Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Grad speakers chosen<br />

B/LcwbnoUc<br />

Stolon Pfcilip Kwung. Byron<br />

Lee, tod Jcukx Leung have woo<br />

the honors of being tr. Class of<br />

1985*t graduation ipeaken.<br />

' ' Through • competition held during<br />

the lecond wtek ol April, t<br />

ptnel of faculty judgu chose Lee a*<br />

the clau historian and K von* anl<br />

Leuag ts the two cliu lalutaioriiis.<br />

V* juJ?n included Sandra Bird.<br />

-Gloria Bogdaaoff. loan Catdli.<br />

Steve Gnoocci. U^*' Crondihl,<br />

Hred SurL. and Jo.*. - J^wan.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cliir msJorivi U the fitM *rudent<br />

speaker at graduation; he gives<br />

a tummarixed history of the put<br />

four yean, noting special evenu ti<br />

the clasV lime s> Lowdl. Sit<br />

speakers tried out for the position,<br />

and the winner wat named on the<br />

day of ""rfrTttwwi<br />

<strong>The</strong> talutatorian speeches are the<br />

final f veches thai graduating<br />

seniors hear immcuutdy before<br />

they receiv? their diplomas. Eight<br />

competitor* j»vc talutatorlan<br />

speeches, *.ppotlunity to address<br />

the clau at a very' poignant «.*]<br />

vicnificaiii tine. My mewdfEc will<br />

reach -till follow the<br />

20-15-20 minute time pattern now beirg<br />

used in mod< 11-13 and 14-16.<br />

Sow. the mods follow a 15-20-15<br />

dtnepuncrn.<br />

Every student rruot take u\ daucs.<br />

conformiag to the San Fnucuco<br />

Board of EtfucaUoa'i new ruling.<br />

Thus, every student will be required<br />

to have a mod 1-18 day (7:35-2:501<br />

or • 3-20 day (8:20-3:35).<br />

Man cUucs will be code B.C.<br />

aiUrattiag 65 and 40 rcimncs a day.<br />

This wiU avenge S2.S minutes per<br />

d d S i<br />

of Iftttracriooal time • day required<br />

by Senate BUI 813.<br />

Students warned about car<br />

use during school hours<br />

*U*A twHii*. theymint l-j.rs a n«^c<br />

ll> .Sjindroll.ini: -|.K-\ nu -tud^Rio Airt *arc Uttn, ,llt:ir ^rtrn.^uimj; ihe KMUKI*<br />

lth-> tlim'l 1.arc fi«r ihc wnMliwtv of ,f,c privliv>.%- ,.f ..(Vn tjinfxj^ "I<br />

11! them par^ IJWII can tn ihc two afca!" |11(ll-, • i-.tnUi wild.<br />

h"Uf ;utki»|! innc^ r>r*t |k>thccam- Scni.rf Ji.hn Jones ir*x hi* teal ^,,uw ^UKUMX A»t't M.C inu^h \>t<br />

j«i\v)llu" ihey arc clir^ u> the -uin EUIDC). •Mlmiltcd. "< tirmc olt to icrvn»>* hctv»ccn ujUinj; jtxJ drmnj:<br />

hoildini:. touting ihtir lunch bmjr. M-.l>.fuld'*ac»'uplc uf tintc\ mine ,„ or |nltn whool.<br />

ihr.'dnvr lnMcl)iKuU\or \ i W, pau *>oJy because I iht^jjit the wrn«4 ••!( j , v run«»ut of tho wti»>l u-n<br />

^nd ttxy patL ajrain in IIK* [»o-lnrjr mlc M«\n*t cnfixccd *cry well." fx^ jnj yM run into jn imnvnjblc<br />

2nm on their return 1-ibiJi mm hav ailed Ihc liteal t*>jc*.i. yiw nuy remjurct. but if yi^.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> s*:hiK>l rule 1* tlut «ui!cntv meter maid* 10 nuke more frequent £Ct into ytwr .'ar^nd drive vcr. (jM.<br />

air n.< to he in car* during: the who.il ^jlU to the twivhour «»ne\. Since no j ( H 1 nUy grt killed." Fibi\h pointed<br />

day — c*cn to vtt tn them." t-ihuh »ne %* L*i*c» MuJcnt sJxxJd park Whcn avked if he wi»ild Mill drive<br />

In addition to breaking itm wKwl in llitnc aica*. ht puintiM out. Junnp whotil bcw\. John Jonc*<br />

regulation. -JK \tudcn:v have been Ftum now on. any-MC who i\ rc*poodcd. "1 don't krui* but I think<br />

thmwinp ilKir lunth jiaibjjrtf out uf caugtit driving a car t'unnj; Mrhtwl a ^ oj %tu«lcm% w»H mil dr»e.<br />

thcircar vkiikJim%. KctMlcntvaround hour\willhavcihc>>p'i>>niif picking rvpccully wnior>. because tlicy'rc<br />

