Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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*f» 12, <strong>The</strong> Until. May 10. I9SS<br />

FUTURE,<br />

Senioritis<br />

<strong>The</strong> epidemic strikes again!<br />

Hv Michael Lc*<br />

"I don'l cue." mo-int senior<br />

Angela Leung grudgingly a* *hc<br />

wales up from a five minuie tup in<br />

iSc Advanced Placement Rcwxirce<br />

Ctnter. room 215.<br />

LcjOf. ha* vital tympuxm of<br />

*entonl*i: a noticeable pmcrutlna-<br />

IKM> *n doing tur h.fncwort.. an<br />

especial dread of uuJ>r.^. arrl<br />

pftyiicsi i.nl menu) cih^juwc.<br />

Other ty.nplo.n. of senionti*. are<br />

ancmion l">p*c% djrijg ctatici. a<br />

burning impaiierce for graduation.<br />

a loogtirf td d' .*n> thing hut go tn<br />

ck*v aid a ,mp in grade*.<br />

"My rr-iiKi •*>** wander* l» other<br />

thing* *Jun hofncwnrlL," admi:i<br />

I eung. She ha\ bem I turning to the<br />

radio and washing tclevitton more<br />

often thcie d»)i no* that bet grades<br />

do m< courts for college.<br />

Scnkmm. * dt*caic of the mind<br />

as well ** of the Kidy, iiicomhimlion<br />

of on apathetic attitude and »<br />

letluvic body which mi longer<br />

function* a* *harpty.<br />

Hew *emor* contract icnionli* **<br />

CJtly as Scpw then la/incst after the<br />

fall remoter when they wnd 'heir<br />

"Tfiere isn't a day which goes by<br />

that I don r t cut a <strong>class</strong> because<br />

nothing matters now.' *<br />

Sjtinna Liu, **hu do.•» noe notice<br />

jny worsening in her attitude. *Jmttv<br />

that *hc i* \u.'.( j Mrp slower in<br />

her ph)iicji re*poruc\ than *hc<br />

UMjMly iv<br />

Bret Furrut de;cnt"ci *cniorm*<br />

a*, a prof rcwivc deennratmn ol the<br />

will to \l\nis: "1>rc\ n» mure incentive<br />

led tor me to get go>\ Uut pet ig an acceptance<br />

letter toti \c.m van bring<br />

our ««nionii«<br />

"Once >IKJ ycl ac:ep;ej, >i>u<br />

really t'or.'t care ^ m«;h jbcut >«ur<br />

grade* bcczuM: nuth'nt; matter.."<br />

\hc reflected.<br />

Alumni news<br />

Lucey invites seniors to join<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Alumni Association<br />

In a lew week* you will cvn ;4eic (our > carrot hjrd<br />

woiL !n ici;h an ur.ptirtjni Milestone in ymr U\?-.<br />

When) in; revere your dir/4'UUis. )ou will jtitit^n unhroken'linc<br />

-if Lowi^nc*.-,:" ng hack to IS?V when the<br />

first grodiwii"* -lav* ci'•>-"*.• til tin sturc*- sour senw ol pritlc<br />

and jccoii.plo'-riieni. ViV.I done' ()n ihc tup CCJsion<br />

ol \4tui , ;jJiutu r *t>u 41c umied to |om the<br />

IJ)*CII Alumni *-• .utron<br />

••W|i> stvultl I •• in 4 hi»h -ih-'l ulu.r.ni 4*MVU<br />

lion'.'" is A Ijir tjuc-Jion. TIKCT ICJMHIS ionic [>• iun»J<br />

immedu:el>: wlf-nttennt. jliru:wn. 4nd loyally<br />

You hj*c in*cMcd ft«jr yrjr* in I owcll \hfi\<br />

S^rnnil. a wt*e in*c»iru*nt ilut cm hnnf jtlited<br />

c Iri<br />

and prolovtf* fKii'* K..m»e |.in*ctl I<br />

"winner, " J 'i-pi.tJtKnilh.il wi'l mh.-tr o<br />

vnur atJvantjjre ••> Veep in i.nnh •viih th<br />

thjl j.'4.e >ou >u^h 4 gt«l "!i.j* up' .•>!<br />

Mcmbc»vhi[t in it. Aluium Awnji'im i.-<br />

*cnu: .'J tunlmu t> jnd rvlnnfin;: itul i* "<br />

in our live*<br />

Anjnnu nnuji rM.\v.!k:tl. Mill IKT«V .I ri%.!ttcr% Ynur ruinc<br />

und cuftcni jiiiJic^s u.ill S: Mi"Cil nn^i .>>ir,puur .ir-1<br />

nude j».nUhteiimff*jniicr%.ii Jj**events. Wruthcttcr<br />

*J\ of Vcerifj: in loush with gt*»l (ncrd\ \»b.>v"<br />

t.iwnrrfilen'- u--i uith un cnjovjhlc pan ot >out hi^li<br />

M.h.'*'! \C4is<br />

If >("• jrc ntned h> nvire altiuiMn: nwrtivc*. mn<br />

titlet the need tt>f alumni ^tttttarJupv A I' ct^'it vtt^<br />

MJICA. and r.iiucM 1 * for fioincul Mippoti for jn<br />

jfr.-> or tvtwtl proprjm*<br />

"Vu third impitrtant rcJ^^'n [nr >our punui|utti*n<br />

•AJ» Mated in IWI «pnn^ rwwtlirn;'. Th; Alunm<br />

Sund rod> to J|T'><br />

lii;ht lor the continu<br />

a\ jn JI!(*I!>. inltc<br />

'V I.. tL'U-iui t<br />

j-ili- in%?.l'.'tion<br />

nce "I <strong>Lowell</strong> m itv piC<br />

. prcpji.it.T> hich «.!>••<br />

i<br />

t p-m.i; 1- \ |HI'-IU<br />

')!.-*! :.> the uiM-t •'•ili<br />

>I 1 ' >"Ur \»....... i,il,N.tlV<br />

. i>t l'Ji* i* ruvJcJ '-i lf:f JII;--T<br />

'l tefld'*t!JI^ :Si«)i ui'i L-ni(>l.' t!..- A<br />

Apjin. CONCKAtl'L-MloNS' We!-w<br />

l.owi-11 AKHI.I.I ANMK.uii.tr.<br />

Mr I'4<br />

New and Previously Read Books<br />


booksellers<br />

1687 Haight'San Francisco<br />

HAPPY<br />


NICOLE<br />

de<br />

COTEAU<br />

MAYO<br />

You? old friend.<br />

Kendalle<br />

Happy Sweet 16th<br />

Nancy Malberg<br />

May 10th<br />

from: Jen. Trrri. Mandi. Surah.<br />

Tina. Btlla. Ellwn. EJ. Mdr.<br />

aui Jrrrmy.<br />

552- ',122<br />

Haopy 15th<br />

Megan Trent<br />

r tay 24th<br />

From r. Dtiitry. A. Currir, J.<br />

Ltc- jy, A. Lennox, D. SylvUtn.<br />

and J. Turner.<br />

S and going u> the<br />

beach, ihc park — amwherc other<br />

than school.<br />

Jonathan Alberts tim,Tly las rht<br />

u'gc to sleep.<br />

Many lemon are tx»w ^cepint: in<br />

cli**. in the ha!!*, and in rctou;ce<br />

One *emor jjitl. s*h

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