Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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fmedia<br />

ttKGO<br />

especially for a station executive. Shinnick Mated,<br />

"Fvc always said T*m pan psychiatrist and pin<br />

priest....people in : elevision industry are very<br />

sensitive folks. It uke» a certain ability to be able to<br />

get them 10 do the job. It takes some finesse." Shini<br />

* *k explained.<br />

Sometimes, he admits, a silent office can be a sign<br />

of succcu. "As a manager, you almost have to<br />

' measure your success by the lack of problems y> nothing more fun than<br />

(o have a big Mory u here everyone is pulling together<br />

for a change; we*re all working together to get it on<br />

the air at the same time....(Jut's, what nukes this job<br />

worthwhile."<br />

Shinnick has werked in stations on both coasts as<br />

everything 1mm reporter to anchorman. He Ihirks ni<br />

KGO z\ or. or the best places t,c\ worked<br />

"ThK ts a very gtxnl station." he s^id. "\VL* have<br />

ability because it's so large, and \>c do make a lot of<br />

money for this company."<br />

Despite all of the ups and downs of station work,<br />

television can rv rewarding. "It's exciting." Shinnick<br />

c*cl.jimed. "nut sometimes >ou sit hack and<br />

jay, 'Gosli, ' could be selling shoes." Bui. I really enjoy<br />

it,"<br />

VOLUME<br />

/OFF<br />

{making news for 130 years*******• •••<br />

Auociated Press and United Press Imcriufonjl 1'cnmsul.i<br />

B\ I Mt<br />

<strong>The</strong>se rditors detenu in; uhich stones .ire tmi%<br />

portar.1 and edit those which need edit in/<br />

Around •! a.n;.. ihc assistant new s editor pl.iv <<br />

"If you can complete a<br />

|| newspaper with all the time<br />

^.pressure and talent<br />

||Jpressure, you . >n do<br />

J0 anything. "<br />

i*\ Unric* in Ihc ncus ot "A" \ctln"i.<br />

At 5 a.m.. Ihc copy cthtorx rcrcail l!ic .tt.dcv .nJ<br />

r uieck (or an*- L-nun.' <strong>The</strong> cily c«hcor ^lio IICMU ilic<br />

r-'Ciry desv whet-; all local newv i% (uiiJlcJ ct)rn•J^ in<br />

;-/ *Sh • few repncr\ »hn check Ihc regular "hcat\."<br />

liiCIhe Fire and Police IXrrunnlcnK and Cily Hall<br />

IV'mnsula edition'. ,«rc (CJIJ\ .<br />

U) Z.Aft i» MI . the tour-Mar or lin.il edition is<br />

completed<br />

Trie pr»icciiurc\ between the CL.....»..> arc f.cticralls<br />

the S;IPIC all lollii^ ihtr couisc MaMiti): uith rc[>nrtris<br />

lo editors 10 IIK* coiiipi^mj: room m ttic cn^r.ivmj;<br />

rintm ti» the [i;css in the nuii ri».ini am) tinallv i*i the<br />

tnii.li*' uhu'h tlistntnitL* ihc net^pjper u* diltercnt<br />

distnrts<br />

Apparently, there is no enil in ihis csclt* i'-t nc»*pri»fssin>:.<br />

and people play tlwr most csvc:.,,..! role n,<br />

itukm^ the cycle p-»\sihle.<br />

Although iht-- use of computers !us •'• -.plitlai t! :<br />

prutevs uf | rudut'iiv J ncusp,ipvr to an average<br />

nunuiiuniol 45 inn. • ••. i: is the reporters and CtlidTs<br />

UIKI must :irst rjpMlv nmc up the s;ouc%.<br />

l-oi example, uhen Ma\tir CK-urfe Mow rectify overstrewn with vycx*. file*, dirty ishtray*. and<br />

i made in the onc»tar edition ' decide cups ofcolfce; think of reporter J punching >was a! a<br />

'KKTI stories need updating.<br />

S".By II JO a.i:. . the two-star Eav Bay and home<br />

•SediJioni arc dor';. .<br />

By 12:30 p.m.. Ihe tv,o->tar Ei» Ba>. hnnK. and<br />

computer and anwxring phone*; and think of all the<br />

thousand* of people somehow involved with the cycle<br />

— maybe the newspaper will *ccm w .tih more than<br />

the 25 cents it coal*.<br />

I r<br />

7h.- Omrll. Mai 10. /WfJ.<br />

=___PROFiLES<br />

KALW: the Sret FM<br />

public radio station<br />

By IITOC bhttura cd b* votinteen.<br />

Can you name the oldcsl FM. KAl.W plan* iu weekly programs<br />

non-tommcrcial radio staiion in the and runs them for three monihi.<br />

United Stales?<br />

KALW has many news ind feature<br />

Ifyougucrai KALW 91.7 KM.. programs as sscll as educjhnual and<br />

UK.i >ou guested right.<br />

community interest programs.<br />

KALW began-broadcasting in KALW offer*) , • muuc, dncurr.cn-<br />

I'M | and is mm 44 yean, old uncs, awartm, . presentations, m-<br />

KALW i\ licensed by the San Frantional and feature nests, drama, ini<br />

cisco Unified School Disirict comedy programs in addition li<br />

iS.F.U.S.D.t and ptosiJct the pci>- many other spccuU.<br />

j>Ic of the Uav Area ssith ci'uca. KALW changes it; programming<br />

•i.irul. cultural, and informational schedule quarterly and sends its<br />

programming without commercials. subscribers a program gvvic so that<br />

At the 1939 World's Fau on they will know s»hich prograirs *n<br />

freasurc Island. Ed»in Armstrong. scheduled at a specific time.<br />

inventor of frequency rtxxJuljiion Gerund manager Tejada-^lorcs<br />

(F.M.I radio, sold his entire eihibit noted that KALW might be offering<br />

to the S.F.U.S D. for a dollar. TT* <strong>class</strong>es in radio broadening in the<br />

whoul district had planned to use future to encourage sudenu tn go<br />

the equipment for educational [ar- inln radio.<br />

; Tsrv This marked the bcginniit,; of "<strong>The</strong>re arm'! any TV <strong>class</strong>es of-<br />

