Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Ap 4, 7V lootll. Mr/ 10, KtS<br />

NEWS<br />

Clinic offers Moulton aces advanced rmthtest<br />

student care<br />

ByShWeyNg<br />

Kcccgnking the great nee»i to ltd<br />

(cent with their vanuus problem*.<br />

San Francisco's Health Center #5<br />

has Mined • free "Tetn Clink"<br />

service.<br />

Health Center #5. looted at 24th<br />

Avenue between In in.* artd ludih<br />

Streets, began the teen clinic on<br />

May 7. <strong>The</strong> clinic will offer service<br />

every Tunday afternoon on an<br />

appointment basil.<br />

Services wilt include:<br />

• General physical examination*<br />

for school and wurk<br />

• Sport* phyiicalt<br />

• Screening and ireat*nenl of<br />

minor illnesses<br />

• Various counseling (wwh a*<br />

dreg counseling)<br />

• birth conuol information<br />

• VD testing and treatment<br />

• Dentil cue<br />

• General health information<br />

Aithoujb tit services will be free<br />

and completely crnfideniial. parental<br />

coment U required.<br />

Alyonik Hrushow. health<br />

educator *» the enter, said thai the<br />

staff had been wotking for months<br />

"...to tun a pmgiam like this.* 1<br />

Hrusbow emphasized tbr idea that<br />

many teens with personal problcmi<br />

often hate nowhere to turn, and the<br />

teen clinic should be an ideal program<br />

for them.<br />

"Td.ni **eed a specisl clinic<br />

vttiCTc the naif i* wmlmc to their<br />

special problem*. We have<br />

•.pcci.iliits who imly wjtk viih<br />

tecrrt." Hruihow noied. "All of us<br />

arc very excited atout providing tht\<br />

j*ivfcr.. .we will have a comprehensive<br />

appnuch to adolescent hc-lth<br />

care no* only in ter>m of piiyitc.il<br />

health. We wint 'oo.T'.r a variety of<br />

h &d<br />

<strong>The</strong> clinic *ill feature i bilingual<br />

tuff.<br />

Two teen clinic* already cxLt: at<br />

Hcahh Center C in the city's<br />

Western Addition and u Health<br />

Center f I in the Mutton District.<br />

Health Center #3 on Silver<br />

A\enue docs nut have a complete<br />

teen clinic, hut ii doc have a u*cn<br />

family planning program.<br />

It it in ihc SunwUR-chmond lo<br />

Occam icw/Mcrccd-'Inglcsidc area<br />

V'hcrc th; need ftf a io:n clinic i*.<br />

great. In looking over recent Sin<br />

Francivu) ccnuit data, the Half at<br />

Health Center #5 d *• )ounj:<br />

adults roitfj in the Sun-xtOMI<br />

area.<br />

1 he staff alw» vurve; cd studc.ut at<br />

various high school*, including<br />

Wastungton atvJ Lincoln, on their<br />

feelings tim-anlt implementing the<br />

clinic, and the iJc* was cntrruiias-<br />

Itcally received.<br />

To make an appointment at Health<br />

Center *$, ll»c number to call<br />

06 1-4400.<br />

By Jonathan Alberts<br />

By achieving i perfect score of 15<br />

out of 15. senior David Moulton<br />

passed the Amaican Invitational<br />

Math Examination (A1ME) and earned<br />

the right to compete tn the USA<br />

Ma*hcnbtks Olympiad.<br />

Only 64 other students in the<br />

Uniud States passed this tctf by scoring<br />

let* or better<br />

To qualify to take th- AIME.<br />

Moulton flnt pitted the American<br />

High School MithcmUM Examination<br />

early this >car wiih a SCOT of<br />

125 out ofl SO possible points. Senior<br />

Jane Tons was another <strong>Lowell</strong> student<br />

to pass this first exam, but she<br />

w» eliminated from the competition<br />

by the AIME. 0<br />

Moulton will uke the test for the<br />

IJSA Mathematics Orytnpiad on June<br />

23. If he docs well on this examination,<br />

Moulion may be offered the<br />

ptniiion as one of tht sit students to<br />

atxnd a training teuton at West Point<br />

ind then go on tu represent the Uiued<br />

States at an imenuUonal rnathemaiic*<br />

ccmpctiLon to be held in Helsinki.<br />

FinUnd in July of IV86.<br />

"T*x enjoyed competing in this<br />

'trestigtout, competition, and I hope<br />

A go to the international contest,"<br />

remarked Sfoulton.<br />

Moulton attributes hi* success in<br />

mathematics lo irdependent work<br />

cai!y in his cdocalion ard to "natuial<br />

ability." "I'm also grateful to Ms.<br />

Nielsen and Ms. Pcrelli for helping<br />

