Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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<strong>Lowell</strong> welcomes backKermesse<br />

KathedncLoo<br />

Bonjour. Biun Giorrc Hob.<br />

Konichiwi. Gutco Tag. Privet.<br />

Anyoog-ha-ge-yo. Hello.<br />

After c year'* ab*e.*e. the<br />

Foreign Lan^tu^c Inienuiiorul<br />

Kcrmcuc relumed :o Lo*ell on<br />

April 25.<br />

behaved one." Howescr. iht* Kcnncxw was m*<br />

Hirry Collii. Foreign Language without ptcMeni*- <strong>The</strong>re »i» in-<br />

Departmcnl head, echoed tense mereiitwilmg and long* line*.<br />

Tchikmani's sentiments. "A» far a* Al*o. ihc variou* booths ran out of<br />

the ecltbrjikm t% cincemed. I think fiHid early.<br />

il »as imminently succe«fiil," Tctiilowni »a» divjppomtcd l!ut<br />

Man> jiudentv were alto eicitcd vwie wnrL:r\ daln'l *bow up in<br />

•bout ihc return of Ihc Kcrmes*c. woil. and that vine of the r M> '<br />

"1 I'wught it v»at neat to *ce all gram* didn't \tart on time or ran ti>»<br />

the students in co*ttimc...and »ecing long.<br />

the whole wtuxJ panicipote. Il (the Studemx and lex hen. rud wpico-<br />

Kermeue)i» a great event becauieil tion* on bov. in male ihc Kcrmcvw<br />

aJlcwv students to experience other more tuccc^tful in the future.<br />

culturei," luted »enior Rebecca Coordinator Marc Zavaia, «ated<br />

Many language cUues tnd tlie<br />

club* pjfttcipaicd in the Ktrrmc\*e<br />

by telling food of variout aumricv.<br />

Among the club*, which participoifli<br />

%ers the Japinr-1. hracli.<br />

HeUenic. Chlncic. Fwch. Vi«-<br />

thai he takes down notct or < b « deficiencio<br />

of tSe fair and trici to correct<br />

Uicm for ihe r,c« Kcrmcite.<br />

"I would cut down on ihc areas of<br />

fooj salct jnd focu\ on other activities<br />

liL>: dcmonvtralionv <strong>The</strong><br />

namcK, Spjnith. German, and Kcrmcsvc JKHIUJ be more t^iricd<br />

Italian. <strong>The</strong> Th various club* told food than food \alc\." wid Scn«>r Jamc*<br />

"5. ranging gg from mouir* to pasta to Valera.<br />

• sushi to jtlato. jtlato Senior Senio Cr.riMinc Jccng exprcsved.<br />

Entrtt<br />

Entertainment at the Kcrmewe "I with lhat there wa\ more diversi-<br />

* came in a variety of fn.iro — ty., like having more countries<br />

Ktrneu* organUcr Geortrs dances, uMigi, instrurtKntaU. unA represented."'<br />

TcUkmnl tnakct • trig spUih In martial arts demon«ra!tom. <strong>The</strong> Tchikov;jf,i believes lhat the<br />

the AmUng borth.<br />

mou popular entcnammem were ihe SermcsAC dcserse\ a mirimum day<br />

<strong>The</strong> Kcrmdv is aa intcrrutiorul cultural djncci performed hy hrnh and would We the adminiMraton. to<br />

festival *hcre people can iharc and Mtidcntt and faculty. For cxamp^:. thortcn clattes for thit day. He ul«><br />

learn iboat differ.nt criturct teacher Linda Groodahl performcO would like to »ce other teachci« in<br />

through food* fntert*4nnicnt« a*fc* an Egyptian labaret dance which other department* purtictruic mttrc.<br />

eoHumes.<br />

many enjoyed.<br />

Zavala agrees. " wtut sou (the<br />

According to head ciwrdiiulor "1 really tiled Mi» Grondohl's students) rruiy IIINC in a little hit of<br />

George* Tctulovani. "It «u better belly dancing. I never knew that \he invtruakm i. gained h> all the other<br />

attended. <strong>The</strong> atnxnphcrc wai a could mate trul way." »uted unmr things that the student receives, all<br />

very joyful, harmonious, and well- David Cho.<br />

the culture *nd the ipint.<br />

Gambllns and daacinx were the two mala attractloai oa Moate Carlo<br />

NIghi.<br />

Students 'Go for Broke*<br />

on Monte Carlo night<br />

By Eric FaitllT<br />

"Going For Broke." the theme of<br />

the Student Activity Board's (SAB)<br />

annual Monie Carlu Night,<br />

highlighted gambling and a "Bankof<br />

the DJ.V* contest on April 26<br />

from 6-11 p.n..<br />

Visual Sound* won the contest by<br />

Junior Prom 1 BSU presents Far Army Places'<br />

is successful<br />

By Jenifer Roger*<br />

"Once ia * Lifetime," the Junior<br />

Prom rrevcn-M by the Claw of 1986.<br />

sva.\ held April 20 in the Concourse<br />

Cafe of the Bank of America PU/a.<br />

Music was provided by K.MEL,<br />

with night disc->ockcy. Sonny Joe<br />

Foi.<br />

"We (the ofTiccrs and junior prom<br />

chairpersons) are quite proud of the<br />

succeu of the Junior Prom. <strong>The</strong> Class<br />

cf '86 is the second Junior CUi* to<br />

ha\ e made a profit on a junior prom.<br />

Altogether, we made about $1,600.<br />

<strong>The</strong> popularity of the prom anuied<br />

us; we were not expecting tn reach<br />

I SO cuuplcs, let akmc sell out!" commentod<br />

Julie Higashi. Junior CUis<br />

treasurer.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> line for photographs didn't<br />

