Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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PG&E winners announced<br />

3jr Irene Kuo<br />

Rv^ wfitori bevurne final IM in<br />

the 1985-1986 Pacific Gu. and EKv-<br />

Uic Cumpany 'K^Ei College<br />

ScnnUnhip Program (>>r their extraotiUtui)'<br />

scaicmU; and extracurricular<br />

ichioemcni*.<br />

Senior Lc*uon Lcc. imc of the<br />

ten regional final i\U, won lite<br />

itjioiulKbo'inhipof SIUOOa>car<br />

for four yean of undergraduate college<br />

cilucaiiop. and vcmort Davin.*<br />

Oun, VJK Chan. Jewica Lrurt*.<br />

and Ell*". > i *crc anh-ng the irtbcr<br />

AiuliiU who each received 10<br />

tharc of Itj&li common unA.<br />

Scholarship applicant* dad intake<br />

the SAT, receive icachen recommendation*,<br />

lend a tramcript. fill<br />

out a biographical qucttiunruirc.<br />

and he interviewed by local panel*<br />

•elected by PG4E after which all<br />

VOIMH* I&3.<br />

u-milirul.n.* attended an *HJTJ*<br />

ceremony.<br />

Lee wa* "'*urpri*cd" :o learn ihi:<br />

he had won,<br />

"<strong>The</strong> pcrutn who w a* anraxjncint!<br />

Ihc .r—rd* wav huilding up the<br />

luvpcnw. and i( wa*. killing me.<br />

"1 v>*\ hoping, hut not expecting<br />

la win. especially apjim! the competition.<br />

I would have heen vjii-Uicd<br />

witii nuking firuVt.<br />

"1 knew rr-*.* of the ixhcr<br />

firutivt*. jiid I ktw.* that jn> on*- .•!<br />

u» uj« qualified<br />

"Thiv hj» he,ii one of im nujof<br />

award*. Fou: thousand dollar will<br />

definitely help Hcvauvc my college<br />

education will be c-ipcnmi. I'm<br />

glad that KiAli tu\ thi* program."<br />

Lcc concluded<br />

l-ciing UN] iiut being a firulivt<br />

won't -itfevt her that much, hut conceded.<br />

"It** nice tit he honored, and<br />

I'm i;t-.c(ul Vn whai 1 r«ei\ed."<br />

V. Chan wO thai i*w w.r*r..nj* J<br />

* pnm>«>tc<br />

l:*h >cat the projirjtn aw.trdv 17<br />

•ch.'l4fJMpi ttt SI.'XVI per ;CJI tif<br />

vi»i;.-gc. l.» jrc Hcj.'»>nj| sVttoLrolup*.<br />

IAO JIC l-.nipli'jee Vhiiljr-<br />

^h]px j« jrilctl 1.' children of |Ti\|rmplitvecx.<br />

and l*-> .ire Spc^<br />

Reo'tMiiiiun Svhn! if!np> jwjiJc<br />

to dtwdiuntj^co tuirwiriiv \titdcnt<br />

Thiti)-liHir i-iher student* teccu<br />

onetime SHKX) uh<br />

cuh of the 171) final<br />

»l>arc\ of MivV<br />

I*C&K Cullrvr SchoUnhip I'r^nun Htnlhti (leR<br />

l-runy. Kric Clun. I^wivin l.cr (rettlnnjt l<br />

Ctwo. Kllcn VI.<br />

Faculty votes against extended day<br />

tly Ln»bon |xc<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> r».ulty on May 14<br />

tommitfed itvclf to the continuation<br />

of the Kbool'* (.rtM-nt schedule.<br />

dccUhng tlut the l-iwell Han now.<br />

in cflcct a a bencr pf*>j;fam ihan the<br />

tchcdulc planned Un the fall<br />

remoter.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ^achcrv nwt »» a whttlc in the<br />

ctffHrrir alter Kitovl •(*! %ii«of on 3<br />

clearly M«ie the-r p»mtum on two<br />

U'-Jt». <strong>The</strong>*c tuuo wcrr thr p)*fjicd<br />

crunfc* in the mil vVdule 111<br />

fKikv 10 fulfil the fc^u-renicn!* of<br />

Scivic Bill HI3. aneducathtn n-foftn<br />

hill, and the irutwtHKi i,f ewitly \n<br />

claim for all \iudmti av tiundotcd<br />

in 4 tccent Khuot t«un1 rt«ok>tion.<br />

In di*cm.*ing the rr*olution. *cvcral<br />

teacher* tuied that they did t** w oh<br />

inline the time flettrnltfy ;hatthcr»c-<br />

*eni *y*teni allow*.<br />

In addition, one leather declared<br />

thai ljmcM *h>>uld not tu*e i»<br />

lengthen iu cla.** tune K*.*auw Litwcll<br />

i\ already "\i*ceWt; tvvurv] the<br />

dream o* SH SI.V"<br />

VHI „( trrr I.owcll 1—ull> r,,,.,.,!.<br />

*ent J letter to Sch.vil V...j;J<br />

*VI>UMI «;1 the \cnct.<br />

Dear Mr* Kop!<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> VTS> on Mav 1. at whuh<br />

