Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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.'•IT 4 <strong>The</strong> loHttl. luu 7. I1U<br />

NEWS<br />

Three <strong>Lowell</strong>ites win<br />

CACA scholarships<br />

Senior* Anv S. Lrc, Helen Ma, and<br />

Dcfotfcy Yiu tuve been recognize!<br />

n recipients PI* S800 poo-rcncwablc<br />

scholarship* from the Chinese<br />

America** Citizen* Alliance<br />

(CACA).<br />

* I "TO shocked and excited ...<br />

because the minute I uw Ul those<br />

well qualified pccplc At the inter*<br />

vf-w, 1 fcls that 1 H.J tb.ohitety no<br />

chance," r k d M<br />

"I wit totally amazed. It *u<br />

very unexpected, opedally since '.<br />

*•» tale for the interview," Yin<br />

reuurked.<br />

<strong>The</strong> CACA rccognir.id ten<br />

£»dua;if£ xniors of Chine*<br />

aacrury who plan to continue ihrir<br />

education a: the collegiate level.<br />

IV basis of *JK CACA'S selection<br />

of wianera Included acjdctiic<br />

achievement'GPA),?xuacv;.Kijlar<br />

rttivitte*. financial seed, ind cmv<br />

vrrvicc. All thnc critirU<br />

CACA scholarship eomnt vlancn:<br />

N!a; Bottom, Am; Lev.<br />

had to be verified with a letter of<br />

recommendition from a member of<br />

thr faculty and n of&tal schocl<br />

trjucript.<br />

Thtuc itudeat* who pasted thf Uv<br />

ttul (Crecniag weir penonally in*<br />

tervkwul by .-nembsa of the<br />

CACA, Winners were recognized<br />

u those -anno m*x cloody trc<br />

CACA standard*.<br />

All uf the throe ljx*tti winner*<br />

have high GPA's, between 3.87 and<br />

3.97. Lcc hat been involved in<br />

var-ous clubs, such as the Pre-Med<br />

Ouli, CSF. and the Adventure<br />

Alliance, and ii currently the co-<br />

Fcanirt edi'or of 77M- <strong>Lowell</strong>. Both<br />

Ma and Yiu «x actively involved in<br />

CSF, Shield, ant! the Caulinal<br />

Ciwajfc.<br />

"For me. every bit nf aid will<br />

definitely help because by the fall of<br />

1987. tK-ft will be focr of us (my<br />

brothers and myselfl in college. Anri<br />

it's an honor to receive a scholanbip<br />

from ... the CACA which rm daw<br />

valuable service to the Chinese-<br />

American community." Lee<br />

adminoJ-<br />

"<strong>The</strong> scholarship will help pastor<br />

expenses for a dorm or apartnuau<br />

because I'm going to support<br />

myself through college." Ma<br />

asm ted-<br />

"Besides flrunciatly. this scholarthip<br />

roskca. mt> feel c°od. It's ntce<br />

Top, Dorothy Yin; middle, Hek-n<br />

that it comes fnvn the Chinac communit)."<br />

Yiu claimed.<br />

Lee. who pUnt to attend Tufts<br />

Univcney in Mauachusctu. major<br />

in education. She looks forward to<br />

becotrbg an elementary *chi«l<br />

teacher. Ma and Yiu will both atlcnJ<br />

the I'nivxnty of California ai<br />

Berkeley. <strong>The</strong>y :eer- careers in c?cuoctry<br />

And brines*, tapcctivjy.<br />

ROTC unit<br />

sweeps competition<br />

By Stephen Hcuser<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Junior Reserve Officers"<br />

