Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Flat IS. Tht Until. April 12. IVSS<br />

SPORTS.<br />

Swimmers capture All-City title<br />

By Laurie Helton<br />

and<br />

Gordon Tang<br />

Keeping with tradition, the.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Swim Team captured itt<br />

13th consecutive All-City champiomhip<br />

title on March 29.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team »wrpt all three division*<br />

with a total of Ml pmnl* Icavinj:<br />

Lincoln behind in second with 142<br />

points.<br />

Lou ell lwimmcrs broke a urtal of<br />

soro records, kd by vphomote<br />

Jeff Nelder with three, and senior*<br />

Christine Jeong and Tim Hennessey<br />

with mo each.<br />

Smiting with ibe 200-yaf dmcdley<br />

relay of Jonathan Albert*. Dave<br />

Thompson. Kevin Allen, and Jeff<br />

Ho. the vanity team went oo. to tale<br />

fir« pUc« In all ten ccntv<br />

<strong>The</strong> 440-freest*, i-rrelay team of<br />

sophomore Jnsh Harm, and senior*<br />

Bltnca Cauillo. Kathy Long and<br />

Hennessey shattered the previous<br />

record try nearly four jccondv.<br />

Harns again gave a *trong perloi<br />

mance by winning Nth ihc 50 and<br />

the 100 vard freestyle.<br />

r<br />

I<br />

In the 2(X»-rrecuylc. Hennejsey<br />

look off I.I seconds from his own<br />

19fU record. He won again in the<br />

500- frcrftty.'c by «lmoti two<br />

minutes.<br />

Long ind Alberts took first «nd<br />

third, respectively, in the<br />

100-oacUtroke. v-hik Thompson<br />

and Allen took Tint and third.<br />

respectively, in the lOG-breatiroke.<br />

CuJtllo, Thompson, and Allen<br />

grabbed firvt. second, and third.<br />

respectively, in a Ijtwell weep of<br />

the grueling 2tX)-individiial-mcd)ey.<br />

Ir.ihc 130't division. Jclf Neldcr.<br />

Mu> Konno. and Jay NVu fol!Ixc finivh.<br />

<strong>The</strong> I20'»divitionpnncd equally<br />

spectacular w ith freshman Sonia<br />

Dobrincr, and juruon Eluabeih<br />

Yick- and VKVI Bcijcn h-vecping the<br />

50-back.timke.<br />

Long distance swinuner ChriUine<br />

Jeong vet records in the 200 ami the<br />

500-frccMyle racer..<br />

Some of the strongest 120'*<br />

iwimmcrv wxre freshman girls:<br />

Jcaninc Tallcy uutched first place<br />

in the 50-frccitylc and third in the<br />

SO-butterfly: Eluabeth Dcru won<br />

ihc IGCVindivMlual-mcdley; Enka<br />

Thorson placed second in the 100<br />

and ?flO-i'rccsryIc: and Michelle<br />

Jcong look third in the<br />

100 breast rokt<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> culmirutcd a nice! »f unsurpjv^cd<br />

pL-r^rnunccs wiih t^<br />

120'% frcc%i)Ic rcb} team beating<br />

Washington b> a nurj-in nf si*<br />

\ccondv<br />

Senior* HUnca Castillo, Da>r Thompson, and Kevin Allen swept the<br />

200 1M for the <strong>Lowell</strong> team.<br />

Varsity sluggers start strong<br />

By Cindy NB<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s sarsit) baseball team is<br />

of I to a A-1 sun and is currently lied<br />

lor first pU-c wtlh [UINu. Lincoln.<br />

-nd Mis*i *n <strong>The</strong> te^ni i* optum^lit:<br />

tlut it will end iSc vrawtn wilh .<br />

'•"Ihiv ii<br />

one i-l Ific<br />

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Donohuc<br />

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ML .Meet (.-\ in Ihc '<br />

