Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Ftp 12. <strong>The</strong> Lowe:.. Octotxr S. 1984<br />

FEATURE.<br />

Socializing at <strong>Lowell</strong>...<br />

By Jason Mlntz<br />

As you munched on your corn chips at the last rally, and checked<br />

out that new song-girl routine, (that U. any pan of the routine<br />

that you were able to see) you probably were startled, as was I,<br />

when some spirit-minded frosluc began screaming. "88! 881881"<br />

Freshmen. <strong>The</strong> Class of 1988. What an interesting thought.<br />

Actually. I think we have on our hands one of the better freshmen<br />

<strong>class</strong>es 'that <strong>Lowell</strong> has seen in recent years. Even so. they are<br />

(and appropriately so) very ru ive.<br />

Information was circulating throughout campus that an official<br />

freshman sn:ak day had been organized for Friday,<br />

September 21. Woru reached some freshmen that this event was<br />

being sponsored by the SAB (though Mike Zimmerman was<br />

unavailable for comment), as a follow-up to the immensely successful<br />

KELLO dance.<br />

To accommodate the very large number of new students who<br />

requested that dances this year be held after school. HELLO wus<br />

held in <strong>Lowell</strong>'s warehouse for state Junk food, the ever popular<br />

cafeteria. (But didn't we graduate from middle school?) HbXLO<br />

was actually very well received by many freshmen, who even up<br />

until the last few moments before the dunce was to begin, uidn't<br />

know if they were being put on.<br />

Freshmen Neyu King and Lillian Phaeton joined the ranks of<br />

dozens of others who parked L'-emselves on a courtyard bench<br />

with book in hand, so as to convince anyone who might be watching<br />

Ibcm as they peered into the cafeteria to »ec what *M what.<br />

that they were natty doing homework, and were not at all like<br />

others who probably actually believed (Oh. please! How gullible<br />

can someone be?!!) that there was going to be a dance that after-<br />

Freshmen Danny Cao and Nicholas Grey report that they have<br />

been approached several times by three undercover members of<br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> Secret Police (LSP). who go by the names of Lt. Mike.<br />

Sgt. Bales, and Btackcy. <strong>The</strong>se three juniors simulate assaults on<br />

innocent freshmen, then identify themselves as members of the<br />

LSP. and warn their victims to lake precaution: for next time. "It<br />

could be the real thing." What good guys, eh?<br />

And jusi when you thought it was safe to enter the building and<br />

not have to suffer through yet another joke about the nonexistent<br />

fourtb-floor pool.. Three posters -verc ^bolted around campus,<br />

advertising the formation of an Aquarium Cub. Can yflu guess<br />

where it meets? Room 409 — try to find it.<br />

<strong>The</strong> newest organization to hit Eucalyptus Drive is the LIT.<br />

better known as the <strong>Lowell</strong> Intimidation Team. Rumor has it that<br />

ifjhc LEC gives the OK. the LIT may soon become the fifth<br />

governing board at <strong>Lowell</strong>. According to President Marc Bader,<br />

members of the LIT test to sec just how fur that freshman's sense<br />

of humor can be stretched. Applications may be obtained from<br />

members of the LSP. or In Room 411, next to thevXquarium<br />

Club; interested freshmen need not apph.<br />

In other news, junior Erik Noyet is olf n Sweden for r visit with<br />

Mom. Not for a week, not for a month, tut according to brother.<br />

Anders at least a semester, and maybe even a year. Erik speaks<br />

lucnt Sndish. I'm told. How's that for impressive? In any case.<br />

I don't care what language he speaks. We want you back. Erik.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s not the same wlthoutyou.<br />

And not to leave out other <strong>Lowell</strong> students from the 19&7-&4<br />

school year. Jennifer PooHkidas and Jcdlne Young ore now off<br />

cruising down Wcstwood Boulevard by night, and living i<br />

studious life at UCLA by day (at least they're pretending to). But<br />

so we wouldn't forget them, they contributed something to I owell<br />

High School which they knew we would all cherish: their xiten.<br />

Georjcne PouHJddas aad Jacqudyn Young are now among us. as<br />

menbers of the Class of 1988. But what's U&? More frehman<br />

dbll^r Paul Fata (Eva). Adam FebgUa (Shami). Elisabeth<br />

Weber (Ellen), acd Sue- ArtemoB (Angle) hare joined us too.<br />

And watch out next year — prepare for the arrral of another<br />

Mint. (Not another!)<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>ites on popularity<br />

By Sandra Wong<br />

Is being popular really that important?<br />

According to Judy Halle, a<br />

counselor al Huckleberry House,<br />

teens place loo much of an emphasis<br />

on popularity.<br />

"It (trying to be popular) can<br />

cause a lot of stress and havoc in a<br />

young person's life." stated Halle.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Ironic pan about it b that<br />

most per pie will think you're fine<br />

the way you arc. even if you<br />

don't."<br />

<strong>The</strong> American Heritage<br />

Dictionary define* "popular" as<br />

being someone who is liked by<br />

friends and is sought after for<br />

company.<br />

Several Umcllilcs were asked if<br />

they thought popular)^ "\\ important.<br />

"Iking popular doesn't make<br />

you a better penon." said senior<br />

Selene Hong.<br />

Junior Mike Scott agreed. "It<br />

matters more what you IhinV than<br />

what other people think."<br />

Outsiders<br />

struggle<br />

to belong<br />

Uy Philip Kwong<br />

You sec them sometimes In the<br />

darkened hal^rays of Low*»lt High<br />

School. No one talks to them, and<br />

they talk to no one...they are the<br />

outsiders.<br />

Htcrynnc. at one time or<br />

another, feels like an outsider.<br />

This feeling is usually brought<br />

about due to a sense of not belonging<br />

to a particular >;roup or clique.<br />

<strong>The</strong> term "outsider" is an interming<br />

one. because to a certain<br />

alent everyone is an "outsider."<br />

Anyone who docs not fit into the<br />

standard mold, or is una*xcpt«!<br />

by a particular group is considered<br />

try ihal group to be an outsider.<br />

Although that Individual "may be<br />

accepted by tiiany other groups<br />

that person may still feel like an<br />

outsider.<br />

Being an outsider brings out diifcrent<br />

responses In different people.<br />

Some consider it gratifying to<br />

he on the "outside." <strong>The</strong>se individuals<br />

enjoy not bring confitv j<br />

by the whims and dictate* of -. particular<br />

group. Still, oft.cn find<br />

that being on the m

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