Training Corps (JROTCJ<br />

wan all eight categories of the 9lu<br />

Drill Compcuzi'jn M the Presidio on<br />

MA/ 18, and so completed the first<br />

dear, sweep in the competition's<br />

30-year history.<br />

<strong>The</strong> competition u spomcred by<br />

the 91M Army DivUun, San Tran*<br />

asco'r. reserve unit at the Presidio.<br />

Tb; eight categories are tint, second,<br />

thhd, ted fbiRQ year cadet<br />

MKldl driHdowt»; • drill platoon<br />

competition: girls* and boys'<br />

drill teams; ind n overall czugory<br />

decided by each team's cumulative<br />

scores.<br />

la the individual dnlidowns,<br />

cahts perform tbt "Maoual of<br />

kn&S' a specific riiJe-oandltoj<br />

toutine. with pnciiioa ofexxtttioo<br />

(be mtio jadgfnf criterioo. <strong>The</strong><br />

flru-year wiiioct wa» Cadet Curponl<br />

Eddk Labndo: the sccooj<br />

year wituer, Cadst Second Lkutc*<br />

UM .(UT) Ererys BcUraa: the<br />

tfalni-ycar winoer. Cadet 2LT<br />

McJvma Cbew. 30J the foonb-year<br />

*iaoer. Cadet Lieutenant Colonel<br />

(LrC) Joe Sid.<br />

Tbs Drill Pbuon, led by Cadet<br />

LTC S»d, U t crack ^ara of cadets<br />

woo ltave perfected the sandanJ<br />

drill uatht to all cadets. Tb« drill<br />

invtilvcs marrrung in li«cs ana the<br />

'*Manual of Arms" and n judged on<br />

synchroniiatnn.<br />

Tlw gir!s* drill team, led by Cadet<br />

Major Joy Oriola. alto demands<br />

precise synchrotuutkm. but in hand<br />

rwvemcMs and th>thmic fortshufriing,<br />

rather than marching or<br />

rifle handling.<br />

Tte Boys' Drill Team, command*<br />

ed by Cadft Major Ariel VcLuco.<br />

ctcJtcd Us own routine. perforrr.ing<br />

a complex "exhibition drill." 'ih*.h<br />

includes the spinning of rifles and<br />

flap and the execution of unique<br />

marching drills.<br />

Low-el) received a Defect scure of<br />

(U poinu in the overall compt*itioa,<br />

which all San Francisco pubt*. high<br />

school JROTC units entcteO. <strong>The</strong><br />

ock/cu competitor wms Balboa. wiU:<br />

Z2 point*, aad Lincoln was third.<br />

Cadet LTC Sid commented. "A<br />

goort part of the rcawn why (<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

• won) Is Uut because we go to<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>: everyone H very competitive.<br />

In everything we do.<br />

w-hctber it's ROTC or something<br />

else* we're always trying to be the<br />

best.*<br />

AMiough the Anny often tpoo*<br />

yxl JROTC creanti mi crran.lhc<br />

JROTC ba CO D»0diS « fcnml tics<br />

with the U.S. Annj.<br />

Press Club honors '<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>'<br />

By Mdanlc Mnnieverdc<br />

Senior Glenn Aiaeda and <strong>The</strong><br />

Ltiivlf earned recognition in the<br />

19&5 annual **thcd in<br />

the January iisuc of <strong>The</strong> Lmrlt.<br />

"1 am really excited about wuut<br />

ing 'Jib award. It b the ben possible<br />

way of winding up my photography<br />

experience at <strong>Lowell</strong>. I am tremcrv<br />

dousjy (fateful to Mr. Kohu for all<br />

that he has dune for me. Without his<br />

recognitioa. I would never have<br />

been able to receive thb award."<br />

Asacda declared.<br />

7V LowtU won hdnorabte mention<br />

in the Best Ne*spapcr category<br />

along with Redwood High School's<br />

newspaper. <strong>The</strong> fUdwood Bark.<br />

Tokay Hieh School in Lodi recc.-cj<br />

the Best Newspaper award for its<br />

publication. <strong>The</strong> Crape.<br />

"I am very proud of <strong>The</strong> La*xU<br />

fcr receiving thb huacr. We on the<br />

staff work hard to produce the<br />

"<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>" was awar&d booorable roentloa In the 4 In annual Proa<br />

Club uf San Frmncbco awxrds program. •<br />

paper. <strong>The</strong>refore, receiving praise<br />

U Uwxys nice. <strong>The</strong> Unvtll has<br />

received honorable memton several<br />

times now; 1 only hope that it will<br />

capture the first place tiMe next<br />

>CAT." tfated co-ed : ior Jessica<br />

Leung.<br />

Best Photograph. A ,*rpcTual<br />

trophy is given to the Best<br />

Newspaper. Only K lior* are sligi*<br />

b^ to compete.<br />

This year there were 339 entries<br />

in the four ctteforitt t'rom 44 high<br />

schools. <strong>The</strong> total amount or award*<br />

Scholarship awards were given g1Ven was $8,000. Firsl place win*<br />

the four categoric*: Sew* Story, ners each receive $1,000<br />

Fc£iure Story. Sporu Story, and tchotarships.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>ite is candidate<br />

