Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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f*t* 'J. 7V Imtll. May 10. 19S5<br />

SPORTS.<br />

Boys' tennis team nets city crown<br />

Qy Julie Yamakawa<br />

<strong>The</strong> boy*' tennis (cam *wep« aiide<br />

it* competitijn to capture the city<br />

erow-n foi the third comccuiivc jcar<br />

ami dominated the All City<br />

<strong>The</strong> team firu 1 ed the *cav>n with<br />

a perfect 7-0 record -n league pla><br />

and B 13-2 record overall.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> eaiily defeated Gitilco.<br />

McAircr arj Balboa by *cora of / 0.<br />

6-1 and **l. rcspeai«cly.<br />

<strong>The</strong> only clove league nutch of the<br />

yerr occurred apitist Wavhtng.ox<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> pulled ihiuujh with a4-3 vietory<br />

to pmen-c the pcrJcci record<br />

and win the eity champtnnViip.<br />

At the All-Cy tounumcni. ;»wclt<br />

ncttcra wor. the vanity »inj;Ie% and<br />

dn*ut «nd<br />

Hin again. Thc> were alv»4>* ej/cr<br />

n> i.tipi,.vC their Atll* "<br />

She er. u»e-J. "It w4* ea»il> tlic<br />

mm pic i: \cavin l\e c^cr bad<br />

h<br />

Gymnasts win All-City<br />

By Sandra Wong<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> jtymnatttn team won<br />

ii* twelfth consecutive All-City title<br />

on May 2 in the <strong>Lowell</strong> gym.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> eatily won the learn companion<br />

with an otcrall vcorc of<br />

?M.4, whj^ Wjvhingiixi and t.<br />

pixetl a divtant tcciind and third w ith<br />

\cor«r\ of t .17.; jnd 4H.7,<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> ^ymnam ..Itu<br />

dominated tut mdiv idual competition<br />

b> pUcin; fir*l in all but two c*ent*<br />

<strong>The</strong> pymiu*t* competed on ihe<br />

bar*, bram. x auli. and lioor eicrtitc.<br />

s\ well a* for the all-around title. 1 he<br />

three level* of competition arc CIJW<br />

IV, CU** 111. an' :hc OI^TUI. wtiKli<br />

w»* the mov dc tWull di» nion at the<br />

meet-<br />

In CU** l\ competition, junior<br />

B-ttyb>w. n- c all-around ti.lc, a*<br />

well a* the Un and (lour excrciw<br />

Jurunr Bonnie Ng, whopbeed *econd<br />

all-amund, won the beam. <strong>The</strong><br />

tell hiu*hcr on the vjult<br />

tkHTkiri: IViJr^* Pttillipi, wln><br />

ounh.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re wj* a tic for all-aicunj in<br />

