Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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.NEWS<br />

Leung wins trip | Drafting students honored<br />

to England<br />

By Jenifer Rogers<br />

Senior Jessica Leung wm firu<br />

prize in tV 19X5 Enjlish-Spealung<br />

Union Esuy Contest.<br />

"I wu very excited about winning<br />

tint priic I had worked hard on the<br />

c*say and I bciic«nl En what I wTotc,"<br />

enthused Lcucc.<br />

Leung receivfld a Khobnhip to attend<br />

summer school at Jesus College,<br />

Giford University, England, for one<br />

week.<br />

.TV! a very generous prize. <strong>The</strong><br />

urJvcniiy U one ot" the oldest in the<br />

workl and attendieg whool there<br />

would be like living » port of history.<br />

Alto, going away 'Jut summer wi'l<br />

be beneficial because this ii the sum<br />

mrr of transition between IJ^h school<br />

and college and I'll be out ot my<br />

o*n. It'll be rny first iritiation into<br />

the adult world. I'm really looking<br />

forward to it," stated Leung.<br />

Other prizes were aw anted for second,<br />

third, and fourth pijeev Second<br />

and third prizes are trips *o<br />

Washington D.C. to visit the Library<br />

of Congrcu, to meet member* of the<br />

government, and to visit some points<br />

of imprest in t. i nation's cap-u).<br />

Fourth prize is a sctoUnhrp to attend<br />

the Squaw Valley Writer* Conference<br />

in August. 1983.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s sponsor to the English<br />

Spewing UC'JM. Arthur Petcnon<br />

stated, "It's the most ycncroui esuy<br />

contest th=t I know of. Since ; t is<br />

limited to San Francisco students.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> has a good chance of winning<br />

each year. This is the third year<br />

that a student of mine has won ant"<br />

I'm proud of that. 1 thought Jessica<br />

had a good chance of winning<br />

because ihe took i difficult topic<br />

(Politicians and the Press — Who<br />

controls vhom?) and used her own<br />

cipcricnce. Sic also knew that it<br />

would take a lot of work so kite made<br />

man* rough dnftCTm proud thai she<br />

won."<br />

Thr cnghsh-Speaking Union was<br />

rounlcu on July 4. 1918 in London.<br />

England to promote unity around the<br />

English-speaking Areas of the world.<br />

In 1920. an Engl&i-Spcaking<br />

Union was forn^ed in the United<br />

States and scholarship* were provided<br />

to give American students the opportunity<br />

to cipcriencc the British<br />

school svstcm.<br />

This year, the Fourth Annual Esuy<br />

Contest was held fur the San Francisco<br />

Htjtii School branch of the<br />

organization.<br />

<strong>The</strong> organization is not politically<br />

affiliated but mow ot the topics deal<br />

with matters ct intcrrutional importance,<br />

such m 0m year's topic<br />

"Politicians and (he Pic** — Who<br />

controls whom?"<br />

Choir concert<br />

entertaining<br />

By May Wont<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> choir entertained a<br />