take too long, t likal the way ihc DJ.<br />

included jokes about school. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

made, the whole thing personal."<br />

stated Evelyn Achuck. Junior Clau<br />

vice-president. '<br />

"We are one of the few Junior<br />

CItues to actually make money on<br />

• prom. <strong>The</strong>y are act anally fun*<br />

draisen. jos a <strong>class</strong> activiry,"<br />

remarked junior Caryl Chinn.<br />

Junior Danny Lee remarked. "It<br />

was a bole bU too crowded, but it wa*<br />

cozy. 1 think the DJ. could have<br />

played songs that weren't to old or<br />

to bard to dance to."<br />

Sophomore 'Arthur Goog felt.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> dance floor was small.<br />

Everytime you moved, you hit someoce.<br />

Everyihtag else was okay —<br />

evta gettloi the photographs."<br />

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Good llnHI 6I30IS3<br />

By Mrlanl" Vott*eterdc<br />

<strong>The</strong> Alack Siudeii'-' Vnum tBSL'i<br />

held it* K'th annual Uvlmto estravagan/a.<br />

"Tar Aw as l*]«.rs,*' on<br />

April Z7 in (he l.twtll julivtium<br />

<strong>The</strong> pt^rani an\tsteO of 12 wenes<br />

with n>> vk-K mitfiitcO m j vjtu-n ol<br />

clothing from foniul wear to active<br />

wear. <strong>The</strong> nnxlcts "h-A" ihc audience<br />

todilfcient places mtbe w«nld<br />

to diifljv ihctr dothing.<br />

Hie ji*jrnc> bci:an with the intnxjuction<br />

nt IK model* who entcr>.*d<br />

(ttc juJiionuin tiiHii llw t\K.l. and pn>cecded<br />

io tl^ *Ufe. which wa* .uppiMcd<br />

to be the ducLv of 1J«% Anpcles.<br />

In the Wivnd vxne. jnothcr IK<br />

models were intn^luccd at the New<br />

York Ciiy Airpi>n.<br />

During ihc ncu Ti\c Hxncs. the audience<br />

accompanied the itKNWK io<br />

Pucno Vallaiu. Riwne. the Virgin<br />

Mands. Undon. and Wj,;,i.. <strong>The</strong><br />

mndcU wore the s^mws hats, tniptcal<br />

wear, actis-e wear and business suit%.<br />

repmenting the locations.<br />

<strong>The</strong> show, which was supposed tn<br />

begin at 7 p.m. did not actually tun<br />

until 8:15 because the con-.-sentator<br />

Eyvctt Piper, was not there.<br />

BSU president. Deoicce Brasficld,<br />

decided to let choreographer Billy<br />

Dews Mart the show. Piper finally arrived<br />

during the fourth scene.<br />

Two models display the latest<br />

fashions at the tSV annual show.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> turnout wat not as high a* I<br />

expected." comnwaed BrasfieldHalf<br />

of the auditorium wss filled.<br />

"It (the delay) really didn"t bother<br />

me. because 1 had a great time talling<br />

to my fncnC> Besides, they<br />

entertained us with good munc*. 11<br />

expressed freshman Mary Duckett.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> Uic start urnct me.<br />

the lie Vet said 7 p.m. Ourp! I wasted<br />

J lot of nine.. " uatcd wtphomorc<br />

Dar.1I Smiien.<br />

Wh-*n a\led her ortimon, wmor<br />

Lcc Anna Schwartz eiclainte pro-<br />

(cwiixullj dt>ne.*<br />

<strong>The</strong> tltHhc* canvs Innn Mores and<br />

KHJ!I'{UCS irKluilint! Casu-l Air.<br />

CJSIIO Street We jr. WiUm's.<br />

Gempnc Sc.c*l the final song<br />

of the dance.<br />

Students generally believed the<br />

dance was a sucocu.<br />

"Monte Carlo Night stands out<br />

from other dai<br />

mood*, ud j<br />

will ur~; o\ cr<br />

on Ma; 20<br />

PMcody. t<br />

\\ of forrt<br />

nctghborhocd<br />

<strong>The</strong> neijhbonl<br />

ing about incr.-f<br />

lit<br />

Student<br />

ukken. U<br />

turcs, »xre \<br />

lifted ttuderu. J<br />

Mareuilt.tl<br />

ficera will N'tf<br />

lt> check on<br />

owners and in &<br />

ukken on i<br />

&Mh the

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