Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Bors victorious at<br />

MTA contest<br />

Bjr Chris Crism<br />

Junior Chris Bon was a«anJal<br />

dm price and a J100 scholanhin for<br />

Ws performance in the Bay Area<br />

Music Teachcn Astocialion (MTA)<br />

compoilioo held on April S.<br />

<strong>The</strong> competition was divided Into<br />

lira sepeme divisions-« betinninx<br />

division, in iiucrmcdialc division,<br />

•ml an advanced division. In each<br />

division, five accomplished pianists<br />

vied ta two pras.<br />

Boa enuttd the advanced division,<br />

ta which each couxnni was required<br />

to play three very dilTcttnl selections<br />

•one modern piece, one <strong>class</strong>ical<br />

piece, and one piece from the romantic<br />

past - to demonstrate his skills in<br />

playing the piico.<br />

Bors 1 performance comistcd of<br />

three difficult pieces. For hi* das^a]<br />

oiecc. he presented a Occthoven<br />

•orota. His romaaic period sclectun<br />

»as i. Rachmaninoff ptriude. For the<br />

noJem pa.1 of his performance. Boo<br />

played il.rec Bulfarian dances.<br />

For his flne tcrfomunce in the<br />

comfvtilion, Btm *a* awarded s<br />

SIOOschoIanhiptiytheMTA. Bon<br />

modestly comnicnlcd. "It really<br />

wain'I that his of « deal."<br />

Cork Bors b the winner of the<br />

Music Teachers' Association<br />

SchrJarship contprlHon.<br />

In addition to hrt Kholarvhtp. Bon<br />

was a*Kcd to play at j recital at the<br />

Century Club in Sun rranc:*co »>n<br />

Apr.l 14. In the reciul. he pU>cd<br />

knually the umc piece* that no<br />

played in the MTA i-nmpctitkm.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> tops city<br />

CAP test scoring<br />

By Irene Kuo<br />

Despite an overall drup frum last<br />

year's California Assessment Protram<br />

(CAP) test scores. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

vtnton scored well above ititc companion<br />

score bands and cumtdcrably<br />

rtener thin senior* in any othc vrtrxW<br />

in the San FranciKu Limited School<br />

Dutrict.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s 1984-M reading scores<br />

fell by .1% from 83-84. written cxpreuion<br />

scorn dropped by . I %, and<br />

spelling and mathematics scores remained<br />

unchanged.<br />

After four years of cprmttcnt improvement.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>** scores pealed<br />

with the 1983-84 {Clan of *84) wore*<br />

which showed gaira u large as 1.95<br />

over the 1982-83 scores.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Class of '85 had difficulty in<br />

holding onto tlte huge gain* of the<br />

Class of *84." said Dr. Fibish. "In<br />

a way. •' .r prubtem was that we did<br />

loo well last yev. and we gave up<br />

some of tiit huge gain.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> loucs arc innre of*n indication<br />

