Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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From free speech, to Vietnam, to apartheid ...<br />

Student protests return to Berkeley<br />

By Jonathan Alberts<br />

As the By arm-apartheid Jonathan Alberts movemeni comer """ of Bancroft and Telegraph. Ooard of Regents, a cemmince >as<br />

" V<br />

on university campuses across the <strong>The</strong> students, in protest !o this ».•- appointed to investigate the usue.<br />

nation begins to grow, the situation uon. formed a united front arl .»- Shortly thereafter, a new<br />

U becornimj increasingly rtminisquested the restoration of iris area chancellor was named and provicent<br />

o: the protests staged by the as tl»e center of student political TXMU] rules resolved the protects.<br />

Tree Speech Movement (FSM) in activu*y.<br />

<strong>The</strong> battc similarities between the<br />

the 60s. and the later protests in op- Unable to achieve an acceptable free speech movement And the aparposition<br />

lo the Vietnam War. compromise with the school's adtheid protests arc apparent.<br />

Apartheid. South Africa's social ministration, the students Students, in both cases, were, and<br />

system urder which 22 million deliberately disobeyed the univer- ire, protestin; the Universe's<br />

blacks are ruled by a minority white sity's resinctV":-, by setting up and policy conccr ing an imr.nr.tfii<br />

aristocracy, has become a manning whfts on campus. is%uc of the time.<br />

household word for many Ditciplifur) action by Berkeley's TLe members of the Ftec Speech<br />

Americans.<br />

administrations only tncaavsl the Mavcncnt were demanding the<br />

Protests demanding divestment of strength of the movement. \ tem- reformation of the Universe's<br />

stock owned by universities are freporary agreement and moratorium rules concerning student political<br />

quent on many campuses nation- on illegal student activity with inc and social action.<br />

wide, the picketing by th= general newly formed FSM •!*] not last, and Sirmlarty, today's apartheid pro-<br />

public of the South African Em- once again tables were runncd and testers arc demanding a change in<br />

bassy ia Washington has received rallies suged.<br />

lhc policy of the University concer-<br />

considerable media coverage. <strong>The</strong> protests continued with the ning investment in companies doing<br />

business with and in South Africa.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are alvo demanding immediate<br />

divestment of the SI.7 billion in<br />

''Apartheid, South Africa's social stock the University TOW hold* in<br />

Sproul Hall at L'C Berkeley baa brer* Ibe site of student protests for the<br />

these campan;e*<br />

pwt tw<br />

system under which 22 million blacks Ancther similarity i e methods In general, the public opposed Oic Americans approve of their<br />

used. <strong>The</strong> apartheid protntcrs protesters of the 60Y Even lhc stu- method*, since ihesc method* are<br />

are ruled by a white aristocracy, has employ- the noii-violc.nl allies and dent govemmem and newspaper of N.* generally recognized av accep-<br />

sit-ins, and the picketing which the ihe University disagreed with the table. Many Americans also v>m-<br />

become a household word for many FSM effectively uved in dc 60 V protesters <strong>The</strong> opposition was not polhizc with the protcvtcr\ stand*<br />

^Americans. "<br />

<strong>The</strong> sincerity and id^Iiv n found<br />

so m>-ch with the ISIJC oi free on the issue of apartheid.<br />

in lhc fire speech movcmer.l is also<br />

\pccch av tfce mcthodv cmpl'>ycd in In the Ule 60's and early 70's, the<br />

apparent in the apartheid protect*. In<br />

tie protests.<br />

focus of the Berkeley prtiesters<br />

<strong>The</strong> relationship between the pro- occupation of Sprout Hill and<br />

turned to the Vietnam War. As the<br />

jdduion to fighting for their tpcech<br />

tests i*t> decades ago and the recent Governor Edmund G - Brow n rightv. the prolcMtrrs of the 60S "7he anti-apar- war turned into an ugly spectacle,<br />

movement can be best determined dispatched police. Over 800<br />

the protests back in America alto<br />

ucrc alwi active in tnc fight fut civil<br />

by comparing the University of students were arrested, but hicr rights, equal employment, and the theid movement is became ugly.<br />

California at Berkeley's involve- released on bail.<br />

right agaitivt the remnants of apar-<br />

Violence previously unknown in<br />

based on the same<br />

ment in the issues of free ipctxh and <strong>The</strong> students rejected the protheid in America.<br />

the protests became the weapon of<br />

apartheid.<br />

posals of University President Claik<br />

many protesters, and. in turn, of the<br />

<strong>The</strong> ar.!t>apaithcid movement iv development of<br />

<strong>The</strong> fice speech controversy Kerr. but the strike 'va» suspended<br />

law enforcement officers. Many<br />

based on the tame development of<br />

erupted on September 14, 1964 ur.til after the meeting of the social conscience. Apartheid pro- social con - buildings were butted, and people<br />

*.hen students were banned, on the Acai'cmic Senate- <strong>The</strong>n, the<br />

were injured and Killed.<br />

tntc* want divestment in order ti><br />

basis of a university rule restricting Academic Senate passed a propoul force the abolition ol apartheid in science.''<br />

As violence corrinues in South<br />

political activities, from sctf'ig up ag*i£U the control of student speech Sooth Arrica.<br />

Africa and the demand for aciton<br />

<strong>The</strong> apartheid protcucn, on the<br />

iahw», raising fundi. recruitir* and political advocacy. While thii Tlicrc arc nlto tome difference*<br />

grows Wronger, there iv speculation<br />

other twid. c^.tvy f.vonble pirn<br />

tsembers. and giving speeches at the propmal wn not accrued by the t>ct*ccit the two ntovcnxntv<br />

»• to whohrr the ptnteus in the<br />

cuvcr^c. Thr tail nujohty of<br />

United SMU.S wtil rcnu.>h«i.

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