in chemistry Olympiad<br />

Bj Joan S. Kim<br />

Junior How»*d Lee u among tne<br />

20 top chcmiitry vhkk...i natiunwidc<br />

to he ^elected to train this \ummer at<br />

the Air Fcce Academy in Coior-too<br />

Springs, Colondu. where he *ill attempt<br />

to be amoitj; the Itul four<br />

\tudcnu wh«< wttl represent the<br />

UnrnJ Sute\ in the l'*ih Intcnuikmil<br />

Chcmivtr)' Olympisd in Eun>pc UICT<br />

th» summer.<br />

"1 wat very excited to hear the<br />

new*," cnthutcd Lee "Actually. I<br />

wat taking a nvith tcu when I fin!<br />

heard ahtut it." ho added.<br />

Lcc w» firs: nominated by hi» Advanccd<br />

Pbccr jent Chcmiury teacher.<br />

Urban Becker. t» uke ? test adnumucred<br />

by the American Chemical<br />

Society (ACS) at Mills College on<br />

April 25. Of the apprminutcly 107<br />

Mudenu lUionuide who took the<br />

same tcti. he fini\hcd among the top<br />

20, thut winning a trip m the Ait<br />

Fnrcr Academy.<br />

Recler. head of the Science<br />

Department, nnced. "<strong>The</strong> ACS tc%t<br />

t\ deiigncd u> find 20 of the moM<br />

tapjblc chemmry uudenu who ha*c<br />

uken cither t-nc year or two yc*n of<br />

advanced chemtttry."<br />

<strong>The</strong> International ChcmtMry OI> mpud<br />

i\ an annual event trut was<br />

originated by Czechoslovakia.<br />

Poland, and Hungary in 1968. It re*<br />

trun J ait Eastern Bloc affair until<br />

1974 when Western European court*<br />

tries started to participate. Last year<br />

v~as the first year of the U.S. entry<br />

in the olympiad. This )car, the olympiad<br />

wilt take place in Bratislava.<br />

C/cchmlnvaku.<br />

Lee attribute* his success in<br />

chemivtry to hi* general intercn in<br />

wience und hi* interest in matter. "I<br />

like to 0*1 out about how thtnj*<br />

arc." he rcm-rkcd. L«*s favorite<br />

courses at <strong>Lowell</strong> arc chemistry and<br />

compute* science, both of which are<br />

Advanced Placement (AP) couries.<br />

Lcc'* main eUracurncular activities<br />

nit hemp a member of the<br />

Caliromia Scholarship Federation<br />

(CSF>. the Chcvt Cub. and the<br />

Science Club. He also tutors<br />

chemistry through the CSF tutoring<br />

program.<br />

Merit scholar heads for Carleton<br />

By Grade Kao<br />

Senior Jonathan Alberts i\ a winner<br />

of a four-> car National Merit<br />

Schobnhip to Carletor. College in<br />

Nonhficld. Minncsua.<br />

Out of IJ.500 firul-ui in the Natkooal<br />

Merit Scholarship Competition.<br />

Alberts n one of 5.400 fuulisu<br />

to be awarded a tcholanhip.<br />

<strong>The</strong> scnoUnhip is awarded only if<br />

the stuient mauTUins a record<br />

equivalent to tha. of which ha*, been<br />

reported to N.M5C while iSc parti*<br />

c»am was a semi-finalist. <strong>The</strong> student<br />

alto must attend the sponsor<br />

college.<br />

Carleton College wa* one of<br />

tcvcral coliese*. Alberts applied to.<br />

"I w-avn't sure of where I wanted to<br />

go. So 1 didn't have a first choice (of<br />

colleges)." Alberts stated.<br />

"I've heard good things about it<br />

(Carteton College). My father has a<br />

colleague there." he added.<br />

Albefis will major in<br />

history'foliiical -cicncc. "It (the<br />

scholarship) was an unexpected<br />

Hrnm.Pcnai.2a]Coiora(<br />

George Laca<br />

Beamy Works<br />

pleasant surprise." Alberts<br />

concluded.<br />

Besides being on the vanity football<br />

team. Alberts is also on the varsity<br />

swim team and was formerly on<br />

the track team. He is also a member<br />

of 77t? Lo**ll newspaper stiff and a<br />

member of Model UN (United NaiK,m).<br />

Alberts has a 3.6 CPS.<br />

Carlcton College was nubtbhed<br />

in I860 and has an curollmen*. of<br />

about 1.700 students. It is located<br />

near the twin cities of 5t. Paul and<br />

Minneapolis.<br />

C-H CLEANERS &<br />



r*Y<br />

& REPAIRS<br />

. 131 CorbottAvemita ,<br />

[San Frandaco. CA 94114 {<br />

861-9549<br />


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