Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Question Man<br />

O Colcliuurr IU06)<br />

"To fjll hclolmly m lo\c and ihcn<br />

j;ct nurricd in ihc \* inter."<br />

Andrew I-UUcfWId (8619)<br />

"To conduct my tune) t»» tee how<br />

rrtitch beer my body can handle si<br />

one lime."<br />

R> Jn&lca I^<br />

Ml nr ("SOU<br />

"To celebrate the enj of high<br />

Wliat is the one thing you plan to do<br />

this summer and probably will ,iever do again?<br />

Andrew Wonu(S7|7|<br />

"In >ci/c J on^e-M-a-lilc-lime<br />

chance to enroll at an an college for<br />

Handicapped <strong>class</strong><br />

thanks all at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Dear Faculty and Student*:<br />

AtthccUwcof this Krn'ulv car we<br />

would tiLc to take ih*% dunce to<br />

ihank all ol >oit for )«ur patience<br />

and sincere acceptance.<br />

To a" of the incredible peer<br />

volunteer*, loo many for OJC to<br />

luiuancc. »inccrit> and persistence<br />

hive toccr-J all vw live* in vontc<br />

way. Congratulate jourvrlvc*! <strong>The</strong><br />

experience you pined ; n Room -M<br />

will May witli you alwajv<br />

Each of ut in Room 41 ha* grown<br />

ircmcnuWly mcr the scar. <strong>The</strong><br />

skill* we fuvc learned at «h*mi jnd<br />

in ir»e commuiity will help us lead<br />

(WnCfNn<br />

ImckM<br />

Mcturi l«*<br />

rtfantim to I rot<br />

IIKKC independent list* liciny jhle<br />

to learn and prim in a Ui^ug<br />

environment \u^h *\ Uv* ell enhanced<br />

thai yrnwth c\cn moic. We are<br />

proud lo be 4 run of <strong>Lowell</strong> High<br />

Schxj], jtid jgjm we itunk, all o(<br />

Mast j RUM!<br />

l : . r 1 c . Alcvhj.<br />

MKSCIIC. Claudi.1.<br />

Sard, and Erik.<br />

•.tuJcnlv of Rttun 41.<br />

Rcncc Gor c v1n.<br />

teavher. John Miller<br />

and Donnu Olpc.<br />

fU<br />

A-siiU Uc (850M)<br />

"1 have three ihiry»: in wotk on M><br />

gum wrapper cruin, to w> gotxlnight<br />

to Ktppy and Pix»h • rtij itulf<br />

animalv. and to bb\t the QiuVc MI<br />

louJly that H can be heard on the<br />

street (whc.. my rutcnU 4ic not<br />

home, of course;."<br />

I'M Ijmrll. JUM 7. 1W. J\1J» 3<br />


Student expresses discontent<br />

1>c iithiic<br />

"Tlie f-awell" \tatT.<br />

Seniors look back at past four years<br />

<strong>The</strong> Jottu*,ng<br />

Dr. Fihiih.Gr*luitc\..r hedaw<br />

We have gaifwtcd here ihi% jttcrrh^>n<br />

IL> participaic in a ccrenui.i><br />

commonly known ai a high v.h"»)l<br />

|;radiuiion cctcinon). Hui. we may<br />

a\L. what c\*.ti> and prrci%cl> t\ a<br />

high --crtiul graduation ccrt.'.^Hiy? |[<br />

i\ impt^nant itui uc «U %top ;u pju*c<br />

for j nvmtcni jnd IIHIL. if we are going<br />

to male J mcimnjful pcrccpiion<br />

l : im of all. ttut it no ordinary<br />

jrraduation; it i\ 2 Luwc'l High<br />

Graduation: <strong>Lowell</strong> — the whool<br />

Monty magajinc m one nf it\ \'M\<br />

twuc\. on a page near ihc center,<br />

identified 3* one ol tl.c bc\t puhlic<br />

J..gh wbooU m the United Statct of<br />

America.<br />

Sccuni*. *hi\ particular grjdua!u>n<br />

ltj>c* uv wUi a goud deal tu look<br />

K*ckon. In fonrtcartuf high vch»n>l<br />

at <strong>Lowell</strong>, we, a\ a claw. !ia\e accomplished<br />

many gnai% abixit which<br />

we \hould be pnCars a^o. N'jw that we<br />

ha*? thought about these thing* we<br />

can agree (hat the apex ol our senior<br />

>car will remain, for the most of us<br />

students, the high point.<br />

At this turning puini in our live* on<br />

earth we rnua pause to thank tincercl><br />

from ihz b»«ionj of our ru.i.rti<br />

everyone, particularly those who<br />

have aided and assisted us in accomplishing<br />

all we have achieved.<br />

Wtiilc our attomplishmcnis *nd<br />

achievement* speak for thcmscl- c\.<br />

loud and clear, none U this would<br />

have been possiNc without our instructor*<br />

who t sc poured txit much<br />

information and fiJW our thirty<br />

minds wiih Ln-tledgc and useful<br />

fact* in ihcir leaching*.<br />

But w hat now of the future th«t Ites<br />

before us? We slanJ here «*JJV at ii»c<br />

ti of a pat!i Ir^dirg to 4 mad<br />

thai will take u- lonev- ,tnd c»iHin^<br />

advcntuio. t mi %urc that man> of<br />

vou oul there n^lu now arc rv&linj;<br />

sour hc-a^s m agrcciiKnl jv | *pr-^k<br />

Ihev: words belme *:u nx'as<br />

W'e rcjli/c ihai. like all g««»>J<br />

things, our <strong>Lowell</strong> eipcricncc niu-l<br />

terminate, must conclude, unfor-<br />

Iv utcly. muvl e»d But we arc<br />

p.fpurcd lor the (utu^c Now TSJI V.C<br />

hasc graduated frorn'jghuhuol sc<br />

arc reads l.*> mosc on in new liotiiicrs,<br />

new h.»fm>n*. and cvcntuallv.<br />

v«neti.iic in the pcrnxj locomc. new<br />

OppQ 'ICS<br />

B »«_;uy will happen wlwn<br />

we... ..eie iixby? In my opinion,<br />

ami I am sure many will agree with<br />

me. some student* will want to yo to<br />

parties when they depart this grrai<br />

ccremon>. Still nkn. will vsjnt n*<br />

celebrate and tejuux in a number ol<br />

other ways they see fit<br />

Whji ihm of timorrow? One thing<br />

we can uy. and I will say. is *ul ts<br />

we * uturc we are pnng to get oldc'.<br />

and thit a^inf pnKC\t will t^vt 4<br />

maturing cllni on us all.<br />

Finally, with all ihiv in mind, with<br />

jn accumuluion of old ntemono<br />

behind ui and a stiwehtvjsc vf hopeful<br />

dreamt ahead of us. let us all go m<br />

search of a productive and secure<br />

future in the >ear» lo con*.<br />

Thank you scry much.

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