me prepare for a.id ukc th; ica>."<br />

N MI<br />

de Coteau seeks Presidential award<br />

It) ¥.\* Kola<br />

Sadinc dc Cl ttK)<br />

hitch whori M.'riM.f». t» he M? lev KM a*<br />

a fiaalu in the 19H5<br />

Scholars Program<br />

If wlectcd as a<br />

Sch»tar. de Coteau will travel w<br />

WaihlnplonD.C.. where %hean-i I2l)<br />

(.thcr scnion will participate in<br />

Presidential Scholar* National<br />

Recognition Week..<br />

<strong>The</strong> Mudctitt »itl Jltcnd varh*i*<br />

ccfcttonies in their henor and will<br />

have the opportunity to meet iltc<br />

Pmhhnt and utl>ef gnscrnnunl<br />

offtcult.<br />

de Coteau was particularly excited<br />

. about the prnvibility cf ban$ able tn<br />

cxprcu her t^pinuvi about President<br />

Rcajan'.-. >>olic»ci ti< the Prcsi.icm<br />

himself.<br />

"I wa* very ecstatic when I<br />

disco-.^et: I was a finalist." dc<br />

Couteau reclaimed. "1 really didn't<br />

expect to t< nominavd," she added.<br />

de Coieau's tounsclor Stella<br />

Michadun, also expressed her enihuita>in<br />

"One reall) can't go much<br />

hifhe. . .this gill h incredible!"<br />

A Commission on Presidential<br />

Scholars selecu IJ00 scrai-finalitts<br />

w*.so have wored cxcrp*k>nally well<br />

on the Scholastic Aptitude Test<br />

(S A.T.) or ihe AM*ertcan College<br />

Test (A.C.T.)<br />

Find Your LoWy Gifts at<br />



WednyNoUxtv<br />

Eirriap. ud Bnuktt<br />

Spcoil Dale BkdLPKb<br />

ADoU.<br />

2IJ2tr»injSot«<br />

Bc»cu> 22od & nrd Ant.<br />

Nadlne h> Coteau b belns considered<br />

fur a Presidential<br />

kchoUrship.<br />

In aAJttion to .vadem^ c3Wel!cncc.<br />

students muu dcrrvinurate added<br />

dimer^ion to their pcmmalitio. vxh<br />

AS lcAlcnhtp ability. *t»c |«niei^i ii<br />

1<br />

tion in whool and commurity activttm.<br />

achievemem in the viuial ar*l<br />

performing art\. and anting.<br />

Scmi-finahrts arc titen a*kcJ 10<br />

uibmit ndditiorul nuleni'j about<br />

thctmcltev vuchu pcrvonal n»t>\<br />

and tranwripu.<br />

' Tdc 759-7923 1,0161,<br />

Tbc l'rc*iii^nt and tl»»- uimmittcc<br />

lhc.1 decide "fl t^i' CirulitN I rum<br />

ever- uau\ lix Pw.Kt »t Citlumhu.<br />

jiid t*ucil.) Hun I Hiccn %ln.'*.nl\ JIV<br />

th*ncn at Urpt.<br />

dc Coteau rfatcd that appl> ing lo be<br />

j Piir\Klcnlijl S*.tn>l4r *J* tntK'h like<br />

filling out a lcni;iti> college<br />

api>Iu.*jti»n<br />

Fi>r n\ wir-j*v\*nicnt C "traditional<br />

Oificcs." dc Coteau appnukhed<br />

ihc queuion from a more<br />

phthwiohical angle.<br />

"I don't Mi* the htc,t of being<br />

pic*>kkrt t>1 jmihini:. bccauvc it<br />

gives one a falic *cnvc of superiority<br />

and JHEVU the **a> (Hhcn. rcbtc 10<br />

jiw. I tr>'to be J leader b> cuntplc."<br />

\hc ctpltfined.<br />

Her main acti*itic* at <strong>Lowell</strong> have<br />

been gjinnaulc*. Shield and Scroll.<br />

GitU Athletic A*.WKutin.) |GA.A.)<br />

and Ihc California Schular»titp<br />

FcJcralion (C.S.F.i<br />

"I'm an active member of<br />

•*rutc*cr I'm m«>lvcd m. I'm not<br />

apathetic abnul minB. I *« '<br />

Coral Reef<br />

Aquarium<br />

Exotic an) Marine Foh<br />

Tiwi, Fri I2IKUIIIO7 P \i<br />

SallAU<br />

10% orr with This Ad<br />

rav^Sje«<br />

Stn Franciico. CA 94116<br />

(415)566-2412<br />

Moulton's th p<br />

in math Include winning first place in<br />

the state math compeittion. while «i<br />

eighth-jrcder at Hrrtwn Hoo*er<br />

Middle School, and being oa.neo as<br />

outstanding student in in advanced<br />

math course it <strong>Lowell</strong>-<br />

At <strong>Lowell</strong>, Moulton defeated all<br />

contenden in ihc school chess tournament<br />

held last fall, and currently<br />

participate* on the chest team.<br />

Moulton plans to intend U.C.<br />

Berkeley and is considering the<br />

possibility of majoring in<br />

mathematics.<br />

David Moutton b about to coaptu<br />

In tbc US: Math Olympiad.<br />

City College dance group<br />

gives performance at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

By Alexandria Sage<br />

A dance emembie from City Cob<br />

Itge came to <strong>Lowell</strong> i« April 26 U><br />

perform an "Eiplojive Dance<br />

elebration" in the auditorium.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 40-minute noon cor.ccrt<br />

