Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Looking for » job? Summer is drawing near and. as always many<br />

teenagers will want to make wme mo«y.<br />

If you're looking for jobs other th?n working at tamiliar places such<br />

ii McDonald's or B«kin Kc*>bin*. there arc several youth employmem<br />

agrncic* in the city to help you.<br />

Many of these accnctcs arc non-profit orRanizations <strong>The</strong>y plav the<br />

role of "fniddlc-mait" by keeping teenagers who arc involved in'thcir<br />

programs informed about available work.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y attempt to keep lies open between the teenagers and cmr>to>crs<br />

~^""*" J^J |r^ ^ encourage employers to<br />

coruidcr giving tceoagen job*.<br />

Many of i^ agencies arc *l*o involved<br />

to employment training fur<br />

tecnagen ami youth*.<br />


FOR WORK<br />


B> Nora Tom<br />

Hate you e\cr wondered what it it<br />

tike to «e * professional in the world<br />

of work?<br />

If thii thought has ever crowed<br />

your mind, then an aporcnuccdup.internship<br />

may be what you arc searching<br />

fur.<br />

Direction* and Hmcrpmc for High<br />

School Student*, twu agencies whkh<br />

have jporenticahip-'internvhip pnv<br />

gnnu, offer junior* and tcnion an<br />

oppotiunity to eipfore a vir.^i »tnv< avpect* grcatl)<br />

outweigh the ncirative iw* "<br />

"" (vi>ptc arc dopcnie cikwcn.<br />

you can f.ci paid S50 JH h:>ur for<br />

pjhyMttini: on New Yrar'* live."<br />

claims Walker, who normally<br />

charges %2 an hour.<br />

Rona-Alyvc Abend, who iv ih-<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ln.xll. Hay 10. I9KS, Ftft IS ._<br />

You Oknild krh>w ctJCtiy whai<br />

>ou want to lay M a^oid |jng<br />

[vtUMrv M\:t. alwa>* *pcak directly<br />

tn the pcrum wt»i» due* the hiring<br />

and don't forget M ifunk the pcr^w<br />

Need<br />

for hii or her lime.<br />

.- .- Youth For Service it a,-Mnv<br />

).>u Hjnt to w,.(k for. Afiin. THE INTERVIEW<br />

!A y-v I -v* community-bated organization thi\ vhowv dcttrmirulnin and in- ttc prcpaicd. You w,l| inetitaMy<br />

rir* I |1 located on 25-|4thSirrct. Boom 2. (CICM. You arc jl«i mote prepared be avked ««nc qucMwrn*. If \tm<br />

A^VX B^S Through in Emolument AuUuncc (or the inic*\icw il jou d.i a litilc prepared [or them. >nu will wxm<br />

Program, youth over 16 yean of age •c^earth f:r*i<br />

nwrc *cl(a«urcd. When anger-<br />

can U. helpcJ in looking for a job. Uvc proper idcphonc coquette ing, try to relate CKhquctmntit the<br />

Job Truck it another tuch when jou nuke the miii.il (.J!I. ji>b or m vour shilitic*<br />

finding organization ll U located at 745 Since tlw pcr%*>n on the «>ihcr end of Ho un time ThivivvriKut. It uxi<br />

Prjnklui Street. Call 557-9460 for ihc line canniH \cc >•.«, the i-nl> in can't he on lime liir ihc inu<br />

more information.<br />

formation t< gets jboul >ou it wtul<br />

IHmUons job Search WorWwp come\ jcnvsv on the IcIefiH'tic<br />

work? help* p train mkjfnu in acquire jobi. Alwj)* idcntily >our*clt jnd IIK-<br />

After fii finishing h the workshop. icavin lor j.Hir call. Spc.ik clearly.<br />

student* are eligible to apply for one Jl a ..nJcr^fc *pccd jnd volunv<br />

By MIn Soh<br />

of 125 available jetn. Contact Rcud!<br />

Jcung at 776-0201 for information nn<br />

the Summer Employment Program.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Son Fnutchco Jew bh ComrounJtj<br />

Center located at 3200 California Street, is also involved in<br />

finding jobs for teenagers. <strong>The</strong>ir program, called Teens in Employment,<br />

requires a membership fee and helps youths between the cges<br />

of 16 and 18. <strong>The</strong>y can be reacned at 931-0385.<br />

4 knoM. what to wear, a gtxxJ rulr-iifihumb<br />

i* to oVcu t\ if )HJ'\C<br />

already K-oi the >*. Look neat and<br />

clean - no chewing gum.<br />

Minitlavvcv hcj*> perfume, etc.<br />

Aa conndcntly. Give • firm<br />

harkWi.dc. use t>c contact, tpeak<br />

clearly, mainuin good potK. VK!<br />

irrnie. Oon't play with your c'othci<br />

ot hair. Ncrvouioctt i\ notmal. but<br />

don't show it.<br />

Thank the interviewer for hi*<br />

nmc Shale hi* hand; »k him when<br />

y ix! will find out whether or not you<br />

t\icw, hj\e the job Alu>. it ix a good idea<br />

ihc employer will wonder r»>w yxi I" *cnd the employer a thank )ou<br />

can be on time for wxnk. Tr> tn ar- nmc Thi\ vhow\ penuinc appreciarive<br />

ten ni'nuic* eailv — no nhwe Itiwi and inu-rcM. Il alvit hring* up<br />

n.> lex*<br />

your n.:::w jjj.r, anj nuke* >(xi<br />

Drew appropriate)). If \(Hi don't ttand cut a hrtlc more.<br />

Be your own boss \<br />

By Sine Fung<br />

With ihc current tSortaj-e of<br />

veil-prttprictor of a ci»*iume)cwcir)<br />

huvinc**. *ay*. "lean make my own<br />

.<br />

'<br />

available joh*. WHIK' teen* veeni lo vtulf ft if four cent* compared tt» Ihc<br />

have turned to working for SM lhc> Lhatj:cat V>'s." '<br />

hcm*ci»»- in avoid heme joblo** "I looked at other people (who<br />

Tito )l the lr*Jitrmjl were involved in nuking costume<br />

**irt. *uch a» *alc*pciM>n and 1a\t- jewelry) and said '1 ctuld do<br />

flax! worker, or. tor ihc more d^i- thatV " reseaJcd Abend abtnit her<br />

mi: kind ottcciu^cr. itw kinJuI JI* start at jn entrepreneur.<br />

W!K.'I>' he lx\>xik*% In. own K. \,

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