Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Iht Lowrtt. Mzy 10. IMS. Ft/f 7<br />


South African shares views on apartheid<br />

David BooontJrr, aSooih AMau,<br />

fern that apartheid b a "Jevlulh-<br />

By Eva Fc*U<br />

Q: As a Htt/r growing up in South<br />

Africa, how were you "conditioned"<br />

to/ttt about apanhetd?<br />

A: Human beings vc amazingly<br />

adaptable and when people grow up<br />

in a system, they very seldom qucslion<br />

it. If they d) question it. ihcy<br />

only question it in the most obviou*ly<br />

unacceptable and odious form.<br />

Using analogy, it's the wne sort<br />

of problem in the women's tno\x~<br />

ment...people arc trying to look Tor<br />

any subtlety in language or attitude,<br />

that almost hai become accepted.<br />

like using the personal pronoun<br />

"he" when one meant people in<br />

general. <strong>The</strong>y (feminists) become<br />

very sensitive (o thcae thing*.<br />

Those are uu sensitivities one<br />

doesn't have in South Africa, and it<br />

require* the equivalent of the<br />

women's movement, an awareness<br />

movement, lo make people aware of<br />

*h»l*» happening.<br />

"If country<br />

has an economic<br />

base and you<br />

pull that<br />

economic carpet<br />

out from under<br />

it, it's going to<br />

stumble a bit. "<br />

You can'l cipect jomeihing like<br />

thai to happen out of the blue; it re*<br />

quirts an internal corutructivc<br />

movement.<br />

And there'* tery little reason in a<br />

country uich ai South Africa lo have<br />

such a movement, because the<br />

pressure ruv iw bem felt. Only<br />

recently has there been cnou[h<br />




preiture to increase this<br />

.-. *w*rtrKu...ix>bod~cverconivio-JS-<br />

| ly thought that when you went to •<br />

• **«*. you didn't see black people;<br />

[.you JUM didn't think about seeing<br />

i black people on tic beach with you.<br />

I'«K if someone asks you the qucs-<br />

I tion, "Isn't it ttnngc ihat in • coun-<br />

'W where, the ratio of blacks t»<br />

whites is four to OM. you don't see<br />

(any blacks on the beach with you?".<br />

only then does it come to you.<br />

| That'* tht way things happen...it's<br />

certainly not malignant.<br />

, h'% won a case of indifference and<br />

apathy, which is certably not the<br />

'prerogative of the South African<br />

t saw ipanhctd as a way of life<br />

one didn't question, until somebody<br />

asked some intellectual questions<br />

about it: "Is it right that...?" And<br />

obviously the answer cannot be.<br />

"Yes. it U right." <strong>The</strong> answer<br />

could be. for instance, "Ye». ii'i<br />

pragmaticaUy working." but in fad<br />

it doesn't even work pugmatically.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re's no justification for it. if it<br />

doesn't work in practice and if it's<br />

not a natural policy in the Tint<br />

place, then there's every reason for<br />

it to change.<br />

Q: How Jo South African schoolt<br />

treat the subject vf apartheid?<br />

A: <strong>The</strong> EnglUh tradition in South<br />

Africa, which I grew up in. is<br />

somewhat schizoid in the sense tfui<br />

in theory they (the English) arc<br />

liberal, but in practice, they are very<br />

keen to look after their own interots.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no difference in the<br />

curriculum of the English and<br />

Afrikaan schools.<br />

<strong>The</strong> difference was that we would<br />

live discussions about ethic* and<br />

Jcmocracy. and the English can talk<br />

about the* thinjn in civics cl*».<br />

hut thev Ain't jpply it I" the l.val<br />

concept rjthcr trun a ciwwitt*: one<br />

<strong>The</strong> English look *t ruuor> m J<br />

very "hiitoncal" tontcst. «* uj*u»<br />

the present day. So ihst's whetc<br />

South African "civics" ended, and<br />

so there were no embarrassing or<br />

heated dweuwion* av you pcrrup%<br />

should have in such a school.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re's also a strong fcclmp in<br />

