Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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SPORTS<br />

Three athletes given April honors<br />

Athletes of the Month-<br />

By Cindy Aoanltc*<br />

and Julie Yamakawa<br />

"Jonathan Albert! and Kevin<br />

Allen pottcu the hot attitude* I've<br />

seen in 22 year* f teaching."<br />

dethrcd foothcU coach Milt Ait. in<br />

pniitc of the two cu reciyicnu .if the<br />

male Athlete of ihc Mi practKe together but they<br />

tgrcc that the) Co not work turd<br />

enough. "We're never »crwui."<br />

Allen joLed. "We're jmt brg<br />

clown*!"<br />

In addittci, la swimming, both hate<br />

Hccn on the vanity' tooth*!! team<br />

»incc they were sophomore*. Thi*<br />

pi>* >rjf Athcr* played al tijtht end<br />

and ouuidc linebacker. He retried<br />

h h l nyntion ui ihc All-City<br />

In att&tks.<br />

foiMball team.<br />

Allen, who played outsiJc<br />

linebacker and wide revctver. ui» not<br />

named to the AH-Cit> team. Dui<br />

Albcm declared. "Ke\in i\ underrated.<br />

He thoufd have (M All-Ctry at<br />

ouuidc linebacker. Me'% really g«*J.<br />

but he didn't pet any publkdy."<br />

Toe pji'tt aim played intramural<br />

r. Allen has tccn on<br />

the track team at well, when: hi*<br />

specialty was the shorput.<br />

Alheru. a Nuiom) Merit Scholarthip<br />

finaiitt, hat already been accepted<br />

to UC Berkeley. He it viill<br />

matting for replies from othrr college*,<br />

including Yale. Harvard, and<br />

Pnnccton He » ii.icpni.t1 .1<br />

in* ntuie;. p.mK.u'aiiy jouinaliwn.<br />

Allen U* been ollcicd a full fout-<br />

>car schobrihtp 10 Concotdu C«»llepc<br />

in Oregon. Hmocr. he uenlioned<br />

lhat he «ould (tcfer lo nudy<br />

law at UC SanU BatHara.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y Nnh hope ti> participate in<br />

collegiitc athletic*, ^^pcciall)<br />

v«imming.<br />

By Chris Critrra<br />

"Softball it a great *pon because<br />

it makes you utilize all if your<br />

athletic abilities." commctfcfd Tina<br />

Pcrriconc, Apnl Athlete of ihc<br />

Month.<br />

Pcrriconc is the starting catcher<br />

and a four-year veteran of the girts'<br />

Softball team. While «t <strong>Lowell</strong>, she<br />

ha* alto participated in other tpurts<br />

such as cross country and pnwderpuff<br />

foothill.<br />

"I reall> cn^ *oflball hecjute<br />

it** a leam-oiicnlcd *pon. No one<br />

pla) cr it more important than any of<br />

ihc oihcr individual* or. th*. team."<br />

enthuvd fcrnconc.<br />

Sotthall cwh U'rctu DcAnJrciv<br />

noted that Pcriconc *at rc^-mit<br />

vclcctcd at the "(cum pLj>er of the<br />

wccL" hccr.u\e of her ouiojijinp<br />

pcrfofmancct in her gjme* jpjmu<br />

A.Jpon. Washington, and O*C«nneli.<br />

in which the tallied eight runt<br />

a"d acvui»u1."cd a halting average<br />

of .429.<br />

Pcrrcune recalled that she joined<br />

the toftball team to hate fun by<br />

(.laying a ipon with a targe group of<br />

people and tu compete again*! other<br />

schoott.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tofibail team it having a wecettfut<br />