KALW B> I9J Mhe SFUSD h«l fered in tlx San ^t?ticisco Khoi>l<br />

received a broadcasting license fo. disfict and it would br good for<br />

KALW. j- ihc Bay Area's first FM Mudcnts to learn •brut." ctun-<br />

station.<br />

menteti Tejada-r«ires.<br />

KALW taeivo tunds frum fi*ir <strong>The</strong> .'escnt uudio at John O'Con-<br />

KAl.W. fhc ScK-4 lUsti m\ r.<br />

diltcrcm «,iv.-, ii,.- s 1 f s I><br />

proshL* ihc • •.ilion vmh niir.::iiutii<br />

fuuna.il vup(»'!- i.t uicci hj\w<br />

>)^-(jti. IKCIN v..n j* subnet<br />

t-r.t<br />

Ti< r-J> t.'r its piVJ:!I. ihe %<br />

cvci»cs jrrjR!\ Jn'tn ihc C'o<br />

..t I«*i U,r ...II I..IK- cinpJm^rs. ,<br />

t'l-.iji!. j\t ,ii !v-.i\j i\ h-'urv Jj !..<br />

•.•lic'ir-ic (or ltif%c nr'ant*<br />

KAl.tt »Jsa»tal|(.tfis?(uHtinw<br />

tfii-p!o>ecs jm! li w 4titWHjtKC.i^crjMi*.<br />

m .ij.lit.on ii><br />

dwr v,.|»nlc js am tu twelve<br />

nihlnifht »<br />

Si^Mrthcrs t.i KAlAS .I.MUIC<br />

tsmncs m the \t4lmn in ihc lorm 4i(<br />

••C4fl> nwtr.fvivhitf !crv KAl.W<br />

i.elJ r.\ iir*t futttltjivcr Juiirtj; the<br />

wcti. ol A:'fil 22. tMMnf S3.1.K«J<br />

p<br />

pi*--f.lt 1 "h.t ([x--,»jr urij'n pro<br />

punts JIUI hci^ to 1'irufKc !,< \ta<br />

Imn "l.'rvlcruntin, i\4 ^uhllc (unit<br />

f( jdtcniscnKM. n.>trJ KALW<br />

general nuiuftcf Hwi. Tcivlj-<br />

I tores<br />

KALW i» a inctnt«*r cf N*1IITUI<br />

l^blie Radio (NCR) and ihe<br />

AswKMiion of Calidnnia Cublic<br />

HJJK> Sut>«ns SI*K bnwkastt<br />

user a ut;lli(c and thes varioos sta-<br />

'MWJS acriMs the rutK>n receive Us<br />

pnifram* s.-r a satcllitr tliih.<br />

KA*-W *-i (he lirs r*dx> in use a<br />

vatclDc tilth In transmit radio<br />

signjh NPK rtnudcAtti proj:ramv<br />

from mJcpctaJcnt prulucers and<br />

pruiuccs » iew pn>cranu iLself in tU<br />

Waihinptoo. DC. cuun>s Sescmy<br />

perceru of K/\LWs pfO]tr*n» *rv<br />

taiert tlitcvtly from pn>]crvnv bnxvlcatf<br />

fnim NPR. <strong>The</strong> remaimnj 30<br />

pei^cni of iu pn>gnrru arc prwluc-<br />

station, tl .7 en ihr KM ilbl.<br />

clt S*.(n»il »I<br />

«uris uvt\] iit; pm-<br />

. v»hcrc<br />

j<br />

niatltust. jtv.1<br />

In pKt, up the<br />

"Our train objective<br />

is not to<br />

Set a large audience,<br />

but to<br />

provide our<br />

listeners with<br />

quality programs.<br />

*'<br />

h..\»d rtt signals frmn the wtcllitc<br />

iJ.%h, * tilth f> !m.4irJ in the lu^L<br />

pjtkin^ UY, jt O'CtmncH<br />

11.4. CUfkc. an jr.ru-.».« at<br />

KALW. ha» ^...Icd I.I run; dif.<br />

fcrcnt llcIJs txi.nc cornin): In<br />

KA; W. CUikc lus h*t jr ir.terrsl<br />

in ijdto sirxr he Mas a uiu.i,; t»>><br />

Carle *»tirLcd nuny ixiJ jt>K<br />

hct.iic ftinm; ihc air tiwcc wheic he<br />

leame.1 atxxil tlntmna* Alter hi*<br />

tour scjn in the Air Force CUrLc<br />

s» cnt dirrcify to ImuJcastinj; vtfH«>l<br />

.ind hrfure he rud cscn finished, he<br />

had zmen a joh w.tri a corrincrcijl<br />

raJwt station He went to amiihcr<br />

cirnHnercul ndN> station before<br />

bccominj; a special education<br />

teacher. In 19VI tomcac* informed<br />

him of «n ooen pOMtkta «i KALW'.<br />

CUrie »«f ts the errans shift from<br />

4 p.m. until UKlniglrf on KALW.<br />

"Wr may IMX h*»e *s many<br />

': • —fs »s j Urge c.-mmcrvtal »Ution,<br />

t-uit r numohjectivc i*no pmgranu.**<br />

std TjbF

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