roulfJruuV of parents, uudcntt, and<br />

tncnl* MI m Spring Concert on May<br />

<strong>The</strong> program comiucd of greeting<br />

by Principal Alan Fibish and performance<br />

by koloUtt. eniembles, the<br />

bcginnitj chorus and the advanced<br />

choir.<br />

At S p.m.. Creative Art* Dc.unment<br />

Head Jack Anderson introduced<br />

Fibiih who* ckr.med all to". ..a<br />

program of joy and excellence."<br />

commending the choir and director<br />

"I thought they (the <strong>Lowell</strong> Choir)<br />

Awe really wonderful." exclaimed<br />

.\\^y Weir.strtn. a senior at Head<br />

Ko-ce High Schml.<br />

ISc vil»wi and enscmhlut* nlfcre<br />

I a w-dc sartcty of nu\ic with<br />

sonj. ranging fnwn &»ch's "FuW<br />

Ich lit" to ii> ja/z master Thomas<br />

"Fat:" Waller'* "Keeping Out of<br />

Misci ief Now" to Madonna'*<br />

"Cra:f For You."<br />

Esc lement from the audience wa*<br />

cspeci Hy evident when soloist Eun<br />

Kini * tu} a special request, when<br />

senior. oanna Jow whimpered. "I'm<br />

Tbe LowttI choir performed a S?rins Coocert In the •udlloHuti on May<br />

24.<br />

Johnny Und for their many accomplishments<br />

throughout the<br />

1984-aS school year.<br />

<strong>The</strong> heginnirtg chorus opened the<br />

evening of sons under the direction<br />

of student conductor Aaron Shapiro<br />

•od filled the auditorium with songs<br />

of •'Rhythm of life."<br />

<strong>The</strong> advanced tboir. OUT- limes-U<br />

large a» *^e beginning chorus, with<br />

three times the volume, and three<br />

Umei as bright in thetr brilliant icd<br />

westers, harriraucd songs in Gcrnap<br />

Lrt^.: and Elfch<br />

crazy for you. Lntrmff" at the end<br />

of her song, and *hen tap-dancing<br />

duo Deaii Jones and L»sa Biclawi<br />

•tug and danced to "OfT Time."<br />

Corm^endat ere given to all.<br />

Und. Shapiro, and student conductor<br />

for the advanced choir. Picrrc-<br />

Ouy Whfee. received .lowers for their<br />

effom. and all the perfooncn; rcceiv.<br />

ed loud applaud.<br />

Junior Amy Maspuo/ reflected,<br />

»It was exciting! We (the choir)<br />

worked hard, and it paid off.<br />

By Slctr Fong<br />

Seven <strong>Lowell</strong> drafting and design<br />

stut'ents won honors at the sixteenth<br />

apmul American Insututc of \t~<br />

cuitcrts (AIA) Competition.<br />

<strong>The</strong> winncra * * junior Kevin<br />

Wong, 2nd Overall; senior Francb<br />

Mi'l. 1st Best Model; junior Aviv<br />

Lautencc. 2nd Best Model; senior<br />

May Yu. 3rd Best Model; junior<br />

Phuonj N'gtiycn. 3rd Best Drawing;<br />

Laurence. Honorable Mention •<br />

Design Concept (representation in<br />

design); and junicr John McNutty.<br />

Honorable Mention • Graphic Energy<br />

rfcoluneu oi design).<br />

In addition, Hugh Aanonscn.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> sponsor and drafting teach-r<br />

receivrd an award for "outstanding<br />

contribution to the AIA Competitions."<br />

<strong>The</strong> San Francisco chapter of the<br />

AIA sponsored the contcM, which it<br />

open to drafting and architecture<br />

students 11 various Greater Hay Area<br />

high Kturtv<br />

Two months prior to th* compcti-<br />

\kr,, a pond of professional architects<br />

'ormulated a problem which required<br />

practical ffuolcm solving, functio-ul<br />

design cnteria (such us rcttroom*).<br />

and aeuhctics.<br />

This year, the panel assigned the<br />

participants to design a pavillkm tor<br />

this .unimer's AIA convention at<br />

Mascroc Center. <strong>The</strong> building had to<br />

meet certain height and area requirements.<br />

Furthermore the<br />

• wilding had to be capable of King<br />

'.onuructcd ?nd broken down within<br />

a certain time period.<br />

Two months after the panel introduced<br />

the problem, .i full set of<br />

(Top to bottom) Modeb of AIA drafting winner* Deferi* to Kerln Wv*<br />

(2nd place mereO). M»jM. On) place best model), A«lv Laurrvce (2nd<br />

place best model and honorable men!(on best concept), and France* Mill<br />

(Isi place best model).<br />

plan*, a modd and a statement<br />

(o\ay) about the tfctiyn Has due.<br />

On the due title, a second panel of<br />

architects juried the competition. Its<br />

evaluation determined the winner..<br />

"l*'s (the competition) en educational<br />

eipericncc. <strong>The</strong>y (ihe pirtkipanu)<br />

recet>Td comments on an<br />

individual basis (from the jurats),"<br />

asserted Aanortsen.<br />

Thi* yea/. A3 students competed.<br />

Of 51 <strong>Lowell</strong> entrants, six Luwcllitcs<br />

wci seven uit of ckven pmiible<br />

award t. including a clean sweep of<br />

the model making competition.<br />

Lowcllite* started competing in die<br />

AIA competitions feu- >ears ago.<br />

That tint year, a student acquired an<br />

honorable mftfion. Accordirg to<br />

Aanor&en, "\:nx then, we (<strong>Lowell</strong>)<br />

have nc\cr received less thtn 60 percent<br />

of the awards."<br />

"It was a real challenge to come<br />

up with a volution to the pruNcm.<br />

<strong>The</strong> project was fun." renuikcd<br />

McNulty.<br />

"I didn't think I WM going to win<br />

because I competed last year ail<br />

!*Ht." Yu enthused. "I felt I itH bet*<br />

• ter last time."<br />

I nircncc rcvcalr*'. 'Isortof*cta<br />

fLj\ to be an architect. Hopefully, it<br />

(the i A ml) will he'p me in the field."<br />

UC adopts new applications rule<br />

By Amy L*c<br />

ThcCla«sor 19X6 will be the first<br />

jroup of student* in 25 >ear* to lute<br />

the t>ption of applying to as many<br />

Umvc.-tity of Californu (L'C) campuses<br />

a* they wivh.<br />

UC official* base decided to<br />

change their policy of ha* ing students<br />

.y 10 only one campus at a time.<br />

because that rule ha* stopped man><br />

excellent students tiom gaining ad-<br />

MO.I to their favorite L'C<br />

campuses.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> change will be advantageous<br />