u*4wm with Tite win* and no<br />

lot«e* in Academic Athletic<br />

Thr Lowtll. April 12. IMS. tft 19<br />

Senior Tina Ptrrteooc<br />

tn cimipctm.wi and i* c\-<br />

pevted t reach the ptnttcawn<br />

pla>o!f r und.<br />

PcrrtoKK *ummari/nt the rcaMKit<br />

for the icjm't UICCCA* b> noting,<br />

"We're a dedicated, cltnc-kmi,<br />

hard-WDTkini team, aikl we wilt<br />

«iop lit nothing to reach the<br />

championthip."<br />

Pcnkonc plan* to attend UCLA<br />

next fall. She it somewhat undecided<br />

at to what field of study the plant<br />

lo enter, but she vim a pmtibic nujor<br />

in cinematography and movie<br />

production.<br />

Track opens with mixed results Netters volley to victory<br />

By May Wons<br />

ucipttc nuctuating results from<br />

:V:ir first few meets, the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

x»ck team is optimistic and con-<br />

:.ni*c» to wvrk hard as the 1985<br />

tc".ton advances.<br />

At their fim pri-ike ^etayainit<br />

Ricrdan and Mann Catholic on<br />

February 2?. the girls placed first<br />

whde the fro*h-*oph and varsity<br />

boy* fjnlthcd third."<br />

<strong>The</strong> team, in both the cult' nnd<br />

bojs* frmh-toph and vanity divisicuu.<br />

came in behind WesUnoor at<br />

their second practice meet.<br />

As head coach Uoyd Wilton<br />

il. "It't all different: our coovttcncy<br />

u incontittcnt...lhit it llic way it<br />

will be thit jejf."<br />

Accordingly, on March 16 at the<br />

Pnlice Athletic League (PAL) meet,<br />

where <strong>Lowell</strong> competed with other<br />

public and private «choolt in San<br />

Francisco, the girls were ranked tccond<br />

place in <strong>The</strong> City.<br />

Unfortunately, the froth-soph and<br />

\ar\ity boyt' division placed tUth.<br />

M\i>trnt coach Kim Pint commended<br />

the cholc team for their effort*.<br />

"It (PAL) *at a good c\pcricncc<br />

and etcryone worked<br />

hanJ." declared Pott.<br />

"We dfln't htte etvxjph depth<br />

Traclutrr Tom McMUlan h**Js<br />

for the tipe.<br />

with the pu>>. Thit was evident on<br />

March 21." WiUun noted.<br />

At the meet against Balboa, the<br />

frtnh-soph and vanity boys lost<br />

again becaute the other team had<br />

depth, while the girl* won becaute,<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re was no compciitiun."<br />

junior Janet Bui observed.<br />

With reluming member*, wniors<br />

Truh Hmvn. Orphcu* Crut^hlicld,<br />

Mike Zimmerman, junior* Dylan<br />

Fuller. ar*l Mkhacl Albeit*, and<br />

new menibef. fretlinun Chert 1<br />

Brown, the team has potential<br />

champicm.<br />

T. Brown, All-City champion for<br />

three yean in a row, enthused.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> vanity ju>* have improved a<br />

lot. and the girts have always been<br />

number one in Tte City. Overall.<br />

*t*rc pxini be better ih*« ye^.."<br />

Wilion announced that ihe teati<br />

seem* tu hate a little more -pcev<br />

5 thi* year.<br />

> Wilvun mcwiorrd, "We rute<br />

t.iorc people willing to try hurdling<br />

*hich is of great value "<br />

Thovgh thetc ha^-e bcin u-iny up*<br />

and dow n*. the team it held together<br />

by a competitive \pifit. he added.<br />

CrutchliclJ. another AllCnt<br />

champ, etplainol. "Trjck it rt: Sir Franciv<br />

Drak.?' > .lclaa'i. FJ Camino (7-4|.<br />

San Raioct (X-T,. Marin CathoUc<br />

(7-2). MilU tK-Si and JctfctMHi<br />

(SO).<br />

Prato fecU that L»>**-"*. -iain<br />

compctitiont in league play wilt<br />

come from McAteer and<br />

Wathington. She declared that the<br />

Eagle* hate a "big team and depth<br />

and an o.cr-alt £o>*l team." A* fur<br />

McAicci. the mentioned. "<strong>The</strong>y<br />

have t»i. or three plater* who will<br />

challenge Lo»cM'* top three.**<br />

Pratu fecti that the players have<br />

shown "tremcndoui improvement."<br />

She said, "<strong>The</strong>re is far<br />

mere e*p-siencc in doubles...and<br />

everybody is working well<br />

together."<br />

HAPPY<br />


ROCKY<br />


APRIL 16th<br />

Love,<br />

S'adja. San-San.<br />

Jtnnj A'.. Jmny D.<br />

5P0/U5JS//0£5<br />

i>n I!.-*,:

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