you «JU1 sou were ^cllin^ iiutcvl<br />

Mj:ruU from the UiwcM l^rulty. IIK*<br />

faculty incl to diwu« ''»c propn^J<br />

Lfur.j;c% in ;!«: vhcdule-<br />

At ilk* tr.eeting, wl.uti uj, \wU<br />

MJ> 14, the lolltiwirt^ revolution wj\<br />

pavved ^) 4 vote i'l K> to ?:<br />

l: that the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

p<br />

ttw I MM < illicit. unnvll (ndimunil.» t» work<br />

tir^fthrr t» prrvrtr Ih- l^iw-ll<br />

11m, including, «p*niValh. pn>»>-<br />

Mmt Tnr Ikjwrtmrnts to chix-M 1<br />

CIKW A CU-»M-* and foe Uudcnt M-Hschrtlulril<br />

time for mrfrrrmt-v<br />

lounwlln)*, Iblorlat. und *clf-<br />

(lirrrtrtl and u'mip ^ud>.<br />

Three <strong>Lowell</strong> teachers to retire<br />

H> ChrU CrUcni<br />

Three I-o*ell iracher. have an-<br />

TkN'rwO thei* tntcnttonv in rrtin: after<br />

the * unchain of •::.• lUti xprm<br />

•^nteM-r.<br />

"1-, .>\tre rclirrf* nclude Gerrn<br />

*' —her Ktrtx-n llrzun'ciier, \in.<br />

n-i.T^r :nuruttor I.llern»r Cfi>«. j<br />

n^Ltcnuttct. Icacher IlcUnrv Hutvo<br />

Brsuntcitcr hav erifOted hi* 2H-)cai<br />

tenurr at LnweM lie CIJU>-\ Ix i\<br />

aware nf'Jx- ,Jcil p>m:»on U-rw\rud<br />

J.. UMCII ••l^-wcli \iudcmv rc-My<br />

^ntinVarn \^hcn J!c*.h.. jn.<br />

wt-hrJ-- h*\e « rttutiul tntcrrvi<br />

«•'/•-- «»r; C*n rcjlh K.| mm<br />

g'cj; fc'cpth wrv-h • ,v],u<br />

d * m tlui •>-<br />

Ural." he Oiled<br />

I m<br />

Dofem IVlM.t<br />

t>- von<br />

With ihi* rc^lulnm thr LrwtH<br />

f.'tultv cleatU .tnd indnputatilv<br />

vi,-3aU that it *J'!K> ar-J iv lotmnn-<br />

L-d to the IJ>WCI1 Plan<br />

We appreciate >i>ur w-illin^rxw to<br />

Ji»(rKt'\ provision *i>r a nundalor><br />

n\ pvn>«] dj. Our hopv- i* tlu' »t<br />

L.»i« i!tat'\iHiK*'M < LKlViitrwMl latr<br />

lew' airJtrut 4'n.r* v.ilU-w IH>C ti><br />

'iVc wen or cit-'h* jv lhc> L'O 'K»W<br />

To oll*r \)v |v «Is in A\ wnylj<br />

neci-**.>alr tlw n*-w ri-»iti* and<br />

lecher* priwnllv f^llr,) l-ir<br />

Ittc U.wcll r^u-m* J(*1 Mu.niii<br />

to rijthl): ioskit<br />

winner), tfcnina<br />

cmiact kY'tlj-i"* in Sacramento<br />

Tnc> -..ill avk Hill Homt: '"<br />

.•jkmmtcd^c thai l^mell currently<br />

lulfillv :hc iiitcni ol the time ptovi-<br />

M^.VOI SH.S 1 '. ;nd Avkthat lie pron<br />

/o *l_p;notM>n lor <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

'iK ralKtulc iv that Ihe hc^i lu^h<br />

• r.n.i in the lltn£ tin: trduw-lt-tul<br />

)>,MU .V| MUD and khould he -*)!•>*-<br />

wh..S '«.-^t * jr '*'> l"" tf *"";<br />

rhatiic-Tltipi JI Ainam»»ra Hn;h ^ c ""-»->-vl in dcrwlc ai»d C im^rev*.<br />

^K'WI-, ii-,,h r » : >rcmw/..'*h S.r*!ia ll.rd<br />

txe «U.KO1 ir^.. wnufiailt in ^Mmvnt> JfJ ,un!l,M ^^ .....<br />

l< % mttc**. white Ijutcrwc aitd .-•»r4%nitnti> impr^vm* "<br />

4-c bcinf Htltrc! fit. Ihe fall<br />

Ihr rVbjre.r,.ot:rr*< Incite wmc^icr. Ibe tla*,:* ate Ci»»> I<br />

lirul*. rvcld Mjfvh 22Z* JI 1'iTd Dchaie iwhiwh *ati..i"ie* lctfiiiit;A'd trie m;ticrncnt\t jtiJ Il^hjie d»nj£re*v<br />

v|X4kct* and dct>aro r * t.n Stale Inlelevied jj-Wi.jru trkrild sec lltr.l<br />

Clumpton*hip%. 1^e inp ten ,n (IHHII 1.15

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