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M. Aut-i ji<br />

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<strong>The</strong> Mil;<br />

the *j"in<br />

b> j iv.-tr<br />

uinfije.it.<br />

J<br />

bevt teams<br />

oa« !> John<br />

•ft hc.mii):<br />

: lea-uc<br />

JntAl<br />

j.:^.cd<br />

• divjfpii'nttiM rnt u> far in<br />

, wa^ ihc Kmto<br />

Lincoln<br />

of 151 "We w c ni %:t *,„,<br />

" tiiinrncnti:d<br />

nit L her<br />

Ou»h IXmtthue blanics tl-e loss<br />

.•n had hall bundling. "We nu*lc<br />

lime ctrivrs IK. r uj« ihc dtficrcrkc<br />

in the game. 1 JiJn't think we wctc<br />

thai capable vi loMng that bad n><br />

anvonc "<br />

<strong>The</strong> team regained their t'«>nfidcrwc<br />

and g^*t a taste of rcvcri)*e nv<br />

beating Lincoln ihc PCAI das b> j<br />

score n! 5-2 in ctp.M innings<br />

Gallcpm. wuh a VO record is a<br />

hig teavm why llic team is tonf so<br />

well<br />

Other i-ontributors arc fir%t<br />

bawrtnan fcrmc Lcc. who is current*<br />

Is batting .fOO. third >car player<br />

Jim Archulcta a' short-vti>p. and<br />

Iclt-Ocldcr Hivhord Weeks, who<br />

wa% the lcaguc*s leading hitter ta^<br />

year.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se ptjscrs. aimif with secend<br />

^axeman Kcvir. Jordan, third<br />

baseman Mjr\.n Mender, catcher<br />

Ran Braun. pitcher Enc Wong.<br />

center fielder Paul Colenun. and<br />

Stcsc Folan in n^hi field, make up<br />

ihc starting line up.<br />

With 11 seniors, this experienced<br />

team is eipchtcd l.» ^? tn (he<br />

p'jsolts "<strong>The</strong> truk is lo play well<br />

Senior Ernie Lee l«Wo<br />

enough in twr league to prrnjre tfor<br />

the pU>cffs)."* cptaiicd ttonuhuc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team** toujhcsi opponent<br />

will be Hilboa. last \car"v ctumm.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Indians face trxm in il< Ust two<br />

gamo of the vcawm on May 15 and<br />

16.<br />

Coach Donohue ami idenily<br />

slated lhat the team will be in the<br />

playoffs. f^Jt as lor the champion-<br />

\>tip. senior Stoe Folan *aid.<br />

"Hserybods wants to win the chain*<br />

pionvhtp, and we're up tor it."<br />

Softball team has early success<br />

lly S'nraTM.1<br />

Tuc lowcll umhall team K-gan<br />

LSc 1W3 season b> wmring it. first<br />

four league panics -T a row.<br />

Alter crushing O'Connell.<br />

\s"ashing;on. Wilton, and Mission<br />

bs scores ut 2M. 10-4. 'M. and<br />

12-4, rcspftti^cly. coach U'rctia<br />

DcAndreis feet* ihat <strong>Lowell</strong> i* "...<br />

definitely the team to beat."<br />

<strong>The</strong> pilbhing oaf! and the infield<br />

arc among the learr's strengths<br />

•'<strong>The</strong> pitching staft is suvn-ter ihis<br />

\car, and the irficld is scry<br />

strong." not-J DcAndreis.<br />

••<strong>The</strong>y (the tcanti have played<br />

s cr\ well so lar and have (.ommiticd<br />

\cr> few crrcrs. Things clicked and<br />

s».c feel lhat .•ccandolhc jm<br />

March to May. DcAndtcis feel*.<br />

'"In a lung wwm. ii i\ muth >*<br />

Juniors win powderpuff<br />

By Sherti Ene anrt Alexander Lau<br />

<strong>The</strong> Junior Powdcrpuff team surprised<br />

the seniors in a tight defensive<br />

battle and won the game by a<br />

7-0 score.<br />

Junior quarterback Evelyn<br />

Achuck icorrd the game's only<br />

touchdown. Senior defensive coach<br />

Kevin Allen felt the defenses were<br />

what kept the wore so low.<br />

Achuck agreed. "Our dcfcf.se<br />

realty did a gieai job in shutting out<br />

the tenion."<br />

Achuck'% gamc-w-inning<br />

touchiW.* came in the fint quarter.<br />

<strong>The</strong> swift quarterback eluded senior<br />

defender-* and broke off for a<br />

53-yard run.<br />

After ine game, both teams<br />

analyzed the outcome.<br />

Junior running back Alexandria<br />

Maiituv gave credit to Achuck for<br />

the victory.<br />

However. Acliuck bclioed the<br />

game w-as a team effort. "<strong>The</strong>re<br />

were really no standout playcrv"<br />

Some senior player* felt thai their<br />

team needed the teamwork that tr

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