*chmlhavea>n.rUainedtoFibivh3nJ upgaibage fnwnrciphtwiriii'd vtrrctv getting titcd of the food in the<br />

have bftHjght bjg* ol prtvjjc into his or bcinj: suspended fiom school bcancry."<br />

ofHce. If Mudcntv need tc d'oc dunnp<br />

•New schedule to take effect in fall term<br />

<strong>The</strong> 8.C <strong>class</strong>es will remain at they<br />

are now, except Friday will be cither<br />

a B or a C. <strong>The</strong> Tint Friday will code<br />

Biliy.thcneti Fiiday will be a code<br />

C day, and Uwn they will alternate.<br />

Fibi\h uid that the weekly uudent<br />

bulletin will announce, what code the<br />

upcoming Friday n to be<br />

<strong>The</strong>re wi!l be a limited ncniher of<br />

code A and D clav.cv <strong>The</strong> cixJc A<br />

clauo arc ml* being decided ujum.<br />

and ihtrc witi W a dear uj-Jcrvunding<br />

of vhat add-'tonal time (.ode A<br />

studenb and teachen will haic 'o<br />

dcvulc to t>e course. aCCOfding to<br />

Fibuh. <strong>The</strong> c^ic D daucs will be fur<br />

Advanced Plao.-«ncnt councs only.<br />

<strong>The</strong>rr ct»uo wih be offered mode<br />

3-5. 11-13. 13-15. aod 16-IR.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re will be a required two mod<br />

lunch peril J. starting no carlici then<br />

mod 8 and not bier than nxxl U. Only<br />

seniors will be ditmiucd caily for<br />

job reavms. and *Ju* will be no earlier<br />

than mod 15.<br />

Fibuh commented that the new<br />

vcbnluic. which can be vtmvuJcrtd an<br />

«:i|:ht-pcri'xl day. with two free<br />

block*. ha\ vtmc ajwntjgc over a<br />

purr cirJit-perxO dav, He did add that<br />

it will take away from <strong>Lowell</strong>'s umquenew<br />

by taking away lime ^udcnt\<br />

(u\c to meet w nh leather*, go to the<br />

resource centers, and the (cr-ijr.t<br />

Un/uape lab.<br />

To *o.omrr-)dafc the tfunpes. the<br />

sttx»>l w ill need ctf ht new Huncalim<br />

cUivroomt, and appronnutcK 4<br />

diuen new teacher* will be a^Jed to<br />

the fa.-ul:y. Alu-, a itudy hall w ill he<br />

ofrcrnl a« a tuih clavv with a tetter<br />

prailc given, but no unit*.<br />

According to Fibi\h, wh(M>l aclivitic*.<br />

«xh as ralltc*. will be caucr<br />

10have. Bccautcoflhcway thevtatcnunt*<br />

pautng time between CUVAO.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> ha* a credit of five minute*<br />

a day. Thii time can be accumulated<br />

and wilt allow <strong>Lowell</strong> to have rallies<br />

during *choo) houn. Aiw. since the<br />

day falls into eight btowks. it U cauer<br />

to %et up a rally schedule. In a pouiblc<br />

rally schedule, all clavscs could<br />

he *$ mitrim. and a rally<br />

in hour lon^ anytime dunr.e th? day<br />

Fib^h fx into the vemevter and by then<br />

noCiing couM be done.<br />

N**n early di*mUsa1 wiP b.*<br />

taught otcr the ^uinmrr. Also, it will<br />

be harder for Mudcnt* to get away<br />

caily because every stVmt rnu't<br />

have M* tlavscs.<br />

Sclf-schedulin|! day Ut* the >pnng<br />

will n»\t !ikf ly take pla-.-con Inc la_4<br />

day of uht«>l bciorcthe winter vication<br />

It wUI be a regular day "f<br />

Khtvl. but stiklentv w :H be di*nu*scj<br />

'"om their clavvev t>> Mgn up fcr<br />

the -ffinp *emesicr and then return<br />

tuclaw. Thtvwill pvetheadnurustratton<br />

time to cauh siudcnls trying Iu<br />

get away with "cavy schedules-"<br />

This system alvo alU^ws fcr KUvvhcdultng<br />

day to count as z rryiiUr<br />

day of school for the yc*r.<br />

<strong>The</strong> new schedule, whkh Fibivh<br />

fcch still allows flciibihty, will take<br />

time for students, teachen. and ad<br />

minhtralors to adjust to. Bit. u<br />

Fibish pointed (»t. ifter three yt 1 in<br />

ha*e passed, the >>^*icnt fcjdy will<br />

most likely have forgotten about uV<br />

ok! schedule.

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