Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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ftjr 14. Vit Lcxtll, May 10.19SS<br />

- FEATURE<br />


By Eric tastifT<br />

In some Pulitxcr Prize winning investigative reporting, stall<br />

members of thb tabloid (oops! I mcjn newspaper) have discovered<br />

some very disturbing new*. In a top secret memorandum written by<br />

our Pal of Prince*, it has been discovered thai next year <strong>Lowell</strong> will<br />

change: <strong>Lowell</strong> will become a full scalt military academy. Al long<br />

last. Amiable Al has yielded to pressure from ROTC. In his Ixtt action<br />

as ROTC space-cadci, senior Philip Kwong has convinced <strong>The</strong><br />

Doc to make <strong>Lowell</strong> a model of West Point. All students wilt be taking<br />

seventeen <strong>class</strong>es, have thirty seconds for lunch, have two hours<br />

for strenuous cxcerciscs. nnd the entire student body (the size will<br />

be increased from 2,800 to 33,800) will spend the nights on the gym<br />

floor. I wish I were a senior...<br />

So much for fabricated openers. In actuality, next year <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

students will be taking ten clattcs, not six. have two minutes for lunch.<br />

not forty, aid will be required to start school al 4:35 a.m. Now, isn't<br />

that much better?<br />

On a mom serious note, junior Michael Alberts (he secr.is to grow<br />

in this column along with K.A. — I'm forbidden to say tf^t name<br />

because the guy bcluw me talks about him all the tin*; u. ueing<br />

recruited for Rutgers University come the fall of 1986. Al *''c recent<br />

College Night, the Rutgers representative asked Michael I.JW much<br />

he weighs. Michael replied 215 pound;. <strong>The</strong> .-.founded icp further<br />

queried. "Where do you carry the 50 pounds, or. your butt?!"<br />

Bureaucracy has come to <strong>Lowell</strong> High. In titc fotir-hcadcd monger<br />

we call snident government, there is one council which it called the<br />

Board fcr School, Concerts, and Sludge (it recently changed its name),<br />

or BSCS. Well, the sludge vame out this month. JuJ because tic Comedy<br />

Zone and Model United Nations Clubs failed t" Hie soinc form.<br />

they were excluded from being designated as "Official Clubs." Oh.<br />

honors! What isthti school coming to when a group of students for^c'<br />

to fill out a form? Sure, u rule i» a rule-but come on. thK schcxi! is<br />

made forsttidcnt pan.Jipation. Let's try to be a little fairer and more<br />

lenient in the future- Yes, I kiuw this is not humouous. but ihiv i\<br />

my column, and if I want to make a point, implied or direct. 1 can.<br />

Well, i just die!. Now hack to the humor.<br />

At the Junior Prom, junior Av| * Laurence garrulously atked the<br />

audience that if an>body lilted him, the should meet him at the dou*<br />

after the dance. Unfortunately for Aviv, nobody \howcd up M.i>h»<br />

a more tactful approach would be better next >rar.<br />

Speaking of t!.c .'uninr Prom, who was the otic ci>uplc u Im didn't<br />

attend the post dance bull at the Hilton? <strong>The</strong>re were so many rc\cl<br />

seekers that :hc cMrataganza wai broken up by the ixuz. Hnwcvcr.<br />

as usual, there iv a bright side tu every \tory .. the party la\ted until<br />

5 a.m.<br />

Congratulations to Alex WCIPJ* and the other nift*-T*. uf »V Dr.<br />

Who Club. Thcvc cntcrrminp ^udcnlv have raised •... :.» viv c PBS<br />

Television Sutiun 54 fr -p budget cuts. To keep ihc station on the<br />

air. the club rnly needs to raiv anrthcr SVW.StX.* by June 1. G«*xl<br />

luck!<br />

II> Nick Florentine<br />

Yes. it's time to play Umcll trivu. TcM your trivia knowledge on<br />

subjects that you. ihc Mutlcnb. might be able to answer. Lc;\ start<br />

off with a few question* about Icjf'-r*.<br />

Which relatively nrw tcjcrvr, in lite Science and Math Dep irtiik-ntv.<br />

U a long diiUncc bike racer' I don't mean 10-50 mile raccv I'm talking<br />

about 100-200 mile race*! Yc%. its Mark Mreheim.<br />

Science teacher Donald Murni) always joke al* -it his jpc. hut<br />

how old is he? Here's a clue- His Social Security number iv<br />

000-00-0003.1 wouldn't say Mr. Murray is old-r-n he did goto hi^h<br />

school with George Hums: ar,d President Ronald Kenyan was u «uni|<br />

in one of his <strong>class</strong>es, and Bob H"|W \\ his r.cphew. No, but scrum v<br />

ly. rumor has it that next year. Mr. Murray's a^c will N* breaking<br />

the speed limit.<br />

Now iomc questions nKm' students.<br />

Who played Mr. Wi/jrd in last s ..'. ..law of >Vs spirit week<br />

skit? Chris Grant.<br />

Whnic block jacket has the most patches on it. Mike<br />

Zimmerman's.<br />

Who played B-ltoiny in last scar's play <strong>The</strong> FitntaMic^i? I>tnK<br />