South Africa that potitics \hould tie<br />

kept out of school,..it's rather like<br />

keeping religion out of school, that<br />

that's \omcthing >ou should do after<br />

hours, 10 discuss and weigh and<br />

debate. Certainly at the universities<br />

there's totally free debate, eicept to<br />

the extent that an>onc who suggest*<br />

_ or ferments violent overthrow i*<br />

silenced.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re's a concept of political banning<br />

in South Afrira. and I found<br />

out about this through the universities.<br />

Certain people would become<br />

political hotheads, and go too far in<br />

terms of what the government was<br />

prepared to accept.-one step short<br />

of blowing up government<br />

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buildings, for CJiampfr. And of<br />

course they got put awiy, and thL<br />

made one think about this tort of<br />

thing.<br />

Being put away means that one<br />

has to report to the police once «<br />

day. One can't leave the h.-wnc<br />

district, and one can't hold meetings<br />

with more than two or three people<br />

at a lime...one loses all political<br />

clout. So that's how I first became<br />

aware of these deep political •indcrcurrenti.<br />

they ceruinly weren't viuble<br />

or .heard at school.<br />

Q: How do you rtipond to the claim<br />

that dhrstment Is a crucUt/brm of<br />

grass roou praiur* on Jortign<br />

policy?<br />

A: I think that statement is true; the<br />

question is what the effcett arc going<br />

to be. If a country has an<br />

economic base and you pull that<br />

economic carpet out from under h.<br />

it's going to stuntblc a bit. If we do<br />

this, are we going to be in a befir*<br />

position later lo change things, o.arc<br />

we looking for a shon-term<br />

solution?<br />

My view is Urtctly economic.<br />

While you have financial interest in<br />

a company, you can go to a<br />

shareholders meeting and make<br />

material changes in thai company.<br />

Selective divestment is a more intelligent<br />

idea. If American owned<br />

companies are not setting a good e»ample,<br />

then the money ii "tainted."<br />

and there is good reason to divcM.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is ore point 1 would like to<br />

stress. <strong>The</strong>re is no model in the rot<br />

of the world t.*r taking an electorate<br />

of a country i in this case, 20 perccnl<br />

of the population) and expecting<br />

them to vott themselves out of office...<br />

it's cruy< <strong>The</strong> pressures in<br />

thii country for them to do thrt arc<br />

unrealistic, and tantamount to wanting<br />

an ovcmig.it revolution.<br />

Q: What is your opinion about<br />

apartheid?<br />

A: My opinion is that it U a temporary<br />

solution to any problem to<br />

separate the groups concciscd. To<br />

the extent (hat the black people in<br />

South Africa never had total rights<br />

within their so-called designated<br />

areas, that policy failed, and I can't<br />

say I ever «w much good come out<br />

of it. But as tt was originally construed.<br />

I couldn't have taken isuie<br />

with it. because ii seemed u. be a<br />

solution to a real problem.<br />

In rctn»pcct. it rus failed in the<br />

same way that partition of Ireland<br />

failed, although it seemed like a<br />

good idea at the lime. I draw that<br />

"/ he °.sty believe that it was construed<br />

u a Christian and deeply<br />

religious „ hition to the problem, not<br />

a malicious solution, in its first conception.<br />

"<br />

by exerting tubilc prcwures. While<br />

[here iv money (Arncrican n»ne>)<br />

in South Africa, they (America"S)<br />

are in a unique pmition "> chanpi*<br />

ihittj:*. (•> oiler j pivxj c*-"nplc M<br />

S*njth Alnun n.ijirunw:v.<br />

SctooJ, liom J praptiutn.'* |»>«m<br />

uf view, monc} ttginni; ti>p' where<br />

there's a good return tin ii, jnd<br />

bu\irm\ in South Africa ru» hecn<br />

incredibly lucrative. If America<br />

withdraws thai money. I feel quite<br />

turc the money will be invcMcd b><br />

European*.<br />


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