the cuties of their povitkw.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> LEC a also coordinating a<br />

student petition asking for the retentiou<br />

of the present modular<br />

acheduie.<br />

• LEC Chairperson Aviv Laurence<br />

U i- the process of appointing<br />

studenn to vacant offices including<br />

assistant treasurer, two Student Advisory<br />

Council representatives, corrcsy;ading<br />

lecre^r?. and Board for<br />

Scbao! and Community Service<br />

chatrrnao.<br />

SAB<br />

By Duk-Hl Voo<br />

• <strong>The</strong> Snxfcm Activity Board's last<br />

evea '.' Ul be the Us- rally of t* year<br />

which .tcS take place laity. It will<br />

be k "Moviusj-lip" rally ta which ill<br />

ctoucs will "graduate" to the next<br />

trade.<br />

• "Ms. Ravhhi££ Day" was held<br />

yettrnlay. and the winov win be anminced<br />

«thti rally, along »*h the<br />

raner-opt fiom each dais.<br />

« According to SAB Sponsor Edfar<br />

Leteun. the trytxox for sf'uh sqia

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