Jones.<br />

UrTul brand of perfume dim L)M Lewin wear? Giouio.<br />

At Twin Day this year, unit two seniors showed up each wearing<br />

a sign that vid "in." thuily nuking them * tuo ins"" (twins)? Dusc<br />

Lew and Dan Harrington.<br />

Who fcis the mo*t writing on hiv block jacket? Orphtus<br />

Crutch field.<br />

Which fresh mail jumped out ul .» third floor window U\t month<br />

thinking that he could fly? No one, I w.uited tu nuke sure I had yur<br />

attention.<br />

What brand uf underwear docs Jesse Schwartz wear? Calvin Klctn.<br />

Who is Student Body Vicc-Picsidcm.' Lcxa Thomson.<br />

Whose block jacket has a patch of a gorilla on it? Kt» in Allen's.<br />

Whose birthdays arc on the same day as Adolf Killer's? Jim Archuleta*^<br />

«ind Davt Thompson's.<br />

Who is ol Jcr, Jim Archulda or Dave Thompson ? Jim Archuleta<br />

is one year older.<br />

If we were to Uphabcmc all <strong>Lowell</strong> students, u hose name would<br />

be last? Kelly ZychowikJ.<br />

What sophomore's name sounds like it should be a iw*M in your<br />

mouth? Molly Baler.<br />

Are seniors Cindy and Ftttncto Brown rclatcu? I believe not.<br />

What nationality b» frcihmen -Sue ArtemoiT? Ruuian.<br />

Who U talicf. sophomore Eunice Woo or wphonwrc Eunkr Yonn?<br />

Eunice Yoon.<br />

Whose birthday b on the day that i> iht exact mi-Jdle of a non-leap<br />

year (182 days before it. and IS? days left to go) and wr-v is this<br />

date? June 2 U my birthday; I juu war-'ci to rwe sure that date iv<br />

written m your l<br />

Prom anxieties abound<br />

By Bctiy Menenkb<br />

It icenu like only yesterday thai it<br />

was Batbie and Ken goinc 10 the<br />

prom.<br />

Spring is here and that mean* that<br />

it i* prom time once again. For<br />

njmc. this is the most dreaded lime<br />

of the year. CVScrs look forward to<br />

it with greed)' anticipation.<br />

Now ihal the Junior Prom u out of<br />

the way, it u lime for someihinjt far<br />

more serious. It U time frr <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Senior Prom 1985.<br />

