Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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'*" loci " c:ul collect ton. Hi*<br />

I pl "3fy.«njww1l> tbeljrpcM private<br />

collection of UxiL\ in America and<br />

powiblv the world, conuined jt one<br />

lime l-ctuccn 2.*>0.lXX) and .VKI.Othi<br />

\olumev It it the only library to *urvise<br />

the file* and danup? ol irie<br />

l'XY> ciRrx-p-ilc HJII of the colic-<br />

1 h r -m [• v i the<br />

Ait.'<br />

Glover<br />

[XXC. 1<br />

irditv [> • hht. jtun 1- tj ... 1<br />

. the l.h';ir><br />

i> mtrcnl cnni-<br />

..t lu.i Julin. :l p»n% "<strong>The</strong><br />

litiar> :• l-j. ujllv uni tr in<br />

.11.. n. i, M...<br />

Wcvt.<br />

Glmci kontinucd, "<strong>The</strong> reruinder<br />

nf ihc cwllcvtion include*<br />

rjrc book*. Thc*c hool* ate used a\<br />

hiMork-jl relcrcrweN of Mc\u.jn.<br />

Hebrew, and fin/lith culture*. a\<br />

well a* life »T early Ol..omu "<br />

True t» the 1 JI the nvnnunJ<br />

in a p>mti\c per^wtne anl ci'ncludc<br />

that obcjinc would IK hcM lor<br />

However, if a *iudcm\ wiUi ikx\<br />

mx corrofsTid to ihat of the parent.<br />

a %tudcnl nu> li*>L 3t the ciimmarx)<br />

nc^ali^-U and haw (ecli-tt* of anfer<br />

and hiiu-rnc%%. Ttwn tht presvutc n<br />

Foelmpv t)f prc*%ure m.wur when<br />

ctpevijtions tvtwecn J parent and a<br />

child dilfcr and or a pjri-"''* c»pcviJlnmeu-ccdth-;<br />

child \ .iuhilme*.<br />

Comiron ptc*vure% cictvd onto<br />

teenage -!i«J il> ir^luJc. J.'itij: well<br />

in »j.himl, jthu^ inp ft.^h yradc* MI<br />

ai in .jujlit) t!» cmer a (>*\l collir^e.<br />

(. ; or Jiinini; at .• hich-pa>inj;<br />

wrctff. tuilill.ni: Umih rcAp.it.-<br />

Mhihticv. han-ilin'r rr^mwhi!>;..:»<br />

*hi«.h UiouMn'i Ivl-n; t.. ihe vhilJ.<br />

Parent* j[ipl> pu-wurj *>n ihc<br />

i-hildr.n. t.*u^..; umnttin::!* l'ir<br />

their iMilJicn. rxn ittlly trmung their<br />

children Avonc«.enior put it, "<strong>The</strong>y<br />

don't truvt rite and dn'l let me go nut<br />

to-, nain place*... I'll never be able<br />

I. ji-im up "<br />

WJicn pjrcniv Live their pertorul<br />

ptoblum, they sometime*. l.rv rc*pnnsibilmcs<br />

which belong lo theniteivc*<br />

onto their children CiKinvcW* JI the<br />

Chinatown Youth Center at,.I<br />

Huckleberry H.MW wid that in revent<br />

immigrant or Ir.A-irxomc faimlic*.<br />

IIH: parent* i*onin>onl) tcl> bi.iin a high-paying job in<br />

order tn support ihe famity.<br />

ll older siblings don't larcso well,<br />

the pircnt* nu> not wont the younprr<br />

chtldtoU'liiw the urnc footstep* Or<br />

in Mhcr ca*c*. parent. •**pc»t great<br />

thtnt:* fi.-m the oldeM child jrxl c\pect<br />

himtosct anexanTlc A *cnior<br />

a(fi(n»cd,**r.n the old>.-M vim. arfc] I<br />

hi»c two vnun^r bn«fit-r\ u» rnj<br />

pjrcits epevted me to tci an c»am •<br />

p!e. hn it crkk J up that rm \oun;*er<br />

hrtnlKrv do heticr tlun 1!"<br />

S4MK.-timc* parent* ju*t *MI1 their<br />

children to c)fi livled «»rtc or moti h.>-Sbtcs<br />

Of the* hobhyiu*. ncarlv<br />

otKiiuaner me^ticncd vime kind oi<br />

>pon a* a pjuinxr. <strong>The</strong> vpon* ranged<br />

frmn badminton to Kiwlmg. but<br />

Pi^ the Jporw itxIudcJ mov «cre tenout<br />

haskctball. and swimming.<br />