of the huge rive in score* in<br />

previous years.<br />

"Maybe there is a diffcrtr*c bet*<br />

ween the Class of '84 and the Clau<br />

of*8. if there if. iibn'l significant.'*<br />

he said.<br />

<strong>The</strong> preliminary result* released by<br />

tlic Sute Depanment of Education<br />

meal that overall, the District'* perfomwftce<br />

improved significantly over<br />

lait >ea'"i le%d; the District seniors<br />

showed more growth in each subject<br />

test than did senior* state-wide.<br />

According to I Jr. Robert F. Alirto.<br />

Superintendent of Schools. "This<br />

of lakes**<br />



And "No-S*!" Siylc<br />

KM CUtt f OR MEN ft WOMFK<br />

(334-O355|<br />

#Rf 0KEN<br />

• AT I9lh Av<br />

year's I2ih graders demonstrated<br />

gains in ever) mbjcci area."<br />

"Si^ of r«ur cumprehcmisc high<br />

schooli maiittaiie-J or imprmnJ their<br />

previous jfar'i pctfittmutcc in e\tiy<br />

are tested. CiKH,^rcd to last year's<br />

i«« *t,«t*. w*^h».|[ii n IIK.-CU tl»c<br />

Rtcjic\t improvement in rodiny.<br />

ILJINM the grraicvi •mprosnwm in<br />

written expression, the Center uf Independent<br />

Studies the greatcM spelling<br />

icore increase, and Wilvm the<br />

grcsicM increase in the urea oi<br />

nuincmatics."<br />

<strong>The</strong>se '<br />

in; frun<br />

uls stwwcd gains<br />

to b.1%.<br />

Dr. Fibivh panulty attributes these<br />

marked improvements to Ihe ictcti-<br />

*ivc test awareness programs tncaltcd<br />

in other Khnuls. " Wr can do a test<br />

auarcness program here, but if our<br />

'cores are already very high, what ate<br />

w-c proving?"<br />

"We would be choosing to depart<br />

from the normal curriculum of a<br />

course. Students w uuld be taking tenyear<br />

old tests: they wouldn't be tio-<br />

•ngariyihJi^dKmamathiff English<br />

<strong>class</strong> for two weeks.<br />

"If we do install such i» program,<br />

we would be doing it M the etpcn*c<br />

.if something else." he concluded.<br />

,NEWS<br />

V* lm*U. Uiy 10. 1913.<br />

Fibish prohibits<br />

non-<strong>Lowell</strong>ites from dances<br />

RyUwhooLcc<br />

Oiu> LowtU uudenu will heallowed<br />

to attend the Cardinal Carnival on<br />

May 17 due to problem! with oui-<br />

•iders that occurred at ihe recent<br />

Monte Carlo Dance.<br />

Principal Alan Fibish mandated the<br />

policy for <strong>Lowell</strong>'s lay dance oi*the<br />

year because of several instances oi'<br />

drunkenness and belligerence at<br />

Monte Carlo Night, wt jch was held<br />

on April 26. In addition, there is to<br />

be no smoking allowed and the<br />

number of tickets to <strong>Lowell</strong> indents<br />

will be restricted.<br />

Of the over 1.600 students at the<br />

Monte Carlo Night, an unknown<br />

number were drinking alcoholic<br />

beverages inside of the dance as well<br />

as outside of the school in the surrounding<br />

neighborhood. Several<br />

LowcUilcs and gucus from tthrr<br />

schools were aWe o bring alcobN into<br />

the school by hiimg it under hca»><br />

clothing H fry pawing it ihiiHjyh<br />

side domj of th-; building.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re wcic iutfotcd incidcn-- nf<br />

tng hc'Iigcrent with .Hhcrv jt the<br />

dance, and an owner o. r a car rarkM<br />

near camr>u% alleged that students<br />

Liiming fnxn the dance tniAc sxnc<br />

gins and 0a\hctl t*»c Iirev of his car.<br />

Due to the pnWcn.t rclalcd t.> nxi-<br />

NntthhcM. MintK-x..tj<br />

Minv.n hjJ prcsi.His|> rvirn<br />

lunwd one u| 1 *.5OnumScr,<br />

SIHIK 5.-WX) Hnjlitis uill<br />

cam M,h«)ljr\hirH<br />

<strong>The</strong> JTMIUHI ol cnllcjic \r*inu>rciJ<br />

stipends average bct\»cn $25« ii»<br />

S2000 a >«r and is ciimputed actor<br />

dinp to ItruiK-ul need- Johnson's<br />

siholarship is renewable U-i Unix<br />

I!K Hh.ilar%hip in rv SJIUI.<br />

(fvc<br />

•ik-dcnnc and pcis.mal icmtj<br />

NiitnUr tn that nl uhiJi rus tvvn<br />

rep'ned in ihe NMSC liinnj: hiv<br />

tenure JS a vmi liruli%t in ihe n*ni<br />

pctilmn. In adiliitixi. he muvt altcivl<br />


141 TANAVAL |HI«Hn If lit It JClr> A*inu*t|<br />

%»m FdftclKa. Ctli'arttia ««t It<br />


OfdPf early<br />

MlQUEtSANTOr f0f ,h0 pfOm BUNNI BENEDICK<br />


« 23th * 3»<br />

HOUSE of VIDEO<br />

I4I5)75.V31(XJ<br />

S«n VIMKIMO. CA 94122<br />

Lmell 'AjJcnu, Fibish instituted the<br />

policy of no guests i-> l»opc of<br />

avoiding more problems at the Cardinal<br />

'Jarnival. <strong>The</strong>re will also be<br />

chance* in dance policies for SAB<br />

dances ne»t year, including the printing<br />

of til rules for (he dance* on -Sc<br />

bock ofeach ticket and £K ending of<br />

IIMCCJU IOp.m..whiciiisrrandated<br />

by divtrirt policy.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> diiturttncct were causnJ b>ovuiders.<br />

so there will be no nort<br />

guesu." staled SAB sponsor Edgar<br />

Led.mnn. He uplaincd that with only<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students at the dances.<br />

identifying participants who did not<br />

belong *vukl be easier.<br />

Dean James Thomas corone wbhtil.<br />

Sotrol L»wc>' tfudenu ru^cd been<br />

ponivhcd for their actkmv on Mt,nic<br />

C^rlo Nipht. ihe punivliments tneluding<br />

denial »f {uiikipjtiim in<br />

tutuic wt*i.J acti%>tics. wvcmJ *rcL><br />

nl after %ch

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