Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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u; ic. nr 10,<br />

PROFILES •<br />

<strong>The</strong> magazine for the<br />

lover of San Francisco<br />

lt> Sltplwn<br />

Yew car. AnJ tKn. all rrnrr SJ»<br />

frarcivtr. "J1K> tunf i*it in super<br />

nurWt* 4i>J ilrup »ti>fes cscfvwfierc<br />

<strong>The</strong>* canto; jco jUnit all the jai -n<br />

ii ih.v ilivcrv citv. an.1 fhc> insmvmi<br />

in pick them i.p "l>-s" ire<br />

Ir.i. i<br />

l:\Cf \irxc the puWujli-n ••< \\ .<br />

\i» rn<br />

pc*.« ftiTtiS to l«val resident* uln*<br />

Me lo fit oui 3 tot. <strong>The</strong> nujM/irv<br />

utul **Tnti>: jtx! vkfui'v n^-Mt a.-* nit<br />

San Irarwiwvi. JI*J wtut Lun.1t jrc<br />

h (and mill.<br />

(4,4mm 'fir* *>n w Sere in c*t Jjn.<br />

inf. U»ii)' t tm»l% in irtfcfuif ilcn^n.<br />

jnJ the pin\ih:!ii) ot Su\eitMiU JHJ<br />

htdtofmh repining ferr6 lilr i» u»<br />

male a ft*, enemies, hut 1 Jn't"<br />

Gorn dewnbes his litvt * K vn the<br />

joblv *'>isen»h.''"'inp" a-l quickly<br />

pn used tn the *- ..c a:»l bustle<br />

»if tltc down'-- , ollkc.<br />

Got;. Ait.1 hi* diunul Msii pl*n<br />

uvuci two mofOhi in adsancc. V»"hile<br />

the reporter* ire cuircr-tly retcaiching<br />

sturm for the July nw, tSc<br />

editors have I'mdy nude toeril<br />

decuiofu concerning Ute Auyuvt and<br />

MI'. 1 ! !•• J! NiMiHs<br />

,1 |UM<br />

>rrt (VK^l<br />

pCi'plc'vCpiF.'" the tUI'Jol p-ill i>( til.<br />

i'lli (iiiin vttiulj tmu.h rathcf »«ti<br />

tin J {V» , * us injt th jn ik'j iu • ti the<br />

\JJ-. .idj> htuittcNs rcalitic 1 *' »I lit.<br />

pin,,am. like sat^tics<br />

"the tun pjn" DI hi* jt«t> Tn<br />

inj; j.Hiira!;-.", he urcw*.<br />

hcw'tinc* .tVAiU JU->* tv •<br />

»r.fh>. jnd in the pmnt "'<br />

l>>.. the nurugtr-i: editt- plm an<br />

. hi* thjnpo (ttr Sit* f-'ruitfiu<br />

;.i\;*i:in,- '• No *fKC the \JIX K<br />

i ihc ru<br />

nj". hv<br />

)<br />

people »t.t*v;iibc ti» San t-r:;wiwi><br />

Mjji ;tv* tuccs.<br />

K-iO is diftcrcnl from San Frtncisco's other two<br />

nt-iuorL alfiliacs. KPIX ^nl KRO\. in that it is<br />

uv.ncil by the rwuorV. Tlic olhcr two suiitins arc<br />

o-*ncti by private Ciiinp-tmes.<br />

llccaiisc the si.ition is owned jnd o,*ci Jtrd by ABC.<br />

r:ot-..m» «>n the -u JCILJ1!> bclmi^ to K(iO<br />

<strong>The</strong> Maitori pre ABC has a popular noon-time soap opera.<br />

K'iO docs no*, have a 12 o'clock news broadcast,<br />

which Shiniick finds fortumtc. "We're a little<br />

luckier than KPIX and KKON because vc don't have<br />

to KTtmrijjc for n. AS." he Mid.<br />

Aca'jlly. the fat ion has little choice in the rr tticr.<br />

"WM'd prohablj be r.trung fmnii tree if v.j prctnipicd<br />

iliCMWp opera for a newscast." Sn^nmck iatr, icd.<br />

Hctween all of ihc writin,;. editing, jnd upinj that<br />

fint\ on. life Jt :i lelc-.isuin st:iiiim c;;n be h» :tkr.<br />

especially for<br />

•Tvc . - lys<br />

priest....people I<br />

sensitive folks, f<br />

get them to do t!<br />

nick explained<br />

Sometimes, t<br />

of success. "*/<br />

measure vour •<br />

have." "hinnii*<br />

A big story i<br />

and forces even \<br />

Shinnick explain!<br />

lo have a big MO*I<br />

for s change, w<br />

the air at the vi<br />

worthwhile."<br />

Shinnick has<br />

everything from |<br />

KGO &s one of T[<br />

"This is j vc*<br />

ability bccauK i><br />

money for this t.<br />

Dcspit- all i>f I<br />

television caii h<br />

nick c^cbinicil.<br />

say. Gosh.»i-ojoy<br />

11."<br />

<strong>The</strong> San Francisco Examiner making<br />

whit alt editors, reporters ami Maff numbers oi tne<br />

Am Fruncucu Euwuntr must fipht against.<br />

"Pic major function ut'thc nc^spap-.; is to nring the<br />

latest ncustn the pci^plr in T .r,.- ^ulcfcc^ttimopo\MhIc.<br />

For 13(1 years, ihe San Franuwo Excrxmer fus<br />

nevet latlcd to supply Bay Area residents with ne»»<br />

everyday.<br />

Founded by a number ol investors, one i ' "vboni<br />

was Cahfonira's Senator George Hearsi. .he iw<br />

Franciico Examiner began as a newspaper i..»c very<br />

dilfcrent from other newspapers of th;«t era; it was a<br />

paper about the rich and the chic.<br />

However, wlicn ihc son of Scn.i:m Mcarsi Willurs<br />

Randolph Hearst. Sr.. toof. ovc the Examiner in<br />

1KH7, he intrixluced new ttmccpv which still c\ivtia<br />

today's Examiner now published by Wtllitm Randolph<br />

Hc*m. III.<br />

"Hie (Uamtnrr bccaiiK very M^uUstn: and publiihcd<br />

IKAS IYM ,'cali with all people. Hears:. Sr.. a^w<br />

crtatcvl the \c i of having "h'jriiunnis drauings"<br />

which arc now 'miKinl> ^now-u jj romic strips.<br />

Within a period of M years, the F.tntnintr vhiltcJ<br />

from tuclttti t;i firu place .nd remained the predomi<br />

nant n- *spapcr in San iianc;i«.o aomlhc turncf ihc<br />

ccniuij to i960.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Euxmin • then began to lose circuUtion lo tbf<br />

San Franc;ico Chronicle, v'ich is still ill biggc?<br />

rival.<br />

However, because both ncw*tpapcr% were !

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