Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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J"."» '' ' *^t« WIV txntU. Anil I2.19SS<br />

l : SPORTS.<br />

extra innings<br />

m<br />

HAU3ER/W0VS<br />

Variety is the spice of life, or so it seems wilh <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

block jackets. Tai.e Jason Gallcgos, Richard Weeks, and<br />

Ernie Lee for example. Tiny are three guys, all involved<br />

in the same sports, with three completely different<br />

jackets.<br />

Gallcgos wears a jacket with a red body and white<br />

leather sleeves. Weeks owns a jacket with a grey body<br />

and cream colored sleeves. Lee possesses a completely<br />

grey jacket. No matter what the style, the jacket appears<br />

to be a status symbol of athletic accomplishments.<br />

<strong>The</strong> main purpose of the jacket is to display the block L<br />

which is earned by participating in athletic competition.<br />

Students now have expanded their use of the block jacket<br />

to include other athletic awards and to display their personalities.<br />

Students use the jacket to display their own<br />

originality and preference. <strong>The</strong>y often decorate their<br />

jacket by using various nicknames or patches.<br />

Take Kevin Allen as an example. Allen displays a patch<br />

modeled after himself, the gorilla. Michael Zimmerman<br />

places patches of all !he awa.ds be has received on every<br />

available space. Orpheus Crutchficld gives Zimmerman<br />

competition in covering up the original color of the<br />

jacket.<br />

Others, such as Lcc, like to keep their clothing simple<br />

and modest. Lee puts only the basic L and stars on. Eric<br />

Flowers, on in: other hand, feels the jacket is not worth<br />

the expense and hassle. Yes, they do not give these<br />

jackets away far nothing.<br />

<strong>The</strong> jacket itself, the lettering, and all the patches add<br />

up to overwhelming prices. Depending on size, shape,<br />

'-and- design, prices for patches" •range -anywhere from<br />

S5-S75. Lettering costs approximately S3 a line. Both ore<br />

available at Triple A. <strong>The</strong> jacket itself can be purchased<br />

from such places as Jostens, Doherty and Dunne, and<br />

Fordham.' Prices range from S5O-S1OO, no extras<br />

included.<br />

After they've gone to all the trouble of Fixing the jacket<br />

(o their liking, someone else ends up wearing it (like Lexa<br />

Thomson). Jonathan Alberts has not seen his jacket since<br />

November.<br />

On the other hand, girls prefer to keep their jackets<br />

plain and simple. <strong>The</strong>y keep to tradition and wear the<br />

basic red and white jacket without all the excessive ornaments.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y just like to keep warm.<br />

Do you teiow the way to San Jose?<br />

Well, if you're a fan of the San Francisco Giants, you<br />

may find yourself heading down south to watch them<br />

play. <strong>The</strong> proposed move has not been finalized, but just<br />

imagine...the San Jose Giants?!?<br />

Ugh...<br />

With all due respect to the city and residents of San<br />

Jose, I just can't envision the Giants playing there. For<br />

one thing, San Jose doesn't presently have a stadium in<br />

which the team could play. San Jose Mayor Tom<br />

McEnery has stated that a stadium would be built for the<br />

Giants if the move is eventually made. Two questions re<br />

main: who would finance the construction of a stadium<br />

end where would it be located?<br />

One suggested site includes an area between the<br />

State Hospital, which is a state mental hospital, and a<br />

sewage treatment plant. And they said the wind at<br />

Candlestick Park was bad! Try to imagine how the win<br />

will cany the "fragrant" odors associated with sewage to<br />

the stadium if it is built there. Not a very pleasant though<br />

(or aroma for thai matter), is it?<br />

I sincerely nope that the Giants remain in San Francisco,<br />

but if <strong>The</strong> City truly doesn't care about them<br />

they're entitled to move wherever they will receive the<br />

fan support that they deserve.<br />

Opening day was just a few days ago. !t may have been<br />

the last opening day that the Giants will ever play in Son<br />

Francisco. ,/w<br />

Feature story<br />

History of the Giants:<br />

By Shirley N «<br />

Will "the city that know* how"<br />

Loov. how to keep it* baseball tcun<br />

in <strong>The</strong> City after this year?<br />

As almMt everyone fcnowi by now,<br />

e San Francisco Giants have<br />

threatened to move on to greener<br />

padres after the 198S baseball<br />

season unlcM a new stadium it buili.<br />

<strong>The</strong> media attention given to the<br />

Giants* plight has focused on many<br />

negative aspects of the team, and<br />

thus, nuny people are unawwe of I!K<br />

"iianu* rich history.<br />

<strong>The</strong> San Francuco Gianu were<br />

originally ihc New York Gotharm.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team is IO> yean oW, has played<br />

in 15 World Series, and has the bcu<br />

winning perorotagc in mijof league<br />

hhtory.<br />

<strong>The</strong> National League, in 1883.<br />

established several new teams in the<br />

New York am] Philadelphia area*.<br />

one of them being the NY Guthamv<br />

<strong>The</strong> Gothants pljycd in the Polo<br />

Grounds and officially changed their<br />

name to the "Gianu" in 1886.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Giants won successive World<br />