to the students." claimed counselor<br />

Joan Catclti- "Thing* will be better<br />

for them — and fairer, too."<br />

Presently, if ttudcnr* are denied admission<br />

in their fir*t-choke campus,<br />

thci r application* arc redirected to<br />

another UC campus on theit "lockup"<br />

list (if 'rucc is still avabble) or<br />

to a M!MX)I not on their tc I.<br />

<strong>The</strong> time between being .Ejected<br />

'rom thcir fir*t-choicc carnpit* aad<br />

having their application* forwarded<br />

to another campus often put* top<br />

students at a handicap- In many caso.<br />

these students arc denied admission<br />

to thcir second-choice uunpu* simply<br />

because all the spaces have been<br />

filled by :he time their application*<br />

arrive.<br />

<strong>The</strong> appeals process, which takes<br />

between three to lour weeks, alvo<br />

puts jof\» student* at a disadvantage.<br />

If these rtuoVnts are turned down on<br />

Happy Birthday<br />

LUCY<br />

ON YOUR<br />

18TH<br />

From:<br />

Your buddy, Rachel<br />

appeal at their first-choice schools,<br />

dtcy may not rv jcrsMcd admiMion lu<br />

their Ncomd choice campus cither,<br />

since other students will already ru\c<br />

filled all the available redirection<br />

AIMI. the pnthabiiity of being a.ccptctl<br />

to a first, scciwkl, or even<br />

third-choice campus ha> decreased as<br />

ncw-studcnt-cnrollmcnt has increased<br />

a: L'C\ eight pcncral crjnpuso -itn<br />

increase of }H percent in the pasi<br />

fi*c year*.<br />

Because of the increase in applications<br />

during recent year*, most<br />

*tidents who arc rejected fn:nt their<br />

first-choice campuse* arc redirected<br />

to Ir*ine. Rtvcnidc. or Santa Crw.<br />

Redirecting applicant* lo :he traditiunal<br />

second-choice camputc*<br />

(Davis. Hann BuiKira. and San<br />

Diego) i* n*> longer a conunou practice:<br />

these schools, which formcriy<br />

accepted the n*erflow from Berkeley<br />

and UCLA, arc now. themselves,<br />

red Meeting student*.<br />

Catclli offeted another *l\wry:<br />

to >hc new policy: "It will make the<br />

In: * hotcc a truer first choice. LXc-<br />

* it<br />

* *<br />

A- it<br />

ly. many »tudsn- have been<br />

(l»cmira£cO from apply mp to thetr<br />

tiis'-choKe UC tJi'ipu* hecjuse ol<br />

the small chance o xing accepted.<br />

It's sad not to be able to even try for<br />

your firM choice. Now cser\onrcan<br />

at least try."<br />

Senior Lc*l*c Lau:er-.x. whir will<br />

be aiiending Ur ser\ir> ot S«»uthcm<br />

California (USC) !iir. f.JI. comntcnied.<br />

"I applied to L'ClJx. and I<br />

f.H icdirectcd. If I were able to jpp-<br />

K to more than otic campus. > uould<br />

alMtKive jpplicdtn Ikikclcy. and I<br />

prutuhly would ruvc been a»,tcr:t«J."<br />

Students will be bitrskJered it two<br />

L'C vampusc* of their choice fitr MI<br />

application tee of 035. Appln'anA<br />

will be charged an cttra 520 fi* cintskKrathm<br />

at T.'1 campuv.<br />

"r>J»cr ihm ihe moatN. thechinpe<br />

is much rm-rc to ttu: ads^iuirc •»• tbo<br />

student itun to the umvci u!\." UKI<br />

Caiclli. "For ihe uni.-criiiie*.<br />

especially ft>r Berkeley, thcu* wi I he<br />

more application* tu »iit through.<br />

Aim. it's ptnng ti* tK harder for the<br />

campuses to get a i rue picture of just<br />

who wril be accepting ihcir ofrr."<br />

Worried ahou'. the<br />

SAT?<br />

I'm • patknl. exprricnerd lulur<br />

Mho's helped olhcn Increase thrlr<br />

le^l ou lo<br />

prrparc for thh importuit ruunlnallon.<br />

Bill Driscoll. MS 665-6717<br />

Sunset<br />

Ice Cream & Candies<br />

featuring<br />

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RNE CANDIES * * * *<br />

imtx lu Crmai PnpatkH mU hand psckea' available .<br />

T CA rralxiM OK«I

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