Memmcd from i major college dance<br />

present otion thjec wecU prcviousry,<br />

uhich cetcbrated O.7 College's 50lh<br />

anni%ersar>'. Sekctioos ^crc brrrowed<br />

f rum the main cooocn and adapted<br />

for the perfurmance at Lowrll.<br />

Approximately 20 dancers executed<br />

a total of 13 short dancn.<br />

Almost every selection was<br />

choreographed hy the dancer who<br />

performed it.<br />

Tlte concert included A wide variety<br />

of dance styles to highly diverse<br />

music. For example, a lively<br />

Taiwai.dc dince wit!) traditional<br />

rMuic sharoty contracted with the<br />

following modern dance to the *yn-<br />

the»Ucrs of Rosy Music.<br />

Dancing in grau skins to 1 potto-<br />

Hing drum were the African Fire<br />

dancers, who. along witn a Chiocse<br />

S^ord dancer, added an ethnic note<br />

to the program.<br />

Ballet was explored in a cUssic pas<br />

dc deu*. while the las dancer broufhl<br />

10 life a dynamic tap number of ihc<br />

jail of Count Basic.<br />

American influences in dance and<br />

music were traced in the selection »•<br />

titled, "Remember..." Dancers performed<br />

the Charlatoa, "swung" to<br />

ihc big band sound of Glenn MttVr,<br />

and bopped to the SO** hit, "Let 1 1 Go<br />

to the Hop."<br />

' Rood number of students «nd<br />

faculty attended the event "It was<br />

great," commented junior Stephen<br />

Katin. "1 liked the variation of ethnic<br />

danco with the morr wcU-ltnowaup<br />

and ballet dances."<br />

\ dance group tnm City College of San Francbco l»a. ctltbnllng UK to- I<br />

m's 50th anniversary, performed at I cU on Awil !*• I<br />

10X Discount Of. AIM<br />

and Oou'o<br />

^'tr-Thtsftd<br />


Restaurant • Bar • Dancing<br />

752-0354<br />


Good food, nice place, and<br />

reasonably priced. Bring your<br />

friends and family. You will<br />

not be disappointed.<br />

952 Clement St., S.F. (corner of 1 lth Ave.)<br />

1 Jl<br />

•••' i<br />

I<br />

B<br />

ByChri<br />

Junior Com 1<br />

t\m prize and * S<br />

hi* performance<br />

Mutic Teacher* f><br />

competition held<br />

<strong>The</strong> coropetitkii<br />

h di<br />

p<br />

divbioo. an inter<br />

and an advanced<br />

division, five acre<br />

vied for two prizt<br />

Bon entered the<br />

tn wnicn cacii c<br />

to play three very*<br />

* one p<br />

piece, and one pto.<br />

tic past-lodemof.<br />

pur/ing the piano<br />

BotV perfbrmai<br />

difnl<br />

piece* nc present<br />

wxutt. Haronunt)<br />

wu a Racftnuninot:<br />

modern pan of hut<br />

played three Bulgi<br />

For ha fine pc<br />

competit'on, Bor<br />

SlUOKr^otanhi.-i<br />

modestly comme;<br />

wain't that bip "<br />

Low<br />

CA1<br />

Bylm<br />

Despite an u^ei<br />

year's California<br />

gram (CAP) t<br />

seniors scored «<br />

parison score hand<br />

better trian %cn<br />

in the San Frs<br />

District.<br />

Uwtll's II<br />

Tell by .?* from:<br />

preuion scores dr\<br />

spelling and rru'.rk<br />

mained unchan,;c.<br />

After four yean<br />

provement. I.<br />

with ihc 1983S4i<<br />

whick showed cai<br />

over the 198283<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Class of'!<br />

holding onto the<br />

Class of '84.' ta<br />

a way. our pmblc<br />

too well last >car<br />

some of that hug<<br />

"<strong>The</strong> tossc* art<br />

lion of the huge<br />

previous year*.<br />

"Maybe there<br />

w-ecn the CU*A<br />

of'85: if there»'<br />

he said.<br />

<strong>The</strong> prclimirur.<br />

the State Depart!<br />

formance tmpnn-.-<br />

last year's lc\cl; i<br />

hd more $<br />

iron did. »cni<br />

According b»D<br />

Superintendent i<br />

John<br />

"EXCEIS<br />


And "No<br />

HMCMtFO<br />

—lAKfil<br />

334<br />

N<<br />

3641 Qc.»n *J

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