:rics titles in 188K and 1889 and in<br />

1891. mmed to the New Polo<br />

Grounds where they wuuld pby for<br />

the next 67 year*.<br />

In 1931. the baseball world was<br />

about to meet one of its mmi tremendous<br />

»tars as Giants' manager Leo<br />

DuiKher called up an outfielder<br />

named Willie Mays to join the Kill<br />

club. Mays. who started out going<br />

0- for • 12. would become known as the<br />

"Say Hey Kid" and be regarded by<br />

nuny at (he hcu all-around pLiycr in<br />

the history of baseball.<br />

In W57. the Cunts, prompted by<br />

an aging ballpark and declining attendance,<br />

announced that they would be<br />

moving to San Francisco, following<br />

in the ueps of the Dodgers, who hart<br />

movcu to Los Angeles.<br />

San Francisco Mayor George<br />

Christopher and Supervisor Francis.<br />

McCarry were the dominant force* in<br />

bringing ihc Giants to <strong>The</strong> City-<br />

Giants owner Horace Sioneham moved<br />

his team mainly because of the<br />

promltc that a 45.000 scat stadium<br />

would be built.<br />

Fir illy, tsc area around Bayvicw<br />

Hill, known as CancUoiick Point was<br />

proposed, aid Candlestick Park was<br />

bora.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Gians themselves had the<br />

blues through wt the ;cmainder of V<br />

60't and 7O'i. finishing a close *ccood<br />

five coruecutive years, waning<br />

the western dVision ntle only one<br />

other time, in 1971.<br />

In 1976. Hon-cc Stoncham put the<br />

team up for sale and eventually sold<br />

it to a Toronto company for a then<br />

"MAYBE J'li GO BfiCK TO NEW YORK.,. 11<br />

Stimeham agreed to let ihc Gums<br />

play at the 18.500 sen Seals Stadium<br />

until a larger stadium was built.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team w,u winning, and in their<br />

ftrM season in £»t* Francisco, they<br />

fir. -tl.J third. * new generation of<br />

T ven emerged such as the Alou<br />

>r«hcrs. Orlando "Baby Bull"<br />

Ccpcda, Jim Davenport, and another<br />

talented Willie. Will* McGncy.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n the inevitable tussles over<br />

building i new stadium began.<br />

staggering SI* million<br />

lintcr real estate magnate Robert<br />

Uiric. who offered to put up half ihc<br />

amount it would take to keip the<br />

Giants in town.<br />

And will the Giants soon be calling<br />

San Jose their home, or Vancouver,<br />

or Denver, or PhocnK, or<br />

Miami...?<br />

<strong>The</strong> answer tic* ahead 1985 is<br />

shaping up to be a must crucial year<br />

in ihc Gians' 102-ycat hiviry.<br />

'Behind the steel mask 1<br />

y<br />

Clad cmtffly in unite hit* ihc vir.<br />

rued knights of old. he prepared<br />

himself. "<strong>The</strong> strip is my battlefield,<br />

the foil is my weapon, the<br />

match is my fate." he pondered.<br />

He extended his blade to his opponent,<br />

to the judge to his left, to the<br />

same on his right, to the director,<br />

and again to his opponent.<br />

"Swoosh" nude the foU on the final<br />

salt tie.<br />

'Fencer* en garde," said the<br />

director, "Bcjtin."<br />

Two in steel masks advanced on<br />

one another oa guard. Onr irm extended<br />

and lunged; the other parried<br />

ihc atack with a turn of the wriv!. his<br />

foil pushing the incoming blade<br />

barely as^.<br />

Glenn Aueda. first starter for the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> icarn, luiiged and. once he<br />

felt pressure of a party, brought his<br />

foil down and under the other's.<br />

lunged again.<br />

"Halt!" broke in the director,<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re wai a thruit parry, then a<br />

thrust again." lie turned to the<br />

judges. "Was there a touch on the<br />

second thrust?"<br />

"Yes." affirmed one; "Abstain,"<br />

stated the other.<br />

"Yes; abstain: for me. it wu<br />

good. Point on this side." he announced,<br />

gesturing toward the<br />

Berkeley High fencer. Apphuic and<br />

cheers arcv from Asacda's team<br />

and the bone spectator*.<br />

HAPPY<br />


ANNA!<br />

April 8<br />

In*. Bat Friends Forcvtr.<br />

Ana.Rtiia<br />

& Shelby<br />

<strong>The</strong> tuo face each other again and<br />

advance.<br />

'•Three touches to two. Every<br />

touch uf mine he follows wilh his<br />

cwn. 1 must concentrate, let our<br />

drills work. Kc will lunge: 1 will<br />

parry, and ripuite immediately.<br />

Ti.frr!"<br />

Asacd* won the nuwb 3-2. Shigc<br />

Kubota. team captain, in spite of i<br />

height difference dispatched his opponent<br />

5 2. Third starter Bob Tong<br />

faced ihc challenge u!. tcfl-handcr<br />

and lou 3-5.<br />

<strong>The</strong> teams broke to conference<br />

sinttcfy svith the contest 2-1 in<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s favur. <strong>The</strong>y di*cuvscd<br />

\trcngiht and weaknesses and<br />

returned to battle. Berkeley, always<br />

worthy competition, came to lead<br />

ihc contest 3-t.<br />

Coach Adair Tench told Kubota<br />

and Tong. "Well, you two will ju«t<br />

have to win the next two matches for<br />

us to take ihc best of nine."<br />

Kubota faces his again Taller opponent,<br />

and the two takes the contest<br />

to 4-4. La Bell.<br />

Tong vs. Choc.<br />

"This is the final touch. Point,<br />

match, and contest will go (o the<br />

successful. I must not rush. Let him<br />

come, my counterpan-atamu, and<br />

we will sec fencing, not gymnastics.<br />

"I hjtc faith in .Tiysclf. I attack; he<br />

purrits and rtpaitri, 1 cmuxxerparry<br />

awl ripoi'r! <strong>The</strong> honor is v.wi!"<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 5. Berkeley 4.<br />


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