0?e ienwr. who wished to remain<br />

•nonymom. tiw v'ud'cd karate and<br />

kempo-Uratc for ci«ht \,can. He<br />

cccmcwcd. "the rrurtial artv are<br />

wmething more pet>plc vhould get<br />

Eovotv^d mih. F«f those w ho do not<br />

wtih to get involved **ith Uie comflcotic*<br />

of thi* ail, :l ca" be useii<br />

liicply « > method to keep Tit."<br />

Almcnt 30 (.owellilM eJiprcAsed<br />

irtcreit in a muiic-related activity.<br />

While wmc play an instrument or<br />

lutcn to the rxlio. t*her\ spend their<br />

time collecting I>uran 0-tan .-r<br />

Wium*. memorabilia or w nttng t>IIc^tion. Chen<br />

rt ponded. "Wh> do vix, climb a<br />

nxxinuin? Becjutc it's there. That**<br />

why I collect lint — because it's<br />

there."<br />

A number of participant* admitted<br />

their favorite Ivbby deals with<br />

irembcr* of IJC i>pj>nitc »ct<br />

Among litoe reiponsci. girl or bo)<br />

watching was tlic IWHJ pi>pular.<br />

Freshman Pegs) Kolin imi«teu.<br />

"AUruMgh moU pct>plf won't aJmit<br />

it. guy or girl watching i* tlr-ir uuin<br />

hobby'"<br />

Scscnl »tudtnu plan to pursue<br />

thtir ht>bbi;* cUmsivclv. alter high<br />

^>l Scat!) half tnU-nd to nuke a<br />

profit fnmi their rn*N>*c<br />

Jt-ii.il.: (K-ottrev MiiriM:. ,n .iv.J<br />

K-'pticr. v. mt, ' :,il< dtali.i'ln<br />

'he Hi:u«.\>f» H<br />

. Tcrferc with ;> r uh< >' -••jk'"'<br />

Siueen i»cN.er.t anv>cieU "a great<br />

deal." M percent »aid "frequent-<br />

•>." •*! percent r«-*lti>ndcd<br />

"vtHncttmc*," and 2.*> pcrtcnt *a*d<br />

"ncM.r,"<br />

On ihe jirrsj:e. the pol! takerv<br />

»|«nd 'J ') h*»ur» 4 w«k. ur I 4<br />

hourx j drr, purvumt: their rxibhtet<br />

1<br />

f.<br />

a w«k 111 the [>-.!. Ik-ll Mill llnd*<br />

time tu [iraiiic; nc piami<br />

Darhaia Mjiiit, al*.> a junior, ha*<br />

a ;»-ad %tari tiiA^id a bte orcer in<br />

her hohbv-UaiKinp. Shcdl"-olc* .10<br />

hourv a week to taking »la%«-« perfontung<br />

in a dance group, and prociwini;<br />

fi-r her featured role a% *<br />

daor- •( th. Saint lyrutiuv High<br />

SilKnil nrrfifi-^rhc of C b».f<br />

Whcihcr >.»i prefc t*•*ic*,ir,£<br />

*Uirp* WJS Qu^-cn Hli/abcth II on<br />

them, like trevhr.un Hra-ner Clanpjn<br />

does, (ir throw.nj: Inve*. like<br />

juuitit Donald Sg d- H>*i*c<br />

whiwh t>)lcr atd .'orjimth. w,th JII\<br />

VirsJ of problem*.<br />

m TODAY'S<br />

ARMY<br />

THERE'S UP<br />

TO $25,200<br />



MONEY.<br />

Ii'. liLcj.-iiin^.. ..h..|.<br />

ninnrh I'.rm \.mt t-rr |*<br />

inonthK Arim pi\t.lic ' *.<br />

(li\ 11.11 I111J. \,»it '...1.<br />

l^lcin; .111.I mr.lH.Ml tjic.irc<br />

jllp.n.ll..t.)<br />

TWi.r- I'.! Hill.<br />

cttc.Mvr |ut\ 1. W.iS. i.m<br />

mhiTx f'».txV l..t .1 i- .'i 4r<br />

ir cnli.llnrnt.<br />

Tl:rn ihc N--w Anny<br />

Collie h,,, I.,.n.tihwlr.<br />

JI4.4WI. .< .en<br />

rnliwmri<br />

.|H..!ilKati..-i. v.xi mu.T utcct<br />

I»-\I. fn IT IVIVM-. 1 . hut it >. 11<br />

.l.H. ll.i-K->l |ihlr tuiili;<br />

.....MK ilwA.tm Y..11 II<br />

[<br />

n.1 .•«•!.«• ..!-, I- s..,,il, il,.,t<br />

IO.T. •« >.••!• l.^.il Amu<br />

Rrciuitrf litln<br />

U.S. Army Rccmiiinj Suiion<br />

•tSW.Pm,,|Avc<br />

-J3 Frsnciico. CA 94I27-130J<br />

M15) 645-5631<br />

ARivK<br />


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