CIJI* III ci | mpetiUon b) *'OplH>mofe<br />

Bc^h Hoe>-Tornr4>omore<br />

Monica Madden W,MI the vault<br />

<strong>The</strong> Optional (.ontpetition wa\<br />

Yxd firu all :.-und and<br />

wor, the hetni anJ Hour cterci^e<br />

tl SktnHnthn<br />

* on the brant.<br />

armind. won tt>c t/i It anj r<br />

b4r%, Y(« nj! and [l>o;:Lir-inn p<br />

won.) „, ..i thud, te ipevt<br />

Wavhin^ti<br />

"Ihe v<br />

1 'ci<br />

n\ N*du S, i. 'J.<br />

"We (the tcjmi were far wpcnuf<br />

at iSc All-Cny m-xi thi\ >car tlun w.*<br />

I^\c been m irw pjst TIK learn kit<br />

ctvKh JenKn Jank<br />

Chi'U credit t itwh Jjnk<br />

w-uli ibe leim'v continued mna\i\ t.njtJ \iud> the<br />

technique* uf the Ixlanj c>mru*f.<br />

"Wc'te leamei A U* rn o'lipctin, 1<br />

j,.*jtnM tcjmt '-uni iKbcr niic*."<br />

rcnurlcd '»phim»reCar>n Him ell<br />

Since then ztc un!\ two \en>oit<br />

Un tajiutnt llauver jn,1 Anpic<br />

AncirhifD on ihc team, ihe bmcll<br />

i;)mnav:ihj*caneucllent change "!<br />

^inning ihcir thtrteer.ih nmt«uiis:<br />

All C.tt title in V'th<br />

Golfers swinging up to par<br />

Bj Anltam.T WlfJt<br />

die IK. > tcavon totiKT* ihe un<br />

of the Ur*'it folf w«m<br />

Num* * teednl M.ida.<br />

*. Ie*dt the ic*m in *hat<br />

a*, .iicn '• • -kill be a »ictorxxi*<br />

Oder u»p-r ankAl plat c; * w ho w ill<br />

codinrtf it iltenutmg t*r\\ include<br />

un ; «t David Cho u*i Arnhony<br />

Wnte. janinr. N!ik«- K«. Alrck<br />

Wiltjn ind Mike Mcd.ia.<br />

mphnnvHT AUn Danl. *M fre*hirun<br />

MLHC Ambrrtc.<br />

After Tin rniicho tie ic*m $>nt\<br />

a V2 (econl. defrjtinj McAtcef,<br />

^MI. and WIIMHI. while l'«mj n<br />

iil Thf<br />

may be p<br />

incmbo gcrwtally regard<br />

Wa»hic«tDR and Lincoln a* Ihet*<br />

{•rcatctl jjtcrufict<br />

l'iia-"hci lor the *|.rin( «^a%, n att'iude c<br />

U»*i*tdiU>c learn jnd the ftr* ^um<br />

herrpltrJ. "Onetiiabhitncnce-* itc<br />

added l*u^hirn:I>. "T...y Hcani<br />

mcmbcrO gi*c ..te wufd me •.tut<br />

anew rnunmg." IlAci lair* corn,-i*cd<br />

trut ihr lr."i probabl)<br />

rarXt", second- the leafw. r ihl<br />

»o \ Wtvhington**- j >haM>' number<br />

«ne."<br />

<strong>The</strong> pla>en *harr m the optimum<br />

urwardt '.he new *c-.;>n. Junior Handa<br />

vay*. "W: definitely rote the<br />

Sophomore Kirby Yee whip* a mean forrtiand .<br />

Varsity sluggers make<br />

pitch for league title<br />

WiiK«ml* two|-mm left in league<br />

*ejM»n plav. the <strong>Lowell</strong> vaTMty<br />

bateball tram mutt face it* loupheM<br />

t'ltiipctition, the HalNy liuccintren-<br />

Senior Jim Njljtani *t4tcd. "ll\<br />

probable trut we'll at Icau win one.<br />

and il\ po\tihlc. trut •( we hate a<br />

gifcy] «L»> htiih tUjt, «( UK Min<br />

<strong>The</strong> icain vo (jr h-i\ been able lo<br />

nunpilr a •*•? win-low record. Ihe<br />

Ifxliant Iccl tiiej tu\c been able to oo<br />

MI well became it»c> ate a well*<br />

rou.-klcd team fhc> leel that their<br />

pimtitc altitude Imirjk the panic<br />

and p»\J 1eclin/\ toward i*nc anothtr<br />

Ibe team** MrifigeM point apjva(\<br />

lo cutnc It.nn ilw piuhmg VJUJJ.<br />

Scnwtr to car/tain Jau>n (jallegm and<br />

junion littc Wong jnd Kt>gc[ Lim<br />

lu« dnpUved c'.cellcnl piithni};<br />

Dunne tuo ganv*\ v ktmuHis JUJinM<br />

^ twin. CUIIcgi't and Wung pikheO<br />

m.c-hiiicrs<br />

Other win* hate come agjinvt *c<br />

Oahlci) I.n>nt with >iicmairn with<br />

hll jr.,1 |7-: tinjl*. and ttit<br />

Wj^hinjjton Laj:lc-t with an H-2<br />

(Vi.uun<br />

Viui't l-.ir.ic [>-ct.>i.iiriNitnliiithc<br />

defeat uf O'C'.mncli b> J tlurd tnntn^.<br />

lun run k-iiic run.<br />

Ijivte* foi .h* Indunt. the team<br />

IccK. were iK- teuili tn in an extra innLrg jtame.<br />

->nd a 15-1 l.n* to Lirwoln. at well<br />

:iv a (orfcitr.l ju'.w In Lincoln fric Irklunv had «nn 5 T<br />

«M Ulcr-icd U-j.:i in three \ear»<br />

ream member* belie* c irul goll i<br />

k ll S<br />

UK .,- . L it tiKnu:". gruelling *nd re-<br />

Ljucct abv>lutc cutveiiiraiifi.<br />

Gush Ilaker *Ue*l. "(Golf it) rvH<br />

an can ipon: n'\ m-.rc of a ntenu!<br />

Itvme than arr)*hine cite . tlut't ixJt<br />

problem'" In reply lo pco;!c who<br />

frcl p.Jf ivn'i "toufli." Amuri"*<br />

*-td. "<strong>The</strong>y vhtiukln'r uy that un:i!<br />

tbey'tepla)cdrl;i!im> i^trtim.polf<br />

u the harden *pr.r u» he aW.c lo pla><br />

well."<br />

At Miaicyiet;•• each rn^mbrr Kit<br />

in* ow n pf an ot att*i wrx.ihcritbc<br />

*lill tn WH, Jun«i Wilum intend*<br />

umply " , to timccnirate wti. and<br />

play -ell."<br />

And. if all cite faitt. ". lo<br />

iliaract uur i captain KKhard<br />

tteeU.<br />

In Titin-lcapiic play, the Indian*<br />

played a wnmnugf (AUK on A pit I<br />

Jh jgjir-it Cit> College** frc\hnun<br />

bateball tcjJil w bich rc%ul!ed in a 10-1<br />

*»«:tor> for <strong>Lowell</strong>. <strong>The</strong> team v>*\<br />

jl»lc U> prtrt »dc Uic necc>.%ary pitching<br />

ar-d hitting for (be win. Senuu\ Paul<br />

Coleitun. DJVUJ Kwong. and WceU<br />

and junioM Roger Lim and Oetif frcy<br />

Mura«ec4tnc ihttwch wilii gtxj p«.<br />

thir.p al!owint- Cit> College to ju^t<br />

one n.n.<br />

Lcrconunent-donihcgjiiie, "We<br />

p!a>cd rcjllv well jt a team, and we<br />

executed well. We were really rc!*v<br />

ed because we wvtv tf< ['-»y:r*i; av m<br />

tcn*el) iv uwul."<br />

After ICJ,:IIC play for Umcli tonclukltr^tm<br />

Mjt Ifi jgjui4 IIJIHVJ. the<br />

Irklunt tcci thc> have an excellent<br />

•.run,, .it nukinc it in ihe pUjolft<br />

• •n Njjt 2T II ttv- Kjin umt in the<br />

playl! I:JIIKMJK*> MIUU go ntuo irn:<br />

k.hjmpion^hi(iv on Mav '^ i,> r-c<br />

|iU>cd Jl CandU-MuL Park<br />

Sen»>: Sieve l-'otan %u*cd. We arc<br />

J \lrnnc. expcnetval tc^m thjt<br />

%hi>uld uiiiw in fir\l»>r vc. -ikl in the<br />

ICJJUC Wc ttRHJld fair --|l m the<br />

pla>off:. jnd have a px

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