Thii b the time of >car thai<br />

Lo»cl| rtudcntt begin to search<br />

dcipcni'ely for the perfect, or at<br />

least nearly perfect, or perhaps "alt<br />

right." of slightly acceptable dale.<br />

Boys begin to noti.-c that the girl<br />

who t:u behind them in Probability<br />

and Statutes clais is really ion of<br />

decert looking, an) might pmsibly<br />

tool: kind of acceptable in a nice<br />

Jo:.e dreis which coverv her thick<br />

anklcv •<br />

Al Low«ll in the 'S(H. however, it<br />

it not only the bo>* uhn need to<br />

veck a uatc to ask to their prum.<br />

Man> fitl\ are forced to imagine<br />

what ihc 98-pound weakling boy<br />

new to her in English would look<br />

tike under cover of a tu* with uili<br />

Can he find a how t.e large enough<br />

to rover that fairiv Urge Adam's<br />

apple?<br />

What do >ou *a> when >ixi»vk ton-cone?<br />

You cannot sound overconfident<br />

— because )ou .lrcn'i.<br />

How ever. ) ou can'l help beinp<br />

wimewtut cuitcd aNiut asking that<br />

special wnncone. but u'v, bevi to<br />

concrjl that )ou aic vtcttinj jour<br />

[*ant;. time in the KKI if >our<br />

mind \vu can't help but think thjl<br />

llicy dcfimietv Mill say. "No" Hilc<br />

the ptcviou* r ivc citlv).<br />

While uimc dji.»cv* undinunatn<br />

muvt d^pcrjtclv s*:rt*unfe for a djte<br />

had a djic for jtxitl three nn-tithx<br />

mm. Everyone b«ipe* thut ct-uplc<br />

rus defective suvpenders, a fijt tu.*<br />

and mutuplc n>lon runv<br />

<strong>The</strong> pnwn itwlf loom' nn tlie<br />

hort/on like a itivivtei ujismf. ' -<br />

happen <strong>The</strong>re iv *.> miwh ..vjr<br />

i.< IHi; hVI^NT. trui<br />

tina^mev hinivelf UHiLin^ Ianta\licall)<br />

cjeai, their date tm^inj;<br />

edicmelv prcat. , iip in J tutallv<br />

great car. cjiinp an a^cvuixh jrcjt<br />

dinner. UVtnj; J tctrifi«.all> yricii<br />

picture, darKinp a frcat. ttrc^t d^jt,<br />

an>l coinp nut for a m*.-\c!i-ml><br />

^teal nine aftcrwa-d* Sounds $te*\.<br />

dnewi t ii?<br />

Confident girls have their complete<br />

prom get-up 11 the closet liv<br />

nin^ on (he leftover<br />

£>mn% (the drccv of the Umponwi]<br />

bivement) the da;> >( the dance<br />

When the hip nijiht an:-.?., once<br />

the cum.; '.-vni h»«'kv are 1'ijruicd<br />

once the uraplc»\ f> *n ucunninpU<br />

WiHch-tjpcJ. the ne\t pmblcm u<br />

the cttlui!|kC of the corvi^i* and<br />

bouumierre. Be aisurcd that the. triage<br />

will clash with the Jrcu.<br />

Needlcvt to lay, no matter bow intense<br />

the effort, it simply cannot he<br />

pinned on to that irughcui •unp.<br />

Have cttra pinv around, at the pin to<br />

that bouitmiem: will undoubtedly be<br />

mnplaced. CirU. try agair. if >ou<br />

drjvk Mood. Mom and Dad tan'i<br />

bclicv: htm grownup their tiidc<br />

hitiy (buy or piril lookk. Menu<br />

«>mcb»iw alwayv volunteer to pin on<br />

the coruge.<br />

^nd aren't no*eca>* oitc'' Hi«<br />

often do *«*i get a chano; '•• *»CJT<br />

one o( th»v: tun little item*?<br />

Dinner is an inevitable JiwpjH'inimcni.<br />

!«>nicthing will be vpillrd<br />

down the fron: of ihjt virpn white<br />

tu*edo »hirt. <strong>The</strong>re \\ A vcru>uv prohlem<br />

of cat ing the urpc lettuce<br />

leaves m that v»underfill valjd.<br />

Thing* fjll miw Ihe ^trjplr%\ fittwn;<br />

ictncvj' iviHit of:he*iu:Mii>n L>t.T<br />

ner let lw« nrver cmt t>UI bclotc,<br />

either. A tip- avoid luiuti UHHI Oft<br />

jnd that'* not the kind of tip the<br />

-Ajitcr )% antivipatini;.<br />

Your pntm ptcturrv record >o*ir<br />

x(*--.l day fur pmteniv. Al! ihjt<br />

"' s.nv jr-d Mane prJitKC vntilm*<br />

*•'. (jit for njupKt A I-* r*nn:.-r<br />

mif;ht he in ufd-'f- cb-nA ler irt-<br />

/ pmiitooed food per*<br />

tklcs. Do H4 blink >oure>c» for the<br />

six miauic* it lakes the<br />

photosn[bcr to get your date In<br />

focui. Tall JIIU, uand on you.*<br />

knees. Short boys, sund on her<br />

knees. Remember that you get two<br />

povci. to plan ahead. Maybe you<br />

can cwhangc out Cm between snap?.<br />

CirU should remember that at the<br />

prom iuclf (a small part of this<br />

whole enterprise), shoes with hecU<br />

higher ttun four inches ihould be<br />

avoided. Unleu you enjoy looking<br />

downhill at your date. Tncrr arc a<br />

U>t of ilov diners at the prum.<br />

Ttut'h gotiw; hccU, ji you<br />

aren't reaJI> rcijiiircii to nxtvc yi^ur<br />

'cci very far.<br />

Firully. alter the prom, there's<br />

Mi!lm.>»-cn'ucrpcni in More. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

iv a IUMC tntul law of our culture<br />

that abwlmdv forhtdt an)one coinp<br />

home before the t in iuc\ in the<br />

CJM. Absolutely no nutter how<br />

met jitir fl.v*ef> fade, vimr f.-et<br />

I-de, jnd >(Hird^:c IJJC* A Ia>t lip:<br />

JVOK! chcmiviry Mudetiu. Divcuv-<br />

\ion»of chcmivirj al 4-Ml A.M. are<br />

the pttv<br />

Hcrt'i wuhinp \ou a fabulovil)<br />

iiicjt. ^rejt time jt the Senior Pmrr.<br />

"*Discount Prices*^,<br />


Sar FrancUco tnodcltni; school and<br />

agency is looking for new faces for<br />

fas'n? n. photography and television<br />

modcltti Some training scholarships<br />

arc available.<br />

For information, free brochure, and<br />

scholarship application, call AO'2-i l J09.<br />

S I G N A T U R E M O D E L S<br />

SchoulStui<br />

have «t-pre<br />

gn»tns.<br />

Cmrtrr Ticl<br />

cn^inccnn,<br />

and broad*,<br />

nun^ mot<br />

Benelits<br />

ning from<br />

vclf-cont'K><br />

fteldt.<br />

SinhR.<br />

ucrn. feel*<br />

after they t<br />

tcmship pt<br />

moreahn:<br />

more matt<br />

"Ii"»<br />

throujhua<br />

added.<br />

Vanlyn<br />

iigrtrd. "1

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