Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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7V MIK IATWTU. lumrll. May 10. iv. /WT/. /MV. Far* r«f* 17 17<br />


A Private Function'mocks social status<br />

II) lltl.) Mcr/enkl<br />

II)-B.I,, Mcrvenkl.<br />

... .<br />

What dtfc^ a pit ha\c m tj., w<br />

•« Ifcc :.»n boM,,,, Tl«r „„„ „ „<br />

inl'«7.«hetllln.,;»-._ "2.<br />

'» JMaicitl tuin. Avartvt.li'l.^1<br />

hjt! to be RliHttKlj. .SV.-4H, UCIC<br />

n-<br />

"*">»>" UKttnl.inmal.njiiic- NK »HI> wh arc are Pahnc Paline anil an.1 Snnlh't Smilh\ l«r pcrlintpi|n.t*<br />

cumntcnJjhlc. hui all of<br />

"* r.tnor ifurailcfv ate alv well<br />

.. .,..,.„ -u different • kirxlof hunrnr ...._.... itur,<br />

tegular American liumor, it's nturc<br />

.i\ujl 4nJ a kinJ of Untiih \JjpMwk.<br />

cvfccially cr«l Jenumi. anj were<br />

often -4J ,i!cRa!!> T-i piotc.t the<br />

asncultural envumy. the uiMtij: i.f<br />

pic* *ai «nctl> ctir.in:i:ed.<br />

h\ 1'kc the comedy on *M. niy<br />

A Pri\att Funuit»i i\ a [iclish<br />

conicily by director Mj!Colm<br />

Mmtny » hich UICA the mortage u(<br />

meal, c.periall)' poik. alter \v,,,|j<br />

War || to nuke fun ofIhc tmroiun v<br />

of 5"cul Suiu> in Hnuin<br />

Michael Palm. o( M,mi\ M,,-,<br />

HviniOrrur'.whjniMifl) portra>»<br />

an obwurc. Immblin; chirofindi.t.<br />

Hi* life'* UL-i.;; •_, renunethe emm<br />

from people \ ten and to mi their<br />

lociuil,. pjiin - i character iCci1<br />

grralcr rcencniiion lor hi* nW.. al c[.<br />

r«if. in pjn f,vjtt« hi. »,|e pljvci<br />

b> Ihc cu:mcn: E.m-Ji actrcn Mapfie<br />

Smith. continually hound* him<br />

"It's different<br />

kind of humor<br />

f han. .American<br />

humor; it's more<br />

visual and a kind<br />

of British<br />

slapstick.''<br />

In Ihe beginning of the HMMC. ihc<br />

»t. the iinJcrfumkt', rfcaliri*\<br />

<strong>The</strong> (roue-, irnnmJLiiel.<br />

the u-rnMt iiMmoii '.>f thc rtrh<br />

UIK-C IK- vutw-oa* in Mcj!,nt-<br />

I'IJ:. ti-' find,.« I»u» j r hj\c pljnncJ the pzn\ .ind<br />

«h.t jro d.intic Jh.*j[ the |,n*t>l ilh.n<br />

nutn ci\'iw . dimmer ihjt he hj\<br />

l<br />

Choosa from these<br />

designers:<br />

i» rather hard i*> lol!n-.v in<br />

un(* tit the film, hu: a* it<br />

.. nv»\t ol i!i- ci-nlti* .in i*<br />

JlH-ph>t jlMiJrjfr^Jur-<br />

**CIH:%. jnd M«»,C wcnc\<br />

thc> jJd runln'.i; ii> the<br />

H I'nwtr ft»tni>n i jofn^<br />

him. <strong>The</strong> wens Jcp'w ini: Palm<br />

Smith ihjvin? the pi<br />

l<br />

p> > Mccr<br />

much of ihc huni.tr *tIlke^<br />

•oitic of ih< j>ilc« jrc<br />

Ki!t.r«»>m huror. ar*J are<br />

.-iJWtf.- ^V ftrm^ Altllt<br />

IjM.k^ni: fi>r a dbeounl tm a lux rrnlal* t .vu g.1 In i|Ur.l 11 Koiti<br />

Allen («.l. J..iulhan AIKrl>IH5lll. Jr.* Minim IM,l.\l...r I r\a<br />

Ihomvm IH52OI. all of >>r -|»UJI i.n.|« nv<br />

Three convenient locations to end you;r quest:<br />

1235 Burllngame Ave.<br />

Burllngama<br />

344-0663<br />

394 Stanford Center<br />

Palo Alto<br />

326-4442<br />

cb«« Mtlrr Bttiy, ihc pig.<br />

O\erjlt. Ihc lilin iv K""d. Nit r-t<br />

e«cellcn-. HKWtMieiKe ;«nntii.n-<br />

!'>> ttveff durini: the film, arxl ium<br />

-* *ijtccAl i'i invuiun^*<br />

. U uith: ihc Did. ihc<br />

>"«i"j:. the f ) tlh- '

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